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<br /> �� Mortgaqe, C.C. & H. Co. , Ync. and '��;
<br /> �'�"`�'" Tnternal Revenue serv�ce 9?�. �,QI'��4 � -�
<br /> ,.r.
<br /> ' _ ;{�. _.
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<br /> �� of tJne deb� sha11 never be consid�recl as a waivar of any right
<br /> ���,� accruing �o tlaem on acco�nnt of any default her�under on the part ';;;
<br /> �• of the Mortgagor• �`"�`'
<br /> y' i 1�;..
<br /> �,� -
<br /> FOR PURPOSES of furnishinq further security for the ,.._-
<br /> �E"� debt secured hereby, the Mortqaqor hereby assigns and transfers ■�?
<br /> � ' to the Mortqaqep, �� i�� applied to�aard the payment of the taxes �:
<br /> �,
<br /> _.._,.���__� described in the AG&c�EMENT FaR PAYHF•Y�l'T OF FEDERAL TAXES and all ��-^
<br /> �_o_
<br /> other swns secured hezeby, in case o= a u�..auZt in the �.
<br /> , ,� performance oF any of the terms and conditions of this Mortgage �'�_-
<br /> or the AGREEMENT FOR PAYMENT OF FBDERAL TR,XES, all the rents, °'
<br /> rev�e�ues, and fncome to be darived from the mn�tgaqed prem}�ses �'�-:
<br /> ` ' during such �ime as the indeb�edness secured hereby remafns __
<br /> `��•" nnpaid; �nd the Mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any --
<br /> �;.;;;��.��, agent, or agernts, if it may desire, for t�e purgose of repairing __
<br /> �-'�+°� safd premisES and of renting the satae and collectinq t3ie rents, _
<br /> :;;�� � ' xevenues, and income; and it may pay out of said income all �
<br /> ":.-�'`��� .� s � i.a �,rQmises and necessary commissions,
<br />.; :�rr• .:. experina5 �a. i2g��z'�:i� 3 �-
<br /> �i°-•-�•� � and expenses inctxrred in renting anc� managinq the same, and og
<br />�� ''�'j"` collecting rentals therefrona; the balance remaining, if any, to
<br /> �`�''�+"��c�' be applied toward the disch�rge of the indebtedness secured
<br />-,,;�'._�.�::-.
<br /> _�<-���;g•,r; hereby. Mostgaq�e shall account for rents actually collect�d a�n
<br /> �"' � � "a nvt Eor �he ren�al value of said premises.
<br /> :�:`;�,,.tt'' T.
<br />--..�1_.rr�.r
<br />.°z;;.,� TfIIS MORTGAGE is qiven upon the express conditien that --
<br /> ---��� if the Mog�gagor or someone on their behalf or for them shal]. pay
<br /> �'�- or cause ta be paid to the mortgagee all sums due by reuson of
<br /> --���tr,,� 4:his Mortgage or th� A�REEMEIdT FOR PAYMENT OF FEDERAL TAXES, then
<br /> -_= this Mortgage shall be void; otherwise �o be and i��r.nain in full
<br /> -- ---- force.
<br /> AT mHE OPTION OF �'HE MORTGAGEE, and without notice to
<br /> �� Mortqagar exa�pt as required by the AG�tEEMENT FOR PAYM�.NT OF
<br /> --�- gBpERAL TAXES, all unpaid indebtedn�ss secured by this mor�gage
<br /> �-= — shall beca�e due and payable when default shall occur in ttne
<br /> __� per�ormar4�e of the AGREEMENT FOR PAYMENT O�' FEDERAL TAX�S or th�
<br /> u=-�� terms or tYsis Mortgage.
<br /> s�
<br /> -'"'�;�� WHEN THk. INDEBTEDN�.SS hereby secured sh�31 become due
<br /> ""�-�� whether by accel�ration ox atherwis�:, the Mortgagee ar holders o�
<br /> '''T�'"�'-'�a � the debt shall have the right ta forealose the lien hereof. The
<br /> � ��;;,� proceeds of any foreclosure sale of the pz'emises shall be __
<br /> distributed to and applied by the t;!ortgagee in the following �'
<br /> '` ''��' `' order of priority: Firs�, on accoti�t of all costs and expenses �:
<br /> ='4:. ,'•\::r ; mi..
<br /> � incident to the foreclasure proceeding; second, all other items _�_
<br /> which uiider the tezms hereof constitute secured ind�btedness 9�.;
<br /> � additional �o that evidenc�cl by the debt and interest, with o`;.
<br /> o;;,
<br /> •.:.,:,'.;�;�'" in�erest thereorl as h�rein provided; third, all principal and ��_
<br /> ��i �:��:;•�:�,,;;; ir�'�er�s� remaini.ng unpaid on the debti; fourth, any� :surplus to �;:�
<br /> �i':
<br />_ �_a�' ` 5 ��
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