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<br /> �:
<br /> - .'�� 31tCi �,
<br /> -_ Mnxtgag�, C.C. & A. Co. , Inc. �g_10�� �
<br /> - iaternal Revenua 3ervice r �'-
<br />- �
<br /> . � p� ��cact of l�nd comprir�ing a part a� �a �
<br /> proper�y N�. 5:
<br /> �� � Northeast Quarter o� the Northaast Quarter _
<br /> (NEi/4 NEi/4) o! Sectivn `I'w�lve (12) , —
<br /> xownshi�a Ten (].0) North, Ranqe Ten (10) Wasr G
<br /> i i Go�mtiv Ne ra�k�► ��d
<br /> _,��.:.. {, � of Y.he 6�h P.M., ��. G
<br />�,�,�?��t;'� more particularly dagcribad as lollows:
<br />��� :",�` 8eqinning at the south�ast corn�r of Lot
<br /> y�;:;��,-. ; � Twenty s�ven (27) , W�lclwaod �ubzdivision, �ia�.�. �
<br /> - Ca+:si�y. 2�°�'-'��ka; axid a].so being a point on
<br />�"`��`� the s�uth line af �aid Northeast Quarter oY
<br /> ` ������ t�ia Northeast Quarter �N�:1/4 NE 1/4) ; thence
<br /> _'_}�''�"�� ndr�erly along and upan the east line of
<br />='��-=�, said Lot �'wenty-Seven (27) , a distance of
<br />,-_�,_� Four Hundred (400.0) feet to the north�ast
<br />:��•,,;:��, corner o f sa id Lot Twenty-Seven (27) ; thence
<br />��� ea�terly� along and upon the south line of
<br /> Courgar Driv�, a dis�ancarallelrwifi:h4the�east
<br /> =�� feet; thence southerly p
<br />_�.:�.�yi_�� 11Ite oi �aiu L�t T::.^•SStj"�°-yan �27� and 5�.80
<br /> -::�-1�:� being parallel with the westerly right-ol-way _
<br />�=,,;�,,��� line o� Iiighways �ei and 34, a distance of
<br /> •y��n��� Four Hundred (40fl.Q) £eet to a point on the
<br />_i�;,pq;� south 13ne oP said Northeast Quar�en�e �e
<br /> - "' -- Nartheast Quarter (NE�./a NEi/4) ;
<br /> __--� westerly alonq and upon the south line of
<br />—�� saf.d Northaast Quarter of the Northeast
<br /> ------ Quarter (�tEi/4 �IEl/4) , a distanc� of Forty
<br /> (40.0) feet to the point of beginning.
<br /> - vrenertv {� 9cotts 81ut! Countv._ Nebx�ska:
<br /> .��`.--.�.��.
<br /> - � Property No. 6: Tracts Five (5j , Six (6) , Seven (9) , anrl
<br /> Eight (8) , UNION TMPROVEMENT SIT�S, an
<br /> Addition 3n the City ef Gering, �cotts Bluff
<br /> _--�_�� Count,y- �t�ebraska, according to the recorded
<br /> - plat thereof.
<br /> -�'"= RreneYtV ;n i�akota Cm�az�tv. Nebraska:
<br /> -- _ prQp�x�y p�. 7; The E1/2 of Lot 4, and all of Lots 5 and 6,
<br /> = �Paci�ia Silver Acdditio�n to South Sioux City,
<br /> - --_--
<br />