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<br /> DEED OF 7�tD�7 °7 �'�
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<br /> ��', '$ ,+�monp the Orantor,_�fi^�..°• * �Rany +n+ �;•:`,
<br /> .. .� PARTIFS:Thia Raad of Tr��ot ia mndo an t+ts�nc`tt_]t� 19�7 (�Eorrower•L� �`_
<br /> pBHnaiii A CE.RhflV. �{J r• r�.-
<br /> ' � A1tRND R PLAr(`,�(, 11•I`7�OR2iSiY c
<br /> •• .n ". — County, Neb►�tka 1'Truste�'1. snd th�Beneficiary, � �
<br /> a_ who:�rotidmce�ddir9nn lo �n anx �oo, [7rwnA Tnlnn{��p�l .�scorporstionorpenhed
<br /> ttnMR FSI]i'�R,�,4At�7)TSAS-&�b1AT?�SB�'Y�l�Yt)�7 \`�.
<br /> - � cua whaco fldAr�aels__221�.Y""" •^^itQ'" GT�r'T;_ --
<br /> " snd exisitnp undiir thfl lawn of_�UsflBB
<br /> ('lender'1.
<br /> ,pgarm Ta;�srID,..��'�,Bi�..ihi��aen2_inn�
<br /> ` CONVEI/�Rlis�or vatua roaetved,Borrawu irrevooably prentn and conveye to Trusteo,In tnist,with power of sale,the real properry,of which
<br /> Baraws►fn Inwtulp eai�ad, doar.�t6ed 6etow �nd all builtlinpn,tixturoa, and exlstinp end futurs improvemenu thereon e�d ail rqhn-0t-way,
<br /> _ _,., __�:+ ea��mentn, mnm, Inauon, pr�ffts. �ncome, t�nsmenri, hnroQil�men4s. FrF��cBaa cnd nny 4ppu►tenance� therounto balonyinp U� ci�led the
<br /> . 'ProP+nV"�• , c�a��*^ 'rar.an�a .Nebra:ka 6NA03
<br /> PROPERRY AQ�iili43:,_4a�� s�IFFRfdOIIn - �cirvi aocoa�
<br /> LEOAL RLliCfllP'd81'�(Yl: �s�rau
<br /> • � j� H1u,7, COLRJTY. Nf'BRASKl1.
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<br />-°�_"��+�'�:s'�f::�- . laa�tod in N�*� �.._-- County,Nebraika.
<br />�'i"�'.�,;�� _:
<br /> y�,�t�,;.,,�:, ., T644,g:pprro�vnr oovonents tod warcantm Ntie to tha prorarry,axaept for .
<br /> j .,s+.. .
<br /> �_��'i;..y.
<br /> i=�,-"`"'" S�6UIlltID Q�11T:7hfo deed of trust eecures to Lendsr ronayment of the�ecurad duUt:and th�p�rforman�b ot the covamnts +n6 apree�nts
<br /> _ �.�.�i��
<br />���`' "'��� 8orto vatlowte��toeiednderunder this deed ot�uud t�ornunvnr enyinsVument�socurod�y thl�s�deud of wat, �nd sll moditicatbns�xteym{on�s and
<br />=;'.;t,:;:-�� ronewnlY thereof.
<br /> �`;''?:^� TB�o eoaurod debt ia ovldencod by lLf�t ell InalrumeMe en�e�yreemente socurod by ttdu deed of truat�nd the datee tMreof.l:
<br /> --`��:. ��, pue.�TSaonv *cYr a� sur_tm_r,�.a(;BSSL�2�miil7l_R+l��1g. 1997 _
<br /> - ���K'� �Future Adv�nan: The ebove amount le soaureA even thouph eil or I�art of It msy not yet be advanced. FuEUre adv+nca Ke
<br /> '�D61�'�;' cantompiatod�nd will be�ecurod to tho eumo eMont es if inedo on tiu�date th�a sfeed of trust la exscutod.
<br /> -----°=��r��. ,witti initlal anrwal iMeres2 reto of °1�•
<br /> ---- -- ❑ RnvolWnfl Iino of credlt epreemont datod
<br /> ='=-�g�7° All�mnunte owed under thlt epreement nro o'acured even thougli e�t emourrta mty not yet be�dvanced.Futurs �dvcncss und�r
<br />=t�.� the epreomortc aro contempleted end will hs aiocared to the ceme oxtvrtt oa N made on tl�e date tMs de�d of uust is ancul�d.
<br /> ��`"°-"'�,'=�� T�fe ebovo ohNpntion Is due end p�yable on_�,f}I1�'��3! �n?Ona _ if not paid�ar!ler.
<br /> """""� Tlie total unpaid holonce�ecured by this desd of tru8t at any onfl Elme ahell nos oxceed a maximum ptincipsl amount of
<br /> -.-u. -- azc�cu TT7(61iVANif A� Dollare Il lfi��nn efl I,PNt irteresL'
<br /> �:�`�„� ptua eny�mawita dlabursed under the termo of thSe deod of r.u�t to protact the aecurity of thia deed of truat or to perlam�ny ot the
<br /> =y.� �� covonente contnined in thie deed of ttust,wtth tntoic+cR on auch dl��ursemontu.
<br /> _ ���
<br />=�';7;`i`; Q V�l�bir qxt�s Tho intoreet rete on the oblinatlnn seaurod by 43�1e deod ot nrusi may vary�ccordinp to the terms of that oblip�ti�on.
<br />-�"'�`'� `° C� A aopy of the laon egroement contelnfnp the tormo undv.� w h ie h t ho In tero a t�e t e m�b v a ry i s e tt e e h e d t o t h i e d e e d o f u u s t a�d
<br /> �"�`;r:
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<br />�'`'--'-�l,�';?:'�•:' madu o part horeof.
<br />_ ::;�.'�t`." ❑
<br />- '� ' RID�RD: � Cummoralal � nceTatv^s;h*"`nLT��.Q
<br />- : t)k81(iH�A7i0N OFHOMlfST1:l4D -�-�"
<br /> , '` ;.Ie2 '
<br /> • ��.•,s� Puraaont m the F�rm Homeeteed Protoatlon Aot,dnuV�nation ot ds�mostond L� is ettache9�o this deed of Cuct end made a D�►t heraof
<br /> r,�f%�����1. '� ❑ hao honn dlbakdmod;the ditclnimer Is ettached to this deod of truecA aid medo n part hereof.
<br /> '� ,. . �:• 81fiNATUkLB:Ay a{p�Aiy bdaw.dortowa p�a�to d»torm��nd cov�netts co�ettYn�d In W�dMd of Cusb fack�diy thoa onpap�2.�nd fn
<br /> _ . em�id�ro drecrlUd w sipn�d tiy oortowa. /!��
<br /> : ' !�i���•�: �. :�L�iJ �(1CQ �
<br />�' .'�,:;�'_ :'1 �3RS'_ . r D�BURAH S CLSARY
<br /> .- -. ------- - ..
<br /> ���,
<br /> � ACi(NOWLEDt31W[4t�b�:S7ATE OF NEBRASKA,_ nY T _ Countyes:
<br /> � � 1 No fnropain0 Inetrwnnnt wa6 acknotvlGtt(�acl 4ainrc mce on thla 1flTH day o}�RSH ���_
<br /> pV nnt T rr Rnnv ar� o�ao`�ru a cT rnav imszs+erro n�ro WIRR
<br /> fntletell
<br /> -. , .. Corpa�ua pf � - , INre�otCorpQ�etanaP�mm�n191 .
<br /> -� PYtMr�NO ,
<br /> _ - ._ AebioxAWpi*ent e S �j,�{�l _on bohalt ot the corporotian or pertnership.
<br />_ Mv comm t�e.0 . Aty Qsm1t Etn�x.19.1999 0�,n 1�l J ��,1�
<br /> IHOtrY RAGd
<br /> = Thl�InsUUmont wsi pteparod by �nnanN xr eitrr '
<br />- o�ea��KE1tSBYSTEM�.HC..6T.C10U0.MN6EJ0111-lOU3l1d'JNIF011MOCFIAT6HElne�a� pppL#1 00030076 �'o'hcl�M`��$K�
<br /> ,j CCD# 07.004d36U6
<br />