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���III�M . � , .. <br /> .�, • . <br /> = „ � . ,,::: ` <br /> r,, -. . , .. F .. <br /> .. . . , , <br /> . .�. <br /> . ... . <br /> . . ..-��r�,. > <br /> {__..�.._..r ..1�:.-._..-_ . ._ _ -. _-°-� <br /> ����- <br /> Y� <br /> �7� �.1i2�3�'7 <br /> B�prlomissary�ii tu�conu ct, gunranty or�othe�r evidence af ctebt executed by Trustar insfavor�o�f f�e�ieficiaq��caecut�il <br /> after thls Securtty Insttwuent whether or not tl�fs Security Inatruinent is specitic�lly referenced. If mure thnn unc Y <br /> person siane tbls Securiry fnswmcnt, cnch 'Trustor agrees thlt thls 5ccurlty lnsmmieut �vill sccure nU Cuuire <br /> advnnce9 mid future obligutions thm are given to or Incurred by any onc or mora'frustor,or any onc or ntare Truator ` <br /> ,,, and athers. All fuwre ndv:uices vtd other iinure abligadons nre securcd by this Sccuriry Instrument cvcn ihou�ti nll � <br /> u�•pnrt r�iny m�t yct be adv:utced. All futum s�vanees nnd other future obli�zuions are secured :►s if made on tha:d��tt: „ <br /> , of this Secudty Instrument. Nothing in this Securiry Instrument shall consutute a eomininnene to malce addieinnal nr , <br /> future loans or adv;uiccs In uiy:unount. Any such commitment must be agreed to in a separatc writing. <br /> C�but no�tslimited os� liabil'uies�fornoverdra8s hrelating io�nnyrideposiihaccount a�rc�ne ti�between,Trnstar���u�� <br /> . .a�,•.•.r ' <br /> - " �m' aene�cinry. <br /> D.All additionnf sums advanced and cxpcnses incuned by Beneficiary for insuring,preserving or otherwi;e pmtcctinB „ <br /> � th�Property and its valuc and any otber sums advanced expenses incurred by Beneficiary under the terms af rhis _,, <br /> :�. <br /> Security lnsttutuent. ,.:._:=`° <br /> r� <br /> This Security Insttument will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails to &ive any required notice of die right of �;i:;�`__,�� . <br /> rescission. ;�;.°= <br /> i S, ppYMENTS.Trustor agrees thac all Qaymenes under the Securcd Debt will be paid when due and in accord:u►ce with the ,�, � _r_- <br /> terms of the Secund Debt and this Secunry lnstrument. ��.-�`�,�- <br /> , : � ��a;,::. <br /> 6, 1,yA,FlPtAN'E'Y OF'd'I'd'd�E. Trustor warrants that Ttvstor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this ■F�i;:;J;�ay <br /> _ __..t�.. s�e.Tryrustor�allso warrants[hat therProperty is anencumbeeed, x ept for en nnibrances of ecord.�� ��l uust, with power of --, <br /> _�v,�• ;-. <br /> ,,- ,,.d ��:=-- <br /> . . 7. PRIOit S�CURITY INTEREST3• Nith regard to any other mortgage, deed of trust, seciu�ity agreement or othsr licn N.�.�� <br /> ���.�=�= <br /> ���� document that creatcd a prlor security intemst or encumbrance on the Property,Trustor agrees: �_4 <br /> h A.To make all payments when dae and to perform or comply with all covenants. ��„^ <br /> •9��� B.TQ promptly deliver co Beneficiary any notices that T�rusror receives&om the holder. e,�„�•� <br /> ;, C.Not to allow any modification or extenslon of, nor to request any future udvances under any note or agreement = <br /> secured by the lien docu�uent withaut Beneficiary's prior wntten consent. ----- <br /> '€''� �_ <br /> B. CLAIIVI3 AGAIIVST TITL�.Trustar will pay all taues,assessments,liens, payments,gmund t�eats, <br /> utilities,and other chuges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may re4uire Trustor to provide to Bentficiary <br /> wpies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidenciag �Tn►stor s payment. Trustor will defend title to ___ <br /> �. rhe Pro�erty aeainst anv clairas that would impair the lien of this S�.�^.�i�y Instrumeat. Trustor agrees to assi�a to ____.__ <br /> T- ---- :�II°o! .Yt:G°S:t2II SL! �v �hnT <br /> . �':,, <br /> Bentftciary.u requested by Beneficiary, any rignts,claims or dcicu�cs ..uaw��rtay ha.t:.s p^ FF� - - <br /> � .,��,.; or maten'als to matntain or improve the Property. <br /> �� � '� . -�;.�ir��,.4-'� <br />_ • • . .•;}t;•,,;;.� 9. DL1E�N SALE OR ENC�JMBI3�lN�E.Beneficiary may, at its option, declare the entir�b�lance of the Secu�d Debt to <br /> .�;;;;�� ,�. ;>t ��,�' be immadiately due and payable.upon the craation of, or conuact for the cnation of. any lien,encumbrauce, transfar or <br />- sale of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictions imposed,by federal law (12 C.F.R.591), as applicable. This <br /> covenant shall run with the Property and shall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and thls Security _ <br /> "_ �' ; Instniment is released. <br /> �.�. . <br /> 10. PROPERZ'Y CONDITION, ALTEI2ATIONS AND INSFECTION. Trustor will kecp the Property in,good condition <br /> - • and make all repairs that are reasonabiy necessary. Trustor shall not commit or allow any waste, �mpaitment, or <br /> � deterioration of the Pmpercy. Trustor will keep the Properry free of noaious weeds anc� grasses. Trustor agtces that tha <br />" nature of the occupancy aztd use will not substantiNly change without Beneficiary's priot wdtten consent.Trustor will not <br />� � � pormit any chnnge in any license,restri:tive covenant or easement without Beneficlary's prior writtea consent.Trustor will _ <br /> �:�•._.... . <br /> . . .. notify Beneficiary of all demands> proceedings, claitns, and acdons agaiast Trustor, and of any loss or damage to the <br /> _- ,. . Properiy. — <br />��� � Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents mny,at Beneficiary's option,.enter the Property at any reasonable time for tha purpose �� <br /> �'"j2`�`- '�'� of (nspecung the Property. Beneficiary shall give Trustor nonce at the time of or beforo aa ins tion spcci�y mg a ___ <br /> 1-���"��:` •jt.?� reasonable pucpose for the ins tion. Aay inspecdon of the Property sh�11 be entirely for Bene ciury's benefi't and :;��' <br /> . � 3ty�S IIIS�CC e• <br /> r�;•ti��, Trustor wi1T in no way rcly�n enefici tion. __ <br /> �,,,. ;'•,�;�;�,�J,: 11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. if Tcustor falls to perform any duty or Any of the covennnts contained in this Se�urizy - -- <br /> !,,:•��. ,�, lnstrument. Beneficiary may, wie�out noticc, perform or cause them to beperformed. Tru�tor a�points BenaflciAry ns <br /> --:`_;;,�,��_.�,�?(;�� attomey in fact to sign Trustor's na�ne or pay smy amount aecessary for pert"ormance.Beneficiary s right to erform for _. <br />_�,;=���,,.-� �^';, Trustor shall not create an o b li�ation to pe r fo r m, a n d B e n e f i c i a ry's f a i l u r e t o pe r forrn will not preclude Bene�ci a r y from _ <br /> � .: � .. exercisin� aay of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or this Socurity instrument. If any consuuction on the Propert� <br /> "�'�"' r� � �%•�i'•� is discantuwed or not carrled on in a reasonable manner,Beueficiary m�►y take all ateps necesssuy to protect Beneficiary s � <br />_�-" � t ' �`.:;:� secureay interest in the Property,incla�ding co�►pletion of the consmcction. ` <br /> - 12. ASSIGAl1ViENT O�LEASES AND RENTS.Trustor irrcvocably grants, conveys aad sells to Trustee, in trust for the <br /> �. ' . benefit of Benefici , as additioaal securlry�ll the right, title aad incerest in and to any and all eaisting or futur�leases, �;.��__ F <br /> +, subleases, and any oYther written or verbal a�reemc:nts for the use and accupancy of any ortion of the Property,Including <br /> h <br /> � Y any encensions. renewals, modifications or subotitutions of such agrcements(all refe�to as "Leases")and rents. issues '�s�;;;,;'��`" <br /> and profits (all referred to as "Re�ts"). Trustor will promptly provide Beneficiary wtth true and conect wpics of all '"�..;:T�ti� <br />" • existing and future may collect,recelvc,enjoy and use the Rents so long as Trusror is not in defaulC imder •• <br /> � the terms of this Securiry Insmimenl. • 'l <br /> `• 'frustor acknowled es that this assi nment is erfected u on the recordin of this Deed of Trust and that Beneficiary is .,�'.' �'� <br /> entitled to noti az► of Trustor'sgenants toPnake aymeut of Rents due or to become due to $eneficiary. However, `f:;����.`'".:� <br /> Beneficiary agre�e.s,that only on default will Benefic ary nocify Trustor and Trustor's tenants and make demand that all = }'" ' <br /> , , futute Reuts be pazd dircctly to Beneficiary. Qn receivtng nauce of default,Trustor will entlorse and deliver to Benefic[ary , . <br /> any�ayment of Rents in Trustor's possession and will rec.ei�•e any Rents in uust for Be:��ficiary and will not commingle <br /> - - - •- --.'•� ---- -.��� t....�� e.... .......unto rnllortnd�vill he annlied as nrovided iu this Securitv Ins[rument. TNSLOL „ <br /> .__.__._.�:__ . - lIIC RCIIli4 Wlltt qit vutrt auuua. ..0 ' "" � . ___.-_-__ <br /> tv�mants that no default eaists under'the L.eases or any applicable randlord/tenant law.Trustor also agrecs to maintain and �, - <br /> require any tenant to comply with tl�e terms of the l.eases and apphcable law. <br /> ` 13. LEASEHOLDS; CUNDOMIMUMS; PLANIVED 11NTT DEVELOPMEIVTS. Ttustor agrees to comply with thc I <br /> provisions of any lease if this Security [nstniment is on a Ieasehold. If the Pmperry includes a unit in a condom�nium or a � <br /> planned,unit devclopment,'frustor w�ll perform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants,by-laws,or rcgulations of the <br /> condominium or planned unit development. <br /> . IpagO 2 0141 <br /> - O t 99i U�ntare•Ctoud.MN �1•�OOJ97�2�471 Forn+iIEDT•NE 9/17N6 <br /> U(7TN1:2 frm 1'V7 <br /> f <br />