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�IJ _`� .:�- �`'- r 'h} .'.. . `+H . . -.,� . h ' <br /> . . ti : <br /> v (,� i <br /> �.a... . cLw: t - �_ _.�.'_ ��.Y' — —' <br /> V.'��'J`t,� +�l'P�+'I�S.f�K....��fc3tl.a�iaJ.QrctiXaitl�ciWl�ia�r�+.'3�.- . ._.—_— _--_ <br />-� ���! snhs�nminlly a�nivntem nxmgngc inxar,nce mvcragc is not arailnbla I3urmwcr�hnll pay�o I.cawlcr cach mumA�o sum cqual�o <br />..-.sti-�� oncn��lph of�he yeady mongnge{maran�:premium Ming paid 6y lkirtmctr�vheo ihe insur.mce w�•erage lap!cA or ocauxl�n <br /> -�._r�.�� tc In c(fm. Lerdcr�vlll mrcpL iuc nnd retnin�hesc paymcme e� aloss rcacnc in Iicu of nwngagc insumncc. I.nxr rcscrvo <br /> -_ �uymenu nuy no longer I+en���he optinn of I.cnder,if mong�ge imurnnce mcerage(in thc amoum ond fnr�he pcdixl <br /> �.�`�"� �hat I.cnder requlres)provldM by nn insurcr nppmrcd by l.cndcr again baomcs nvailn6b and h ab�ained. 13orrn���er shall p;�� <br /> -.1;��,�"'� �ho premiums rcqulnd m maimnlm m�nguge insnnnce in etlec4 or w proride u lois rourve,nntll ihe aY{uU.nkm for nx�ngage -� <br /> --;;�t.�� Ninmrance ends in ammlanm wiih nny wduea ngrecmem M1em�een t3orcoo�er and Lender nr npplicable law. <br /> « ia y. In+peNlon, I.endcr or Ils ogcm mn9 make rueonshle cnuics upnn uad inspc:�lons nf�hc Pmprny. IAndcr sh�ll ghro <br />-'%�'��i! 4�Oorcm��er nalice nt Iho time of nr prior ta nn inxreclinn cped(ying rcacona6le cause for the Inspec�im�. ' <br /> `"`� � (7 I0. Comlrmnnfinn. TM1e pmeceds nf nny mvard or claim for danwges. Jirec� or mmequcmlul. in mm�tt�fnn a�llh any <br />� ��-���' " Q�mndcmna�lon ar mhcr Inking of any part nf�hc Propcny,nr far tt�nrcyantt In 7ie�of mMcmna�inn, nro hcrchy nsslgncd nnA �- � <br />- '�h•- Q shnll be paid to I.ender. <br />-.-_•�`��;,� � In th:erem of n Imal�aking nf the Pmpeny,the pmeceds shnll he nppiied m�he sums secural hy�his Sttudiy Inxlnimenl, <br /> —_,� , a�he�her or nn�then due, wfih nny exeess pafd�o Ik�rma�er. In U�c evem nf n�.�niel i3king of�he Prnpeny In ahich �he falr <br />_ J�. - • I markc�valuc uf�hc Prapcny immcAia�cl�M1cforo Wc mking is c�ryol m m grai�cr tlu�n�he amaum nf�hc snms xcnmxl Ny lhis <br /> .;�.{ .;,.: <br /> .•, ^:.� N Smvi�y Instnimem innnediately hefore t m mking,unless porrower and I�ender o�henvise ngrx in�vri8ng.U�e snms secar�hy , <br /> �_ `��' Q� �his Smriiy Irovument shall be reduced by the mm�um nf ihc pmcceds multtplicd 6y ihc follmving Gactinn: (a) the lotul <br />�°Y''s�`" � 2�nount of U�c sums sccured immcdiatcly bcforc thc�aktng.dividrd by Ib) �hc fafr markct vnluc nf ihc Pmpcny Inmicdlstcly =_ <br /> - befure the taking. Any �alance shall be pald to Boreo�rer. In �hc cvcm o(a paNnl takhig of�he Propeny in�vhich �e (aie <br /> ``3-'+r' �� nurket��aluc of ihe Prop.ny irtuiadiarely Mfare lhe�ating i.!F,s ihan thc amnum of Ne wns x�cuad inmialistely Aefore the <br /> 'c.,=... .p,' takiag,unless 6ortox�er and 4eMer uthrnvise acnw in�cactar or unless applicaM1le law otherwiu prnviJ�w. �he prua+�dt itull <br /> �� i-_.l:g tw applittl lu Ihc aunu scn�nJ Ay�hix Fscunt.[nu n.mci.u:cGcr nr nouhc sunn arc lFcu due. <br /> , �p�;•?� IC Ihe Pmp.ny i�abartdunrd by IWrto�cr. �x�ec n.»lee M1y LAnder ln Oorsuxcr that Ihe mnJemnor utfco to nukc:m <br /> � aweed r:+cule a claim for d.eneagr�. l3xn�aer faJs n^ �esprod �o LenAer �vithin 30 days nller ihe da�e the nati�ro is giren. . <br /> ,�;�'��t Lc�r is nmhnrized n+rnlla�x cK-J applc+he prn:atds,nt i�s aNinn,ci�lier tu r.uoeatinn ur rcpair o(�he Propen��o�to the sunu _ _. _ _. <br /> !��4-x�= uemed by lhis S.crnq hu7n.�een1.uht�her or nnl lhen due ---- - -- <br /> ..._'St.,�,: Unless I.c¢der an.l I6,:rm�rr mhernise apr.e in wridng. any appis:;r,m,n of srocreds w principal shall �ro� ex�:r.d or <br /> - pnu�v+ne�he Jue deue of�he m.+:uhie pnynxnu referred to in pamgmphs I and 2 or chanrt�he amount of such paynxmS. _ <br /> rr - ��; 71.Rorron�er Nnl Rakw>ed;Forlxnrpnce �y I.ender Nnt a SYah�cr. Gxtcnsion ed thc�imc fa paymcm or nrxNlna;"r.�a '-- <br />:,:vn it :;' - uCamnniiaiion of Uic sums��vurc.l M �his S.kurity Insuumcm gmntcd 6y Lcnder to am �nCCesmr in inlerCSl uf dsrtm�ar ch�ll �--J�._ <br /> �-� - � r,et.�gtir�te m release Ihe li;�hilay n(ihe nrigiral [3orro��•cr nr fiorrower's successurs in imerest. I.ender shall not be�e;x�n�c!io ��u�;:`. <br /> - �����4�F �,n�mrnm pr«recdingx ngains�anp cn...ssn:in iu�crcs�or rcfuse tn extend�imc fnr paymem or rnhenvisc malify u:e�,�r.��ea�io�i —_ <br /> . ''".�,��; of�Na sums secured by �his Securi�c Ins�mrr:m 6y rcason of any denunJ made by �he original fbrrnurr or itorrm�er'� <br /> ;`�.�•h .', � secmxsors in interex�. Any forbear.nue M1y Ler.der in exercixing nny righ�or remedy shall not be a�vniver of or pr.:lvda ihe <br /> 1 �; esrr:ise of any rigl�l or remed�•. <br /> � 1,_ I:, Suceecsors and A�d��n pound; Jolnt and Srwral I.Inblllty; Cmsigners. 7?:e rnvmanls and ogrrcertr.r.s nf ftds --- <br /> .:.�i_;; .- .• Se:udiy Insuumem shall hin.f .x�u benefii thc wccessors nnA acaigns of Lender nnd Rorto�vcr, subjec� m �he prnvixiom af _ __ <br /> - -- -�-+'3 �.,�ero�h 17 11n.mwrr< qna•.•n.�nl< and noreentenlc .hnll IM inint nnd �everal. Mv AorroNCr whn ro-siens IhiS $ecurilV ��� . .. <br /> `�-�'�"'"" Inummem 6nt d:t. nnt execme �he Nnie: GU ic en�si nin thix Secuney Inqmmenl onl Im m�rrxl mni ard mm•e �hat — <br />':.�li;�;�,.,.,d . 6 F Y E ='�F Y <br /> � J� z ..- IWrro�cci�inicrcu in�ht Rnptny undcr Ihc Icrnn af�his Sccurily Imecvmrnr. Ib)is not personalSy nhlig;�tcd lo pay the wnn <br /> �!r r r- ' sanred hy Ihis Sanvi�y Inan.mrnr,and(r)agrccs�h:n l.cnd.r anJ:m��rnhrr Dmrowcr may nDrcc In a��cnd,mcxli(y,fnrMar or =-.. <br /> .�%� -i -' �' malr any acmmmacLninm urth regarJ�o ihc icnns nf�hi�Scami�y Inr�mmrm or thc ti.vr e�i�Unm O�nt Qmrowcrt conam. �*��• �._ <br /> . sf� i - c' !t.I.aan Cbnrgr.s. 1f�hr to:m sccurcd hy�hi.Scamt�in.ummcnt�s.uhjc.t m u Ia�.�..�hiAi sc�s nnzimmz�6un chareex. �,u _ <br /> n'r 4��t,:1 anJ Ihal law i.Gnalh interprelyd hn Ihal Ibe inlernl nr mhrr lo:m charg�•a cnllecleJ nr to i�mlltcmd lu cnnne[tinn uith ihe �-- --._. <br />� -.,%�•,.:3�Y� lom�cxneJ�hc permincJ limih.�hcn: tU uny.uch Inan diargr.hall hc re�4s:N h��lhc mnounl ix.r.vp�lo rcJuez�hc charF: � <br /> � °:.- '�1 - lo Ihc permiqcJ IimiL'anJ(hl nny .am.:dready callca.J fmm 13nrto��tr��tuch ezce•dcJ permtll.yl If�nil.��ill fx tr(nnJtd !n [-.'�''- <br /> "� i.%".;it 6orrmrcr. I.cnJer nr.n rhanr In maA¢ �hia refund M1y rcAuring �he prinaM1 d owed under lhe Nnn� or �y maSinf a ditecl ���{';;�;•'�� <br /> :�'.. ''.i'•- P�ymem ��, Oormwcr. If a n:!mJ ntlucc. �.��,.��:�i. r:,, �r:i��:����• "-�u hc Ircalc.i a., a }+anlal pTepaymenl iriihnm ony � ._ - <br /> ,r.,.. ,..,• —.-- <br /> .�n.`J-:•_� <br />_- - - pnp:i)�nkm chargc andcr�he Knir. - <��'"�--. <br /> IJ.Nniltrx. An) nmia��+Ikirrmrtr ptmidid fnr in�lu.a•.nm� indrnmcnl.hall he Fi�rn M1> dcG��ering it or 6y mailing �4'� ��,. <br /> i�M1�� fir.�da.�maii uslr�.applirahlc la���«yuirc.uu nf unulCtr me�S:d Thc nnlic.+hnll tk d�rr:�.J m thc Pro�kny AJJrct> <br /> or any other :dJm-. Rxmwer de.i�nale. b� ruuce In I.enJer. .Ui� r.ou.: In l.ender sh.dl t�e gnrn M1y firsl cla[a mail ��, ` . <br /> � � . Isndcr'.aJJre�. .c�rc.l hcrem or any u�hzr nJdre.� LcnJrr drstpna[c. hy ewicc lu Bnrmorr. Anp un�ice proviJcJ fnr in�his �a-' <br /> j -` Securii)�In.WineN ahail Ir�trrmnl tn hace heen giren to Ilo;rmcer nr 1 enJer nhen�neo a.praviJnl in�his p�ragr,�ph. �E✓.;Y_..' <br /> k . W,� IS.Cm�crnin(; Lne; ticirnbllli�. Thn Scaurity Inarnmtm .hall h gnrcnsd M (�denJ I:nc anJ d�c la�vof lhc Fg�-�'±; - ��- <br /> �;:.,, .. 11•.�4�,` luri.Jicunn in�chich�hc pnryxn� i.I��cnnl. In �h¢crcm �hcn:m� pro��fann ar clauu ui ihi.Sccnrily Ins�mment ar Wc No�c [-t,_�=i.. <br /> �,-''/. cnnllic�s�vi�h applic.�Me i:n�..n.h ra�dlnl�hall iwi alltt'l nih�•r prm'i.�nn.a(Ihi.Sccurily In}trumcu nr Ihc M1ole�ehich rvi be {`5 , __ <br /> - �s:,r;y r�.����n.��.,�m„�� �i,�.,,�m���u������„�,�,.�,_ c.,m�.,•�,a�r.•��„��.�„�..„� m�,tiit�nriiy Imtnnne�r..mJ Ihe Nole arc dalared E ._ '?-. <br /> m,�r�e,craMc. � - -` _:- <br /> � ,�..,: 1 fi.Dorra��er's Cnp�.D�.:•,���er.hall Ik Firen�n;r:�,�,omntt cnp�o(Ihe\a1C Ji1J a�IIII�SKpfll)'IO�IN�l:t1t � .-_ <br /> .y.,F�. .''i 17.7'rmufer of ihe Pmper�} ur n Benrllclnl huera�t in Anrrm�er. li ali nr an� pan of�hr Prnpen�•or an} in:�rcs�in i� '�-:is,,.:.-: <br /> � - . i+wdd ar Iran+fenrJ lor if a benefia�al,i in Ikirro�crr n.nld nr u.m.fcrnYl anJ Ihirtn�cer i.m•1 a anural�.rnon)uilhnst ���If��, <br /> r f<ndcr: prinr ariucn ean.�m. Lcnilrr ina�. at ih op�iou. rcymre imnxJfair p.nincm m lull ,•i �II .mn. xiurcJ hr IY�. 'i i�qi,(.�:. <br /> Saurity In.�mmcnl. H�mcrcr. Ihn upuon.hall nnt Iw h� L.�.': fl c�trd•c i.praLfhf�ot 4� ':drnl la�� :n ahhr d:r: ����,'xly: <br /> Sf a(Ihi�Savny�in.tmmom <br /> 4 . I(Irndcrrevrai.rti�l;:, . �� Icndcr.hallgncl3orrm�ernn�pinr.�.r�ir�.��,,•n-'n�c„„u„•a,�:irn,�,ac.��c.i�.iornai ✓;f.1„1Qh , <br /> " le+. Ihan 1U Ja)+ Gom Ibr ,...t: ..:r nniirc n Jcinrrr.l . �•.nLJ���tl:m whiJi nm�l n all wnn x.uml M1y Ihi� i¢�e�n _ <br /> p• r»._'��;..-' <br /> '� ,y�.�F Sauriq'In.uumcm 1(8nrrnnrr lafh m p:n ��e,ihe c�;•r:nu�u ni du.Kn�d.!er ina� imuAc any tcimtlia �"f!;' S�`:' <br /> ,., - .'.`k � IMnllillltl M ihi.C::uriH InqnlmCni wtlhoul IJnh:t nolAr nt d:ntPn'��-li..-ruuCr -.� '' . <br /> .... �` - I8. Ilorrm+rr'+ Itighl In Reln+lalr. 11 ISntn��.rr mt:i. ctr6w: .nndw�m.. 14arroerr J�all h:ne Il�e nghl In h:ne �,j;�"�-- �- <br /> .:_1i:;.� �� .- . <br /> (' ��� cn(nncmcni n(tlu. ti.�nnry lu.m�mrnt df..�mlwu.rl a� a:�� um.Pnur m �I�c rad�:r�.L ia� S J.q. 1nr .uch nlhcr periid a� i r -: <br /> � .���r�.a•�� law mn� .�w•.ih I.�� �rnnLdunuur h.l���. .. . .a ih. I'i.qr�n punu.nn t�� .nn p�n.a ul .alr �anteincJ m Ih�. ' t{it z : <br /> Sccuril� Inymmcnt:ut �h�tnln .�I a IuJtm.m cnlunmc t..:1:a�n1� In,u.un:m I hn..mmh���•� Iinrnmrr �a�p.n. Sjt�t� <br /> Lcndct all •unn wlurh il�tu w..ul.l b�.lur anJ:r IL� linuumnn .nW ihr \..�c.n d m�an�dr�aiwn ha.l �w'.m�d: �h� I.;�?fsyic'": <br />.� � JCl�ull �d am ..IL:� u.�ri��nl...� agtanuna._ •.���.n..�ll in.mir.l in anlo�.in[ Ihn SC:un1� In.Immcui. ^��i�"��%�,�-: <br /> . inJodmg. hul nai hmncd m. rcn�,�m.�: I.:. .uW�.I�Ld:. .mh 1 ruJcr nta� �r.rnuai.h rcym�r 4�a..urc �sGo� =i <br /> , � <br /> _ tLal Ihc h:n ol llu.tir.uut� In.innnim 1 cnJ:� .uch�. m iLr I'i.qt���� .md ii,.u�.wu ..d�hg.n�an i�.�..n�d b� :. �q-.: <br /> ':'—__ . a... c_.....�, i...�........... :i..n .....�...... ....�.......;i �....... ..................� �., u.......... ��,.. i.._....�, o..�....,.....� ...i �.:. -Y�_�_ <br />_ ._ _— ...._ ...._...,- ......_....... ...... ........_. ...........r... . ,._ ._........'_.... . ..... _.. .... _"...... ... ."__'_ "'_ !" _.. _: <br /> nM1hgaiinn..a'ural hrrcb� .6.d� �rm.nn lull� .ilc.inr.n tl n...�„n haJ.,..u•":; Il..��r�cr. tlr.ughl I�.i.• - :'�'iv:- <br /> . .� mn appi� fn Ih:aav nl a.adrreu..n uuJn p.��.ic�apL I' ''!�➢�i�^. <br /> IY, ti:Je n1 \nit; (�h�nFr u( Ln.c: �rnicc�. IL. \�qr .�i .� p.mial un:�:.i in �I�: Xni. na�.�hri ��nh �lu. ti�ma� -'�'�{-'i�-� <br /> �. In.INntt�tilltla� '-c.r�^:.p�I:oui�T.qnni4atu14nu.•w:' \..i::r.nrC.ullma.Lap1.Y•mlhCCnl�l) dpaW'. �•�v � <br /> - nni� h�.�min:m ILnral.nina� lo�.••s .•��ti•����`. <br /> ` a e.lhr"I nan SenS:.r"�t!ut,�•I':rh mnath`� pa�m.nt.dur cuJrr tL: \.q:.ra!P�. �„ '.' :{. <br /> �t� � .�rrt d�enEC.of:hd l��.e l..-rcrt umrl.nrJ t��a.alv.,1�L:\ni. Il t:�:ic n a.l:.e_. ni ll�i l.�.�n tirnrt.�. li.•u...�i. ud�1w. <br /> � . .- wflilCn crl�:t nl lhi•.i.x-1:m acaotJen.0��tlh�.��.�,va:h I!.d�nc au.l applt:al.l:L�w �(hc u.�lnr��JI.Ia::P�:n.uv;.e.J ' <br /> . :e!c":..ul IL.r,c.� S:ncrr anJ iF.e .�!.'!-�.:- ia.n�:r�. :::dJ 1�� maJ. fL: uoti..wdl .J.o..•ia.un .�m ..i'':� �. <br />- mlunnam.•i rc. :2 h� apph:ahlr I.m � . <br /> ' a��... 20. Har,r.�•m SUbalancati. 14qn�..:r •h.ill nrt .au.:r� ���r .� � :prc._n.r. u.c.4.�....�. .6,tagt ai �d:.r:.�t �.., . <br />. �•.�f.t '0i� II:✓:Ir�iN. $uh.IJItK. n0 rt 1:� Ihf I'NR•It\_ IM�R����C� .I:dli nrl .I.• f..9 a1i.•w .Y'-.•ni C�.: 1.. �... .p�Vlunr .d1iJC�d 1'. ' <br /> .�' _ Pn•�m �!:a� n in ��nLnn+:..� a�n I.muonn�entel I_e. 7`:pr:.i r:_ c.... .n�r.-'.:. :�.�U n.•� appl� �..IL.p� u-._ •- <br /> .. . .�..r.�_t an Ih:Pro�m ul .mall yueNi�it..•i Ilair..:..�. ��p.�.m.:� �L{rna.� rc..•inv.d o.1+�•app�n�,u.n: �..,_.. . <br /> , . . . � .. <br /> - ..t;: � rc.�.l:m�al n�•a:J lo m.ninacmcc ol Ih:Pn.R.rt. 1t` <br /> , - � Fom�]Gte 33I I�. . . <br /> I _ <br />