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<br /> . . .._.__. _..,_'".. . . . .
<br /> �........�..._�.�+-""...._.. _., .. _ . . "".' '.. .. ...,_. . . . . . .. . . - u x.w�i*'M}{��'.�
<br /> ��n :.11;F`.i^;�vR r�c.
<br /> 97-- i���4� .. .... . �u:�;�..
<br /> by tht� Murt�t�e. 1Vdort,gs�ar ehail D�,}►to iulortg�gee the wmount oi e�s►y clefioienoy behveea the aoSu�l ta�ce�. � ��
<br /> mente, fntultenoe nmmiuine snd ground r�nte i►nd the dapoaita hAroundor wfthln 10 dqyn cifter demaad Se mada upon� . .
<br /> Mo�c�agar raquontiug�:��ymonc thorent.
<br /> .. 0� R�patr.Msintenaao�aRd Uw.To prompt�y ropnir.rertare�z rebuild pqy buixdingre or improvemanq s�ow os -
<br /> hereatter an We Pmpe�ty;to koep tho Propea�y in good oondi4ion ond repair,wlthout waeta,BIId YM!!ZPOffi IYIOOh�A10'0 Ul' • ' _-
<br /> • o�her Iie�n� not e:prese�y euborrlfnate�i Lo the lien horeoL e�ot to auke,suffier or parmit any nuiaauoe to asi�l,nor to -
<br /> dlminlsh or inapwlr tlio vslue of tha Property by a�y sot or omi��ion to aat;and ta aompJy wlth oll re4utaement��f law ,
<br /> i wt4h me�ecit to th0�ropor4Y• -
<br /> � 7. Qoadosanc►tioa.In the evenE the Property, or any►part thereaf, shall be t�1c�+a by emiasnt domain,Utte ��
<br /> Mortgw�ae is ompowAr9d to ooll�at rnd reoeiue W oompennatioa whioh mqy be paid for an,y properfy tskea or for d�m- •�
<br /> " -' age�to proper4v aot token,and Mortgagee eSell apply euoh aompeneation, st ite aptioa,aithar to a seduotion of the �•� ,
<br /> � indabtedneee eennred hereby or to repair dnd restore Ehe pmpex�r eo domaged. �
<br /> & Pertormanas by MortQa�oa.Mortgagoe mqy,but eball have no oblf�tion,to do aay►aat whioh the Mortg�or �� '
<br /> has�greed but fsile to do.nnd Mortge�ee m;n�y slao do euy aat it�leemu ueoesssry to pm4bat t�e lien hexeu�1ldortg�gor ;: �;:: ,-��,. ;
<br /> Rgree�to rep�y, upon demand, auy�ume ao e=pondod by the RRortg�g�ee for Ehe a�o�a p-�sasaa.aud any nume ao •� �'��
<br /> � �1=
<br /> ezpended by the Mortgagee ehall Ue naided to the indebtednaee eeoused hsreby and i�aoome eubjeot to the lien hareoL '_�'-.t�--
<br /> • Moxtgegee ehdl not inour aqy pereonal linbility baonuee of anything it mqy da or omi!to do hereunden '- ,_._
<br /> , •.�5�-
<br /> ,. ;; ., ._� g, Defaui�Aaaf�ment o!Rant�.Tlme is of the esaenae hereo�aud upon Mortgago:'s defsult in eny ooveneat ^•`"�"-
<br /> �',"•._-
<br /> , •. ?i Ox'RrEC�qA18IIt of t11�H MoltgBgA.inoluding ooveusute to psy when dua tha eum�seo»�ed by iLu,Rno�.��.�o�`st+i-'�o'o ' —`°"-
<br /> . � . '; eh4U be entitled,nt its sole option ruad vaithout notlae,to deolara�11 eums eeousec115y Wis Mortgeg�a to the i�medialely _ _
<br /> . , �, due�ad pAysble and m�oomiaenoe fareoloeure of tLis Mortgege by judioiat psoaaedings;aad,psovided huther.tlxst - -
<br /> , . upoa suoh dofaul8 Ctiw Mortgagoe,or a reoeiver appointed by a oourt,may st ite opb�pxi and withouL regard ta the 4dequa�
<br /> „•� oy oi thb eeourt�}►.�uSes upon aud talce possee�ion of tha I�roperfy and aolloot ths ran4s,iasuae aad proflts therafrom aud .• .-;�....,_-,-
<br /> } +.,,�_
<br /> �pp}y th�m rirst to thA aosf of aoIIeotion and operatlon of the Property sad then i��ron ttae iadebtedneee seourad b8 Wis :����it��
<br /> , �,`.� *�Cost�wge;eaid�reate. lnsnoe anGl profite baing sseignad tp tho Mortgagee as f�r3lh�er seouri;y for tha peymonL of the �'•�,i'', ���`
<br /> �� :adebsednesa eeoured hereby. ,,,�•:`��� .
<br /> . .,.
<br /> ,� Y � l
<br /> � � !0. Traasf�ex ai Proyerty.H Wl or aqy part of the Pmger4p ie sold or tranaferred without Ehe e�reea written oon �����r �
<br /> � �7•� ° ..
<br /> �ent oi the Mort���.Iu�ortg�gee mqy at ita sole option.deaE�n+all�ums reoured by this Mortg�ge to be immediste�y "� '
<br /> :,��.. * , d�us ansl Es�yable. `�'
<br /> * _ li. ,`
<br /> '` Yfl. l�tur�e d�dvRnolw.IIJpon xequest of Mortgegor.Mortgagee may m�ka �ddiLional and Luture sdvanoes to ---
<br /> � �, Mortgsgor.8uah a�vs�sase.with intoresf thareon.ehall be eeoured by thie Mortgage vvhea evidenoed by pmmissoiy notes . '?
<br /> stafin,g tha�aaid nosoes ete avoured hereby.AL no time ehall the priaoip�d amount oi the indebtedaeu seoured by tb3,ta ;
<br /> Moz#gVR,e,not iaoludiageum�culvanaed to proteot the seauriar of tLie A3mrtgage.e+xaeed the original Note. � !,�=
<br /> ..;�.. 3' � ��
<br /> , '.�� 1�. Alisaallanwni PravYsAnms. ''
<br /> _ f�t.:
<br /> � (o) A.qy forebearaaae in eaeroieis�g a�q right or remedy ehall aot be e waiver therenL
<br /> '�,
<br />_ (b) All remadies provldod Sereln are distlnot and oumulattve to aqy o3her xight aftord�d by law or equify. - --
<br /> t � and mqy be ezemised oonaurrent�y,lndependently or suooewively.
<br /> _. , n��-..�
<br /> � ` (o) Tk����vonanfa and a�eemants aantained hereiu eh411 bind,and the rlghts inure to.the respeotive nuA• ��'�-:
<br /> : '`�:d aneac�se and awigns of the Mort�os snd tha Mortgsgee. --
<br /> �•�.
<br /> F"
<br /> ' ,4'i
<br />"•.. '+�,ii. �. (d) All oovenaate twd�raemonte of the Mortga�or nre Joini aad sovoral. �,�::_�:
<br />- •s{��: . -- -
<br />- � � (e) The haiulinp of the peu�grsphe oi thie Moetgeg�are for oonvenienoe on�t aad eha11 not be used to inter -
<br /> r: - „ prot or deilne the pmvleione hereoL � w� ...:
<br /> �----�-
<br /> .. ' .� �.8.R�lw�. Upon�v�yment oi all sums eeourdd by this Mortgage�Moitgagee ehall dinoha�e this Mortgsge aad � �_
<br />�° shull�u�oouLs and deliver��stlsiwtory�celea�e their,for. ��;
<br /> -t�e�____
<br /> _ y _ __"
<br /> . 'a � -
<br /> w !�{y,._,
<br /> ; I�J WPiR�lE6B Z7VHEREOF,Mortgagor haa eraouted 4his Mortgage on ttr.o 9th dqy of ARr�1 19,�,�. ��?;'``
<br /> � �_'� \��.-`��vo-�.,---- _���'�`��'K
<br />� � (Dav' Yan N en) �O"O'"" .��:�� ."'�:i:�;
<br /> . , . „ ,�
<br /> . '<;c.;
<br /> (Betty E. n oosen) BO1°� .� . � ':1 '`
<br /> Btoto 04 Nobrasko, H a 11 Coun�r es:
<br /> On this q�'h d�y of A n r i 1 .19 Q 7 -betore me,the uadereigned,a Notarq Publlo
<br /> � .. du�yoommieeionedandqttxlitiedforeatdoounqy►.pere�nns��yoame David L. Van Hoosen and Betty E. : •
<br /> � �• Van Haosen Husband and Wi fe .to me�mowncobecho �. �
<br /> '_..—
<br />_ �] tdentia�l ponon(s)whoae aame(e)are eubeoribed to the forogoing inetrumvnt ond aa3mowladged the eaeoutton thereoz - -
<br /> i to 6e t:��p.a.� voluntary►aot end dvad.
<br /> Witnet+e u�y hond and notar181�eal at Gra nd T c1 a nd_ �lPhra cka 1n said oounfy,the '
<br />_: tlste aforeesid. � �
<br /> �
<br />-, Mq Commiesioa e�zpi�e: � GENfRIiI NOTIVlY,St�te et NeDruke �it.�a
<br /> ' VIL')SY J.GIJIUS Nnta�y Publio
<br /> � My Cen�n�.EkP.(MC.30�lA8
<br /> I
<br /> i NBC 1088 8f95
<br /> O Dktlonel B�nk ot ComTeroe Tmst and Savinps Il�soNalbn.Uncdn.Nebrw�ka
<br /> i . •
<br />