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<br />; �,
<br />,
<br /> ���:1
<br /> ✓
<br /> . De��� ���� �-t�. .
<br /> � FROM "
<br /> ' FILED FOR RECORD and entered on Numerioal Index this..........:......o�,�......._...,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,...,..,..,...,day -
<br /> Union Paeifie Railwa� Company
<br /> TU of......._. ...____..._..... ...........A.D.18y7;at.__--_.._�......o'cloek anfl_...__._'........minutesO....�•
<br /> � � � �
<br /> �. � �. .... ...............�.............�.�..� . ........................................... ....._
<br /> . . _ _ _ ............ ......
<br /> � � County Clerk.
<br /> By..............................................................
<br /> . ....... ...........................
<br /> ......................................................._ Deputy.
<br /> - IT1�IOhT D�VZ91'01�.—�Y�BRASJ�A. Deed No.��9.Qi��«.
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the IIYION PACIFIC RAIL`VAY CODiPANY, which is a Corporation foimed and esisting by the consolicia�tion of the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C�O�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegrsph line from the Missonri Hiver to the �aeific
<br /> Ocean, and to aecure to the Gosernment the nse of tl�e aame for postal, military and other pnrposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acta amenda�tory thereot;wl�ich said Company has sncceeded to and
<br /> become seizeci ancl posseesed of all the real estate aud pmperty of the said constituent companiea, whether real,personal or mixed, and, among obher things,of all the land granted to said UNIOx
<br /> PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY U9 b110 aPOPP9ald&Ct9 Of CJ11gCCd9�in aid of the coustruction of its road,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of euch consolidation(to wit, January 24, 18$0),
<br /> in si ration of the sum of__.__.._........_ `D-o
<br /> , ... ...... ... ...............-.--._.........._... ......;..................................-� -.................. �� - --�- . .....ff........ �.l......:..�.........................................................Dbll�rs,
<br /> � . ,D ,�,���,,� .
<br /> to it paid, tL�e r eipt o whicl��iere�y ack� g�d� oth hereb C� �"� •-�... _ ��
<br /> � y , nnto................................�..�•�, .
<br /> .... .. ....... ...... .................. ..._.
<br /> ... . . .......................................
<br /> of the Goun of f�J�Z'��h� in the State of.... �
<br /> the following described Real Estate,situAte,lying andbeing in the Connty of Hall and i the Stste of Nebraska,and described as followo,to wit:,,,........:.............:............................................................................
<br /> ......�..�.Q?.G..rtl�tS/�.-P7'.. �C.Wrv011..!YYU..�C.C4�Q'ri��o.rn!t�Y.tfr?urh! (l.�.Nr✓..d . .. ..�II...�.�1.��. r�..l..[L f1..�:R..:.�?1fA!s/.!s/.61.4,�..M�f�.PJ}/YXW:�ly�1?. ..�M11lt.l�:4Ae.a.........
<br /> �� �� :. .��� Q
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<br />� ,,�1 .��/ p , . . �-. �� 5� . ..� .. � �. . . � .. �..�.
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<br />� �$ � �� � , � �� ��� �.
<br /> . . � �.
<br /> � �P.ho.�_������ .�- �. � � � . .;�.. . . ..
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<br /> ������.�, �. _ _ ..�.... ...... ............................................ ... . . ..........................�................�..:.. . . �......................
<br /> ... � .
<br /> Mtire 8nd tO Ho�d e eaid premises witt�all the rights and appnrtenance� t erennto belonj�ing anto the s�id qrantee,,,,,,,.�7...,'�,.,..,..,,._.._..,�heirs and ae6igwg fLrever,�
<br /> vey tl� e,&Ild th�b lt Wlll W_ RArT�hd DEF xD the titie to eai remises unto tHe d grantee,.....,._..._.,..,,....,_heirs and assigns rever againet the lri nl Clai�.s of all perso. whomeoever. '
<br /> _�
<br /> Except , However,all xes and assessm ts levied upon sai remises since.. . __ _ _...,,,,,,,and pt against any clai incnm- +
<br /> b�nces created or perm ed by,through,or under said._.................. ' '
<br /> _.__._ _.. ..........
<br /> _....... . ..���_.........................ancressors,heim or flssigns dr finq of
<br /> �rtn WaEx�na SaI$UNION PACIFIC RAILROdD COMPANY d1Cl on the aixteenth Aay of A ril,A.D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyru�H.Mcr,ormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff,oi th@��y of os
<br /> tp�,a Ceitain Mortgage lieed of that date,wherein said Company convened to the said Cy#vs H.McCo ck and John DuB,as 1'rustees,for the uses and purposea tLerein mentloIIed,among otheta the lmnds h8Te3n�pt�e
<br /> degeribed; Axn Wa�xsns,the said Cyrus H.riicCormick did on the twenty-eighth da.y of June,A D.1873,b�a pro,per instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Truatee under said mortg age deed,� �h
<br /> resignatfon was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the UNiox PACiFic RAttso Cc�M'pAxY by its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoi held on Ehat daq in the CiLy of Boston anfl Btste Of lies
<br /> chusetts; Axn'WxNxFas,on the flfteenth day of Octobee,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton, the btate o�1Kassachusetts,was duly nominated by bfie reanaining Trustee,John Du�,as successor to said Qy�ru��
<br /> MCCormicit,which nomination was,on the same day approved by the Board of birectors of the said U ION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY�AND WAEREAB by such nourination antl approval said Frederick L.Ameg diel
<br /> upon bis acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the ,Hme estates,powera,iL;hts and inte sts and ehar�ed with the same duties and tesponsibili�ies,as it he had beed one oi GU9 0��¢�1 Trustees named in Snc�
<br /> executing,said bIortga�e Deed•Axn WaER�ns,said remaining TTUStee did,by a conv�yance,prope and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day,of October,A.D.1873,at the CItq ot Boston,veat the saffie
<br /> in such new Tivstee ointly with him the said John Duff; Axn WarxEas, the said John uff did, on the fqurteentti day of Februa.t�Y A. D. 18TT, by a proper in�trument.oi writiag to that e8ect, t�
<br /> sign his piace as Tru�tee undei sa�d Mortqage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourte th day af 1�ebruary, A. D. �977, accepted by the Urtiox PeccFlo RAILSOAD COMPAftY, by the Executive
<br /> Committee of its Board oP Directors,at a meeting thereof held on thmt day in the City of Boston and 8 te oi Massaehu�etts• Axn Wx�xEas,on the seco�d day of July,1889.the Union'1`�ust Oompany o! New York,wxs
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick i..Ames,as succegsor to safd John lluH,W'hieh n tion tNds,on Lhe tbirteenth dmy of July isa9t ap�roved by the Esecutive Committee o1 the Bo�rd oi bir rs ot the
<br /> said IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY• aIId tI1C Shcd FL0C10P1Ck Z.AMC6 8R0Cllt0$R(ICCf�OII th0 t eGnth da�y of July,]ba9,vesting in tha sa�d Untqn L'rust Goinpany of New York,the estatea, po�qerS, ts and�ai-
<br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; AND WHEREA6�the d Union Trust Coinpany of New York signifled itss�ceptance oi said trust,by s g said deed;ANb 8���n�
<br /> the said Frederick L.Amea dld, on Liie fiiteenth day o1 July,2889,by a proper instrument in writ' o that @ff�et resigu his place as Trustee under said 1Kot�eage Deed;whici�resigna ion was,on the alateentII day a�
<br /> July,1889,aceepted.by the Uxiox Pnc2FiC RArLwhY COMPANY�by the Executive Committee of itb oard oi Direc�ors,�t a meeting thereof held on th�t day 7n the CitY of Boston, and St&te of M9s�achusetts; AxU
<br /> WxExEAS,no nomination of a successoT,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederlek L.Ames,having been made,the said�Jnion Trust Compa�Yy of New York became and now is the sole Triiatee under '
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.is67.
<br /> . AND Wa�RFns,The said Uxxox PnciFic knmROqn CoMrAxY did,on the ei�hteenth day of December,A.D.1973,execute and deliver to the IINrox TRUST ConsrAxY oa N�w Yo$K a certAln Mo e Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Comp�ny oi New York,as Trustee for the us�es�p:dpurp�oses therein mentioned,among othere the lands h0i'einbefore desc ibed• a�b W8� �a�,th0 sS�U oN
<br /> PACIFIC R93LWAY CObIPANY�with the consent ot the Union Trust Company of N ew YoT'k,sole firustee itnd�tilhe Mortgage Deed of the siateenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and�e under the�oct�a e d �he �
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the Teai estate herelnbetoie escribed,unto the said grantee,for and iu consideration of the sum 8foresaid,to the nibn�ci�lc� WaS:
<br /> Company in l�and paid by the said gr�untee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Compsny of N ew York,in its capacity as T'rustee,for the usee 8nd purpbaes mentioned 9n s8id A�o ge efl9 df
<br /> the sixteenth d�ay oP April,is�?,and oi the eighteenth day oi December,1873. !�
<br /> �o1ii Tf�erefo��, KN(1W ALt.MEN B'Y T$ESE P$E8ENT9� That the said Ux�ox T&vsT Cb�tPArrY oF N�vV Yoss,Teastee in the afore8aid Mort�ge Deeds,in eonsiderbtion of the �foresaid
<br /> j pireifliaes�nd the pasment as aforesaid of said Pairn,su p ' b eaid�a mpany to said 1`rast Cofh�tany for the uses and prirposea aforesaid,�oea b bq R�M�B,R�LSASS and forever l�tlir-C�g}it
<br />� 1
<br />; unto tbe said �� eT.
<br /> ..............................................__....._...................... .._.................................... .... . ....... ...................._.................................................._....................................................................,.................................----............................--�--�-�-�---�
<br />� the Real Estate described afores�id, to be held bv the said grantee fiee and e mpt fro all liens, inenmbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth duy of April, 1887, and of the
<br /> eighteenth day of December, 1873, but suhject, however, to�11 the reservations and�itions hereinbefore contained.
<br />, IN PRESENCE OF In witness Ah@rAOf, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath
<br /> caased theae presentg to be sealed with its corporats eeal, and to be eigned��si�t�P i t S r:
<br /> attestkd by its Secret�ry, and conntersigned by its I.and Commiasioner an i i ;o :� i
<br /> "'' � �' " '" " " ' ' the 9A1t1 UNION T�U91'COMPANY OF NEW YOBK� Trnstee, nnder the said Moitgage I�eds, .m : � i:
<br /> o f t h e s i x t e e n t fi d a y o f Ap r i l, 1 8 6 7, a n d of�th�eig h t e e n t h d ay o f I l e o e m b er�7 3, h a t h n •�
<br /> cansed t e presen to be seal d w� i c�rporate 1, and to be igne by i resid nt„u�,v, :� i
<br /> ...........��...... . .. . ��,,¢� � �-- ,g�,�� - ,� �-�,,.�.�. ,� � �
<br /> . .a� . �
<br /> t�$............ .. .. . .... a� �f..................... �
<br /> ....................Q......, . . ...................._....A�n. is. �
<br /> ... ..... ,
<br /> .� :
<br /> att�st:........... : �. . .�...... ........ .. .. .. .. ..........,seerctary. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COM ANY, � �, ;'� �
<br /> �sExcE ,� / z ��- °. :
<br /> B�_.--- . .,-...,�/....� . . . .. . . r�aent. � �; r�- i
<br /> .... -----�--�..............................
<br /> . �
<br /> ...... ..... ..�..... ' . .. . .... - --... . ........ �1�Id� TRUS OMPANY OF N W YORK, TRUSTEE, H
<br /> w �, �:
<br /> � � /'��
<br /> ........................ ...................... .............. . ............_ B
<br /> . . ' � • '
<br /> �Y1 -�` . o ; `:.
<br /> G�/ � Y............... .:GiLb[--...�.Y........ ...... ........ �Q.�--.....Preeident. � � :
<br /> STA'1'E OF � �
<br /> ' � ss. � ' �
<br /> COUNTY OF . ` )
<br /> Be it emembered, Tbat on this....::. ....... .. . . ........ . ,....................day of......:...... . .... ..... ........ . /.�.� . .. .:D. 18q3 before me, a i
<br /> �,� � Notary Publie,in and for said Covnty, appeared the UNIOAi PACIFIC RAILWAY CO PANY, by " ita Pres�dent� wbo �s per-
<br /> /�,"��, sonally knowh to me to be the iden'tical person whoee name is subscribed to the foregoing �nstr�ment as said President and then and there
<br /> �� �I;�q acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instsnment ta be his voluntary and deed, a the volunt�ry ac and deed of said Com�ny. �',
<br /> in witeess Mhereot, I have Lere se my hand and official seal thie....... ........ .... ............_�ay of........ ......... . ... ................................................. �
<br /> � r� A. D. 18�d ,at the City of���n said Connty and 8tate. � . ,
<br /> / _ ...._ . _ ..._ _....._. ... .._............Notary Pub�ie. ;
<br /> � ...... .. _.._... ���...�d��...._� .. � i
<br /> STAT' E O�F NEW YORI�, � ss. � � � � �
<br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. °� G �
<br /> Be it RAm�mbe�ad, That on this........................ct�..........................day ol.-------.....-� - _............A. D. 1 9� ,before me,a Notary,Pnblic,in �nd
<br /> / �
<br /> � . . , y
<br /> �,q�' for said County, �ppeared the UNION TRII�T COMI'ANY OF NE'Gt� YORK, bq,,... .,,. ,�(�.Q.... . __,_�„�, , , ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ite Ptresident,who ;�'
<br /> �� ^ �
<br /> .Ifl � is peraonally known to me to be the identicsl person whase name is aubacribed to foregoing inetTUment s ea ident, and.then and there '`i
<br /> ��3� acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said instrnment ttf be hie volnntary act an eed �nd the volnntar act anc� of eaid Company. �
<br /> � r IA N�itaess Nheroof� I have herennto eet fny hand and o�ciasl aea1 t1fi�..........................oG_..�.........:. t�ay of•••................. .... ...... ...... ._..----...........•-•-- �
<br /> ......................
<br /> A. D. 18 �3 ,at the City of Naw Yot�,in e�id�trnty+�id St�'t�
<br /> 7 `F(y
<br /> _..... ......... �.!�....�..._. ..��---..... .. .. ......... .....................................Notary .Atbl+c. ;
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> � ,, .. r.
<br />