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, -. _ i <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> vF-� <br /> D�ec�� � ��eco �c� . <br /> _ _. _ _ _ _ ___ _____ _____ ____ _ ____ <br /> ---�__. ma�a.It:e u�l'ican:.Prin- Co. ___ _ -- -- _ <br /> FROM � <br />. � FILED FOR REqORD and entered on Numerical Indeg thie..,....,_„_...,.,.�,�.......................... . � <br /> ............ . <br /> Union Pa�ifie Railwa�r Company <br /> To of...��..r-�-v�tl-�?�_...._......A.D.189,�,at-�--�..�....._o' lock�.__._..__..........x�t�es=._.........�. <br /> � �� / � � � � � <br /> ��� ; � ...............................................-`��---........ .............._J...... ....................................................... <br /> �....................................................._......................._ Countq Clerk. <br /> .._..,...j._ . <br /> ......... BY.........................................................................................................................:.......... ..... ... <br /> Lv � ��i�nG�.. l%/e� Deputy. <br /> ..._ _ __�-���� _,. <br /> � <br /> THE UNIOIV PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY.��'°"���� `� �`�'�- � <br /> II1�IOhT DZVISZ01�.--1TEBRASKA. Deed No.�..�.'�..°..'�...`.� <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, Tb&t tne IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and eaieting by the conaolid$tion of the <br /> KANSA$YACIFIQ RAILWAY COMPANY� th0 DENVE&PaCIFIC KAILWAyC AND TELIC(�BAPA COMPANY� &Ld th0 UNION PACtEIO RAILROAD G'OMPANY� nnder ttlC COTjl01'&t8 ri&ri18 &lld style of the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO:VIYANY, by authority of an aet of Congress,entitled, "An a�id in the construction of a railmad and te]aqraph line from the Missouri River to tbe Paeific <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the.nse of the same for postal,military an�i other pnrposes,"approved Jnly 1, 1862, �nd acts amendatory there6f, which said Company has sneceecled to and <br /> become seized and posseased of a�ll the real est�tite a�ud property of the s�id conatitnent companies, whettier real,person�l or miged, and, �mong other things,of all the land granted to asid UNioN <br /> . PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY Uf th0 at0 aid acts of Cougresa,in aid of the construction of ita road,uot conveyed away by said Company at the dnt.e of sach conaolidation(�o wit,�Jannary 24, 1880), <br /> • . l ,��� �i�fi��E��.�.:GG..�........ .._................... ..........................................................................................................Dollare, <br /> in conaideration of the enm of_.....��/1%PG:..:..�?:�f�.Gfi1��[/....�'!/�[.�4.�.............. ............. <br /> to it paid, the receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GsaxT, BABCiAir7, SELL AND CONVEY� nnto.............��...��.�.:....��..................................................... .................. <br /> ......................of the County of............�V,o� the State of.......�/��/?���� <br /> .............................................................................................................................................. .................. ........................................... ................................................................................... <br /> the followin described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the County cf Ha11 an�i in the State of Nebraska,and deecribed ns followo,to wit:,.....,.................................................................................:....:........ <br /> ' � <br /> � � / ��� /� ........................................................................ <br /> .............._.......��.._�o�:�. _ �..�_.. . � ....���'��.........,�....�:e..�.���..........................:..........:.......................................................... <br /> . <br /> _............................................ <br /> , <br /> . <br /> -�--------�---- <br /> - I -----�----�------- �------�--------------------�----�----------------�---....._..-.-------------�-��--.-�-.-�-�--.......--------� <br /> ..... <br /> ...... <br /> �I ................................................... ......(.............. ............................................................................................�..............�D................................................................................•••��il�a�...........................................of the 6th .l�ni�� 1 <br /> ...... ...... /��� <br /> I� of Section No. V�i///.�G(�......... ........ o .......-.. ......... ..............................._....., orth of g ............................... 9 ,�/.`/.'.............. <br /> I ................................... ��:..�--,................................. in T wnship No. ,,.2�1�/...1. N Ran e No. <br /> ... 1 ...�...... .. ��-� � <br /> / , / �Q � <br /> Meridian, containing according to tbe United Statea survev tbereof.....✓.�.��,2„2.....�..�..�.......��.9....�.�..1......�.�..?�.!!{:......�..`�.�....�o�........................................................................................................................Aeree, m;+ord a1r <br /> I less, ' ' .......................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> . �_y_, , <br /> ���........... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> .......... . ............. <br /> _.....................................................................................:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br />� II To Na�e end to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appurtenancec therennto belonging nnto the saad �rantee,.,,:,��.................heirs and as�igtia forev�,Rnd bLe�id grantot <br /> ...... <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of thia instru�nent it is well seiaed of the said premisee as of s�goixl and indefeasibie est�te in fee, and hath good right to aell and oos- <br />� � <br />'� vey the s�me,and thut it will W�sanvT�nd D�F�Nn the title to said premises nnto the said grantee,.,..',��........Ueirs and assigna forever against the Iawfnl tSlaims oY all persons whomsoever. <br /> I ExCepting, However,all taxes and assessmenta Ievied npon said premises since,. ..4���?�.__��_���'�_... . . <br /> i � --................. ___ .._.....__ _..,..........'._. . .... ..... . ._..............._..... ....,.... . ............... ..... i <br />; �vn WsFR�as 921d UNIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Clld on the sixteenth Aay of Apiil,A.D.1867,execnte and deliver to Cyrus H.Me(;ormick;of the City.of New York,and John Du�,of the C of Boe <br /> � ton,a certain Mort�age�eed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormiek and John Du�,as 1'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentloned,among others the Iands h' <br /> iG described q AND WI3EREA8�th0 Sfl1Cl Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under e�id mprtgage deed, <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�aCCEjltOd hy th0 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoY held on that day fn•�he City of Soaton and f3tat8 Oi <br /> Ichusetta;Axn'WgNSFne,on the�fteenth day of October,A.ll.1s73, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts wa�s duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John DuB,as aucceesor to endd t�r�s� <br /> MeCornuck,which nomination was,on tl�e same day approved by the Board oY Directora of the said Uxiox PnciFrc RntLxonn GloMraxY; AND WHEREA9 by such noruihation and�pproval said Frederfek L.9mee-did <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with tho ��wne estates,powers,rights and int�resta and char�ed with the same duties and responsibiti�ies,as if he had been one of the o 1 Ttuat9es name(�16� <br /> executing,said 6iortgage Deed; Axn Wa�r�ns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.ll. 1873,$t the�Y Boaton vest the•a8ane <br /> in sucn new ztnstee �ointly with him� the said John Duff; Axn Wg�x�ns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper inatrument ot vvriting to�hat e8ect, re- <br /> sign his place as Tru4tee under said Mortgage Deed, whieh resignation was, on the fourteenth day oP February, A. D. 1877, accapted by tha Uxxox Pnc[Fio RAILROAD Co�PaxY,.by Lh� Lxecu6lve <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State oi Massachusetts• Axn WxEnEns,on the second day of July�1889.the IInion Trust(Joittpasay of �8w York,Was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick l..Ames,as said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of Julyr 1889=approved Uy the xecutive Gommittee of the Board oi'Directors ot the <br /> said IIxioN PncrFic RniLwnY ConzraxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames axecutad a deed on the thirteenth day oY July,1s89,vestiug in the saad Umon'fruat Company of New York,the e�ta,tes, pOmersl, rigltts and�i- <br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed �oint�y with the said Nrederick L.Amea; Axn WaEnEas,the said Union Trust Company of New York aignifled its acceptanCe of said trust,b�ii$ri1Lg 8�1d d98d;AND W8F$71AN <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the flfteenth day oP July,1859,by a proper uistrument in writing to that efYect,rasign his piace as Truatee under said Mortgage Deed,which res ation was,on the eixteenth day�tf� <br /> �dUly�1889�&CC2j1LCd,by Lh8 UNION PACIFIC RAILW.�Y CObIPANY by the Executive Committee of ita Board of Direetors,at a'meeting thereof held on th�t d�y in the�City ot Boston, and�8tate o1 Ma�9nchusetts; iaru <br /> WxsltEas,no nommation of a sucoessor,to ffi1 the vacancy,cause�by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been mada,the said�Jnion 7�ust Compaay oP New York became and now is the eole True6e�e under <br /> the said Mort ge Deed,dated the s�teenth day of April,A.D.186Z <br /> 11ND�HERICAB�Th0 Sald IINION PACIFIC 1{AILROAD COMPANY 81Q,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxiox Ta,usm ContraxY oF N�w Yoax a:e�ertnStt Mo�B�P,Bf� <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn W8E�7�a8, the d [fNioN <br /> PaciFtC RAtLwAY CoMraxY,with the consent oY the Union Trust Company oY N ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A.D. 1567, and Trustee undgr tlte Mo����e De�d of.the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,,tor and in consideration of tha sum aYoresaid,to tha Uniou Paeiffio Railwmy <br /> Company in hand paid by the said�r antee,whieh said sum o2 money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oi New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned tn sald Mortgage Deed�of <br /> the sixteenth day of April,1867,and oi the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> Now Therefore, Kxow nLL MEN BY THE$E PEIC$ENT9�Th&t the BAid UNION T&Q9T COMPANY OF NEW YORg�Trastee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deede,in consideration oY the�►fo�aid <br /> premis��nd the pt��nt as afor sid of s�id eum,so paid by eaid Railway Companv to said Truat Company for the nses and purposes aforesaid,does hereby R�Mis�,RELSSBS and forever QQiT-CLAiM <br /> = nnto tbe said .......�.r,./�.GL/....... 0". . ............. . . _..... __...... _.. ... .. ....................... . ... .... .._ <br /> ..... .. ........ . .......... . ........................................... <br /> ......... . .... .... <br /> the Real Eat�te described aioresaid,t be held by the said grantee free and egempt from ali liena, incumbrances and charges of said Mort�;age Deecls,of the sisteenth day uF Apri1, 1867, and of t,i�e <br /> eigbteemh day of December, ]873, but suhject wever, to a•11 the reservations and conditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PRESENCE OF In witness whereof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,LatS <br /> �� caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seat,and to be signed by ite P ' t ��� : � • <br /> (l k- attested-by it�Secretary, and conntersigned by its I.and Commissioner and its An i or, an ; a � <br /> •� `-�' �jDY OY C112 th6 881d UNION THUBT COMPANY OF NEW YO$g� Trustee, nnder the aaid Mort�e Deeds, :� ,� <br /> • S�w� of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of the eightEenth day of llecember,,,�. 73, hath ` � :� <br /> � � � _ ca sed t eae nts to 1 ith i rate and be si i b i� resident �d7/Lo,t�L � <br /> ............................ . _.................. ... ������.�'��f���( �`' -��-,��.d����,�a1, h�;�''��vG��c �,���l�=f `$ <br /> � �-� � <br /> � thia r� .... .......... nf.........��.. ............................,A. ]?:18,.�..�..�... :a <br /> Atteat:........�.'.'����K...,.._v�:�,�����ry. � `- <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO PANY, a � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF x �� <br /> �� �;�� <br /> , BY _.....r....... .....<...............�-...G"'�{;__............---��-�---�------•--......_...........,Preeident. � � <br /> .. ..�.�'`.����. orC��@ � �' � <br /> . ���'��� . ................... G"�� UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORB, TRUSTEF, H ' �: <br /> � , S��� �� z � C� <br /> „ , <br /> I -•-----•--�--�•-..�'.......... ........ ......... . .... BY..,�,�-.-,CC-�.,..�,...� .....�...... 'U��.Preaident. o �: <br /> �a <br /> � ���1r�- _ /� _.....:.._..._ � : ` <br /> STA'.CE OF � U ' • <br /> ' ss. <br /> ' '6IINTY OF <br /> Be it Remembered, Tbat on this.........,���ey;z%Z�...................:.... of:.....�...�2�..... . .�f.�.A„�r..A. D. 1S�� befoxa me, a <br /> Notary Public, in and for said Connty, appeared the UNIO�T PACIFIC RAILWAY C MPANY, by ita Pre�ident, wbo is per- <br /> S Q��, sonally known to me to be tbe identical person whose name is snbscribed to ttie foregoing instrament as said President and then_ a�cl there <br /> iacknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrumeet to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volunt�ry act and deec?of said Comp�ny. <br /> � In INitness whereof, I have bere o se�my hand and offic,i�3-g�sl this,,.....��...i�2z�%%�� -----•-day of....������1.... <br /> ....... ................................. <br /> ���m�aw-e�s.�r.� A.D. 18�.� ,at the City of ,in said Connty an�+�e. \ <br /> �/Glc�� �, 1�99 r �C// � � _ <br /> � ... _.G%��%� ... '. .. ._ . _ _..._. .....Notary Public. <br /> _ . i�LG�� <br /> STATE O�F NE �7V YORI�, � <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. � <br /> � - <br /> � Be it Rsmembered, That on this........ . ...�-%�� _..._.. .........,day ot.-----�G t�r�U ._..:,_ ,:.::.9. D. 1S�'� , before me,a Notar�y Pnbiic,in and <br /> � . �ll�Ler� <br />- for said County, appeared the UNION TRIIST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by,..�, �./�p,j.,;._� ........... ........��,._,...,.......,,...i{$�p�dent, who <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical pei�son wbose name ia snbsuribed t�the'foregoin� in nment as saidpPresident, and then �nd there <br /> acknowledged the execution and seali,ng of said instrt�ment to be hie volnntary act and deed and the volnntary act and deed of said Company. <br /> � �'�' ,a <br /> in Witeess whe�eof, I have Hereunto set my hand and official seai this.....-••......................�,.Z,,.�..:::.... .........;c2a,y of_,_,.��_.��— <br /> .... ........ ..... ................ <br /> A. D. 18 9 3 ,at the City of New York,in said Gbunty and 8tate. <br />: //;� � /� / <br /> " � � � /�/J� <br /> ............................................�w���Le� �!...�.�1J/......�!...�i�.................... Natary .Pub1¢c. <br /> �� v�,/8^ ` <br /> ar .e.ur m� �P. :�r.,,, , <br /> ,,.: <br /> .> � <br /> , - <br /> � _ _. .. . .,_. ..:..,�.•s, _ .. . __ _ ,_ ,.. _F-.. �����.:_..�3 .���. _ r�.i . � _.'�,,.�,� -.��___-a���-� �._.. <br />