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� ' � <br /> ' . � D���� ��.�ct��'t� . <br /> ----�maYia Se u�ITican.rrin- _�o. _ _ _ _. __ _ _ - -- --— -- - — — <br /> FIi OM � <br /> FiLEn FOR RECORD &riCl entered on Numerical Index this............. �,,,.,,. ....;,........,........,.........;clay <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company <br /> To °f.-._ ...._.....���.-....._.....A.D.189�3,at..._..��...�:�.dclock nd.._�—__--:. .minutes_.�.:M. <br /> , /y � " � <br /> � <br /> . � <br /> ..............:.............................. ................................._�........... . .1�J•u►✓•....................... <br />, ..........:.:�...�... ........ ........... ...._......_��>✓��,�L..............._........................... <br /> / / County Clerk. <br /> BY......................:.............................................................................._ <br /> ........... ............................. .... <br /> _ ........._.....___......_..._......._................. Deputy. <br /> G�.✓�--�.� � 3��8 P' <br /> THE UNION PACIFlC RAILVI/ AY COMPANY. <br /> � . ZI1�IO2hT DIVISIOI�.--YEBRASKA. Deed No...,(.,..r'.�....7....9...� <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, Thnt the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COh�PANY, wbieh is a Corporation formed and ezisting by tbe consolidation of the <br /> KANSAS YAOIFIO RA1LwAY COMYANY�thC DENVER PACIFIC 1ZAILWASt AND TLLEC�RAPH COMPANY� Arid the UNTON PACIFIO RAII.B4OAD L'OMPANY� lllldeT t$e corporate II&iri0 &nd styie of'the f <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY,by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the constructian of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missonri Itiver to the Pacific I <br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military an�l other purposes,"�pproved Jnly 1, 1862, and acts amendatory thereot;which said Company has aucceeded to and <br /> become eeized and pos�essed of all the real estate a�ud property of the said constituent companiea, whetner real,personal or mised,and, among other things,of all the land granted to said UDTION <br /> PACIFIO RAILSOAD COMPANY by thC afOY29&ld&Ct9 Of CoLge0S9�in aidL�the oonstrnetion of ita road,i►ot conveyed mway by said Company at the date of such consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), <br />� . . /"'� cr° <br /> 4 in consideration oY the sum of........�?�zJ_..,��t.�,��..v�is.��t'U.._.1..._.....G'Oc.....`.:-.-.�............--.............. -........................................................_...._... .............-�-...................................................:..............................Dollars, <br />� to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doLh hereby GxaxT, BA$C+slx,S�LL AxD CoNVEY, nnto.........�..:...... : ._._.� . . ..„�.f�t� ............. ............ :. , <br />� ................................of the County of................-�---l.�!"•�..�.2..�........ the State of /.../........ .. .. ... . . .... ... ......... ... ...... <br /> the following described Real Estate,situute,lying andbeing in the County of Hall mnd in the State of Nebraeka,and deacribed aa followa,to wit:.,,....,..................................:........................................................... <br /> � .���.......�.��a.....e-�-:�... .. . . .. ... . .....�.�„12�. .-.2.'.Y...�..../..�..J..�.�`.1................................... <br /> ........_...s../��c�o-v/-�.,�__..v_�-e�.l!-�..��a.ic/�r�a...... `��c��c�c/1-t�u. ....................................... ........... <br /> ... <br /> _................ ......._ .___........._........._....._._....................._._......_,........._......... ........................................................_..........................................,-----------�-------°-•--�---�--�-�-�--- <br /> ............................................................................................................................ <br /> � <br /> r � <br /> I ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .............................................................. <br /> r................................................................................................................................................................. ... ............. ..... . ...... ................... ..............., . ............ .. <br /> ..... . <br /> I ........................._..................................__...._......._......--..................................................................._.............-......--.....................................................................................:............................................................... <br /> ........................................................... <br /> --------------------------�°----.....__...._-- ---- --------...- ---------------------------°---�-----------------------°---°-•--•-------�-°------------------�°-------•°----...._°-------�-°--....._°•----------...........-------............--�---------......-°----.........._..............__-...°---•--........-°-°-.....-----•-•° <br /> � <br />'� ----...-°-----------------------�---------°-----------�-�-�°-- ._.....--°------...--- �--°--�--------°----•--------......-------..__..........................--.....°---.....__...-----°-----...........--°-......_.......----- <br /> ......--°----°----•-•---------------------------•-•--••-----°-•-••--•--------...._....-•-------•�---•-------._..•---•----•--- <br /> , <br /> ............ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... .. . <br /> .. <br />, of Bection No.........�L..:�....... ............. ... ._�...............C��� Township No....................��....�.l....f.J.d................._North of Range No.....,..df.�.�.�x:fi�c�...�!.1...�....:n:�e,/I' of the Bth Principal <br /> . <br /> Meridian, containing acco7� tLe United States snrvep thereof................................................. .... .. ... .......�...-�`.....lJ..1......................:....:..........:.......................................................:....................... ........_Acres, more or <br /> , , � . <br /> Iless, a�..............................................................................G.��.........................................._...........................:�Y-G'eatraet—�Ttt.........................:........:.....:'......................................:... <br /> -dnbecl' ........................................................................................:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._................�.......:.,. <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ............._...........................................................................................................................................................:................................................................... <br /> ....................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> II ( ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br />� To Hsve and to Hold the said premisea with all the righte and appnrtenancea therennto belon�ing nnto the said qrantee,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,� <br /> �Q,,_....,,,,heirs and aesigna forever,and tbe said grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, tbat at the making of this inatrnment it is well seiaed of the said premises as ot'a gaid �nd indefeasible esta�te ia fee, and hath good right to aell and con- <br /> � vey the same, and that it wi11 W9Rxarz and DEFExn the title to eaid premises nnto the said grantee,,.,,,�,5%t,...._..heirs and assigna forever agafnst the IawfuI alaims of aIl person� whomsoever. <br /> ( Excepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since. ........... ...���,.,,�.�,-e� ,7f.../.P`� �. ' ' ' • <br /> I ............. . . . <br /> ' , ............................ _ _.... _... .. :�,............ . .. <br /> Axn WaFREns 62fd UNION PACIFZC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.1867,execute aud de]iver to Cyrus 73.Mc(;ormiek,of tha Ofty of New York,and John DnS,of the City oL Bos <br /> ton,a certafn Mortgage veed of that date,wherein said ComPany conveve�to the said Gyivs H.MeCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,tor the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the lande hereinbetmre <br /> desCribed; Axn WaEx�AS,the said C rus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873;by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,which <br /> resignation was on the flfteenth day of�CtObET�A.D.1873�aCC0pt0C1 by th0 U NION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board o1 Directors, at a meetin�thereof held on that day in the City oE Boston and{3tate ot Maesa- <br /> ehusetts; Axn'WxNxrns,on the fifteenth day of October,A.D,1573,Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the�ta.te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,a8 suecessor to eaid Cyrus H. <br /> McCormiek,which nomination was,on the same day,approved Uy the Board of pirectors of the said Uxzox PnciFtc Raar.xonn ComraxY; ANL WFIEREA9 by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames dfd <br /> upon his acceptaace tliereof,thereafter become vested with tha ?ame estates,powers,rights and interests and char�ed with the same dutisa and responsibili�ies,as iY he had bean one of the original Trustees named in anc� <br /> executmg,said Niortgage,Deed; Axn WxEREas,said remaining Tiustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentiethday of October,A.D.1873,at the G'�ty of Boston,vest the same <br /> in such uew Trustee 7omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wa�s�ns, tlie said John Du� did, on the iourteenth day of Februaiy A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effeet, re- <br /> sign his pktice as.Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourtaenth day of February,.A. D. 1877, accepted by the Uxiox PAC[FiC RAILROAD COffiPAATY� by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston and Btate of Massachusetts• Axn WxFREas,on the second day of July=1889 the IInion Trust Company oi Naw York,was <br />� duly nomfnated by the remaining Trnstee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor Lo said John Duff,w'hich nomin�tion was,on the t�irteenth day of Julyr 18&9t approved by the�aecutive Commit,tee of the Board of Directors of the <br /> said Uxlox PnCtFiC RAiLwnY ConzrnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,]889,vesting in the said Umon'frust Company o1 New York,the estates, powers, rights tynd in- <br /> terests cre�ted by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederiek L.Ames;Axn WaES�as,,the said Union Trust Company of New York signiHed its acceptance of said trust,by � said deed;Axn�aExEAS, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fitteenth day of July,18s9,by a proper instrument in wrrting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resigna ion was,on the sixteenth day of <br /> July�1889�flCC0pt0d by ChC UNIUN PACIFIC R�1ILW.�Y COMPANY,by the Executive Committee of its Board oY Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day m the CitY of Soston, and Stata oi MassachnsetCs; Axv <br /> WaER�AS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,hav9ng been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company ot New york became and now is the sole TrustEe under <br /> the said Mort�d ge Deed,dated the sixteenth dt�y of April,A.D.1867. " <br /> . � AND�WHEREA9�Th0 3ald UNION-PACIFZC 1{�AILROAU COMPANY dl(I�OII t118 Cl$IIY,88IIth(Ia}'OY D0C01T1k12P��.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox Tx,usT Coffirnxr oF N�w YoRx a certsin Mo1�dgQ DOP.(1 _. , <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uaes and purposes therein mentioaed,among others the lands hereinbefore deseribed; axn WHEREA9� the�a3d UxTOr <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMI'ANY�with the consent oP the Union 17•ust Company of N ew York,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed ot the sixteenth day of AprII,A;ll. 1867, and Trustee under the Mor a�e Deed of the <br />� eighteenth day oE December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,.for and fn consideration o1 the sum aforesaid, to the Uniorn PaciBc Railway <br /> Company 3n hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has beenpaid to the said Union Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day of April,lss7,and oY the eighteenth day of December,is73. � <br /> Now Therefore, Kxow nr.L MEN BY THESE PRE8ENT9� That the said UxioN T&USx CoasrAxY oF N�w Yo$g,Trastee in the aforeeaid Mortgage Deeds,in wnsideration of the aforesaid <br /> premises and the payment as aforesaid of said eum,so paid by said Railway Companv to eaid Trnet Company for the ases and pnrposes aforesaid,dces hereby Rs�uiss,RsL�ABS and forever QU�x-CLAiffi <br /> I nnto the said .................�.G�2.a.v�,.a<...�....�_._... ................._..._......................................._......_............_...._..........,.............................._._.......................:........................:....................................._................................:...:...........-�-�---.....:... <br /> f <br /> the Real Estate described aforesaid, to be held Uy t s d�rantee free and exempt finm ali liens, incumbrances and chmrges of$aid Mortgage Deeds,of the siateenth day of April, 1867, aud of the <br /> .eighteenth day of December, 1873, but subjecty however, to all the reservations and conditions hereinbefare contained. <br /> IN PRES�:VCE OF ���� In Mitness whereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, hath i <br /> i ���� caused these presents�'be sealeti with�ite corporate seal, and to be signed by�,Pr '�.d�.w� ,m . r, <br /> attested by its Bec�r Pd connterai ned b its'I,�and Commi9 ioner and its"�i r an' . , � :� <br />, •• � �� �`��J - the 8&1C� UNION TEU9T COMPANY OF NEW YOB% Trastee nnder the aaid Mor a Deeda ° '° <br /> i <br /> � of the �iateenth da of A ril 1867 and of the ei hteenth da of December 3 hath <br /> I ,�J /�/ , � cans�ed t�h�e p;esenGs to be se�led with its corpo�ate seal, and to be s�ned by rte�si�lent,.,�-e��..� . i� <br /> . ..............�..(J....... .�.y/......1./��... . ....: ... ....... /YCia.�.✓�ot,�.�-c`f,°`^�`n-�t��`"-�d, 0 .,Zcvwai�..Y�lti Go�i`H-�y,J�.t.o.aCwl-�b-�+� � �OZ�.,.�1��(;.f� .,vt.c�vv.o � . 0 � � <br />�'' . G�%� . r/ . . . .t}.118...... . . ..... .................. a9 u�i�2'�n��:.��.............,t,. L � ...� :. �� <br /> . , . . ............. ..... . .. . . 18........ ... '� , <br /> � �� � <br />' .... .. ....................._Seoretar T E UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY� q :• +� <br />, Attest;..... . .... 9• � ' j <br /> ...... ...............:. ......... .. .... ...........................Presidant. � '• . <br />' IN PRESENCE OF �/ � �/ �.��. � I <br />. . . L''�-1.�.°''GiJMe> BY-•••.,.lou..,........ /L p- � ^� I. <br /> 9 � l\a : <br /> ....rI/y.t......�.".'�'�'` . .. . . . . ..:. .... f�'��� UN10N TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, � �� ` <br /> ...Y../!�"-..�i......� . .. ... . . .................._ p , °.�rrc.,v esident <br /> � (D ' . � �vs <br /> ��� `; <br /> a�Y��GU 88.................�...CX�.�....��,................ ._ � .... .............. ... . Pr . U : : I <br /> s�rA�rE oF G��� . � � <br /> ' ' � ss. � <br /> COIINTY OF S . <br /> Be it Remembered, That on this,.,._ ._......,.pp . ... ......•�•��CIFIC RAILWAY CO�NY by`���o.�.-.��, it�s Pr eid t, wfbo is eper- i <br /> ���� 1Votary Public,in and for said County, a ear th�� UNIO� n ,�, <br /> sonally knowu to me to be the identical peraon whose name is aubscribed to the fore oin instrument as said President and then and there <br /> acknowledged tbe eaecution and aealing of said Instrnment to be hie volantary act and deed, �nd the volnnt-�ry act and deed of eaid Company. <br /> In rYitness whereof� I have hereu�to��t�my htznd and o:fficial sesl this .............,�,.�,�� � <br /> ....... . � ........._day of.....................:. . <br /> L:c�.................................... <br /> A. D. 18�t 3 ,at the City of�eston,in said Coanty and State. . <br /> , <br /> ,S T A T E O�F N E W Y O R I�, ) .. _.�..,_...�t � _.�i✓a-i.�u�. _ _.__ _........Notary Public. : <br /> I ) SS' ° <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. ) <br /> Bs it Rem•mbered, That on tb�s........ .....�.2.��.... . ....____._day ot._._... ..„. `.:...�• D.'1S 9:9 , Kefore me, a Notary Pnblic,in and <br /> .... .. . <br /> _ . . a(l�,cc, <br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by,. ......�..,G?/.�J__�i�.,_,__.(�._ ,,;...................its�President,who <br /> K <br /> is peraonally known to me to be the identic�al person whose name is anbecribed to the�foregoing instrnm t as.eai esident, and then and there <br /> acknowledged the execution and sealing of said instrament to be hie voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of said Campany. <br /> In wfitness whereof, �have hereunto aet my hand and official aeal thie ....... .....:..�,� :'_.,_, ,._'.,,,.,;..,.,.da.y of_.,-.---------.r� V <br /> .........:. ......................- <br /> A. D. 18 9 3 ,at the City of New York,in said Gounty and Btate. <br /> � , <br /> .,....ti.-�..���.a.?....�. . . ..-t�1.11....���1..�,�!...............................................Notary Pubtic. <br /> . , o„ g-cl � wu �..�.r C Cln., , <br />,�__ .�.�._�,�.. _,. _ � <br />