<br /> . . �. . ��.i,�..`i
<br /> ��'�� ��.�co �'t� .
<br /> ___ __ _ ___ _____ ___ __ _______ .__
<br /> _ _ _ _ _
<br /> ._ . __--e u ._�ag r�-. �o. ._ _ _ _____ __-------_ �_ _. _
<br /> FROM
<br /> FILED FOR RECOx.n and entered on Numerioal Indea this ` �- �
<br /> .......................d...............................................day
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company �
<br /> Tp of-......,....��-c.:.G.�.................A.D.1893,at.---'� --.....o'clock and_-.-�--,- �minutes_..�...M•
<br /> G7� p� ' /� � ..........................................�.�......................._�................................................................
<br /> ...........__..��'YZ-,�.fi'C/.._.(�L�.,..�'...a.���k,2,
<br /> . ............................................ Countp Clerk.
<br /> BY_............................................................
<br /> --._...___._..--._.. .......................................
<br /> ___._.._ __...__......._._._ _...................................................................
<br /> Depu .
<br /> . v�.../K a... r...-o. �O ! 2�
<br /> U1�TIOhT DIVISIOlY.--lY$BRASKA. Deed No...�.a...�..:�r�:.
<br /> Know all Men by #hese Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO3iPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and eaiatingbythecaneolidationof t�e
<br /> U1ITION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�iPANY, by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction ot a railroad and telegraph 2ine from the M�ssonri Itiver to tihe Paeific
<br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nee of the same for postal, military and other purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1862, and acta amendatosy thereof, whieh said Company has encceecied to and
<br /> become seized aud pos,sessed of ail the real est�te aud property of the said constitnent companies, whet�ier real, personal or mi�ced,and, among other thin�,of ail the land g�ranted to esid IIxtox
<br /> PAo1FI0 RAIL�AD COMPaNY by the afor8said R�Cts Of Cungress�in aid of the conatruction of ite mad,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of eueh ooneolidation(to wit, dana�ry 24, 188U�,
<br /> . , � �
<br /> tn coosideration of the sum cf.,./�-a,_�,Ql,�,,n,�,S,�t�C.� �,�
<br /> _ .............G-rs.�.............�......................._......_.................- ............ - ......���
<br /> to it paid, tbe receipt of wl�ich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby Gs,axT, BARa�iN,Bsr.i.Axv CoNV�Y, nnto.............�,��,��-e�.....�,..,..�..w�.n.� . . .. ....................... ..........:..............'..
<br /> ................................................................................. ................................................................................of the County of............._,,ll�-�j .......in the 8tate of.....................���l�-o�...................................
<br /> .............................. .
<br /> the following described Iteal Estate,sitaate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,avd deacribed ae followo,to wit:......................................................................................................
<br /> .......... .....��.�.tz.....��.�.� ....��-s.��1'..... .. ..... . /Y�x>..._�n.,.cn�f.�u.....m-c��-----. . .. .... ............�...R:7.'...`.�:.....�..�Y....Y.� ......... .........
<br /> G�l,�1G/�(/L r� C>��,1...a✓l/1-SN ......... ......... .........
<br /> Y `
<br /> ............................. .................... ................................................................................/...................................................................................................---.....---�-------�-----....-�--�-�-�--�--....----.........-�-�---�---�-----�.........................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> _----.............� - .........--..........._._._........ _._... _.._.............__......................_....... ......- -...--�---�- ........ - ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> _.........--�...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................� .....................................
<br /> ................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:........................................
<br /> --�-----�------------------- ��--�--------- ---��-�---------� --�--�--------------�-------�--------�-�---�-----�--------�---------------��---------�------......------�---�----�------...---------....-�--�---�--��-----....------�--...........--�-�-----...-�-�---�----....--�---�--�•--�----------......-�--------�-�-�---�-�-�-��-�-�---�-------�---.........................._
<br /> ._..---•-------�--------------------------------------� --...-�------� �-�-------�-------�---�--�-�-�----------------...-------....------------�---..... -.........-�--�--�--............-�----.......--�-�--�-�--....._.....---�-�--...---------------........-------------.....------------------------------------------�-------�-----------...-----�----------....-------•--------
<br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �w�.sn-
<br /> +od' �ection DTo............................✓.�n�<.�.�...�.s�,.•--........................................ia Townehip�o................�.k._�a��....1..L.�.1...........Nortl�of Range No.................l.kt�r..G�..n.:t..T.......�(.-?.:,.>..,.....of tbe 6th P�rscipal
<br /> �Iericiisn, eontaining according to the United St&tes survev thereof............................ .... ... ....... �y�0.� .. .. ..........................................................................�lexes, �nsre or
<br /> lesa, � �_ _
<br /> ......... . ........................................................... .......�Contraet No.
<br /> d�lrect ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:...........
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> Tie Hwtre end Eo Wold the said pi�emises with a11 the rights and appurtenaneea therennto belon�ing nnto Lhe said qrantee,,.._�,,,..__,_heirs and aseige�e forever,a�d tLe raid grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenaut with the said grantee, Lhat at the making of thia instrnment it is well seiaed of the eaid premises as of a good and indefeasible estate in fee, and hath good right tc►sell ssd ¢on-
<br /> �ey the same, and that it will W�sBnrT and DsF�xrD the title to eaid premiaes unto the said grant�ee,.....,��....beirs and ttasigns forever against the lawfnl elaima oYall pereona whomeoever.
<br /> E�[Cepting� Howsver,ali tuxea anc�assessments]evied upon said premises since.. _.., �,� � �`"�.� _. . .,..... ' ' ' _
<br /> d by,thron ,or u ' G� V _
<br /> ................................. _....... .
<br /> ._annrnmonr�hPirn di awaignc nr��.F�i-
<br /> ........
<br /> n
<br /> Axn liPxsxE�►s,9&1d UNIOP7 PACIFIC RAILROAD OOASPANY d'id on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.3867,expetlte and deliver to Gyrus H.McC,ormick,ot the qlty oi NeW York,and John Duff,ot tha C�'y of Bos
<br /> ton,a cerf�in B4ortqage Ueed of tliat date,wherein said Gompany convevec�to the said Cyrus H.M�E;ormick and John Duff,as Ttvstees,tor the uses and purposes thereia mention�l,among otliers the lauda hendubeture
<br /> described; Axn Wx�xEns,the said CY�s FI.bicCormiek did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.iS73,by a roper iast►vment oY writing Co that effect,resign his place�s Truetee under said mort�aqe deed,Wh1eh
<br /> re�i�natioa was on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.1573�8CC2pGCCI Uj�tt10 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CODSPADTY ��y rts Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoE 1►eld on that da�in the Citr of Boston and fdtate of 1[ssea
<br /> chasetts; Axn'Wx�ar;ns,on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1573, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massaehnsetts,was duly nominated by the�em�ining Trustee,John Duff,as succeasor to said Gyrae H.
<br /> MeCormLek,which nomination was,on the same da.y approved by the+Board of Directora of the said Uxiox PactFic RaiLROwn Coatrax�; Axn Wx$n�aa by suah nomination and approvai said Frederick L.Ames did
<br /> u�on his a,cceptance thereoP,thereafter become veste� with the �ame estatea,powera,righta and interesta and ehar�ed with the same duties and responsibill�ies,as if he had been one oi the original Tn�etees na,med in ao�
<br /> executing,said Mortg e lleed; Axn WaExaas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper an�effectual Lor that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the CitY o4 BoaWn,vest the satee
<br /> fn sucn new Trnstee�ointly with him, the said John Duff; AND WasREAS, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth da.y of FebruaTy, A. D. 1877 by a proper inetrument of wiiting to tt►at e�eet, re- '
<br /> sign his place as Tru*tee under saad Mortgage Deed, which resigna.tion was, on the fonrt�enth d4y oi February,A. D. �897, aecepted by the Uxidx PACiFIC Reic$.oan CoMrwlvY, by the Eaecntive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereot held on th�t day in the.City of Boston and State ot Masee�chusetts• Axn WSiER$A9�an the secoad dap of July,1889 the IInion Trust Gomp�ny of New York,wss �
<br /> dul3 nominated by the semaining Truatee,Frederick I..Ames,as suecesaor to said John Duff,which nomination was,oa the t�ii�teenth day of July7 1899t ap�roved by the�xecutive Committee o2 the Board of D'ueetora of the
<br /> said UNioN PaCtFic�Lnir.wAY CoatrnxY•and the said Frederick L.Amea executed a deed on the thirteenth da�yof July,1889,vesting Yii the saad Umog 1'ruat Company of New York,the eetates, powesr, ri�Lts and in-
<br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;AND WHEREA$�E]38 9&1(I UIIIOR TrusECompany of New York signlfied its accegtance of said trust,b a g said deed;Axn Wa�saa8
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fliteenth d�y of July,1883,by a proper iustrument in writu'►g to that effect,re�i�u his piace as Trustee twrler said 11Ie ga ge Deed,which r ion was,on the sizteenth day o� �
<br /> July,is89,accepted.by the Uxiux PnciFxc RozLw.�Y COMPANY,by the Executive Committee of its Board oi D'uectors,a�t a meeting thereot heHI on that darty in the City of Boston, and �tate of Mae�chuse#s; Axu
<br /> Wx�x�as,no nomination of a successor,to fiii the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Fredeeick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company of New Yor&became and now is the sole Trustee nnder �
<br /> the said Mortgage lleed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.186Z ;
<br /> AND Wasa�na,The safd Uxrox PnciKio Knir.xonn ConzraxY did,on the eighteenth dap of December,A.D.1873,executa and deliver to the IIxioar TRUBT COffiPANY OF NEW YORH 8 C81'fa{II Mor�age Deed �
<br />' wherein said Companp conveyed to the said Union Trust Compaay of New York,as TrUatee for the uaes and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore deeeribed� A�m WasB�AS, the Qa�d Uxiox �
<br /> PeciFic RAiLwAy CoMraxY,with the consent of the TTnion Trust Company oi N ew Yor�C,sole Trustee uuder the Mortgage Dead oi the slxteenth day of April,A,ll. 1867, and Truatee nnder the Mor�aqe Deed oi the
<br /> eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1a73,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore deseribed unto Che said grantee,for aRd fn coneideration ot the aum aforesAid, to the Uaio- Pacifes Rsilway
<br /> Company in hand paid by the said graatee,which said aum of moneq has been paid to the said Union Trust dompany oi 1�ew York,in its capaciby as Truetee,for the uaes�nd purposes mentioned in esfd�rtgage Deeds of
<br /> the sixteenth day of April,1867,and o1 the eighteenth day oP December,1873. ,
<br /> M�r Thersto�e, KNnW ALL BZEN BY T13&'9&P$EBENTB� That the said Uxiox T�[�sr Co�rAxY o�Nsw Yosg, Trnstee in the aforeeaid Mortqsge Deeds,in coneid�ra'6ion af t� at'oreeaid ;
<br /> premises aud Yhe p�tiyme�t as sforesaid of said a�m,so paid by eaid Railway Company to oaid Trnat Company for the nae�and pnrAosee afoseeaid,doee h�y B�ntrsa,Raz.seas and foYever Q�r-G�s�t ;
<br />, �
<br /> untothe said ...........................................:...(�`�.�^'......_.1.c.1..r...�....�1�........................................_..........._._............._............................._...._...............................................................................................................------�--..-.--.•
<br /> the Real Esiate deseribed aforesaid, to be held Up the said grantee free and egempt frovn all liens, incumbrances and c6arges of said Mortgage Deede,of the sigteenth day of April, 1887, and of the i
<br /> eighteen�h day of December, 1873, but suhject, however, to all the reaervations and eonditions hereinbefore contained. . .j
<br /> 1 , . IN PRESENCE OF � In �4tness �h�reof, the snid grantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath ;�
<br /> � cauaed these presents to be sealed with ita corporate aeal, and to be eigned by it�,. esid nt��d� ��;
<br /> i . �i, a C��,n,� att�ted by ite$eCretary, and countersigned by its Land Commiasioner and ite gn i r„�a�n ;o :� "
<br /> `� � �`�'��� the said IIxrox T$us�r Contr.�xx oF N�w Yosg Trustee nnder the said Mortga�e Deede, .� :� ^
<br /> �p, Qf the eiateenth day of April; 1867, and oY'the eighteenth day of December, 87 hath :m '
<br />�� C7 , w,d cansed these presents te be aealed with itr�corpo te seal, and to,be si ed by its�ident �.,�P,.,e.:,. .� .�: �
<br />; ....................�.l..�`-............°�.. .............. . ...... �--,�, ,,,�„ ' �
<br /> �^��+-�-c�.t.c�� .-e,www ✓YGWO°"���J..yti�,u.C�M.w,, c�{.hYdvcn.d.��a;u.�}0... o �
<br /> , . this................,�. . . .... ........................ aY �..........Q.... .. . �..............A. D. B...Q..�..�... ,�
<br /> � � .. .
<br /> .. .
<br /> Attest:..,,,..,,..��,,Qe.�G_ .���' • THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA Y, A � �
<br />: ............................... � , �
<br /> :. .
<br />� IN PRESENCE OF ����-' � '�
<br />; � �< .�� ... . . �..a.,t,� � � .
<br /> . : �� �
<br /> � Y.-••-------. ..la.�..c... ..... �...... .. .........................Pret�dent. � •
<br /> B -: : ;
<br /> �}�. � V �
<br /> � �`�'"" �'���'"� � UNIOi� TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEF, z �
<br /> ........ ......... ...... ... ...............
<br />, �;
<br /> �.... � ' a
<br /> _.._..................... . . ..................
<br /> � �/ ,n , , O .
<br /> //..d... . � BY................�..GZ/.a-!..�_..../N`�....1�._. ... ............ .........._.......�j,r,�,President. � � `• ,
<br /> STA'rE OF , G�� '
<br /> � ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF K.
<br /> ��._) Be it Remembered, That on this................�.R.�r.����s.r......................................day of.........._..✓� . '.. : : ... .��,.,.�...t�..�A��D. 18 9� before me, a
<br /> ✓�J�,�Q�j Notary Public, in and for said County,.appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C01�I ANYF���-�fl�8� ita President, who is per-
<br /> / aonally known to me to bY the identical person wbose name is aubscribed to the foregoieg instrnment as said President and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Inatsnment to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volunt:iry act and deed of eaid Compauy.
<br /> In MMitness whereof, I have l�ereu�eet�m hund and official seal this,,.,_,,.,,.�,,�„�i�-t�'� '
<br /> A. D. 18 9 3 at the Cit of SesEen .. ........U..._...-�-....._day of........................... . ,
<br /> ................. ...................................
<br /> _ , y ,in said County and 8tate.
<br /> c.o-,���.�,.,,,-t,y.�,,;.a.vc�,�,.-a-.,�-c.-3 l S 9 9 �Q�, , �:
<br />, ......_ _..........._ ...�.c/�_...Ct..,....�1..i�,.��U __..... ................_Notary Pubiic.
<br /> STATE O�F N W YORI�, ss. �
<br />� COUNTY OF NEW YORg. �
<br /> / Be It Rerqpm6ered, That on tLis............ .„�,,�..��_.,..,, . ..........,day oi__._.,__.�.�__�/��J ....A. D. 18 9� , before me,a Notar�Public,in and ��•
<br /> `/�R.-Ct�� ,n ' . , -�-e;
<br /> ' for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COb1PANY OE NEW YORK, b9..•..{•�..--�.t�.�,..-.l� •. . ... . .....................�te�Pr�dent,who
<br /> is personally known to me to be the identicsi peraon whoee name is eul�suribed to�he foregoin� instrum as said ent, and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the eaecntion and sealing of esid inatrament to be hie volnntsry act and deed and the volnntary aet and deed of aaid Company.
<br /> !n �litness whereof, I have herennto set my hand and official ae�ei this.........................,�i.,�..��..................................daY of................�..r.,�..-.,q-�th�... ....................._._ y�
<br /> A. D. 18 9,3 ,at the City of New York,in eaid Connty and Btate.
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> <
<br /> ........�...�n..a�.�.c,r,L......�.c�. ..o..�..1....... . . . . .........................................._Notary rtealic.
<br />. . , Q ' � C , � �c.� �.
<br />