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<br /> � - -y01f�f�1M1'r'_'— i . • _...._............. ........._ . __.._.. . . �.. . . . .... ......'- '.._..—_.
<br /> � ....... —� ...�....... ._. . ... .........:.... .........----._- -� ---•-... ....... •
<br /> �_'=
<br /> �. �__
<br /> b thie Mortgege.Mortgagor e9sL�L pn,y u► Mortgpgee tho am�unt of aqY deSolenoy b�tween the ecfl�il�ieea�
<br /> Y
<br /> monte,inseuranoe Pr�miwn�cr�adl�:T°L'�ct g°z�ta[►�d�lio d�pontte br�rrn�ad9r wiEh.in 10 d�yn ot'tar demend i�anade upan
<br /> PQorigagor r�quaaHn[E paym.on6 ti:umTer��.
<br /> !. �pals��aiaf�naac�f o,n�A�iue.To pmmptly rti�alr.�waCOre or rei�uUd ooy buildtnfS�oa im�►rovomontt+uow os ,
<br /> hereatter on the Pcogerfy;to Icca,�LL��Iaieparty in good oondiH�u nud rnpnir.Kithout waste,an.d frae iram meoh�nio'�or
<br /> other liene aoL aspreesly enbar.cLLc�d to t?te Uon�oreoi;n�t to mnlio,euttor os permit nn,y xiuinanoe to e�tt,aor to
<br /> � dimiaieh or iaapadr tEs vslue c�".tIl�e Property by any aot or o�nloeio�s to aa� on,d to o6mp1,Y wit•1a W�l req�lxement�oi lsav
<br /> • Wlth reBpeot to tha Proparly.
<br /> � � 7. OoadsmQaAion.In xla�ovont tho Froparfy,or nx�y nr�rt thareot,shell be takea by eminent domw4n.the
<br /> bqortgagee ie empoavered to co?.Usct a�d reaoive all aomponnntlnn�v1�1oI�m�y be paid for any gmperly f�kea or[or drm•
<br /> ��';r�" �g�,a to properly not t�lcen,a:r�.1 11�ostgsa�e8 ehsll apply eim}t aomfles�naEion.AL ite optlon,ei4her w a reduotioa of the
<br />-,��`��;,`� :" ,, indebtednaes eeaurnd heraby c�to ropn]r and restam tho�inpArly�o domng�sd.
<br />`;i;�: .
<br /> e. gbnQrmanee b�Ma�tt��.lVlioat��geo msq,but oHnU l�eva no oi�li�etloa.to do w,y sot w�ioh the Nerf�or
<br /> hw a�reerl bu0 leile to do,and AOr�ee m�y also do�n,y�t!t dAemi nso�aay to pmieot tas li�n hetyof.D[orf��cr _
<br /> � _.. a�ee�to rep�y. upon demand,uxy svm� e�e�»ndod by tha AQArt{t+�es for the eha�ptz.*'�^e�!!:�id �u0.1►�ua��o '".
<br /> esp►eadsd by the Moii�ee�hall Dar addsd W th�iatiebted.n�weuend hsr�by and beooms Rub��ot W th�U�n 8sriot.
<br /> e �
<br /> .'� Mort�o�a��h�ll not lnour ax�y psror�sllisbilily Moat�oi�aythln�lt m�y do or omit to do h�zround�r. .,
<br /> __� �a
<br /> o. D�fault;Aplanm�n!of YisAts.Tim�b oi fhs ewsaoe h�rsot,snd upon IVlort�ago:'�d�f�ult in sqy oown�nt ��.
<br /> , � or Rgreem�nt o!i�U�MoxiQ�,iaoI�:d'Cu�oownaua to p�r wAOn a��e t�o���s ua��c.i Gy:L��;:..�:.,tk;.tKV:�;,�aa •:�;.�
<br /> • " rhall be snRitlsd.�e its aole option�l wtthouL norioe,to d�ultuh Nl sum��aoured by thi�Nloatas�e to ih�tmtawilaGef�j� r' .
<br /> � du�and payabls tnd m�y aommeace Wreolosurs of thi� Morf{�by Jud1oL1 prooredtn�t a�d.pmvid�d t9uih�r,that _
<br /> . . upon�uoh dehult the Mortga�ae.or.�reaeiver appolnted Ay u oaurt,m4y st itn opUon�nd wttIImut re�rd to tb��►dac�u• �_
<br /> � . oy of ths�sourlty,enter upon aad txY;o poaaeeeioa ot the Pmpnrly and oollaat t�e renta,issuen aad pmtlta tl►erebrom aad :;,,
<br /> � �pply them ML to We oaL of ool3acLtmn and opsri►Lion oi t4n �mpert,y and thea upan the iaSeAtedneM woured by►tbSi � ---
<br /> -� Mort�a�e;sald rente,iseuee and pzoSlts being aaefgnod w tLo iJlortgegee se turther eeourit�for the p�yinent of the �'
<br /> , lndebtedness�eoured henby. `��`:`
<br /> �°-
<br /> �• 10. Traa�f�r ot Properhr.I��L1 os any�art of tho T'm�orty is aold or transfemed without the ozprew�vritten oQn•
<br /> ssnt of the Mort��ea,MortgaQes ms,�e rt!iA aol�opSion. dealru�e ail awas oeoured 1s9 thie Mortg�gb W be lrsatodiaiely �y�
<br /> ..� due�nd pkyable. �
<br /> �=--
<br /> � 11. latnr�Ad�noes.Upoa requeat of Mortg�gbr, Mortgsgee m�,y russe addiaion.I wuu i�+.:��.:�•�w� `�
<br /> � � Mortg+�or.Suoh advanoeo,with intereet thexeoa,ehall ba aeouu�ed lyy tL1a 1KcariB�e whon eviden�ed by promisaory no�
<br /> � L
<br /> ;1,�'
<br /> • ' etetin�that eaid aotee are seaused b.ereby.At no rime sball tJie prinoipsl emnuat at the iudebtedness �eoured b9 this
<br /> ..�.
<br /> Mortga�e,aot iaoluding sums advaaced to pmteat the aaaurlty of thie Mortgsge.e:oeed the orlg[aal Nnte.
<br />� if. �[iso�Wa�ow Pt+ovlaioas.
<br /> • (a) a�iny forebesisaQe fa e>seroiaic►g any right or romody eb�il not bo a waiver thereof.
<br /> ' '`�`' (b) All remediae pravlded herela�u�e dis!lnot nad owmulative to uaY other righL�ttorded by I��or squi�►,
<br /> 's`,%�" � and ma,y ba e:eroised coaaurre�ttly,indeFsend�ntly or euoaeeaiveTy.
<br /> , (o) The oovonaate uad agi�eements oaatdnad horoin eh�ll bind.and the rlghte lnuro W.the xespeotive aua ��
<br /> . .. : oeeaor��nd aesigne of the Mo�or and tho Martgeg�ee.
<br />= ;. . rr,,, .
<br /> (d) All aovonante sncl agroemants oi the Mortqagar aro joint and eaveral. �
<br /> • � (e) Tha hesdings o!the psragrapl�s of thit IVfvrtqexge are for oonvanieaoe on�y and ohall no�bo u�ed to inter �
<br />�,� pres or de8ne the proviatons hereoL �
<br />�:• l�.Relea�. Upon paymanL oi all eums seoured by Stiie M�rsgage,Murtgagae ehall diaal�atge Wit Mortgaga and -_-
<br /> " -�?�'`�'.'' shail ezeoute and dellver��►tlsfsotory rele�e therefor. :°�'�
<br /> ,:, ,,,.,.:,. [`-�
<br /> , .;.t�: • -
<br />�:,�':;',. � i:-
<br />:<.;;;�_;:.�:.,� '
<br /> 1N WiiRdFj9B WHEREOF.Mortgagor hee e�[eouSeci thia Mortgage on¢he,�,Qf,I1,d�Y ot_-8 199� . �._.�-:
<br /> . . 1 ' ...�� -.__,__.__.�;.=� (/�`-�� ' -���i��
<br /> � sox�ow�e '.
<br /> ,�� �7. 0 Homo�wsr
<br /> � BtateofNobraeka, Hall Counts+se:
<br /> • On thte 102h ci�y of Anr;1 .10�..before me,th9 undamigned.o Notary Publio
<br /> duly oominfetioned and qualifi.od for eald oounty.persoaauy oame I verson Chi ropracti c C1 i ni c PC and
<br /> � CaseY J IvGrson .tamelraowncobnthe
<br /> � � 1d0t1L�0i1(IBTdOII(8)WhQ99119m0((�I)ftT9�IIbSOMbeQ W LIIt fO3Eg'O1Dg lIIBtTRmBIIi RIIa 6vimowtoagoo suv i�ivaiiittisn Cu"vFvvi ;
<br /> ' ; to bo th -i C voluatary aot nnd deod.
<br /> Wltnoes�y ttend and aotarlal eeal at Grand Is1 and Nebraska ia eata ooun4y,che
<br /> date atoree�atd. �'j
<br /> My Co�mn�lenion ex�irea: c,�-�y • Z.tr.-C-•�+=--� �� �
<br /> . ���M� ---Nat�y Publiu
<br />- � w�l�A��
<br /> NIiC 1088 BIAS
<br /> O Na�ianal B�nk of Cortmeroe Tnrst and Bavinp�Arsocletbn.Uncoki,Neb►eskn
<br /> € ' �
<br />