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�. � � � � <br />� � � � ���� � Deec�. ��e��o �rc�. . � � <br /> _ . � a e u can' rin in a _ __ _ . ___ _—- �_ _ _-- ---- --- -- <br /> I FROM • <br /> , FILF.D FOR RECORD and entered on Numericai Indeg this �.�'.................................... <br /> ..... .. <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company . � <br /> TU of...... .. ....._��.2ie-z�.... .......A.D.1893 at---.....`� ..... 'clock a��,.:.._' . <br /> , -.__..minutes__Q,_M. <br /> � ......................�.�..... ...... ......m..................._�....... ..................................................... <br /> .. <br /> .................... .... . .. . _ .... ......_..........e_��-2./................_................................_ .. ._ County Glerk. <br /> __ BY............................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................... <br /> _...___ - _. . ........ .. ............. ............. Deputy. <br /> THE .UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. �"�'�"�`�'`h"`°.��7�� <br /> ZINIOh' DZVISI01�7.--�1zTBRASJ�A. Deed No...�,9,�.7..�. <br /> Know all Men by these Prese�nts, That the IINION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY CObiPANY, whicb is a Corpora�tion formed and eaisting by the consolidation of the <br /> �KAN$AB PACIFIO�RAILWAY G'UNIYANY�tlle DENVICR PACIFIC�LAILWAY AND TELIS(#�RAPIi COMPANY� and the UNION PACIFIO RAILE�OAD G'OMPANY� uniler the corporate n�me�mnd style�of the� <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C011PANY, by authority of an aet of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph ]ine from the Missonri Itiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean,and to secare to the Government the neze of the same for postal, milit�ary an�i other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acts amend:�tory thereof, which eaid Company has sncceeded to �ttd <br /> _ ( become seized and posseased of all the real estate aud property of the said constituent companies, whetuer real,personai or miaed, and, among other things, of all the land granted to said Uxiox <br /> f,.. <br /> PeciFIO RAiL��An CoMrnxY by the af'oresaid asts of'Congress,in aid of the construction of its road,uot conveyed awa�y by st►id Company at the date of anch consolidation(to wit; Jann�ry 24; 19�0), <br />� <br /> E in consideration of the snm of............. � . .._ ......... ,...... .. ... . .. <br />; �,oit-�J��.l,,-�.-o�a.c.�c�1....�r�J..... ... ... . ...:�!^�...i-.!�..�-.,...........�..... ._..................... ... ............. .... ................ ......................... Dollare, <br />: , ., <br /> to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRartT, BA$(3AI � SELL AND CONV�Y� AIIto,,,,,,,,,,,,,_. .,, „„_...._..,. „ ... <br /> �-9../�-t/..L.A�l.... ............... ......................... . <br /> ,�/ i <br />: ........................................................of the County of....................,(��".�t��.l. ..... the State of......................... ..... ... ..��zJ........ .......:: :..:...._ <br />, the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the County of Hall an�l in the State of Nebraska,a,nd described as followc,to wit:...,.,...,.......................................................„_,,,,...,,,.,..,.,.,,,,;,:;,�;,_,,, <br /> ..._.���-'._.....�.�r__,_..�-v�..��.{./1.........o-u>....C.f`J.�......t..oL.[-..... ... ........ ............ ................: � <br /> . ...---��------•---°------ . ........................................................................................._.. <br /> .............................................. ....... <br /> I ............................................. <br /> ..... i <br /> .._._.................•---------------�-------------........-�----............---------�-----�----------------------------------------.......-----...................................- -�-�--__--....... -- � - �--�- ---�-�•-----------------------•-••-------•------°-----------------------._...--------..............----------------°-----•-••---•-•-•_•-_- <br />� ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:....................... <br />',� of Section No.................... �..... . ...�-.(� Township No.................��8.n.ix.l......(/...11.d...........-••_...._North of Range No.........�.Y..c...i..n,�..,c.f..��./'..f....�c-!r4.�'..of the 6th Prineipsl <br />'' ����Q�u ry� ' i SO '�. <br />'; Meridian, containing accord�ng to the United States survev thereof...........................�.�::� . .. ... . . . �4�..�.,�.......C.�.,.c3.{.1.........�1.../czi..............:............................................::.........Acres, more or <br />: �......�.. <br /> less, beiag-k� ca�ae.nre.mises ee�rErneted-ke-.be_eald-#e-........................................................................................................................................................................�@on�act'�'To-_............................................:. <br /> -�ntod ...............................................................................................:..........�.........::............................,........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ................ <br />' .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:............................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> . _.......................... ... .. ... . ... . .. .. ....... <br />; To Hare and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances therennto belonging nnto the said �rantee,,,,,.,,y,.�,.�. �„��„1,,,..,_heira and assigns forever,and the said granfor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said�rantee, that at the making of this inatrnment it is well seized of tLe said premiaea as of a g�cwwd and indef'easible eatate in fee, and hxth good right to sell and-Con- <br /> vey the same, and that it will W�$�nrT and DrF�xn the title to said premises unto the said grantee,._.,,��,1,�.,,,.Leirs and assigns forever against the lawfal elaima oYall pereons wflomscever. <br /> Ex�eptieg, However,all taxea and assessments levied upon said premises since...... . __..._�o-�.<,.,a.��U_ .�../�� ../.P'�...2� ....................�t�eeg�agaiu8b'�g�elain�s-�r i�eum_ <br /> brs►seeis.ePettbect�pr-�)er�niLte�-�r t��-��:ac�er-eteic�-............................... _........ ......____ __.... _..._.. .. ............ ___..._ .................... . �............ ,....s�ese�.heu'�oc.aesi�ns e�-sag.o€'thcM�- <br /> AND VVAEREA5�B&ICI IINION PACIFIC RAILROAD CObIPANY fI�(1 on the sixteenth Aay of April,A.D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus H.MeCormick,oP the City of New York,and John DuH,of the Citp of Bos <br /> ton,a eertain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff,as Trnstees,Yor the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among othera the lands he�e�nbefore <br /> described; Axv WaExFns,the said Cyius H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a pro er instrumant oi writing to that e8ect,res�n his lace as Trustee under said mortgage deed,whiuh <br /> resignation was on the ftfteenth day of Uctober,A.D.1873�aCCCjlt2d b}�th8 UNION PACIFIC S,AILROAD COMPANY by i�s Board oi Directors, at a meeting thereof held on�hat day in the Ci�of Boston and 8tate of Massa.� <br /> ehusetts; Axn'WaNxr;ne,on the flfteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta�te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Du ,as suecessor to said Cyrus�I. <br /> McCoiwick,which nomination was,on the same day,approvecl by the Board oY Directore of the said UNiox PacrFic RniLSOnv ComPaxr; AND WHERICA$�by sueh nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames dxd, <br /> upon his aeceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the ?ame eatates,powers,rights and interasts and ehar�ed with the same duties and responsibilities,a,s it he had been one of the originai Trustees named in and <br /> execututg,said Moi�tgage_Deed; Axn WaFxEas,said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.iS73,at the Crty of Bostpn,veat the same <br /> in sueh new Trustee �omtiy with him, the said John Duff; Axn WHEREAfi� the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oi writing to that e�eet, re- <br /> sign his pla�ce a�s Ti�u�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. �s377, accepted by the Uxiox PAC[FIC RAIGROAD COMPANY� by the Executiee <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day m the.City of Boston and Btate of Massachusetts• Axn WxFREas,on the second day of Jn1y,1889 the Union'Prust Company of New York,was <br /> d�ul�ynominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July�1889;approved by the L�xecutive Committee o1 the Board of Direetors of the <br /> �sid IIxiox PnciFic RaiLwaY CoazrnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a�deed nn the thirteenth day of July,1889,vesting in the said Umon'frnst Company o1 New York,the estates, powers, ri�hts and in- <br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y witli the said Nrederick L.Ames•Axn WaExEna,the said IInion Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of said trust,b} signing said deed;AND WHERFAB� <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the�tteenth da�y of July,18s9,by a�propei instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the afxteenth ciay ot <br /> July,1889,aecepted,by the Uxiox PacrFic RaiLw.�Y COMPANY�by the Lxecutive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that dsy in the City of Boston, and State of MassachusetGs; Axu <br /> WaEREna,no nomination of a succecsor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Axnes,having been made,the said�lnion 11�ust Company o1 New York became and now is the aote Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of AprIl,A.D.186Z - <br /> Axn WHERF.A9�TY1C S&1C�UNION PAG'IFIC IGAILROAD COMPANY fI1CI,on the eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1s73,execute and deliver to the IIxiox TnusT ConsraxY oF N�w Yoa.x a certaIn Mortgage Deed' <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; axD wg�a�,as,the safd UxzoN <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wlth ChE CORSOIIt OE�LhC UIIlOII ZYUSL COIDpany oP New Yor'k sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oi the sixteenth day of April,A�.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage 1?eed oi the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1b73,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,.for aud in considerataon o1 the sum aforesaid, to the Union Paciflc Railwag <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum oi money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in ita capacity ax Trustee,for the uses and purposea mentioned in said Mortga�ge Deeds oY <br /> the sixteenth day of April,1867,and of the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> Now Thsrefore, KN�w nr.r,MEN BY TAESE PRE8ENT8� That the said UxTOx T&vsT ConirAxy oF N�w Yos$,Trnstee in the afor�aid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforeeaid <br /> premiaes and the payment as aforesaid of said eum, so paid by said Railway Companv to said Trnst Company for the naes and pnrposes aforesaid,does hereby RsnsisE,R�LEAB$and forever QIIrT-GLeiM <br /> unto the »aid ............................... ........... .......... �`�..2/�--rit/�u............_.. ......... ... ............................... . ..... <br /> _. .. ..... . ....._..... _...... .. ...... ,.. ...... ............. <br /> ...................... . ....... .. ......... <br /> the Real Est�te de�cribed aYoreaaid, to e held by the said grantee fiee and exempt fro�n all liena, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede, of the sixteenth day oP April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteenih day of Pecember, 1873, but suhject, however to�11 the reservationa and c•onditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> , IN PRESENC� OF < In witoess whereof, the s�id grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP2�NY, hath <br /> C�a.��' caused these presents to be sealed with ita corporate seal, and to be�i��"'!� r 1F,1a,t' ' � • <br /> +' attested by its Secretary,and conntersigned by its I.and Commisaio er an i u � r nd a .� <br /> •• � ' -�-�`'� the 8&id UNION TEUBT COMPANY OF N$W YOEB� Trustee, nnder the said MortAage Deeds, 'm '� <br /> , . of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of llecember,��87�3� hath � <br /> l ��/ cansed these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ita Yresident,.�.�,,,,,, ;� <br /> �� ......._.�.�...�.l./.11i>.:.lJ.. . ... ��L�....,✓"° �a^^iY�.v�-%�-d�-.dJ�ol.., •-a-u..�,�.e, te�., ��n,.,..rA. �u.e.-C..t...,.. •Zj " <br /> :, �z C�� o�-v1.�c+3 aa..d�4?u��`�his.......�-.�.,��+,�(-h���. ,. day of..�.� � . �� <br /> . r� ......................_, W ....�.�f.�C'.�. �c���:�: 18..g�,2,r •b <br /> � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, A •p <br /> �..F: Attest:....... .... ..t,.(�`c�`�lv.....���................Seoretary. ,� . - <br /> , �/ <br /> y � IN PRESENCE OF C ���J x � <br /> ,; . BY_•_•--._...✓.._�..J,.!!V'�.._���....�.�,aA:��:l[�.1............_.......Preeident. � <br /> � <br /> � ` <br /> � : <br /> � � � ��• ���5'��uv�'�y��� UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, � W ,` <br /> ..... ........... <br /> ,/� o (I �r� <br /> - .....1................5....:'....v............. .. .-��- ........._^ � • , ............. . . <br /> . �_...... �. p (�'�1' ////'�/� [J� - � D y ~ � � . <br /> � � � X/J �J...'""......��L-..�.�.I.......W��.���� ...�(�G�']',�Id�4. O ' , <br /> STA'rE OF Gi~����G�.:�,-„�� U <br /> �-��- -a�a� ' SS. <br /> C O U N T Y O F 5���*�"R�. <br /> , Be it ReMembered, That on this.............:.../�.�+.�.L�c�.n..l.�t,�...................................aay of.................... .. .. ............,. ......... ..�,,� D. 18 9 3 before me, a <br /> .. Notary Public, in and for said County, appeared the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COi1ZPANY, by '� � ��ita President, who is per- <br /> sonaliy known to me to b:� the identical person whose nama ia subscribed to the foregoing instrument as said Preeident and then and there <br /> `"1 s�. - � acknowledged the eaecution and�ealing of said Instrument to be his volantary act and deed, and the volttnt��ry act and deec:of said Company. <br /> - - �- '� '- In witnesa whereof, I have berennto se my hand and official seal this.........................� .�`—. .... ............:.daq of...:...............���.G!(.�c.�.............................. <br /> - A. D. 18 g 3 ,at the City of ,iu eaid County and State. <br /> � '3 ...... .._._...... __.. ... ... !.U..+_ _.�it�uu.s�.a..L. _.... .....Notary Public. <br /> , � TATE O'F NEW YORI�, ) - � <br /> } ss. <br /> ' 1 COUNTY OF NEW YORK. ) � <br /> � � <br /> '� Ba it Reme�nbered, That on this............. . ./_.Q!.,.._ _ ...._,..,.day ot.__.__.. ._,_��� ___ ....A. D. 18�3, before me,a Not�Pnblic,in and <br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OI' NEW YORK, by....�,�,;¢,,,�f�.�._.�Q. ,� ,......, � .....................its�esident, who <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical peraon whose name is snbseribed to he foregoin� instra ent as said�President, and then and tbere <br /> acknowledged the execution avd sealing of eaid instrument to be hie volunt�ry act and deed and the voluntary act and'deed of eaid Company. <br /> x,: In wltness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official ee�i this_.......................�..,0. �:.... ' o#'...------........... ... ... <br /> �-��....... ............•---- <br /> A. D. 18 4 3 ,at the G`ity of New York,in�id County and State. - <br /> r <br /> ........ti...-��! .... .. ... .. . . .........�............................... Pzclilac. <br /> I �. ,Notary a. <br /> , �� �O� � <br /> ., <br /> ,. - � � <br /> , <br /> ,�:. ... .�...��...___ . . . .. ... . . .. J�...�...... �.. .. . . � .. .. .�..,� .i•�. . � . ... � �..�. _.,... <br /> � <br /> �: ...,. .... . ��., . ��.:,:..._ . .:._.� ,.,., .._ . ...i_ v,.� :.:...y+Lu..?�..n-.�tM'9.... ,�.�. <br />