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,��. _�_ ..T �.-�__-�._._.� �, _ : _ _ __ _ __ _ <br /> � �� � <br /> e , � <br /> Deec� ��eco �-c� . � <br /> FROIVI <br /> FiLFn Fox RFCORn and entered on Numericxl Index this.........,._._.._._.�...� <br /> Union Paei�ie Railway Company <br /> Tp of_.......__....!Llio- e� ___._...A.D.1893,at_....._`�...........o'clock and--..__`_...—....minutes-----�-'-�'--�-�• ' <br /> _ � � <br /> ................................�.. ............ .... <br /> ...................._�..................... ...................... <br /> .................. 1 <br /> ....:_._ _ _ __ �'��,a..�......._...... ... .._. . ............. � <br /> County Clerk. � <br /> BY........................ ' <br /> ........................................................................................................................................ <br /> --__ ___._..._.___....___ __._.._-- - ..._ _...................__....._..................................... Deputy. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY_ ��"`"'°��'"`�• 559�� <br /> ZI1�I01\' DIVISI011T.-1TEBRASKA. Deed No...�,g.�..�� <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That tlie UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY COiViPANY, wliieh is a Corpocation formeci and exiating by the conaolidation of the <br /> .�AN$A% I�ACIFtd RAILWAY CU'lil'ANY�the DENVER PACIFIC 1{,EIILWAY AND TF.LL+'QRAPH G'UMPANY� �IId th0 �TNION PACIFIC�AILROAD �.'OAfPANY� under t118 eorporate II&II78 Atld SYy18 of the <br /> UNIOY PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, by authority oE'an act of Congreas, entitled, "An act to ai<3 in the construction of a railroad and telegr�aph line from the M�esonri River to the Paci$c <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of the same for postal, milit��r�and ot her purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amend�tory thereol;which said Comptany has eneceeded to and <br /> become seized and posseased of all the real estate aud property of the sa�id constitaeut companies, whether real, personal or miged,and, among other things, of all the land granted to said UxioN !, <br /> PACIFIC RAIL&OAD COMPANY by t110 afOPP.S�id�Ct-9 Of CungeeSC�in aid uf the construction of ita road,iiot conveyed away by s�id Compauy at the data of auch consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), � <br /> in consideration of tbe sum of....�J",�r�___�.�.�n��iu.,.c�_cv����...rZ� .��..�...d.-....�..................C...._............r._......._............. ...................................................................................:..Dollara, � <br /> to�t paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth herebq GRetvT, BAR(3AIN� SELL AND CONVEY� nnto.........._...... ................. . .. ...�°,.t�Fc.�,.a.,�.......................................................................,.......:.......... <br /> �� �1 <br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................of the County of..................�� the State of............�t.?..�..:G..�.�.�.�e.-�.......................................... <br /> the following described Real Estnte,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall anr� in the State of Nebraska,�nd described as followa,to wit:,,,,,,...........................................................................:.................... <br /> ......__�.��..__ �r�_...../�'r�r�._._�✓�.....G--u).C�✓.�-�a�,�.A�..�..__...._.........._...................�--�-�---------------- ......................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ......... . ........ . . __... __ _ ....... _ __ _..... _...._.. _...... ...... ... _..-�--�-�-�-�-�---��-----..........................................---...............................................................,........................... <br /> -••.....................................................................................................�--...................................................... � ....................................................................... ................................................................................. - -................_...................................... <br /> ____.._.....__ _._............................_......................................................................................................_............................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> . . <br /> of Section No........�.�.�G���.t�.vc.�..._......�J�i'/ Township No...........�„�,�.v..c.�......(�.�.�.........._•_....._North of Rsnge No...........�.x.j..(,9..�....r..x.t.�a./}� of the 6th Principal <br /> I Meridian, containing according to the United States eurvev tbereof...........................�.. ... .. .. ......�.../............�`f�5...../.......................................................................................................9cres, more or <br /> lesq, �beina the�s�ae-�revQiaes eetrtracteci fis be-selfi��...............................................................�.......................................................................................'bg.(3e�act P�e.......•••........ <br /> ................................................................. <br /> d#ec�-............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................._.....,.......__. .._._ ..............................._____._.......................................,........_...................................................................................................._................................._................................................................................._......................... <br /> To Have and to Hold the said premisea with all the rights and appnrtenancee therennto belonging nnto the said s;rautee,,.....�,�,;Q,,...,_..._heira and assigns forever,and the said grantor <br /> doth bereby covenantwith the suid grantee,that at the making of this instrument it is well aeized of tbe said premises as of a good and indefemsible eatate in fee, and hath good right to sell and con- <br /> vey the same, and that it will W�$$nrT and DEFErrn the title to said premises unto the said grantee,._.�,�,Q,....._heirs and assigns forever against the lawfnl claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> Exce¢1ti�ng, However,all taxes and assessmeuts levied upon said premises since........ . �,.,c�Q--t-��.�,v�__ �_G /��� . ..._.............-a�d e�ee�t a��r►iact �.�heimaa�ine��- <br /> bra�ces'creal�ti��lxrr�ribted'�ij;'�re�xgk;�`�saicl�.......................... � �� atrerr.eserrd,-liei�s er aeeig�s er'aay"of�-them- <br /> __..__ ____ _. _ _.............a`',... ..... <br /> _ ___ . <br /> AND WHFREA6 3aid UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dl(I on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.1SSi,esecute aud deliver to Cyrus H.McCormick,oi the City�of New York,and John Duff,of the Gity oi Bus� <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Compa�ny convevec�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff,as 7'rnstees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, among others the lands herembefore <br /> described; Axn WxESEns,the said Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oP writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortga�e deed,whicli <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxio.r PacrFrc Rair.ROnn ConTpAxY by its Board oP Directors, at a meeting thereof held on tliat day in the City of Boston and State of Massa- <br /> chusetts 7 Axn'W HNizFas,on the fifteenth da�•of October,A.ll.1873, B'rederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta�te oY�Massachusetts,wa,s duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus li. <br /> MeCormick,which nomin�.tion was,on the same day,approved Uy the Boa,rd of Directors of the said Uxiox PnciNrc RniLROan CoriraxY; Axll WasREas,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did, <br /> upon his aceeptance thereof,thereafter Uecome vested with the ,ame estates,powara,ri�hts a�nd interests.and char�ed with the same duties a�nd responsibiliGies,as if he h»d been one of the original Trustees named in and <br /> executing,said�ortgage.11eed; Axn WaFx�as,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> in such new Trustee �ointly tivith him, the said John Duff; Axn Wgxx,�:AS, the said Johu Duff did, on the fourteentli day of February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that efYect, re- <br /> sign his pla.ce as Tru-tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1377, accepted by the Uxiox Pne[Fic RAILROAD COffiPANY� by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of�oston and State of Massachusetts• Axn Wxr:REns,on the second day of Jul�]8S3 the Union Trust Oompany of New York,was <br /> duly nominate.d by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1„Ames,as successor to said John uff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�airteenth d�uy of July�lss9t approved by the xecutive Committee of the Board oP Directors of the <br /> said Uxtox PnciNic Rnzr.wnY ConzPnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed�u deed on the tlurteenth day oY July,7SS9,vesting m the said Umon'Crust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- <br /> terests created by said Mortg<u�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WxE��ne,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of sald trust, by siguing said deedq AND�VHEREAB, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did,on the fifteenth day oP July,iss�,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Moi�tgage Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth d�y ot <br /> July,1889, the Uxiux PacrFiC Rair.w:�Y CoMrnxY,by the Executive Oommittee of ita Board af Directors,�t a meetm�r thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and 8tate oL Massachusetts; Axu <br /> WxExEAe,no nommation of a successor,to flll the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,�he said Union Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> Axn war:xrvns,The said Uxiox PnciFic itaii,xonn Con7rnxY did;on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execnte and deliver to the IIxtox Txusx Con2rnxY oF Nrw Yos,x a cei�tain Mortgage Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Compa�ny of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purpoaes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WHEREAB� the saxd Uxzorr <br /> PaciFZC RnzLwnY CoazraxY,with the consent oP the Union Trust Company of N ew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage lleed of the sixteenth day of Aprii,A,D. IS67, and Trustee under the Mortga�ge Deed of tlie <br /> eighteenth day oP December,A.D.1873,ha�s sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real esLate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,,for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Umon Pacific Rtaflway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oE iV ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day oY April,1867,a�nd of the eighteenth d�y oY Deeember,1873. <br /> Now Therefore, Kxow Ai r.MEr BY TxES�PxESExTS, That tbe said UxION T&L7ST CObiPANY OF NEFV YOB,g,Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in eonsideration of the aforesa�id <br /> premisea and the payment as aforesaid of said eum, so paid by said Railway Companv to s:�id Trust Company for the uses and purposes aforesaid,does hereby R�ns�,R�L�sr and forever QuiT-CLeix <br /> n <br /> anto the said ........... _. . _...... ���... .��-e.,!1-e__�v.zJ --. _. ......................................... ........................ .................................... <br /> _... <br /> _... ...... _... . __ ....._ _...... <br /> the Real Estate described aforesaid, to e held by the said grantee free aud exempt fiom all liens, incumbrances aud charges of said Mortgage Deeds,of the sisteenth duy of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eigliteenih day of Ilecember, 1873, but suF:ject, ho��ever, to all the reservations and c•onditions hereinbefore contained. • <br /> IN PRESENC� OF a Witness �hereaf, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY CObIPANY, bath ' <br /> caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ite�,P,�e�s�i�ient, • :N °�s <br /> (� ' �='°"'�""��� attested by its Secretary, and conntersigned by its I.and Commiasioner and its Andi�r„�`�"`�"''�°1 'o � <br /> •- r l' '-� - �^��`""�-'� - - -- / the 3&ld UNLON TB,UST COMPANY OF NEW YO$B� Trustee, nnder the said Mort ga ge Deeds, �� '" <br /> � : a <br /> �,% of the sigteenth da y of'A pril, 15�7, and of the ei ghteenth da y of llecember,�l.$73, hath � ••� � <br /> q � � (..�Q� /� caused,tbese presents to be seated with its corporate seal, and to be signed� its;�lyiesident, ' � ^� <br /> ............�C2��Sl�.... 1,l.....�4:7�... ..................... ....... ,�.w�.o.�.a,,�,,,,�.,a-< a..,,,y�.,P,;.p..��,,,,,,u.,,...,,,�,�.-d,9^�,.t7t...1,,�_JZ�. �4,.�. � i�.°� <br /> (� ��.,o,a�.,�.�. .�,�,s���.,c,.�..�.,f�..��.��,. �:v <br /> r � 19................... .. . . ... .................., of..........�..�.�......`��P� �� �'s� <br /> ••.... ..A. D. 8.......... . '� . <br /> Atteet:................... .........,Secretary. •• �a � <br /> ���� � � ���� - � �� � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, A . <br /> IN PRESENCE OF �/ � � ' <br /> z 4 : <br /> G v--La/��� BY._._�.../�1.......�1��.......✓h�-.....�.��...................President. � <br /> (� : <br /> -°�����A�� �' � � ���� � � ������ � � UN10N TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, z v� ' <br /> I <br /> ---�--�--.✓/�`".r....`� ........G z'�... . . . . .. ..... 4.,,�/� . . . � � <br /> � —� Bs---......�y�..�.._.�'�`�.... dG� ........`��eP�eeident. °U ; � <br /> . ; <br /> s�rA�rE o� � � ss. v <br /> COUNTY OF . � <br /> ( �_ Be it Remembered, That on this.....�J�...... .. . ... ...�....... ..a�....... of..............`.�,��,P-�..�,.................... ....... . D. 18 9 3 before me, a <br /> � Notary Public, in and for said County, appZ�he'UNIO.T PACIb'IC 1tAILWAY COilIPANY, by � ita President, who is per- <br /> ���Q_� sonally known to me to b� the idevtical peraon wliose name ia subscribed to the foregoing instrament as said President �nd then and there <br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of eaid Instrumeet to be his volnntary act and deed, anck the volunt•iry act and deed of eaid Company. <br /> � ��:, <br /> In witness Whereof, I have Lereu o set my band and o�cial seal this,.,,,,,,,,. .�./ . `-._._._,_.._day of..................�.......,,_ .. �- <br /> �..,,a,aa. . ....... . . ..... _............. ....... '� <br /> A. D. 18 9�3 , at tbe City of ,in said Coimty and State. ;� <br /> � � -a�, � <br /> S T A T E O�F N E �T Y O R k�, .... ___ __._ _. .�%�G-�.��__ ____.__.......Notary Publrc. <br /> SS. __ �� <br /> CUUNTY OF NE`V YORK. � � '� <br /> Be it Remombered, That on this.,,_,. l.(J .,,,._,day oi_._ ____ _._.__._._. � ...A• D. 18 9� , before me,a Notar�nblic,in and <br /> _ . _.... � <br /> , . -�-�� <br /> for said County, appe.tired the UNION TRUST COMPANY OI+ NEW YOR , by.., a..w�/,1,1.../..�r....r.9... ._ .... .. ... ....its,�President, who <br /> � . . ............. .. <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is subseribed ta�'tbe foregafn� instram nt as sai sident, and tben and there ? <br /> acknowledged the execution and aea�ling of said instrument to be hie voluntary act and deed and'the volnntary ac�d of eaid Company. � <br /> In Witness �hereOf� I have bereunto set my hand and official seal thie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/.Q,_��......,.............,...,,,.,..,.,day of..,.,__,,,.,,L,!���v�t� ; <br /> .........._. ......... ..............._ <br /> A. D. 18 93 ,at the City of New York,in said Connty and State. <br /> , . , r ` <br /> ��y .e�r�.�.t.eA.�n-,.a.�vr�c.8 U 1 YR�" ..........�..s�..a�-�.�,o,/...���a..2�...`.C..��c�i.4�..... ....:......Notary P4rbEic..K � <br /> Q1 ...................... � <br /> , ��.;,, <br /> �..�.,.,. �� , - <br />�_s4..,_ -- I _ _ <br />