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� _ _ _ _ _ �.. _ � �_ � , <br /> I , � � <br /> Dee�.. I�..���a �c�. . : <br /> _ _ _ __ ._ _ __ ___ <br /> ,, <br /> ____ � o. _ . <br /> ' FROM � , <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company FIL� FoR RFCOxv and entered on Numerical Indeg th��...... .... ..... ...i.9.._�-.-........:........_... ..aaq <br /> To of...__......_......._.. . _._.A.D.189�,at-- ..�........._..o'clock and_�.�..�...minutes._..�.,..:.M. _ <br /> . <br /> /'� 1 ........................_.........:..........,..................................��........................... ............................... <br /> �/���:....:.c�t�c�....................................,................................. County Clerk. <br /> �(��'`''�'+� M .......... . BY._............................................................._....----........---'----...................................................................... <br /> ....:......... . \I I �...-.--� -lr✓?r(�. ........................................ . Deputy. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. � 3 � ` � <br /> U11TIOhT DIVIS�O1�.-1\TEBRASI�A. Deed No....�,.�....�..a.� <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO&IPANY, wbieU is a Corporation formed and esietingbytheconsolidatiouof the <br /> KAIQBAB YACIFIO I{AILWAY CUMYANY�the DL�'NVJSR PAC7FIC KAILWAY AND TELICCiILAPS CUMPANY� and the Uxiox Peci�ro RAILBOAD L'OMPANY� under th@ COPj10Taf� I2$trie AIId atyle of the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�SPANY,by aathority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph liae fmm the Miseonri ltiver to the Paeiflc <br /> Ocean, and to aecure to the Government the nse of the same f'or postal,military an�i other pnrpoaes,"approved July 1, 18B2,and acta amendatory thereot; wbich said Company has snceeeded to and <br /> become seized and posseased of all the real estate and property of the said conatituent eompaniea, whetner real, peroonal or miaed,and, among otb�r thinge,of a11 the land granted to eaid IIxiioN <br /> P�ciFic RaiLS.oen CoMraxY by the atoresaid acts of Cungress,in aid of the constrnetion of ita road,uot conveyed away by st►id Comp�,ny at the date oY each coneolidation(to wit,Jauaary 24, 18�0), <br /> � ,� � <br /> in consideration of tbe sum af...........�...G-��.............................. � .. Dollare <br /> .......( .....�....�...................�........................... .__ _................................................................................................................................ _ , <br /> to it paid, the receipt of wl�ich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRaxT, BASaAix, �$LL AND CONPEY� nnto................. .. ..... .........`. . .._...."��.�,�.,,...�. .......................................................................................:.. <br /> �/ v <br /> ........................... ....:..... ........ . ... .......................................................................of the County of.................lflt �,..Q�� i �,c�.q.�4, <br /> ...............................n the Btate of............. <br /> ....... .... a,,,..................................... <br /> the follow�Q described Real Estate,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as followa,to wit:.,................................................................................................:... <br /> --..._.. ...�.1.�......./.liCt'tir�,.�n,..._�.�d.l�✓1�........ . .. ... .. ._. . ..... _. _.'Clvtx,.....�.C�.1?��n.---�Cd.l�1�::'.....&�r....�s...G2S.%1:^:4lL�....�.`t!�.��...�Y..1_..i..r.��...�.z...�.n-.f.?�.1.....k�.lt�...�n...rl..."l�.. � <br /> ......����NWU�!��............... .. . .. .........'... .....�C/�/�c�.......�/"�/..__�/.�/.W...Nf/r-���y""^/"�✓"T".......... ... ............... ... . .. .....�'_.L-�.-�l..�...4�CJ.V..�/..................................'...................................................................y...........a.............. <br /> � <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ._'.__'......................................._.____.._................_........._._..._._......._....._._..............._..........._..........................................._........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br />', ..................................................................................................................................................................."".'...................................................................................._............................................................................................._.'.......................................................... <br />�. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br />�, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br />, �> � <br /> o�' �ect�on No.........�..�......�.......�..�.� Township No........�.�/ ��- 2�......._North of Range No.............�.. .. . . ..... /..�.,��of the 6tli Principftl <br /> ,..,..�,�,.... �,�. �.. <br /> Meridian,, containing according to the United Statea eurvev thereof........:......... .........�j.f...%. .. ..�„$'..Q.)............ ................................................................,......,:................................................Aeres, more or <br /> v� <br /> less, �eiao�tl�saaae rre�ees _ ....��p,�................................................................................ <br /> `'eTatect'............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> To klare an� to Hold the eaid premises with a11 the righta and appnrtenanceo therennto belonging nnto the said qrsntee,,,,,�,,,.,,_heirs and aeeigne forever,and tLe�id grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that'at the making of this instrument it ie well seiaed of the said premiaes aa ot'a goud and indefeasible estate in fee,and hath good right to sEl!and co�t- <br /> vey the same, a�nd thut it will W�HRnrT and D�FExD the title to said premiees unto the e�id grantee,...�,�.....beirs And aeaigns forever agaiust the lawful olaima of all persons who�teoever. <br /> Exceptleg, Haw@v�r,all taaes and assessments]evied upon said premises sinee. ...�../"Lv.��,��, )..� ._l_$'�.�. __ _..._.............................�nd ex�pb-agaiset-aa��ai�s erinettra- <br /> #�ss�ewpted'�P�lv�bh�Bh��rrua�i�:.:................... .. _...... ...___... ..... .... _. . __.. _.. ._ ..............�ec,.....................-�see�e�a;i�eirs ar-a�i8'�'��'hham <br /> AND WHEREA9 S�id UNION PACIF7C RAILROAD COMPANY(Il$ on the sixteenth Aay of April,A.ll.18Ei7,execuGe aud deliver to CYrug�i.Me(;ocmick,of the Clity of NeW Yprk,and John:Duff,of the City of Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of that d�te,wherein said Company conveve�to the sa,id Cyrus H.�eCorniick and John DuQ,as 1'rustees,for the usea and purposes therein mentior�ed,among othera the lamda here�nbe2ore <br /> deacribed; Axn Wx�sEas,the said Cyrus H.MeCormiek dfd on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.p.1878,by a proper instrument oL writing to that e8eet,reaigu his place as Truatee under said mort�age deed,w]%iu� <br /> resignation was on the fifteaa�tic day of October,A.D.1873�aCCBpLC$by th0 UNION PACIFI(:RAILROAD CQMPANY Uy its Board of Direetors, at a meetiqg thereoY held on that day in the City of Boston and State ot Iriass�- <br /> chusetts; Axn�Pa�$Fas,on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.is73,Frederick L.Amea,of Easton,in the 8tate o�MassaehuaeCts,was duly nomipated by the renpaining Trustsa,John Dn�,as �uccessor to said Cyrus$. <br /> MeCormick,wluch pomination was,on the same day approved by the Board oY Directors of the said Uxiox PnciNic ltaizaoen CoaTrnxY; AND W7iE$EAB by sueh nomination and approval said Frederick L.A�es did, <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the ,ame estates,powers,rights and interests and charged with the same duties and respon�ibili�iea,as if he l�d been one oi the o��p�,�Trustees named in and <br /> executing,said Mortga e,Deed; Axn Wa�R�ne,said remaining Trustee a conveyance, roper an�effectuxl Por that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the Gity oP Boston,vest the same <br /> itt such new Trustee jointly with him? the said John Duff: Axn Wa�s�na, the said �hu Duff did, on the iourteenth day oL February A. D. 1877, bp a proper instrument of writing to that e$ect, re- <br /> s�n his piace a�s Tru�tee under saad Mortgage lleed, wliich resignation was, on the fourteenth day oY Februsry,9, D. ]577, accepted b9 tho UrTiox PeQiFto Rstaxoen CoxPUVY, by the ERecutive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting t5ereof held on that day in the City of Boston and 8tate of Massachusetts Axv W HF.RICAB�on the second day of July,18�.the IInion Trust(lomp�ny oC New York,"was <br /> duly nominated by tha remaining Trustee,Frederack 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,whtch nomination was,on the t�irteenth day oY Julyr 1889t approved by the Bxecutive Committee of t�0 Board oi Directors of the <br /> said Uxiox PaciFZC Rair,waY ConzrnxY•and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day ot July,1889,vestuig in the said Umon'Cruat Company of New York,the estaLes, powerg, ng�ht��s and in- <br /> tereats created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;AND WHEREAB�the said IInion Trust Company of New Xork signifled its accegtance oi said trust,by s said deed;Axn�Va�x�ae, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,iss9,by a proper instrument in writing to that effeet,resign his place as Trustee under said MoTtgage Deecl,whteh resigna ion was,on the sixteentk dmy ot <br /> July,1889, the Uxiox PACIFIC R?ILWAY COffiPANY�by the Executive Committee of it Board ot Direators,at a meeting thereof held on that day 1n the Ci�y o1 Boeton, and 8tate o! Mae�achusetts; Axp <br /> Wx�xEAS,no nom�nation of a successor,to fill the vac�ncy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Amea,having been made,the said�Tnion 1Yust Company of New York becwme atid now�s the sole Truetee uqder <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprll,A.D.1867. <br /> AND WHEREA3�T$8 58�1(I UNION PACIFIC IbAILROAD COMPANY C11Q�OL LY10 BIghLOCRY,I](1$�OY D0CCL1D8[�A.D.1873,0x0CllEe 3IId deliVOT t0 th0 IINION TRIIBT CQMYANX OF NEW YORK&CRTE�III MO�g e Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and pnrposes therein mentioned,among othera the lands hereinbefore described; ANn WS�a�uAe, the 9aTd�Uxtox <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMYANY�Wltll the consent oY the Union Trust Company of N ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A,D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mott�alCe Deed of the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantae,for and in consideration of the aum aforesaid, to the Univu P4►eS,flcs $�allway <br /> Campany in hand pai@ by the said grantee,which said sum o1 money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company o1 New York,in its capaeity ae Trustee,for the uaes&nd purposea mentione.d in said Mortgsge �eeda of <br /> the sixteenth day oY April,18�7,and ot the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> Now Theeefore, Kx��w ar.r.MEN BY THESE P$E9ENT8� TYtat t$0 SaiCl UNION TTsQBT COMPANY OF NEYV YORB,Trastee in the aforeeaid Biortgage Deeds,in eonaideration of the �foresaid <br /> , premis�mnd the payment as aforesaid of said eum,so paid by said Railwaq Company to said Trast Company for the nees and purposes aforesaid,d�oes hereby Rs�raE,RsL�AB�and forever QIIIT-C.�.sIDi <br /> nntothe said ..........................................._........�n.t�....o����...__............................................................................................................._......_........................................................................................--.... .....................---�--...._ <br /> the Ret11 Eetnte d�cribed aloresaid, to be held bv the said grantee free and egempt from all liens, incambrancea and chargea uf ssid Mortgage Deeds,of the sisteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteemh day of Ilecember, 1873, bnt aubject, bowever, to all the reservations and canditiona bereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PRE$E�vCE OF In�witness �hereof, the said grantor, tbe IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY,hath ' ' <br /> �.-$ caueed theae presents to be eealed with its corporate seal, and t ei n 'ts E ident, � ti � •• <br /> � �, attested by ite Secrefary,and connteraigned by its Land Comm�one�tsG�r and a ;� <br /> ��v�'� �° the Sa1Q UNION TSU9T COMPANY OF NEW YOBB�Trnstee,nnder the said Mortgage D�eda, '� :� '" <br /> .....�....�.�:.......... <br />� /� � of the siateenth day of'April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of Decemb�' 73, hath . � :'� <br /> i �!�-�.��.�....`f.. ....... ......Ct�J..:.................. �.R.A�..�ta d�o�..x�,.��°ed th�e p,'.r.,�„�.�,a..�`A'"5�'c."t.s� 1���a�.,�°m�.�a�,.�O��.�d�y�ts resid�ent,� ,U <br /> ..................... `^^� ` <br /> I . ..... � � this.........V�✓�-�n.�. �!R..�t-n�r� of.........�.............'�.�... . . i p : � <br /> ............ ... . . . . .. <br /> A. D. 18.... � � <br /> J ....... .... . I <br />� Atteet:...............�.... n � -' .Glru.....................:Secretary. .. �;;a , <br />� �-'N- -C�^-��- �� THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF � <br /> ,� / � � q" z � , ' <br />� ; <br /> /� /� p c�/cr�Q�� BY_.�.�....��..../!`sf.,.....�..�.c.�,l.l.[kC............................._Preeident. � ,: -, <br /> .....�..a...Lr49.�....4'.N�-G,n.,... ..... .. . . �" �'. : <br /> ����� � UN10� TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � <br /> --._....-°°- p �p� <br /> .l:..�.....`-.......�.d�.._....... ...-°--°• B ` • , p � l�� <br /> �---- 0 <br /> ���1.�Xy q� Y...... ...Cr..�2.r...... .... ..>.............N��.....................V....(.S.�President. � : � <br />� STA'I'E OF , � <br /> � 1 <br /> COUNTY OF �� K. �� <br /> Be it Remembered, Thst on this........•••... .. .. ... ............. .... ....,....,.............,....•••.day of.................. . ... ... . . ...�..�..,.p�... D. 28 4' 3 before me, a <br /> Notary public, in and for said Connty, appeared the IINIOY YACIFIC RAILWAY COMP NY, by ��wn��ts President, who is per- <br /> �� eonally known to me to be the identical pereon whoee name is subscribed to t6e foregoing inatrnment as aaid President and then and there <br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of eaid Instrument to be his volnntary act and deed, and the volant+ry act and deed of said Company. <br /> In wltness whereof, I have beren toMse�my bt�nd and offici�l seal this.......................`%.....�"-.~.................---------de►y of..............Gn�wQ,.............................................. ': <br /> �,0� <br /> A. D. 18`j 3 ,at the City of�as�eny�in eaid Coanty and State. � <br /> ........_.........�. r.�._ _.�Gt�t..GL�.._.............. ._...... _, ....Notary Public. , <br /> _. <br /> STATE O�F 1�IE �7V YORI�, � ss. � <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. <br /> �� <br /> Bs it Rempmbe�sd, That on this.......................b ....✓ oi.•-•--..--------.------ . _.. .........A. D.•18 �3, before me,u Nota,r,y Pnbiic,in and <br /> • • `91f�e-t. <br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by,..,,... ..,�,�,,,qa.,,,�.;,,,_���„�,.......its,�President, wbo <br /> is personally known to me to be the identicsl person wbose name ia snbsaribed to t e fo�gOinq inetrament as sa& Preeident, and�ben and there <br /> acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said inetrnment to be hie volnntary act �nd deecl and the volnntary act and d�d of eaid Company. <br /> In INitness INhereof� I have berettnto set my hand and official seal thie_............................�.........�.�....�...........................;day of.....--•-•----..�r�!�, _. . ...........-----....._ : <br /> A. D. 18 q`,�j ,at the City of New Yor$,in esid Connty and State. � � ,` <br /> . .....�.��.c,�c�.rt.a......:�..... . a./.��-......��.R.r........................Notar�r I'�tblic. <br /> . Y <br />