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___ <br /> � �� _ <br />� � � � De��.� ��.�co �c�. . <br /> FROi14 �� <br /> FrLEn Fox RECOxn and entered on Numerioal Index this.......................I.,.3,:;........,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,.., <br /> �� Union Paeifie Railway Company ,l_ - � <br /> I� T� o�..................�..Yl�(� .. ............A.D.189 3,at_-•---�---....o'clock and.._._.1/.........minutes,..�::..M• <br /> Ii � ��� � I <br /> ' . .....�� .!../... ..L�2�. .... ..........._.�................................................................ I <br /> /� �_ p ,... � <br /> i ........ ... .. .... ....._.. .... :.......J�'.4:.�u�^�.�............._............... ` Gountp Clerk. <br /> � � � <br /> i ........ By.......... ........... ........................................................................... ........ ...................................... <br /> I �----_:_._...._ ____.. .._.._._ _____._.. <br /> _. _...... ` Deputy. <br /> ------ a, Uv . t�6 B �-�— � <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> ITI1TZOhT DIVISION.—iYEBRASKA. Deed No......�..g...�a../4 <br /> I Ki'lOW aII M@Cl by t�'leS@ PP@S@C1tS� That the IINION PACIFIC RA.ILWAY CObiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and eai.gting by the conaolidation of the <br /> I KANBAS PACIFIO I2AILWAY COMPANY�the DENVER PACIFIC BAILWAY dND TELEG4RAPH COMPANY� &rid the UNION PACIFIO RAILEOAD COMPANY� under the corporate name and style of'the <br /> UNION PACLFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY,by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military and other purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1862,and acts amendatory thereof, wbich said Company has succeeded to and <br /> � become seized and poss8ased of all the real estate aud property of the said constituent comp�n'tes, whether real,personal or mised, and, among other things, of all the laud granted to said UDTIUN <br /> + PdCIFIO KA2L�OAD COMPANY by th8 BfOPC3Rid&Cf9 Of Congee88�in aid of the construction of its road,i�ot conveyed away by said Company at the date of euch consolidation(to wit, J�nnary 24, 1880), <br /> I ' ' � 7� `-�� � 7 'S_l I <br /> in coneideration of tbe snm of .���fG._......._.. . _ ..GC.i�c�Q.?.... t�,.�.�,�.x.�.:C�.�vs...GF.f.......��..� . ._.. .�.... :.........1.............. ......... ...:..:................:..Dollara, <br /> 2�c:.�yl�,. . . <br /> � C J ' <br /> � to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRaxT, BAxc�aix,S�LL AxD CoxvsY, nnto.........._.....�����l.�,��...:..� :.,,. <br /> �� ..:.of tha Countg of.:.....:.::...:.....::1'�...���� the 8tate of...............���.a...........:................. <br /> the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in tbe County of Hull and in the 8tate of Nebra�ska,and described as followri,to wit:..................::.............................................:.......::......................:.... <br /> _.._...... �/�.e� ....�,�.c�--i��....._v��..�J�_.:.�g/�--c�-�c.�, . . .:_:.r�. (�.c�:v�P�......�/`�.��....q.���:��.�.�c�.�.�:`}'r".`.�..��..��....�.�S,�.G..�1...:.—�i..T. .�.�. <br /> �� <br /> , p <br /> �) ......�!L_�,..._.u�-�.._.�L1.....,���—�?....l�.l........a�s�.._.... .. .. ... . . ...�.,_`3�._.....u-��._........... .... . . .- . .- �--�-�----��----�--�-�--�-�--.:...............-----------�-- ................................................................................:........ <br /> I ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:........................................................................................................................... � <br /> ---- <br /> i _.....................................................................................................---........................................................ - - �- �-........................._..................................::..:. <br /> ;I __........................_....._.._...............................................__....._......_._............._................................................................._......_............................................................................... <br /> I <br /> ! •-•------------------�-�--- �--�-- --�--�-� - --...- - --....-�----------_--- ----- --...--- - �-- ----�-�--------�------........------�-----------•��- -•-•---•--�-��---------�-�--�--��-�---�-�-----................:...._••-------�----...-------------•--- .......------.._.........-----.........:...........................---------.... <br /> ( --------- I <br /> � ----•--••------�----••-------•-••-----------------�----......-�----.........----�--�--� ----��--------�--�----------------•--..............................--- .......:............--� - - --................--���- .........----�--•-----......_..--------�- <br /> ----•--•--------•---------------------•----•--....__......._.....---.....-•----•---------.._..__.........._......_.. <br /> � ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..................:............. I <br /> ................ <br /> L of Section No............... ...�:b.:�......--.---..:................................... TownahipNo.:.:..:��. ��:J.:......:.............North of Range No �....SL..4�.J �,3i-a/�'' of the 6th Principal <br /> . ... ..... .. ...... <br /> i� `�tn-�.. . g' <br /> , 0 <br /> I� Merid�an, containing accord�ng to the United Statea survep thereof....(��....�y.�,. ...... . . .:. . ..........�.v:-,�'.�,......�..�.0�.......�.,,(....u.'-U................... ........... . ..... ........A�, more or <br /> I� <br /> i� les9,�g Che-�sa�ae �re�ises co�a�ed �a-.Ae..�L�'e�..............................................:...............................................................................J.................................::...�� �...............:......'................::....:...............:..........:...:.... <br /> �� <br /> , <br /> i� "d8ted- .............................................................................................................................................................................................................:...........................................................................................:.................................................................................:...:...::....:. <br /> ; ......................................................................................:...............:..::...........:........................................................................................:........................................................................................ <br /> I ................................................................................................................. <br /> � ��p � <br /> _.. ... . _. .. _. . ............ . . .................................................................................. .... ............. .. .............................................................. .......... ....................... <br /> ...... ..... .. <br /> �i To Have and to Hold the said premises withall the righte and appnrtenancen thereunto belonging unto tbe said qr�ntee ...�w�?,�,._.heirs u�nd assig ns forever;and t�e said' grantor <br /> �i doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at tUe making of this instrument it ie well seized of the said premises as of a good and indefeasible estate in fee, and hath good nght to seli and con- <br />, � vey the same, and thnt it will W�,$$nrT and D�F�Nn the title to aaid premises nnto the said grantee,...:.�,`�y�,�,__:heirs and assigns forever againet the lawfnl elaima of ail peraons whomaoever. <br /> p 9 . . � . p . . _ . __2.8�'�_ � 8� �J .........-����-����*'�-� <br /> i � Exce tin , However all taxes nnd assessments levied n n said remtses since... ._ � <br />'i !� �b�unees c ' �r�h�-��............................ __. ._ .......... _ __....... ..... ....... _....._ ............. .......�...........:..... ....�'-__ ,._..00;....a „s �,._.._ <br /> � AND WHEREA9�S3,Id UNION PACTFIC RAILROAD COMPANY CI1CI on the sucteenth day af April,A.D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus Ii.Mc(;ormick,oY the City of New York,and John Duff,oi the Citv of Bus <br /> ton,a certain Mort�age lleed of that date,wherein said Comgany convevec�to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 1'rustees,for the uses and purposes tbereia mentloned,among others the lands hereinbefore <br /> i descTibed� AND WxExEas,the sa�id Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth da9 of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign lus place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,whi�h <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of OctoUer,A.D.1873,accepted by the IIxiox PeciFIC RniL�,oaD CoaTrnxY by its Board oi Direetors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the Citv of Boston and Btate of Massar <br /> � a <br /> ohn Duff as successor to said e H <br /> chusetts;Axn'Ws�sr:ns,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,J Cyrn <br /> � MeCormick,whieh nomina.t?on was,on the same day ap11TOVP.(1 U}'CYIP.BOaPCl OP DSPOCtOTB Of Lh0 981Q UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WHEREAS�b}'SllCh DOIIl1It2LIOD&Ild approval said Frederiek L.Ames did <br /> upon his acce�tance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the -ame estates,powers,r�;hts and intarests,and chac�ed with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had been one ot the or�ginal Trustees named in aa[� <br /> executing;said Mortgage.Deed; Axn WaE�Eae,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectuai For that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.A 1873,at the Cfty of Boston,vest the same <br /> in sueh new Trustee �omtly with him� the said John Duff; Axn WHERICAB� the said Johu Duff did, on the fourteenth day o1 Februa�q, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oP wizting to that effect,,re- <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteentll day of February, A. D. 1s77, accepted by the Uxtox PactFiC RAILROAD COMPANY� bq the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoi held on that day in the City oF Boston and 8tate of Massachusetts•Axn Wx�xEas,on the second day of July is89.the IInion Truat Company of New York,was <br /> ( duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick l,.Ames,as successor to said John vuff,w'hich nomination wae,on the t�irteenth day of Julyt 1889t approved by the L�xecutive Committee of the Board of Directors of the <br /> said Uxiox PaciFic RniLwnY CoMraxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth daY of July,]88�,vesting m tha said Umon'frust Company oi 1�Iew York,the estates, powers, rights and#n- <br /> th aid IInion Trust Com an of New York ' 'fled its acce tance of said trust b s' in said deed•Axn WaEHiAe <br /> rt a e Deed 'oint� with the said Frederick L.Ames• Axn Wa�xEAS, e s p y s� �? � : , <br /> terests created by said Mo g g � y � Y <br /> i the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fitteenth day oP July,1889,by a propei instruxnerit in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mo gage Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth day oi� <br /> I� July,iss9,accepted,by the Uxiox PnciFic RaiLw<�Y ConzrAxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directoi•s,dt a meeting thereof held on that day m Lhe City of Boston, and 8tate of Massachusetts; Axu <br /> Wx�REas,no nommation oY a suceessor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resfgnation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company of NeW York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> I tha said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1S6Z• <br /> Axn WHERF.AB�The said Uxiox PaciFic 1tniLxonn Co�raxY did,on the eigtiteenth day oY December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxtox 11tus2 ConTrAxY oF N�W YOxx a certain Mort�a�e Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein aientioned,atnong others the lands hereinheLore deacribed; Aivn WHS�rae, the said UxioN <br /> �I PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wlth th0 CO1l50IIt 0Y Lh0 UIIlOII TTU3t COIIlp any oY:vew York,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oY the sfxteenth day of Aprii,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of ttee f <br /> eighteenth day oL December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real estate hereinbePore described,unto the said grantee,,Por and in consideration o1 the sum aforesaid, to tha IInion Paciflc Railway � <br /> � Company in hand paid by the saidgr antee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mantioned in said Mortgago Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day oY April,1&67,and oY the eighteenth day oP December,1873. � <br /> � Now Thsrefore, KNOw er.L MEN BY THESE PRESENT6� That the said Uxiox T�vs2 CouPAxY oF N�w Yo�,Trustee in tha aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in conaidermtion of the aforesaid <br /> I' premises and the payment as aforesaid of eaid aum,so paid by said Railway Companv to said Trnst Company for the nses and purpoaes aforeaaid,dcea hereby R�n�isE,REL�A9E and forever QIIIT-CLAI� ', <br /> unto the said ............. 1,.�i�iiG'i/t/.��w.....��......... _....... . .............. .......................................... .. ...............---. .........:......................... <br /> _ . _......_............... ......... .. . . .. <br /> the Real Esta�te described aforesaid, to be held bv the said grantee free aad exempt from ail liens, incumbr�nces and charges of said Mortgage Deeda,of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> { eighteenth day of December, 1873, but subject, however, to all the reservationa and cronditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> � IN PRESENCE OF / � In Mfltosss whereof� the said grantor, the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, flath <br /> �� `�� cauaed these presents to be aealed with ite corporate seal, and to he signed by its,P i t . ; : <br /> attested by ite Secretary, and conntersigned by its I,and Commissioner and ite Au"di or,�an � o :° <br /> I �• -' � � ��-�- -- - - • the S&ld UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NEW YOEB� Trnstee, under the said Mortgage Deed�, � � � <br /> ' of the eizteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December,y�i h�th :� :� <br /> /}� I /� caused th�e presents to be sealed with ita corporate seal, and to be igned by its res�dept,�-r2w� • � <br /> . o ` <br /> I� ........�.�...1.�.:�l.L..s.1../.�/.� �,1...... ...... ..... �X�.,_,�.�o��..xR,.,a�.d,cw.cG tA�..� A.o.....-a. o � ..J.o(8uw.d, � <br /> � U . this....... .. .. ...��^...�.`.�„�d'..�� .�.�...�... ��� � � 4`� � ; . <br /> .. aq of......... YC.�4�t�tn.�n�,....._...A. D. 18......... .. ;,� . <br /> jAttest:.... .�,.�. C�'��Z�..���..r<t,%t.�..:.:. .............Secretary. ����� UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, _ Q J';'� � <br /> I� IN PRFSENCE OF � � <br /> z � : <br /> /� /� p� t <br /> A..��a.k� BY._..l.el1..�.......�1..�....�..�......�..�..�...�'G............................President. . � � . <br /> �I ....�..:.� , .��'�`°- . . .. . . . .. - UNION TRUST COMPANY OF N�W YORK, TRUSTE�, z � . <br /> ' <br /> �^�.�,,� . . �r -� ��: <br /> � ; <br /> � -------.--r-.f.. •` ,+. ....... . . . . .. ................... -�� By_•---.... ...G/21.._�.�_.��. _.. .... . ... ...... ....U.�resident. U . <br /> c<.� G�� <br /> STA`I'E OF ) <br /> o.�� ' ) SS. <br /> � COUNTY OF . ) , <br /> � Be it Remembered, That on this..: ........:. . .:.. . .. ......... .... of............... .. ..��......�.....�... ...�...��D. 18 4 3 before me, a <br /> Notary Public, in and forsaid Connty, appeared tba UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�ANY, by �zg, itt3 President, who is per- <br /> i �/j „ sonally known to me to be the identical pereon whose name ia subacribed to the foregoing instru�nent aa aaid President and then aod there <br /> b�x��� acknowledged the eaecntion and sealing of said InstrnmeLt to be his voluntary act and deed, und the volunt.�ry act and deed of'aa�id Company. <br /> I , <br /> IIn witrtess whe�eof, I have Lereun �se,t�y hand and official seal this ...:.,.. .___._.__day of................ . <br /> I A. D, 184 _ .. <br /> `,j ,at the City of B�ea�.in said'Connty and Btate. ���..................... . .. ............... <br /> ..._.....____ _�.._.�._t....�Ct/�t�., __ ....Notary Fublic. <br /> � STATE O'F NEW YORI�, � <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORK. sS. <br /> �; Bs it Remembered� That on tbis......... _� .. .... ._ y -----... . _..:...... , , �ublic,in and <br /> i ._.....da oi-------- .��� •A. D.18 9 � before me a Notaxy_ <br /> � for said County, a � � '00'� <br /> ���� ppeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by,��,,,.,�,�__l�{_„Q2 .......... ......................._.,...its,�President, who <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical pet�on whose name is subscribeci to the'foregoing inatr e�nt as aaid President, and then and there <br /> acknowledged tLe egecution and sealing of said insfisument to be hie volnntary act and�eed and the voluntary act and deed of eaid Company. <br /> In 1Nltness wheraof, I have herennto eet my hand and official seal th�s ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�. �,.... ...:___ .....,day of._„-.-------.���� <br /> ... . ... .............�-�--- <br /> A. D. 18 4 3 ,at the City of New Yor�,in eaid Connty and St�ate. <br /> �t�,� t .�� ��wcin.�Sav �5��t4 9 S °�..:�.�..O.n.ICl.,o.._�.,..C�r. ..�..s.,.....�nn�.X�...............................................Notary PziLlic. <br /> V n, • <br /> . ' <br /> � . „ <br />