� . _ _
<br /> �
<br /> 2� �
<br /> De�� ��.��� �c� .
<br /> . _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _
<br /> _ _ ____ ___ ___ _ _ ______.__ _____
<br />_ .__ __ . ___ _ ____ o.
<br /> _ _ _ __ _ ____ __ ___- _ ___
<br /> FROM � �
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company F�ED FoR RECOxn and entered on Numerical Index this..... .......................... ............ .. ..day
<br /> TU �.v.l A.D.189.��at�--.....,��............o'cl a
<br /> of_.... .. ....._........ '-._.......minutes_�....M.
<br /> ' �
<br /> ��
<br /> .................................•••••............. .........................._�........................... .................................
<br /> ....��0�!�_. . ... .. ......................................... ............................................. . .
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> BY........................................................................�---�-�-----................---........................:................................
<br /> ' __._......___......-----_................................................................... Deputy.
<br /> U�IO1hT L?IVISIOl�.-11TEBRASKA. Deed No..l.�..v.�..�.�.�..`�....
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObiPANY, which is s Corporation formed and egisting by the consoliciation of ttie .
<br /> KAN6:18 k'ACIhIQ RAILWAY CUMYANY�L}le DLrNVL$PACIF7C KAILWAY AND TELIC(3&APH COMPANY� and the Uxiox Pecr�ia RAir,xosn G'OffiPANY� under t218 COPpOT&t8 L8II70 &DCI style of the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the eonstruction of a railmad and te]egraph line from the Mi�onri Hiver to the Pacific
<br /> Ocean,and to secure to tbe Governmeut the nse of the same for postal, military an�other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,�nd acta amendatory thereof, whieh said Company has sneceeded to and
<br /> become seized and possessed of all the rea�l estate aud property of tha said conatituent companiea, whether rea1,personal or miaed,and, among other thin�,of all the land granted to said UxioN
<br /> PACIFIO RAILBOAD COMPANY by th aforesaid e of Congreas,in aid of the covstrnetion of ite road,iiot conveyed away by said Company at the date of euch eonsolidation(to wit, January 24, 1890),
<br /> in conaideration of the aum of_. ./Y�., _ � > ..� � b �°
<br /> _ ,�YVy1 �l�....G'v✓.!�(.....:���r�y.........._�.._��...��..............�......................._......................................._................................................................................_.................Dollars,
<br /> / /� � � , p
<br /> to it paid,tbe receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRaxT, BASaAix,SSLL AND CONVEY� nnto.........................(l(:�i�o.,�GL.........L��'(.G..C,�.............................................................
<br /> ...................................................... ........................ :.............................:...........................................oF the County of..�� � ...in tbe St�te of........ � � .
<br /> ...?!l.�rL.t�..�.:� . . .... ......... 4�..���r�:�................................................... �.
<br /> the foliowivg deacribed Real Estate,situate,lyin� andbeing iu the County of Hall and in the 8tate of Nebra�ska, d deseribed as followa,to wit:,,........................................_,,,,___,.,,..,,,,,,...,.......__..,.._..,;,,,,.._,,.,,...,
<br /> .................................. _ _ ..._........___...___.._.............. ...._._......_..__...._....--_ - __ ......._..................._..............---------------�-----..._._......................_...................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ......'.__....... ......._..._...... ._. ._..................... ........._._..............................
<br /> �f .. ..Y......................................................................�---..............-°-�------..............--•--..................................._..............................................................
<br /> (��'�.....�i.�........ .....��....1/���.�,�-�....�'.v z..��-....�.��.........'�.j.�'r'..�`�J................_.........................................................................
<br /> ............. ... � .......................................................................................................
<br /> .---.--...- - _ _ ____....... _____ --........ .......�........._....................... ._.... �-� -� - .........-.--................__....................................................:............................................:.......................................................................
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................... ....... ....................... ...................... ..........._..............................._..........................................................................................................................._.
<br /> ............ .... ........_..... ............................._ ..................................................._................................:................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .--�---------��-�-�---�---��-�---�-�-� � - ----- --- -�--.._..-----�-----�----�............. .�-�-��-�-----�--�-�----.......-�-------.....----�---.........------------........-----�---�--�----��------�-��-�-��--�---�--�---------�--------......_.......-----._......_......._....--.-------------...-�--�----�-��-----..-�---........................-------�--
<br /> ...................................... ...................... ............................................................ ............... . . ....................
<br /> . ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> � /� �/�, n
<br /> o€ �1ect�on No........ . ..... . -..!�?�-......... k�.:Jl..............................,...........in Township No.. �d.�w:!f.r��c- U� .North of Range No.......�:�.xf�....U...�...........�.Y....✓.e�t�............of the�th P�ncigpl •-
<br /> ................,..... ... .................„
<br /> B�Ieridian,,oontaining according to the United Statea �urveg thereof...................... �,2C�;�r�.......(.�� ........,...............:..............:.. ,... ..,.......,.................:..,....,... ........�eraa, moTe or
<br /> .. ................................. . .
<br /> , 1�ei�a 'c�n'-=-� � / .
<br /> less �tl�- �rnes� c ttr.............................................
<br /> cTated_...................................................................................................................................................:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:....
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ................ .................... ............. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> To 11are end to Hqld�he said premiaes with all the righta and appnrtenancea thereunto belonRing nnto the eaid qrantee,,,,;;�............heirs and a�igns forever,and tl�yai� grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at the making of this instrttment it ia well aeiz�d of the id premises as of a goud and indefeasihle eetats in fea, and hath good right to sell and eoa-
<br /> vey the same, and that it will W�$$arT and DsFEr7n the title to eaid premiaes unto the sa�id grantee,....,.. .y..,._...heirx and assigns forever against tLe lawfal daipos of all pereons whomsoever.
<br /> ExCapting, However,all taxes and Assessments levied npon said premises since...... . _ �. /0 �J '
<br /> G�'v-t�y_ ... , _...._. __. _. _......... _ ..........a�������
<br /> l
<br /> b�esr.r�ted ec p�eTa��l�a�-�er�i�t.-................................... __ _......_ __ .. __ _..... ............ .�---•---...................�R�e�r�eira ' 'bi�eaa
<br /> �xn Wa�cx�as 9�d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY(Ild on the sixteenth day o�f April,A,ll.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus Ii.Mc(;ormick,of the City of Nevr York,and John Duff,oi the G�'ty of Bos
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyivs$.McCori►tiek and John p�,as 1'rustees,for the use�and purposes therein mentioned,among othere the Iands here3nbetore
<br /> deaeribed; Axn WHEREA9�t11C S&LCl Cqru s H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.i$'73,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Truatee under said mort deed,whiu�
<br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox pncxNic RaiLxoAn CoasraxY by its Board o!ll#rectors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the CitY of Boston an�te oi ]taes
<br /> ehusetts; Axn'WaNxFAS,on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.1873,Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Btate o�A3assaehuseCts,was dul nominated by the remain' T►vstee,John Duff as suecessor to said Cqrus
<br /> McCornuck,which nomination was,on the sama daq approved by the Boa,rd of Dfrectors of the said Uxiox PnciFic RAir.ROan CoMBaxYy Axn Wasa�AS by such�nominatton and approval said Frederick L.Anles di�
<br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the 5ame estates,powers,rights and interests and char�ed with the s:�me duties and responsibili�ies,as if he fiad been one of the original Truatees named in an�
<br /> executing,said lYiortgage.11eed; AND WHER�AB,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper an�effectual for that purpoae,dated on the twentieth day ot October,A.D.1873,at the Oity of Boaton,vest the same
<br /> in sucn new Trustee �omtly with him� the said John Duff; AND WHEREA6� the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day oL Februa�Y A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writin� to that e$ect, re�
<br /> sign hie place as Tru•tee under said Mortgage Deed, wl�ich reaignation was, on the Yourteenth day of February, A. D. is77, accepted b'y the IIxiox Pec[Fic Rnir.xoen Co�PSxY, by the Exeeutive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoE held on that day in the.City of Boston and 8tate oi Massachusetts• Axn WHEREA9�on the seco�d daY ot July,ise9.the Uruon Trust Gompany of New York,was
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I,.Ames,as successor to said�ohn Duff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�ir eenth day of July 1889 appTOVed by the 7Lxeeutive Committee o1 the Board of Director9 ot the
<br /> said Uxxox PnciFZC Rnir.waY CoaiPnxs• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a�deed on the tlurteenth da_y of July,�8�,vestuig in the sa�d Un�on'fruat Colmpany of New York,the estates, po wers, rights alnd in-
<br /> tarests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the safd Frederick L.Ames;AND WHEREAB�th0 83SfI IIIIlOII Trust Company of New York signifled its accaptance of said trust,bys�gn�ng said deed;�ND WH�$TA9
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the flfteenth day oi July,1889,by a proper uistrument in wi�iting to that e�eot,resign his place as TrusCee under said Mort�age Deed,whieh resignation was,ou the stxteenth d8y 0�
<br /> July,1889�2CC0pt0$,by th0 UNION PACIFIC ROILW.IY COMPANY�by the Executive Committee of it Board ot Direetoi�s,at a meeting thereof held on that day 3n Ehe City of Boston, and 8tate oi A�IassaehuseLts; Ax"v
<br /> Wx�x�AS,no nommation of a successor,to Hll Lhe vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederfck L.Amea,having been made,the said{Jnion 1Y�uBt Company of New York beoame and�ow is the sole Truatee under
<br /> the said Mortgage lleed,dated the sixteenth day of Apri�,A.D.1867.
<br /> Axn WHERICA9�Th0 Sald UNION PACIEIC ftAILROAD COMP�NY d1CI,on the ei hteenth day oL December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Urriox 1Yausx CoazrnxY oF N�w Yoxx a oertain Bio e Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Unfon Trust Company of New York,as Trus�e for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hetelnnefore deseribed; 3rrn Wa�x�a8, the�d Uxios
<br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent of the IInion Trust Company oY N ew Yor�Z,sole Trustee unqer the Mortgage Deed of the siacteenth day of Ap1ti1,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the ortga�e ed ot the
<br /> eighteenth day ot December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as mbove set forth,the real estate hereinbefore desaribed,unto the said granCee,.4or and in eousi�leration of the xum �foresaid, to the�ntp6 P� ga(iwa
<br /> Company 3n hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its ca.pacity as Tru�tee,forthe uses and purposes mentfoned in said Mortgage Deeds of '
<br /> the s3�tteenth day of April,1867,and of the eighteenth day of December,1s73.
<br /> yo� Therefore, Kx��w n�.L MEN I3Y THE6E P$ESENT9� That the said Uxtox T&osT ConzpAxsr oF N�w YoRS, Trqstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the pforesaid
<br /> . prexpiaes and the pa e t as aforesaid of s�id sum,so paid by eaid Railway Companp to eaid 7Yv.st Company for the us�s and purposee aforeaw�id,doe�hereby R1�nir�,Rr�as$and foreve;QIIiT-(�a�[
<br /> unto tLe said 1/1....�i� ..(%!/:t��ot�.. -
<br /> ... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................•--...........:...........---.......-�--�--� ;
<br /> the Real Estate described aforesaid,io be held Uy the said grantee free and exempt from all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deeds,of the sisteenth duy of April, 1867, and of thg
<br /> eighteenth day of December, 1873, but subject, bowever, to ali the reservations and cunditiona Lereinbefore contained.
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF i i�Y���� � In witness NherYOfr the eaid grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,�ath .
<br /> l/7��,(C, caased these presenta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by�its Pr ide t _ �
<br /> attested by ita Secretary,and connteraigned by ite I.and Commiasioner and i&�24�[it9�f an"�'` ' a .�
<br /> \ �,- ;
<br /> ..... ..�..��,���............................................... ;� •
<br /> the 9&ld �.TNION T$U9T COMPANY OF NEW YOEg Trnstee nnder the said Mort�gre I�eds, �
<br /> of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1$73, hath 1 `•� � 1
<br /> � „ caus d these presents te be aeal �ith itg corpora�seal, and �e signed��t�;;Y�resident, '� : ;
<br />� ..... ............a.,........... .:. .. . ...,.................... t� ,��,,,�wG� /�l'n..n"� �/Jr»,.�G
<br /> i ' this.............. — � �
<br /> ���h-��.""'J .�C/t✓ . . >"�r*tiG............../.._day,o;........���.� ...../.�..................A. �18..�'�...�.... :q : j
<br />, . � � �Q . .
<br /> Atteet:.....���z'�Il�.../���7iL�..r.�vY:......................................S etary. � .. �,� • �
<br /> IN PR�SENCE OF � � � .
<br /> � - � " � ,�/ � :
<br /> � � BY-• ............. C%:��z./.11l...Cl...._....-�-----�-------...............••_•••••...Preeident. N d :
<br /> r r....... , � : .
<br /> � ��� ��������������� �� ������/������� ��� �'���������������� UNIO�T TRUST COMPAN OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, � �
<br /> �!���� 0�� . �-L� � _
<br /> ` � , � �
<br /> ......• --. ...�:��t!�.... . ................._ �-� BY... ... . .. :.. _.... !�/2G;President. � �
<br /> r _..............................�2: � , •
<br /> s7rA�rE o� , � � � � � � � �,��
<br /> COUNTY OF .� � � , Y
<br /> . -/ '.� �%
<br /> Se it Remembe d, That on this . . .... . .. .. ...................................day of......��.. ,._�/`,.�„�-,........... . .�/... ......A D. 18 �� befor� me a
<br /> Notary Public,in and for said County, ap .ar �e UNION PACIFIC 1ZAILWAY C6MPANY1 by . . itx� President, who'ie per-
<br /> sonally known to me to b� the identical per n w6ose nama is subacribed to the foregoing mat�{�ment as said President and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the eaecution and aealing oFsaid Inetrnment to be his volantary act and deed, and the volunt�iry act and deed of said Company.
<br /> � �/�
<br /> In witness Nhereof, I have bere to!�my n�a �na o��� �ta��s........��... ........................... ......._day of...... .�!`'�.Gr!l.�............................................
<br /> A. D. 18 9 c�3 ,at the City o���rt��`"'s,'in ewid Connty and State., �
<br /> ........ ........._......_...___... _..... . ...... ....L�i�!Z��
<br /> ...............Notary Publrc. .
<br /> STATE O�F NEW YORY�, �
<br /> .;.
<br /> ss. �-
<br /> Be it RemYmberYd, That on this.,r(.4 �. ..._,...,day ot...____..____ ,��_... . ..�. . 18 %� , before me,a Notary Pnblic,in and �
<br /> ,
<br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNION TRIIST COMPANY QP NEW O$K, by.,, .,.c.,v„r�r�.v..._:.. _.._. ,.., .............l�A ��'
<br /> ��{'�.............. ........ '�resident,w�o
<br /> � is personally known to me to be the identic�l pereon whoee name is �nbecribecl the foregoinR inetrhment as eai�resident, and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the execution and sealing of spid inetrament to be hie voluntary d deed and the volnntary act and deed of said Company.
<br /> Jn �Itness whereof� I have herennto eet my band and official eeal thiq, �:0 � ,. ., ,dsy of ��� �`
<br /> A. D. 18y .. .. . _ .. .. .......-�-•-----•••-
<br /> .
<br /> .. ........
<br /> � ,at the City of New Yprk,in qt�id Coantg�ypd St�te , `
<br /> ......... . ........ ........ ...��.�T/ .�... .�.✓..e����Z��......... ...............Notary .PKbdic.
<br /> �� ���-� � /� �— �.Yfl� ' „-fL
<br /> . i -
<br /> � � . � . . . ..:.
<br /> � � r+�. ,,:v , ',. '
<br /> L ._ x,..___ __ _ _.�___._.. _; _ _.
<br />