. �
<br /> L�e�� ��.�'��►�rc� .
<br />� _
<br /> ________ o. _ _ . _ ____
<br /> FROM L� GC
<br /> FILED FOR RECORD &llCl 6IIt0P0C1 on Numericxl Index this...................... � �
<br /> ...............................................day
<br /> �Union Paeifie Railway Company �
<br /> TU °f--.__._.. %�"( .. _....... .....A.D.18�,at..........�..... --o'cl k and.._._—._........minutes...�.r.'C....M•
<br /> , �
<br /> ......�
<br /> l%" V ................�'... . ......... �,-J ..............
<br /> _.._._.........__._..___._. ........_..,..._.._......... .................................................................._
<br /> ...� ...... ........
<br /> ' � County Clerk.
<br /> BY.............................................................. ;
<br /> � _------------------------•---..................................................................
<br /> - ______._..... _ - .. .__.:... - -�. ..............
<br /> ...................................................... Deputy.
<br /> THE l.lN10N P �# CIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY� � `����� � �
<br /> II11zIQ1hT DIVISI011T.--1�EBRASKA. Deed No.��°..�.�..°�..�....
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL`'VAY CObiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and esigting by the coneolidation of the
<br />, � KANSAS PACIFIO.RAILWAY COMYANX�the DL�'NVER PACIF7C 1LAIL�pAY AND TEGI�(}RAPS COMPANY� fln(1 tLe UNION PACIFIQ RAILROAD (10MPANY� nnder t118 COPp0e�t8 ri8p10 and style of the �
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CUYIPANI', by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Miasonri River to the Paci$c
<br /> Ocean,and to secnre to the Government the nse of the sa�me for postal, milita�ry aud other pnrposea,"approved July 1, 1862,and acts amendatory thereo£,whieh said Company has aucxeeded to and
<br /> become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said constituent companies, whether real,personal or mixed,and, amon�other thinga,of all the land granted to said UNioN
<br /> PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY�Jy Ehe a id act3 f Congress,in aid of the const�uction of its road,i►ot conveyed away by said Company at the date of sneh.consolidation(to wit,Jannary 24, 18�0),
<br /> in consideration of the snm of.........J.��r�'UL[.�Ci... c�'� ��/� . � �c%�U `�
<br /> ..........-- ..... .............................................. ............ .................... ...................... ._.. ..........................�.... . .............................................................................. .... u r
<br /> Dp aT8
<br /> to it paid, tbe receigt of wHich is hereby ucknowledged, doth hereby G$ANT, BAfiC}AIN�SELL AND CODTP�Y� nto. ...........................� rvu�v 9�
<br /> ........
<br /> , ... . ......... ......... . ........
<br /> ............................................ . . .
<br /> ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... .........................of the County of...._.............����..�Zl-�............................. in the State of.....:.........6�...1.�..../,1�1..!..�-:...........................................
<br /> the following deacribed I�eal Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the County af Hall an�l in the State of Nebraska,and described ae followr,to wit;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__....._._...................................................
<br /> ........................................ ...... ......................._...............................�---.....-----....---•---................................•••.............................................................._...........,...........................................................
<br /> .......:...._................................_ ..........._....._.............l............. ........ .. .
<br /> ...... . ..............__........ ........................_..--------•--- - ..
<br /> • ----- -..�............................----...........................................
<br /> ...................................................
<br /> ......................................................... ..... ....................... ................ .......... �/.r... ............�y-�........................................-..........�........��b'.J.......................................................................................................... .
<br /> _............................................... . ............................................................................................................. ................................ . ..... .....:... ..... ............................................. ..................................... ............ .. ................. ..................................
<br /> ... ... ..... .. . ... ... ... .. . . .. ....... ......... . ..... .................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> --�------------------� - --� �- -�- -... - ---�---...- �--��--�------------------------- ...---�----------�------------....-�-------�---�-------��-�--�--......----�---...---....._..._......---�----��---�---�.------.......--.-------�-��-�--------......------........-----��-�--------....-.----------...-�----------�---------�-------------._....-�-----......_.._
<br /> ........................................n...... . . . .. ........�............................ .... ....... .... ... . . ...................................r.
<br /> . .......................................................................................... .... ......................................................._
<br /> ...... .................
<br /> f!#� Section No..........:d�!-�'...�...�...... ................... .....1..�..v./.,,r.............in Township No......................... � .. ...North of Range No.........................,�% �/ �Y1�G� of the 6th Prim ' 1
<br /> ... ............L. .... .. . �••..�...................... �P�
<br /> .....
<br /> Meridian, containing according to he IInited States anrvey thereof............. ............................................. ...........��GF;,�.... �.�.U� ......... �crea, more or
<br /> less, beine t,li@ s�ce Prentis�s oea#rnebeci #,e�be- se�d tey:.........................................
<br /> @atec}---..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..................................
<br />, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................
<br /> To Heve and to Hold the said preuiises with all the righta and appnrtenancea therennto be]ongin nnto the eaid qrantee,,,,,,%�......_heus and a�iai�na forever,and the�id grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the aaid grantee, that at the making of this instrnment it is well eeiaed of the sai remLSes as of a good and indefeasible eatate in fee, and�ath good right to sell and coR-
<br /> vey tbe same, and thflt it will W�B,xnrT and D�FExD the title to eaid premises ttnto the said grantee„�,.,_.., _.,....beire and assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persous whomsoever.
<br /> ExCepting, HOwBVBr,all taxes and assessmenta levied upon said premiaes since......���-��..t� /��� .a� daee�sgaiask��asy-e�ui'a:e m�-it�eu�- ;
<br /> bTSnees�e�o�"�ie3'mitted�b�-thl�ngh-�e�un e ' ��y�,,,
<br /> .. � ........................... _...__ ..._...... . .......__. _......... _ ......___. _._............ ...or....- --.............g�ora�hei ,
<br />� ,AND�YHI�REA9� 831d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus H.Merormick,ot the City of New York,and John DuB�O�Lh8�'ilt9 O B S
<br /> ton,a ce�t�in BQort age lleed of that date,wherein s�id Company conveved to the said Cyivs H.MeCoru[ick aud John Duff,�s'I'rustees,for the uses and purposea thereia menyioned,among others the ]�nds here3nbeEor
<br /> deseri6ed;ArrD�aEREas,the said Cyras H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June;A:i1.iS73,hy a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,reafSn his as Trustee under said mor�age deed,wlii�
<br /> resignation was on the flfteenth day Of OCtObBT�A.D.1873�2,CC8pt0$by Lh8 IINION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by i�ts Board of Directors, at a meetSn�theteof held on hatday ih the City o4 Boston a n d 8tate oi }f9a
<br /> chilsetts;ANV'4VaNxFae,on the Sfteenth day of October,A.�.1873,Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8tate o�➢3assach�isetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Truste9,John Duff as suecessor to said Cytua
<br /> N'
<br /> ick which nomination was on the same da a roa. U th. r '
<br /> B�eCorm , , y pp ed y e Boa d of nirectors of the said Uxiox Pnci�xo Rair.x�oan CoMrAxY; AND WREREAS bySUCh nomination and approval said FTederiek L.Amas
<br /> upon his acceptance thereoP,theTeafter become veste� with the �ame esta.t�s,powers,rights and interests and char�ed with tho same duties and responsibili�ies,as if he llad been one of the ori�na 1 Trustees named in�
<br /> eaecuting,saad Mortgage.7)eed; Axn WHE1tEA9,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance, roper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day oi October,A.D.]87$,at Lhe Clty of Boston,vest Wie sabl?a ;
<br /> in sucn uew Tiustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff: AND WHEREAS� the said �hn Du� did, on the fourteenth day oi P'ebruaay, A. D. t877, by a proper instrument oi writinR to that e$ect,}'�- ';
<br /> sigrt his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth dsy of February, 9.. D. �877, accepCed' by the IIxiox PACtFiC Rwtt.Etoan ConzrArrY, by the Exectitxve
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directoes,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the,Qityof Boston and Btate of Mass�chusetts• Axn WHEREAS�on yhe second da�y of Jul is69.the IInion Trust(7ompany o1 New �ork,was _�
<br /> duly nominatxd by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Du�,which nomination was,on the t�irtec+nth day of Julp,1$S8t ap�oved by trie�xecutive Committee of the Boeerd of Directors of tho
<br /> said UxioN PnoiFic RaYLwa�GonzrnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day oi J'u1y,�8a9,vesting in the said Umon�rust Company of New York,the e9tates, powers, rights'and in�- "�
<br /> terests created by eaid Mortga�e Deed �oint�y with the safd Frederick L.Ames; Axn WxsR�ns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled ts 8cce tarice of�ud truat,by a��ino said deed;AND Wa�x,�Ag
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the Hfteenth day of July,1889 by a proper instrument in writin�to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under s�d bI �a ge Deed,which resigva�ion was,on the sigteenth day o� y
<br /> July,i889,accepted by the Uxiux PnciFiC Rair,w<1Y COMPANY,'by the Executive Committee of its$oard oL Dixeetora,at a meeting tiheredf held on that da�y in the City�of Boston, and State of 1Kassachnsettsq AxU
<br /> WasREae,no nomination of a snccessor,to flll the vacancy caused by the resignation of said Frederick�..Anmes,having bee,n made,the said'�Jnion Trust Company oL New York became and�w is the 9ole�'ivstee under '
<br />� the said Mortgage veed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D,is67. "�
<br /> 11ND WHEEF.A$�Th0 Sal(�UNION PACIFIC KAILROAD COMPANY(Il$�OIl tY18 Q1gI1t80IItL Cl&j'OY DCC01llb8T�A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IINiox TxusT CoatraxX oa Nsw Yoxs a certain Mortgage Deed ��
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefote de9Crib�; Axn WssaEAs, the satd Uxiox
<br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY GOMPANY�wrth the consent ot the IIaion Trust Company of N ew Yor'k,sole�Trustee�`uhder�the Mortgage Deed of the�sixteenth day of April;A.D. 2567, and 7.Yvstee under the Mortgage Deed oi tlte �.
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above 5et Porth,the reatestate hereinbEioYe described,unto the said grantee,.tor and m con�ideration o�the sum aforesaifl,to the Union Yaelflc 8ailwa `
<br /> Company in hand paid by�the said granteo,which said sum oE money has been paid W the said Union Trust Co�ripany oi N ew York,in its capacity ae Trustee,for the uses and"ptirposes�tentioned in said 11#ortgage Deeds of �
<br /> the sixteenth da�y o!April,lss7,and oY the eighteenth day of December,1s73. ° �
<br /> Now Therefore, Kxow nr r.MEN BY THEBE PB�ESLNTS� That the said Ux N T&UST COMPANY OF NEW YOB�fi, Trastes in t�e aforesaitl Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the �OTC8d1(1 �
<br /> premises and the ent as afor said of said eum,so p id by eai Ra�lway Com y to sa;d Traet Company for the nses and pnrpa9es aforesaid,do�hereby RsML!3H'y R�.EASE and forever QUI�C�,A�t
<br /> unto tbe said ......._.. Gf�v�....... . .....:.. . . .
<br /> �G�L�j�t/�� `� �
<br /> ........ rr�.... _.... ..._ ..""`'L'(, _ ..... .......................................... . .. ... .---�-�--......
<br /> .... ;
<br /> the Real�state described aiores:�id, to .held by the said gran ee f'ree an�exempt fro�n ail liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deecls,of the aisteenth day of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> j eighteenih day of Deeember, 1873, b ubject, however, £o all the reservations and eonditions hereinbef'ore contained. � :
<br /> i IN PRESENCE OF In witness �hereof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC $AILWAY COMPANY, hath,
<br /> � cauaed these presents to be aealed with ite corporate aeal, and to he signed by its P i �n,� - I ��;
<br /> 1� �C attes�ed by ita Secretary,�nd connteraigned by its I,and Commiesioner and ite A°u'��a'"n�"� ' a °
<br /> � ; "�G��� �� j the 8&1$ ITNION T$UST COMPANY OF NEW YOBg� Trnstee, nnder the said Mort�e D�eds, �� � '
<br /> ,,//� of the aisteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1873, hath � � �
<br /> � �// _ caused t ese preeents to be sealed with its�o r�te seai, nd to be si nec�.by i�iden� ,� �:C
<br /> ....1._'.t.�!........ . ...... �, __
<br /> , ,v����d-�� ,ca-"",,,,L �c�j �l�..o r,�-, q�,(.,iu� e..� 'c°�
<br /> ' �Ci,,�vC c�,n,�m�wT�1e..........�........e.�..-.d.�4�<v..����� Y ���-V.-.rarru4.�...h�.......� A. D. 18...�9� ?a � ;
<br /> .. c:L�.....da of.......... ................ ..., '•
<br /> Attest:......... ............................ ......... ..('.�v. .Y.......................................Senreta�y. `� '
<br /> THE UNI P CIF R WAY COMPANY, � � _ _
<br /> I FSENCE F ' �
<br /> /�—� z : `
<br /> ,..��/�...... ...................................... v✓ >� B�--_. �........ ..........!.._....................�.---�--�•-�--�--�--.................-_-••••_...... ent. .y
<br /> � Presid � : �
<br /> ....... ... .. �
<br /> � I �c�,,(
<br /> —. ...... .... ... l..�.................................. ..... ... ----
<br /> , :
<br /> , � .
<br /> G` �.,..... � '
<br /> . ,: ;�
<br /> � BY/. ............................... .................... ................_......................�".�L...Prnaident. � : + ��', +
<br /> STA'rE OF S, C%���
<br /> � � � ss. /'/ ��
<br /> COUNTY OF S�`QIti . � v
<br /> Be it Rema sred, Thmt on this.,����-�� �// ' '
<br /> ........ ......... ....................................day of.....�.C.l..��?��....�J.. ... ... . ...A.`D. 18 y� before me, a
<br /> � � Notar�Public,in and for said Connty, ap�Teon wh eNname�aCsnbscr bedL�Ah COM�PA gY,�y➢men�iy�ide trandetlien and tbere r
<br /> ��G�, . �� sonall known to me to be the identical '
<br /> ���L acknowledged tl�e eaecution and sealing of said Instrnmert to be his volnntary act and dced, und the volnnt��ry act and deec:o said Company.
<br /> % , In Mlitness Nhereot, I have hereun hand and officimi seal this....,�.�.........._.................................._day of............/�"(�i� ;
<br /> A. D. 18�'� ,at the City of in said County and State. .............................................. .................... �
<br /> .......__...._..__ ....____.. . ..._...._ .....Notary Pubtic. !
<br /> ii/'�W'�/
<br /> _ .. ..r....._...._..... .. _..... _.._.........
<br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, �
<br /> COUI3TY OF NE`V YORK. ss. � ',� �
<br /> _�\ Bs i«Remambered, Tbat on tbsa.......1..�. .... ....... .. .........aay o,.-----......... - ----.... __. .._..:...�• 18 ��, before me,a No�P�blic,in and �
<br /> l =
<br /> for saad Connty, appeared the UNI013 TRBBT COMPAI3Y OF �T�W YOR , by..... ..�,�. ..m..�...�. . ...... ......... ...........................its�President,who
<br /> is peraonaliy known to me to be the identicai person whose name ia snbscribed the foregoin� inetrn nt as sai�resident, snd�then and there '��
<br /> acknowledged tbe egecntion and sealing of said instrument to be hie volunt�y d deed and yhe Yolnntary act an deed of said Company.
<br /> , .µ <�/ ;
<br /> = fn 1Mftness Nhereof� I have herennto eet my hand anc�officia� seal thie. ,,,.,.... .�� ....... .,.,,.d$y of..,.,.�.`�,l.�!.!?�C_.
<br /> A. D. 18 9'� ,at the City of New Yor�,in e�ad�onnty and State ................. �-� --�-�-•----•.
<br /> .. .. ..... ....
<br /> .
<br /> �%d/'��� V /d� Notary .Ptcblic.
<br /> -•....... ........ . .... . ............. ......................... . ..�.:......
<br /> _ .,...........:................... :;
<br /> //„ ��OVVt i�vv �7` �CVl Uk �-v �0'/�✓' ✓/�ii-rl'��U�/�
<br /> �,
<br />