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�,�_ ' <br /> Deec�. ��eco �-c� . .� <br /> _ .__ <br /> � <br /> � �� � �� o. __- _____ ___ _ _ <br /> FROM �Q <br /> Fir.FV FoR RF.CORD and entered on Numerical Index this......._..,.,.__._...,..�_.,���l`�...................d�9 <br /> �Jnion Paeifie Railwa� Company : <br /> TU of.... ....._..����i��lv .. ....A.D.189 ,at - ...��......o'o ck and _... - - -minutes_. .�f.�...M• <br /> ......_.._....._ �.��G��.�%�....._.��[i��t°C%%"�/ ... ..........................�................................. ....._�........... .... ................................. <br /> ............ � .. ..... County Glerk. <br /> BY................................................................ <br /> . .. .... ..... ..................... <br /> ____ __..___.__.:_... __.._.___.- _....._...__ _............._..._............._................_............. Depntp. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. �'�����i�- <br /> UNIOh� DIj7ISI01�7.--11rEBRASJ�A. Deed No...�.�C.....��.� <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, Th�t the IINION PACIFIC RA.IL�VAY CO�iPANY, which is a Corpocation formed and esiatingbytheconsolidationof the <br /> �ANBA3 L�AUIFIC RAILWAY CUMYANY� th0 DL+'NV1SR P�ICIF10 1LAILWAY AND TELEC#RAPH C.�UD3PANY� and the UNION PACIFIC RAILB,OAD COMPANY� llDd81' ttl@ corporate name &➢(� style of the <br /> UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY CO\4PANY, by authority of a�n aet of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railro�d and te;egra�ph line from the Missouri Kiver to tha Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of tl�e same for postai, military�n�l other purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1852, and acts amendatory thereot; whiCh sa�id Company has succeeded to and <br /> become seized aud possessed of a!1 the real estate aud property of the said constitueut companies, whetner real, personal or mixed, and, wmong other thinga,of all the land granted to said UNiox <br /> PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Uy th0 Af01'PSaid aCtB Of Congres.g,in aid of the construction of ita ro�d,not conveyed avaap by said Company at the date of sach consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), <br /> in eonsideration of' the sum of.............�✓U!/�/.c✓/.T�YI!/,�lIGY/G�� .✓Gt%Yti�� .....�� _. -.--.�....�'��..i�(i��...`����.0...........................................--�---..:.----.......................Dollars, <br />! to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GxaNT, BAa,aaix, ELL AND CONVEY� nnto..................._......_.....�%7�iG2?%li�O........�G?�!��/�T�Y✓.... ...............................................:........ <br /> I, ............................................................................................ .....................................................................of the County of.........................:/7G��i!/ tbe State of..............i����F!./.:G�D/.l!'.i.G..t�....................................... <br /> the following described Real Eatate,situate,lying andbeing in tbe County cf Hall an�i in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to wit:...,.................................................................................................. <br /> . _..._. _�--'� -...... __ ..._ ---. __ ... ._.... ............. --/�---------�--- .............................................................................................................,........................................................... <br /> ............ .......__. . �%��/�_ I���2%�!�E'v i�"/��PO� . ��/�-P!11........._�...`"....��..........---_.... --�--.......... -.................................._....._..... <br /> L! ....., .... . <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> _._.._....__..._... .._..........................._....................__....._................._....................._._..__....._......._................._......._..........................................................................................................................._............._...._.............................................. � <br /> --------�---------�---�-----------------------------------•------•------------------------------•--••--------------.....--------- � <br /> ...............................................................................:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................ <br /> of Section No..........................�.���/...........�..�.`�..._� Township No.......�.A,�fl:t:.fl./.!i.�..�,/,.,Z�......•••••...North of Range No..........i�...��... .I./��....of the 6th Principal <br /> Meridian, eontaining according to tbe United States snrvev thereof....,,,,..�Y/�l:' .... ...... ....... .. .......,��'jy/i�.�i:.�° ..,.. �if./..//.�/......�.`z`�.�.�Cl�,q.�....���?0.....................Aerea, more or ' <br /> , (.. .. . <br /> leas, ' a � ........................... . ..... ................. ........ ..................................... .... ......................b�:.ce�-�Fe•.....................................,..........................................._ <br /> � .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> .........................................................................................................................................................:.................... <br /> .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,........................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .. .... _.._... ......... . .. ........ .._......_.. _..... . . . ...... .. ... . ..... ......................... ........ . . ..... .......:......... <br /> ... ... . . <br /> To Have and to Hold the said premises with all the righta and appnrtenances thereunto belonging nnto the said qrantee............. .... ............heirs and assigne forever,and the said granter <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at the making of this instrnment it is well seiaed of tbe said premises aa of a good and indefeasible eatate in fee, �nd hath good right to sell and eon- <br /> vey the same, t�nd that it will V�'�B$arT and D�Frxn the title to aaid premises unto the aaid�rantee, _..��p..,.heirs and assigna forever againat the lawful olaima of all peraona whomsoever. <br /> ExcBpfing, However,all taxes and assessments levied npon said premises since.... ..._ //�iG2�!_.ZLfi_ l��'r3 ... ..._.. . _................. . . . <br /> � _ n o e�a. <br /> . . ..�.._..n.,...., .. <br /> r � ....... ........... ........... ....._.... ..._._._. ...... ....... .... .�... .... <br /> Axn Wa�:REne,8ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A.D.lssi,execute and deliver to Cynis H.NIc(;ocmick,of the City of Naw York,and John Duff,oY the City o1 Bos <br /> ton,a certain NToi�tgage lleed of tha,t date,wherein s�id Company conveved to the saici C,yrus H.MeCormick and Sohn Dufi,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes tLerein mentioned,among othera the lands herembefore <br /> deseribed; Axn WxFxEns,the said Cyrns H.McCormick did on the twenty-eiglith day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instivment of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,whiuh <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1s73,accepted by the Uxrox PaciF ir,Rnir.xonn CoNlrnxY by its Board oi Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massa- <br /> chusetts; Axn'WiiN:xFa�,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.i8i3, N rederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�blassachusetts,wa�s duly nominated by the remaining Trnstee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick,which nomina�tion was,on the same day,�pprove.d by tl�e Board of Directors of the said Uxzox PaciMic RniLxoen ComPaxY; AxU WxEREae,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Amea did <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the �ame estates,power;,riahts and interest ,and char�ed with the same dnties a�nd responsibilities,as if he had been one of the original Trustees named in a•n� <br /> executing,said Mortgage,lleed; Axn WaFxEas,said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper a d effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same . <br /> in sucn new Truscee �owtly with him, tl�e said John Duff; ANll WxNR�ns, the said John Du did, on the fourteentli day oY Febraary A. D. 1s77, by a proper inatrument oY writing to thaG eHect, re- <br /> si n his la�ce as Tru-tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the foui�teent ds�y oP February, A. D. 1s77, accepted by the Uxiox Pac[Fie RAILROAD CObIPANY� by the Executive <br /> g P Y <br />, Trust Oompan of New ork was <br /> the IInion , <br /> LLl S89 Y <br /> CommiCtee of its Board of Airectors,at a meeting tliereof Ueld on that day in tbe.City of Boston and Stat of Massachnsetts• Axv WxF�F.�s,on the second day of J y,i <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as 4uccessor to said John Dnff,w�ich nom' ation was,on the t�irteenth day of July,1889t approved by tl�e L�xecutive Committee of the Board oP Directors of the <br />' said Uxiox PnciFic RniLwnY CoMnaxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thir eenth day of July,]88�,vesting iu the said Umon l'rust Company of New York,the estates, po�cers, righte and in- <br /> id M rt a e Deed 'oint� witli the said Frederick L.Ames• Axn WaExEns the sai Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust, by signing said deed�AND WHENEAB� <br /> terests created by sa o g � J 3' <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oP July,188�,by a propei instruxnent in writing to hat effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resigvation was,ou the sixteenth day ot <br /> ,Tuly,1s89,� the Uxiurr Pnci�zc ItoiLw�Y ConzrnxY,Uy the�.xecutive Committee of its Boa d oY Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day �n the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axv <br /> WxEREns,no nominatiou of a successor,to flli the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L Ames,having been made,the said IInion Tivst Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.13G7. <br /> AND wHERICAS�The said Uxzox PaczFrc 1twiLxonn CoMraxr did,on the eighteenth day of D cember,A.D,1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox TxuBT CoairnxX oF N�w YoRK a certain Mortgage Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses a d purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinhefore described; axn WgER�as, the satd Uxiox <br /> PnCiFiC RAiLwAY ConzYAxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company oP 1 ew Yor� sole Trustee iwder the Hiortgage Deed oY the sixteenth day of April,A:ll. IS67, and Truatee under the Mortgage lleed oi the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.is73,has sold and conveyed,a,s above set forth,the real esrate hereinbe re described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union Paciac Railway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said rantee,which s�id sum oY money has been paid to the said Union Trus Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeda of <br /> the sixteenth day of April,is67,an�of the eighteenth da�y of December, 1s73. <br /> Now Therefo�e, Kxow ni r.MEx BX TxES�Pa�sExTS, T17at t118 S&iCI UNION T&Q8T COMPANY OF NEW YOEK, Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Dceds,in consideration of the aforesaid <br /> premises and the��yment as aforesaid of said eum,so paid by�'d ilwag Co pany to said Tru Company for the uses and purposes aforesaid,dces hereby R�Mis�,R�LSAS�and forever QIIIT-CLSiu <br /> ( unto tUe said ._.. _._ .. _ . �!i'..,��G?%C%��..__.�����:'/li1�✓......, _.... __... ... ....... ............................................ ........°--°-...---� ............................--°- <br /> _ <br /> tbe Real�state cje.�erihetl aforesnid, to bP held 1�v the saici grantee iree anci exempt fro�n all liena, ineumbranees and eharges of said Mart�age Deeda,of the sigteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteenih day of' December, 1873, but snbject, however, to ali the reaervations and cunditions hereinbefore contsined. <br /> IN PRESEVCF, OF In witness Whereof, the sa�id grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hath <br /> cansed these presents to be sealed with ita corporate seal, and to be signe� its Pr�si en� � � y <br /> � attested by its Secretary, and countersigned by ita I,and Commiasioner an i fi'di�o , � o :.� <br /> -�r✓ �!��� - `�P the 8ald UNION TRUS'C COMPANY OF NEW YOEB� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage De�,eds, ��� 'a <br /> ,...._.. � <br /> �fJ �� o f t he sixteent h da,y o f Apri l, 1 8 6 7, an d o f t he eig h t een t h day o f Dece m b er,,,��7 3, h at h •� <br /> // �J j/7 pca/]'7g�e_d,t,h�e/se� presents to be sealed with/its��(l��r'ppprpate senalp and to be signed b�V{ i�ts"�6p"esident, , q <br /> ............. ...�[,Q..,....:�.:......C✓.�...� .... ..O"Y.C.�......... y i y l.v-�co���i W��w�/a 1 'a darc d r i r�i.w r�t G t G.v�/�.�'�j L w.w'a G 9� �M"t u o e(�,{'�,�r/.�/3 o o 2.L O� $ <br /> a o n a • ' <br /> ,&,L+t�.,� tbis..........%�?�!�e�-� of................�G�..... ......�.........A. D. 18.��..... � '� � <br /> : a : <br /> Attest:,....,...........�!2���.....,�C���?�......._................Secretary. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA Y� '. ,� . <br /> � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF �/ f/� - , / z � <br /> BY-••••••-.--....��r.:...��....1(/.�f.�...�!l�..--��.............................President. � � <br /> �� ��� ���a� UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTE�, H � <br /> .......... ............... ��f�����. ..... -�a� , z : 5'� <br /> ,�/ �j � � �/ . . � <br /> ,1�.. /��._�� ' <br /> ,. G��'!�'G..4. . .... ��� By.................... ..Gt,�.._u%�`.� _�G%;G��.P..l................�``.S...S.c��resident. o : . <br /> STA'I'E OF , <br /> � ss. <br /> COUNTY OP �.���� ^� y�� � <br /> Be it Rememb red, That on this.........�/,�(it/........ ........ .�,r,i�!� .day of................���f.(!G.{./1.1.......s.. .� ... A. A 18�� before me, a <br /> ........................ . <br /> Notary Public, in and for said Convty, appeare he UNIOlv YACIP'IC RAILWAY COMPANY, by , itA Pmsident, who ia per- ; <br /> Q� ,, sonally known to me to b� Lhe identical perso whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrnment $s xaid President and tben and there . ' <br /> �(f�� acknotivledged the eaecution and sealing of sa,id Instrument to he his voluntary act and d� aud the volunb:ry act and deed of said Company. � <br /> In Witness whereof, I have here�to��s�t my hand and ofiicial seal thie................_.....�i.�..__...._._......----.-._�Y of............������.........._............................. � <br /> A. D. 18 g.� ,at the City of B�sto�, ln said Connty and State. <br /> ___ ___ .._ . ._:. �. Y-/?l-G�%J2O _.__ .__.._.._............Notary PuBlic. <br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � : <br /> ss. - <br /> COUI3TY OF I3EW YORIi. • �" <br /> Be it Remembered, That on this,.... �C� � _ ut,--- --.___._.�,�,��� __ .......A. D. 189� , before me, a Not��Public,in and � <br /> ,��- _ �/ � .:� <br /> "- for said County, uppea�red the UNION TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK, by..,....... .Cf'./,Y2?.,�.....�17.:.....� . .. ................._ite�President, who ., <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical peraon whose name is subscribed to e foregoin� instrnment said �ie`s'ident, and then and there <br /> acknowledged the execution and se�tling of said inetrument to be hi�voluntary act an deed and the voluntary act antrdeed of said Company. ' <br /> ,��� , • � <br /> in Witness whereoi� I bave berennto set my hand and official seal this...................................�D..� of ,.-----.���._.__ ...... ..............._ , <br />�,! A. D. 18 CI�3 ,at the City of New York,in said County�nd State. - , <br /> � -...................._.....................(C/��2�9.......�..... ...A..�.l.......i�!��i!�P.........Notary/ P+cblic. ; <br /> . , p/ ' <br /> : "-� <br /> � . .. . - . ^'�.1 <br />