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:�. <br /> ��� <br /> Deec� ��eco�-c�... <br /> FRObi = <br /> Union Paeifie Railw� Com an FiLEn FoR R�CORD and entered on Numericai Index this.,..._.. �.� .._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,day <br /> � p y ,, ,,-Q <br /> � TO �f. __..._:- __.. ... .....A.D.189�at-�- ...�. .......o'c and..c�D ......_,minutes_�,.,M. <br /> _ �' !�� � <br /> �t � <br /> � .................................................. ............•••••......._�..............................................................., r <br /> �vG, .. . <br /> .................. .. ........................._....................__....._........:........................._...................... � <br /> Countp Clerk. <br /> Y............................................................................._................................................................................. <br /> i <br /> ---� _ ___._. _. _.______ _...... <br /> _.. ... ........ �i/�, /, c <br /> ,� yy�ya.� /'vll; c�`��G O> — � Depnty. <br /> THE UNION PACfFIC RAILWAY COMPANY_ � � <br /> U1�I01� DIVIST07�.-1�EBRASI�A. Deed.No..��........1. .,/ � <br /> iKnow all Men by these Presents, Th�t tne UNION PACIFIC RAIL`'Vr1Y CO�iPANY, which is a Corporation formed and egisting by tHe consolidation of the <br /> � KAN8A8 L'ACIFIO RAILWAY Cu➢SYANY�the DL+'NYE&P.�CIFIC 1{.AII,WAY AND TELL+'6RAPA CUbfPANX� STId t118 UNION PACIFIC Re�I3.ROAD �701tPANY� under L�16 corporate name &tld 8ty18 Ot th0 <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILIYAY CO.lIPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the constructiou of a railroa�i anci telegraph line from the Missouri 1{iver to the Paeific <br /> Ucean, and to secare to the Government the nse of the same for postszl, military and ot her purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acGs amendatory thereof;which said Companp has aucceeded to and <br /> become seized and posseased of all the real estate aud property of the ��id constituent comp�nies, whet��er real, personal or mized,and, umong other things, of all the land granted to said IIxlox <br /> I PACIFIC RAILYOAD COMPANY by t oresaid s of Congress,in aid of the c struction of its road,not conveyed away by�aid Compalny at the�te of snch csonsolidation(to wit, Janaary 24, 1880), <br /> ��, z <br /> in conaideration of the aum of .._�.. �vY z"v��'LC�i �SC/��,� . �.. � �./rl/... � �� � ......................................................Dollars, a <br /> . <br /> /� ___.. _.. .�:�......�.....�' ( �..... .....-.1.. .... .. ..... ........ . <br /> to it paid,tbe receipt of which is bereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRnxT, BAx�x,SELL AND CONVE , nnto......._..........�1:-:. iy:z;� ,�j� ' <br /> .................... _... . . .................._......._,............................ j <br /> ! <br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................of the County of............... .. .G�............................. the 8tate of........................... .:.... ....4r/✓,./..f..... ......:........................ j <br /> the following describ� ' eal E te, situ , lying andbein in the County cf Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to wit:_,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__..............,..................:...�.............. � <br /> �'� ��- _ _,?� . ���� �G��-.- ���-�..r.�.....'.`J.................................................... <br /> e��:: � � - ..... .................. ... ...................................................... <br /> _......__ _ , <br /> ... ............ ....�---.........................-�---...................................................................................................... � <br /> ................................ � <br /> � ---�........................................... ...................................................._...................................... + <br /> __ ..... _ _ � <br /> __ . ______ _ _ _._ . _. _ _. _ .__ _ .. _ _ ._...._...._.... _.. ........................................_...........__......................................................................................................... <br /> ................................... . ............... _........ .......... ......._............... . ........... . <br /> . .. . .......................................... ......:........................................................................................._ <br /> / ... ...... <br /> ... <br /> .... ............ . . . <br /> of Section N .., . . ......( `��...... _ �--�--_ Towns ' No..�5��/.!:3�?��1......(..��, North of Range No......... ........... . ...5..��.....��,.....�..........of the 6th Priueipal <br /> Meridian, coataining according to tbe United States snrvev tbereof.��%C./rl ...._.........�z"v.�./...��..�t z��i......y�iJ.� .✓...l.!:z.>................................................................................Acres, m,ore or <br /> � <br /> less, 139ia�b�a s�eue-pres�iae� edutc�stte� t�-� s�--te�.....................................................................................................................................................................AgCo�trACt��.,................................................................................. <br /> �..........:...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:...._..:.... <br /> .....................................................................................................................................:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> _......._...................... ............_............._............. ..........._..........._._.......,............._...................................................................................................................................._..................................................................................................................... <br /> TO Nav� and to HOId the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances therennto belon�ing nnto the said �rantee,,,;,.`L.,.,t..............._beirs and aseigps forever,and the said grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrumeat it is well seiaed of the��premises as of a goud and indefeasible este�te in fee,and.hath good right to sell and eon- <br /> y , nzcT and AEFErtn the title to eaid premises unto the e�id tee, ; 1.�� ,..,_..heirs and assigns forever againet the lawfal claims ot all persons whomsoever. . <br /> ve the eame and that it will W�sx <br /> Excepting. However, all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since..�'�. LG:r.y t�fi� �� ��0.°�_ ....an8..��4egt�Sgai�Ln�n-y�cLii�a-e�-a�— <br /> � _a _ .... . .. <br /> k�'aae�s'bse�etLsT � e ............... .... .... . _ '(� _.... .�se�t+esflrs, li�1sA`or�'�,�H.�ol�(i�-tt�am <br /> _,._. _ <br /> A�WxFx�as,said Uxiox PaciFic RaiLROan CoMrnxY did on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll. 1867,execiite an�l deli��er to Cyrus H.Mef,brmick,of the City of New York,and John Duff,01 the City oi Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus 73.MeCormick and John Duff,as'1'rustees,for'the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands herewbefore <br /> deaCTibed; AxD WHEREAB�tY18 Salfl Cyr us H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D,isi3,by a proper instniment of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said moi�tgage deed,whi�b <br /> resignation was on the Rfteentli d�y of October,A.D.1873�2�CC0Pt0Ll Tlf t110 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoL held on that day in the CiLy ot Boston and �tate oP ?�assa- <br /> chusetts; Axn'WxNx�ces,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St�ute o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining 1�ustee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus l�. <br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on tl�e sa,me day approved by the Board oY Direetors of the said Uxiox PaciNZC itAiLROnn Cox[PaxY; ANll WHEREA9 by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Amea did <br /> upon his aeceptance thereof,thercafter become vestec� with the >ame estates,powers,ri�hts and interests.and cha�r.�ed with the same duties�nd responsibiliFies,�s ii he had been one of the original Trustees named in anc� <br /> executing,said Mortgage,lleed; Axn WaFxFns,said remaining Trustee a conveyance,pr oper and effectu�l for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1878,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> in suen uew Trustee �omtly with him� the said John Duff; Axv Wa�x�Aa, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day oi February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrumeut oi writing to tUat effeet, re- <br /> sign his place-as Tru�tee under said Moi�tgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fonrteenth day of February, A. D. 1s77, accepted Uy the Uxtox PwC[Fic RAi[.ROAn CouPAxY, by the Executive <br /> Committea of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoP held on that day in tbe City of Boston and State oL Massachusetts• AxU WxFREns,on the second day oY July 1s89 the Union'hvst Company of New York,wgs <br /> dulp nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John lluff,which nomination was,on tho tl�irteenth day of July� lssst approved Uy the L�xecutive Committee of the Board oP Directors of the <br /> said Uxzox PaciFiC RpmwnY ConzrA�• and trie said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,]ss�,vestuig m the said Umon L'rnst Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- <br /> terests created by said Mort�a�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; AND WHEREA9�the said Union Tivst Company of New York signi$ed its acceptance of said trust,by signing said deed•Axn WaEaras, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames dxl, on the flfteenth day of July,1589,by a proper instivment in writin to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under saad Mort�age Deed,which resignation was,on the aixteenth day oi <br /> July,1889, t11e Uxzul�t PACIFiC RAir.W�Y CoMrAxsc,by the Executive Oommittee of its�oard oi Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on tha�t day in the City of Boston, and State o2 Massachusetta; Axn <br /> � WaE��AS,no nomination of a successor,to flll the vdcancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederiek L.Ames,having been made,the said Union Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Mort age Deed,dated the 8vcteenth day of April,A.D.18�Z <br /> AND��HF.RRA9�TY1C S2,ld UNION PACZFIC KAILROAD COMPANY d1CI,on the eighteenth day ot December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxiox TRBBT COMPANY OF NEW YORR 3 CCTE2�lL MOTLg8g8 DQOd <br /> I wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; 3xn WH�a.EAS, the said UxxoN <br /> .PACIFIC RAILWAY GOMPANY�with the consent of the Union Trust Company oi;vew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A.ll. 1867, and Trustee under the Moetgage Deed ot tlte . <br /> eighteenth day o1 DecemUer,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real esCate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,.Por and in considerat�on oE the sum aforesaid, to the Union Yaciflc Rafiw$y <br /> i Companq in hand paid by the said grantee,whick�said sum oY money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oi N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds Af <br />'i the sixteenth day oP April,1s67,and of the eighteenth da�y of December,1873. <br />�� N01N Th�PB�OPe� KN(��'AT,i. � BY THESE PB,ESENT$� Tllat th8 8&iCl UNION TTsIJ$T COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Trustee in the,aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in cousideration of the aforesaid <br /> premises and the p�y�pent as afo e ' said um, so paid by said Railway Company to said 1�ust Company for the uses and purposeS aforesaid,does hereby R,snitsE,RELEABE snd forever QIIrr-CLA�i <br /> unto the said .�//ii'... .....��_:_ _....... ........................:........................._ <br /> ___.. . _... ..._......... ..... .......... .. _.. ............ ........._... . _........ .. .......................................... ....... <br /> the Rea:Estate de.uri aYores:�id, to e heli bv the said grantee free and exempt frotn all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,of the sisteenth day of April, 1567, t�nd of the <br /> eighteenih day of D c ber, 1873, but ' ct, however, to all the reservations and runditions hereiabefore conta�ined. � • <br /> IN P SENCE OF 1� Witneas Mlhereof� tbe said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hath <br /> ( ' �� caused tHese presents to be sealed with ite corporate aea�l,and to he signed its P ��,nt €� �.� <br /> ) G���, �� � (� attested by ita Secretary, and countersibned by its I,and Commiasioner and� ifor,an'�'� :o _ <br /> ....... �ri�v... . .. ......... ......._...____ � `'�°/�— ..N <� <br /> � the 6Si(� UNION TEUS'P CO:KPANY OF NEW YOfiK� Trustee, under the said Mortga,ge l�eds, <br /> � � of the eisteenth day of April, 1867, a�nd of the eigbteenth day of December,�hath �� ,.� <br /> ��� �'y� . � aus d these pres� ts to be sealed with its o�r teAeal, and�to be sign�b � iden�/ :� � <br /> U • <br /> B• <br /> ........,..:..... ... . .... ����� �..� �,�� ����.� ���� � - °�� ,� ;� : I <br /> :� , this............. . .. . . ............. aY �f.......•D��'-�r�,-r.u/.r.:�:. : : <br /> ............................. ..............A. D. 18.�'-�.� ;a . <br /> Attest:,...�'���... . .. .. .GV.:��.._....._._......._Seeretary. THE UNION P,�CI R ILWAY COINIPANY, q €'� <br /> PRESENCE OF ' � �_ `� � � '' . ` <br /> � BS�..... ....._�. L�,r.l."...............-..............:............................Preeident. n ? : <br /> e , <br /> � ' ; <br /> . ; . . . . . . .. ......... ..... ��� UNION TRUST COM�ANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTET, z ' <br /> , 4 <br /> �-/.)�/ � . � � (�� � <br /> , -----��---........�..... ......... B � : <br /> � Y�:�.1�✓..�!. � ... . �G.. _ ....... _..... _..._n..:�.President. � \'t� ; <br /> � /� Ci�� �� � , :. <br /> s�rA. rE oF � . , /i <br /> s�. t� <br /> C O U N T Y 0� S�II��'�i,,�K.� � �f� � ' <br /> Be it Re�h'em red, That on this....W U..... ......... . .... day of. .................................. �( .�/�.A D. 18�� before me, $ <br /> ............ . .............................. ....... <br /> Ivotar y Public, in and for said Count y, a p p eared t6e UNIOV YACIFIC RAT � Y CO�IPAN b p b. 1a d�,Zita President, who �a p er- <br /> sonallp known to me to br, the identical person whose naroe ia subscribed tb the foregoiog inatrument as said President and then and there <br /> � acknowledged the egecution and sealing of said Inatrament to be his volantary�t and deed, and the volunt�ry act and deed of eaid Company, <br /> In witness wh�reof I bave hereunto set � <br /> , y band and official seal this..°�.v...�................ _.-----......_day of.... <br /> . .......................... ................................................. <br /> A. D. 18 g� ,at tbe City of in said Connty and State, <br /> __..._. _ .__......__ ___..�/I�_ _ _._ _ ..._..... .._.....Notary P2sblic. � <br /> ____.. <br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � <br /> ss. <br /> ' COUNTY OF NEW YORK. � � ���J � <br /> Be it Re'm�mher�d� That on this.,., �... _....... ........ ..._...,_day ol.... ��%(!?-y1..____ _____ �_A. .1 9 3, before me, a Notary Pnblic,in �nd <br /> r for said Count a ` ' �l <br /> .;, <br /> y, ppeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OI' NEW YORK, by„ .....?y�rry. ... ..... .. ................ ...... ..:.....................its^Preaident,who <br /> is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribe o the foregoinR in ment as eai resident, and then and ttiere <br /> acknowledged tbe execution and sealing of said instrument to be hiP Qolnntary a €�nd desd and the vo nntary act and of said Company. <br /> In Witness 'r/hereof� I have berennto aet my hand and official seal tl�is.....,,...��...� of,_--....� / ,-.. ..........---•-�--•- <br /> � A. D, 18 9� ,at the City of New York,in said County and Btate. <br /> �. <br /> Nota Pasblic. <br /> �...:.....�-.r.% .......�����'.�' '�:..........�. �'U , , : <br /> .� <br /> .......... .................... ........... ...... i'GGiJ �- _�<� <br /> '"� — <br /> � ,� ' ' . � r <br />�. � _ � . .. � . . � . . '. . i <-s .: trw . . .;�_ .. <br />