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<br /> ' � That FOR NO CONSIDERAT{ON,ROBERT D. JAC�DI9SEN and JU,�NiTA JACOBSEN, husbend end =-
<br /> wife, fiePein cQilad tha Gr�n4cr=� h�rebV�GRANT to ROBERT�.JAGO�S�N, a; Trustee df end for �,
<br />- - � �� the ROB�RT D. JACOBSEN REVOCAE3LE LIVING TRUST, unddr thst cenaln unreco�ded Truet
<br /> r' � . ..j Agreement dated D@cember 9, 1998, whoae addreas ia 1201 Wilder Aver+ue, A�802, Han�lulu,
<br /> ..; "� H�wa l( 9 8 8 2 a, hera ln cd le d t hs G r a n t s e, a l l o f 4 i i e i r r e s�e c¢i v o P i�i i�Y, t i 4!e :�t d I n t c r a a t l n a n d t o �
<br /> t h e f ollowln�d�scrtbed real property in H�II County, Nebnska (h���in cdled the "PropertY"�:
<br />'�-a�' . -
<br />-. . .6 .""•....-.. .
<br /> Lot Ntneteen (191,Black One 111� in Sothman's Subdivl�lon i�n the C(ty of Grand la an ,
<br /> _ Hall County, Nobreske.
<br /> .. . '!
<br />- , ;� � Grantora have nat reaeived and will not receive consideratlon 4rom GrantEa Tor the transfer made
<br /> � �,� by thia deed.
<br /> ,:: ;� . � TOGETHER vetih aIl tenements,he�editamsnta end appurten�ncea, includinp easements and
<br /> ` ?��� water riphts, if any,ti�eroto belon0inp or appertain(np�end eny reverofana,remainders,rents, Issues
<br /> and profite thereof, and afonp with the improvements presentty on th� Properry, if any. Thia
<br />�y�x� �"�=�' conve Vance is made to the�rrintee,es Trustee aforeseid,his a��ceessors in T►ust and asatpns, IN
<br /> '�..v_l:eb.:��-
<br /> �- _..,� TRUST, far tfie use� and pu�t�aaes and vvith all tha powers contained In h ls sa i d tru s t aflreem e n t,
<br /> ;,�.� ,��� includir�n witt�aut prejudiaa i�r u Qe��srality c' t!:� ia�flfl^�n� *_!�e fu11 nower and eutharity to _
<br /> ;;:�;������ - purchase, selt, co��+��. axc�ae�0a, pareition, mort�Lfls, lsase, ples��s, or oMe�nri�a deal wkh and ._
<br /> • �z�� dispose of eny of tha�Andls¢r other uroperly or inte�ests of th�u��st esta3e uccordinp to the terms
<br /> '�•'��j���� pnd condidons of his aatd 4�au apreement, in fes timple and torevmr.
<br />`;t;��,;'..:,,�,:,. ,
<br /> -`?�;}�+-��'A=; Crantee, ss Truatea a9aresai�,representa tt►at Dursuant to aaid unreaorded 7n�at Aproement,
<br />;�+��;,�=� he as Trustee has the fuil poudor and authority ta pur�haae, ael1, convey, exchanpe, panitlon,
<br /> ;;`','•'•� moripape, lease, pledpe ar otherw�se deal with and disposa oi any of hfs interest in the PropeRy
<br />'-�,��r�..� end/or other property ar intnraaM of the trust eatate.
<br /> :�,.
<br /> -�'�
<br />��^��,}� The terms 'Grentoro" a�d 'Grantne', ag and when used herein, or �ny Rronoun� ussd In
<br /> =_�=r�T��� lec�therwf,ahsll me�n end i�iolude ths m�sculins or fsminin�,th�stnput�r or plur�l numb�r,th�
<br /> �-� Pndividual(s) In h(�/her/thni�capanity�t Truateelsl,iirma o�corpor�tions,end thetr�nd each oi ths(r
<br /> .-:_��,� roapective succesaor huateee, helro,devlaeea, personal ropresentative�, wcc�aaor� end e�elpnt,
<br /> ==_-_--- .rrn�rti�a qe the context thnreof.
<br /> -=-�� Th�underalpned hevo�Ipned this Inat�ument on th�,."�.�day of , �+�f �Q 9�
<br /> ���M
<br /> —__�� /� �.,c�,�..,.-_
<br /> ---- - BEHT D. JACvBS@
<br /> :w �C'''1 �
<br /> ��-��lT.I"'���-� �
<br /> - ITA JA OB E R�9�RT D. JA E a Truate
<br /> J
<br /> aforesaid
<br /> •Grantora- •Grantee-
<br /> a STATE OF�ialWAli � SS.
<br />�='� CI7Y AND COUNTY OF f�fON�LULU I
<br /> --- On thiy�-- day of��� 199� belore me peraonally•ppearad ROBERT D.
<br /> = JACOBSE�D,Ir�dtvidualry, and ag Truates of an�for ths R�BERT D. JACOBSEH R�E�/OCABLE LIVING
<br /> �„��s TRUST, under unr�e�arded Trust A�reement dated Dectmber 8, 1988, 4o me known to be the
<br />���� t�heeaeame asihis f�e�ct and deedt Individually and�as such Trust�ee��owiedped that he executed
<br /> Y =�� .`'�'.={.., I,`/, c Q ,�`
<br /> ---- �:� `�: � ,', ; ''�� N'��'d '^""'"" -
<br /> -=°-91=�:� ' ��o�� �' _ N TANY P IC, Stat f eweli.
<br /> �-� �a-�7-98'
<br /> =-;�r�r�.� _ �� -
<br /> :�_.,��:_..;. �i My commi�slon expires:
<br /> - __ �:�:-.y - , _ ; �G • .
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