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_ <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> Dee - I�eco � . <br /> I FROM � <br /> IFir.En FoR RECORn and entered on Numerica�l Indeg this..,,,� <br /> , Union Paeifie Railway Company ., <br /> I To of.... ..�� ..A.D.1892'at---..�. ' _.....minutes_ ........ <br /> __._... ----.-.o clock and.-..._.-- GC M. <br /> I / �,� �± �c C,.[,�,,yvt ayy�.................... ............... <br /> ..(; ";; � ����/�g � .......................... .....�./.tiv!... ........ .. ..... <br /> %✓�.�.�.Vli(/�,... !(/t':..D'"� �!.�.. � ...County Clerk. <br /> BY......... ........ ........ .......................................�- -�- ---..................._.................................................. <br /> Deputy. <br /> � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> II1�ZO1�T DIVISI011T.--1tEBRASKA. Deed No.,�.d.....�..�.°...y......... <br /> IKnow al l Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�i'AY CO�fPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and eaisting by the consolidation of the <br /> KANSAS YACIFIO RAILWAY CUbIPANY�the Db;NVLR PnCIFIC 1ZAILWAY AND TELLrC#RAPH COMPANY� &IId t11C UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY� under the corporate II&II78 &IId style of the <br /> I UNION PACIFIC RAIL�A.Y COl1PANY, by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the constraction of a railmad and tetegr.�ph line from the Missonri Hiver to the'Paci$c <br /> �' Ocean, and to secure to tbe Government the use of the same for postal, military an�other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amenda�tory thereot; which said Company has sncceeded to and <br /> IIbecome seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said constituent companie.s, wbetner rea1,peraonal or mized,and, among other thinga, of all the land granted to s�id U�toN <br /> �I PACIFIO RAILSOAD COMPANY by thC a�re9&td�C f'Congreas,in aid'of the const etion of ita road,iio GCOnveyed.away by said Company at of anch consolidation{to wit, Jannary 24, 188D), <br /> ! in consideration of the sum of. ...C�..��I��G�,. Ow1�.[�. .... . .. .......���(��. r�. ..............:..... � . .................................................. ........: ...............Dollars, <br /> � to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G�axT,� ARC�Aix,SELL AND CONVE , nnto..:.....�.t'��.....���Gt/b <br /> I .. ... ..... ....................I.....:...::..... ................ <br /> . <br /> �� ....................................................................................................................................................................of the County of............... ._� the State of............ ... .... l�{,................................................. <br /> ............................................... <br /> .. L���. . <br /> I the following described Real Fstate,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Ha11 aud in the State of Nebraska,and described as followo,to wit;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'..,........,.,,:....,,..,,...........;......:.., <br /> ..� .,.... _. ..... - ._._ _ __ .... _ -�,-.-. .. ....._ _._ ...... --- ----------- �. ....................................................................................................................................... <br /> ... <br /> �.��� 9�,�_���__ �.. �-� �.�- ��, .__!.�1..�...I�.-.�..� --....�r-J.-..-�--�----�.....................�--�---�----..................... <br /> � <br /> , .... ...................� . <br /> � . . ..... �...... ... . .. ...... ... . ...... .......... ... . .. ............................. . ...... .. .. .........................:. <br /> ,, <br /> _.......- ... _ <br /> _ _ -- _ -_____ _ _.... .-- ___.-- - ...__.. .. . . . . . . ........................................................................... ... ... .... .............. ............. ...................... <br /> , . . .. ......................................:.............................................................................................................................. <br /> � ......... .. .. . . .......................:............... .......................................................................... <br /> ......... .... . .......................................................................................... <br /> , ................... � . ... . �. ;. <br /> of Section No�,��. ... . . ....��.�.,( Townahi�No,......�",i�..�l�.c�.:......�1.�.......................North of Range No.......���i`''�:,..A..��...l.Y..]�.K�,�....of the 6th Prineipal <br /> IMeridian, containing accord' g to the United States snrvev thereof...........�.G.�.....(..��.....................:...........................................:.............................................................:.................:..........................Acres, more:or <br /> l <br /> less, lai,u��khs..r�nme.,pcemioes.corn�fwted�tci�fe seld N!a...................................:....................................................................................................................................�Oatteiat lr7e............................................................:..............::...... <br /> i .............................................................................................:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.....:.... I <br /> �. .................................................................. <br /> I <br /> � ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> (� _....... .............. ..._....... _._.. ....,. ......... ... .......... ...................... . ........................................................................ .. . ........... . ......................................... ................,. <br /> ........ <br /> .... <br /> I� To Nave and to Hold the said premises with all the rights�nd appurtenanceo thereunto belon�ing nnto the said Rrantee,,,,,.... . . � g , gr <br /> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,heirs and asei ns forever sud ttie said antor <br /> � doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the-making of this instrnment it ia well seia2d of the 'd premises as of a goud and indef'easible eet�te in fee, and hath g�wd right to sell and eon- <br /> �ey the same; alld thnt lt will W�IERATT altCl DEFEND the tit1C LO B&ld pi'erili9C3 llrit0 tI18 8t1id antee,,.,,,., ,,,,,.heirs and assigns forever against the Iawfal claima of all persons whomsoever. <br />;i � ° Excepting, Howeycs�all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since.... � _/ -�J__.�.�C3 ..__.,..�l�¢8a�pt`agsinat�►e�s�r'�aCtesr ` <br /> � � <br /> ��sr�t�,o���tY�����nd��............. ................... __.. _...... . _...... .. _...... ......�i...... .. .�ee�oss,twi�er aseigss 9s�m <br /> Arm WaEREas Sald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the s'vcteenth Aay of April,A.ll,18�7,execute and deliver to Cyxvs H.Mc(;ormick,of the Citq of New York,and John Du�,oi the City ot Bns <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage veed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyivs H.McCormick and John Duff,as'1'rustees,Yor the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbeYore <br /> described; Axn WaEx�as,the said Cyrus A.McCormick did on the tweuty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a groper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign hYs place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,which <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�aCC0pt0d by thC UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY�by ite Board oi Directors, at a meeting thereot held on that day in the Citv of Boston and State o1 ]dassa- i <br /> chusetts;.Axn'WxNxFns,on the flfteenth day of OctoUer,A.D.1893, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8tate o 1VIassachusetts,was duly nominated by the ramaining Trustee,John Duff,as suceessor to said CYrus H. <br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day approved by tt�e Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PnarFZC ltair.xoav CoMrnxY; AND WFIERSBA9 by such nomination and approval said Prederick L.Ames did <br /> I upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become�este� with the ,ame estates,powers,rights and int�rests and char�ed with the same duties and responsiUili�ies,as if he had been one of the original Trustees named in an� <br /> executing,said 11�ortgage.Deed;AND WHF.REAB�said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> in suen new Trustee �omtiy with him, the said John Duff; Axv Wa�s�AS, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, 2�. D. 1877, by a proper instrument ot tvriting to that eHect, re- <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, whieh resignation was, on the foui�teenth day of February, A. D. ]877, accepted by the TJxiox PACLFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoi held on that day in tLe City oF Boston and State of Massachusetts•Axn WxFREns,on the second day oE July,i889.the IInion Tr¢st Company oi New York,was <br /> dulq nominated by the remaining Trustee,FreUerick I..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth dax of Julyr 18S9t approved by the Executive Committee oL the soat•d of Directors of the <br /> � said Uxiox PnciFic RarLwnY ConzpaxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth d�,y ot July,1889,vesting in the satd Umon Ciust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- <br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Nrederick L.Ames; Arrn WxE�Ena,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust,by si�g said deed�AND VPHEREA9 <br /> I the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the filteenth day of July,18s9,by a proper instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resigna ion was,on the sixteenth day o� <br /> July,1889,accepted,by the Uxiux PaciFiC R�iLw.�Y COMPANY�by the Executive Committee of its Board oY Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and $tate of Massachusetts; Axp <br /> � WxEREns,no nomination of a successor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been matie,the said�Tnion Trust Company o4 New York became and now is the sol� Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,9.D.186Z <br /> AND�WHEREAB�The said Uxzox�Pac;zFic itaiLx.onn ConzraxY did,on the eighteenth day oY December,A.D.1873,eaecute and deliver to the Uxiox Tx�usm CoazraxY oF NEw Yoxx a certain Mortgage Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinhefore described; Axn Wa�a��as, the said Uxiox <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent oY the Union Trust Company oY New Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oE the sixteenth day of April,A;D..1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oi the <br /> eighteenth day oY December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbePore described,unto the said grantee,,lor and in consideration ot the sum aforesaid, to the Union Pacific Railway <br /> i Company fn hand paid by the said grantee,whichsaid sum oY inoney has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sucteenth day oY April,1867,and oY the eighteenth day oY December,1873. <br /> � Now Therefor�, Kx�w ar.r.MEN BY THESE PBESENTB� Th&t tlle BaiCl UNIODT TTcU3T COMPANY OF NEW YO$B�Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deede,in consideration of the aforesaid <br /> I, premises and the pi�m�nt as afor id of sa•id eum,so paid by said Railway Company to said 74�ust Company for the nses and pnrposes aforesaid,do�hereby R,�n#is�,R�L�ss and forever Quz�CLAini <br /> I -n.�- <br /> , unto tbe said _ .�./,il���...� .���1. _.......................................... ... . ... .............................. ......... .......... ... <br /> _._.... ...._....... .... .......... . ...... ..... <br /> � the Real Eetate described aforesaid,to be held by the said grantee f'ree ana exempt fro�n all liens, incumbrances and ch�rges of said Mortgage Deeda,of the sigteentb day of�pril, 1867, and of the ( <br /> eighteenth day of I)ecember, 1873, but subject, however, to all the reservatione and rendiLions hereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PRESENCE OF In rMitness whereot� the said grantor, xhe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br /> , cauaed these resents to be sealed with its co orate seal, and to be signed b�i�13''�� `� <br /> �1 n_ attested by it�Secretary, and countersigned by ita I.and Commiasioner and o�n :o �� <br /> � • :-{ ��� �+� - - �� '" �(,�,G(, the 881C1 UNION TRU3T COMPANY OF NEW YOB,B� Trustee,nnder the said Mortgage ds, <br /> :,,, :�s <br /> .: .m �� <br /> � ^ of the aigteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, • 73, hath �•� <br /> � ° cansed thea reeen to sealed th' rate 1 and b si ned,b resid ' _ ; : <br /> � U '�:.--��.. J ' '�� �� �;�� .��.�,�.�°�. ���,�� g 9 ��� , ,o . <br /> ( .... � Z <br /> tb�a......�� � :� : <br /> Q�y�, � : � <br /> �v .............................. day of..... . 'y�D. 18 . . <br /> .............. . ............ . .. . . ... ....... � <br /> � 9 p_ .c�..................... . : <br /> ' Attest:..... .. (�%tiw� . Seeretar . � v � � <br /> I . .. P CIF AILWAY COMPANY, � � <br /> q�'.... .:....... ... , Y THE UNI <br /> IN PRESENCE OF ��s �'� •� <br /> 1 : <br /> ,, - ,// E <br /> �i � Bs.. . ... �`�; : <br /> � _ / ...... ... . .... ....�r�7/!1/---.....--�--...........--��---.....................rresiaent. � <br /> ,; <br /> k� . � <br /> �> ������� � w"`', ^^'�� � ���� UN10I� TRUST COMPA OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, H �: <br /> � ` '�/ �� �. ...... � z �� a� , <br /> I -------------..... ...��. . U,,.PiI.iL�. - �---- � BY...1` .. . � . "��. . . v�-President. � \v' �� <br /> � <br /> ........... ... . <br /> sTA�rE o� �r�,�� �s, <br /> � � ss. � <br /> C O U N T Y O F S'T3'F�FrF� �%� <br /> �e it Remembei�ed, That on thia.........� of....:.............�...... ................:....... �! A�. 18�'L before me, a <br /> , IvTotary Public, in and for said County, appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COM NY, by �s���ti�i� e-";`�President, who ie per- <br /> ,., Q ' sonally known to me to be the identical per�on whose name ia anbscribed to the fo ing instrument as smid Preaident and then and there <br /> w�� acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrumeet tfl b�e his volantary act and deed, and the volunt•�ry act and deed of said Company. <br /> In Mlitness Wh�reof, I have heren��ie��t my Land and official seal Lhie ..:l�a �... -,------_d�y of...............� / ��............. . <br /> ................ <br /> A. D. 18�y,at the City o ;'�'in.said County and State, 1 <br /> ; I / <br /> il .. ._........ _ _.__ / J � ..�/��/._..... __. ...._...Notary Public. <br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � &S : <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. � <br /> 8e it Remembered, That on this, :. .. . ot____._� .._A D.18�J�Ji, before me, a� Notary Public,in and <br /> .. _ -- _ /� <br /> for said County, appeared th,e U1dION TRUS`r COMPANY OF NEW YORK; by..� ...._ �.....,.�/ ��,.,,,__..�..., i President, wbo � <br /> .. .... . <br /> j � is personally-known to me�o be the identical person whose name is subscribed tbe foregoin� inatr�ent as eai � resident, and then and there <br /> � �� ; . acknowledged the execution and se�ling of said inatrument to l�e hie voluntary ac nd deed and the volnntary aet and deed of eaid Company. <br /> / In witness Whereof� I fiave berennto eet my hand and official seal tlue ,;,,.,(..:,�,�........... .. ,.,.,,.. „_;,_,;._,,,,,,.day of..,_,_.0�0�1%�iJ-e,� <br /> � A. D. 18 G��j/,s�t the City of New York,in said Connty and 8tate, � ���� <br /> � _ - Q� <br /> ' G1�L�i�• �. <br /> � <br /> _.............................�,.... 7.. .. . ..... .. .�1y.Y........ ...�....................................Notary PaiTilic. <br /> d:': � . ,�,, , y� � <br /> v <br />