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_ . ___ _ __ _ : . �. _ T — _ _.__ _ ___ _ ,__ _._ . _ <br /> ���. � <br /> De�� ��.��o �c� . � <br /> FROM �� <br /> � � � FILED FOR RECORD and enter�ed on Numerical Indeg this..........�..._,,,.,," <br /> Union Pa�ifie Rallway Company ; <br /> Tp og.... ..�.fr'V......... _.........A.D.189`Y,at---.._.�....:....o'clock and_..._- �f. -�-minutes_ �_M. <br /> /' ; i <br /> � � ��1 ; <br /> � � <br /> � �{,+�,�.............:� ............... .. ......����Mr�.:.��t�.:.��................................................................ <br /> ,I �.Y� . I <br /> f/.Y..�............ �u.'J�"�YL�... ........................................................ � � CountyClerk. � <br /> 1 ,f '� <br /> , �j- <br /> � � <br /> B9..... ............................................................ .....•------................................................................... � <br /> �'---_ ___....____.._...__.......__.. ....._- _....._....._..............................._.................... Deputy. I <br /> � Z� � � <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN _ % <br /> U1�TI01�' DIVZSION.--ITFBRASKA. Deed NoI..��.��.......... <br /> Know all Men by these Presents� That the IINTON PACIFIC ftAIL�VAY COMPANY, wbioh is s Corporation formed and eaiAting by the cwneolidution of the i <br /> KAMSAS PACIPIQ�RAILWAY COMPANY�th0 DENVEB PACIFIC RAILWAY A1zD TELECiB�APH COMPANY�&nd th8 UNION PACIFIQ RAILROAD COMPANY� nnder the QOtpOr&t0 11&Ode &IId atyle of the . <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY,by nuthority of an act of Cougress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Misaonri li,iver to the Paci$c <br /> Ocean, and to secare to the Government the nse of the same for postal, militnry and other pnrposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory there�f,whioh said Company has sneceeded to and <br /> beeome seized and possessed of all tbe real est,�te aud property of the said constitnent companies, wbether real, personal or mised,and, among other thinga,of all the land granted to eaid UNION � <br /> PtCIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY by tLgaforesaid a a of Cungress,in aid of the conatrnetion of its mad,not conveyed away by suid Company at the date of snch coneolidation(to wit,Janaary 24, 1880), <br /> r— � � <br /> (Y �� a� <br /> i <br /> in conaideration of the sum of..�G',y'?,y.. ...�Q/_!�!�.G�.(.�.... .. � � �" . ...................................... _........................... �� �. <br /> � . i.... ...��. `..� ......�............................................................................... ._Dolla <br /> . <br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$axT, BASawiN,SELL AND COIQVEY nnto.........�.�'�?.v.. .w.. !��.....�/V��l..'.Y..4.......... ..,..:.................................... ..: ' :...........:..... <br /> � � � / / <br /> _ ......................................................................:......:......:........:......................................................................of the Couuty of...................�i,��� the State of................��..:�/.�YCr.s�<..�.................................--�-----•_- <br /> the following deecribed Iteal Estate,situate,lying andbeing in tbe Connty of Hall and in tLe Btate of Nebraska,and desaribed ss followe,to wit:,,.................................................................................................... <br /> _.�'1 _........... ,. __ ...._._ . �.......... _ ...: ........ _......-.......................................................................................................................... . ......................................................... <br /> ��f �� � �_�( � , '1 1 ]�- r� <br /> .�.li.r�,<k.�i.(N.i/.�/.v�.�� � D�.y'�r�......��..�..�....��.......�.:�Vt.Pl,r1,rL�--- ��.J.ry��� �..... .................................°-°---°°°-°--°°.°.............._--°.......................................................................................... <br /> � .. <br /> 1 <br /> .........................................................................G:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> _......................................................................................................---�--..................................................._.._..... ........................... ..........................................................................................................................................................._.............................................. <br /> ......:.............. . .... .. ..............................................................................................................:..........,......................................................................................................................... <br /> ------�--...---�-----------� - -- - - ---- -- -----�--�---�-�----------�-�---�--�-- ------�-��---�---------.�.------��-------------------�-�--..........-----�---��--�------��-�-�--�-�---�-----------�-��---��-�--�------��-------�-------�---------------------�-�----�--�-------�-�---�-�----�---�---�---------------------------------------------- <br /> _.:....--�-��--�---�----------�-----�.........................�-----�----�---�-�----�--.................-�---�-�--------�----�-�---------�-�------�-�- .................. --......................._._............---................... -....__.._.._.....---------------�-�-----......._._._....---.......-�--------...--------------------------..........,..------------...------�---- <br /> / � .................................................................................. . ..........................................................................................._ <br /> ......................................... �,............................................................................................................................................ p <br /> � . �.�...... .... �. n <br /> uf Bection No �!„�k,:....,....�. --:-- ..............:...: ia Township No.......... ..�c G .� ......NortL of Range No......c�,��i�i/�....(�...�. �'}�a�;.�'of the Bth Prineippl <br /> .......°--•- - ........_.. ...................... ..... �......, <br /> Merid'+an, containing according ta the United States survep the�eof. ..._._.. ...........1(.��,. .�..�.�..........................................................................................:.................................................A�es, more or ; <br /> �...... . <br /> 1La�, bei�-tite� �►e plte�lsea co�t�d `Ea bD�-eo2tl�ta......... . ... .... _........, . .. .. ....�.. .........................................................................................b7 Osn�cE�e:.._.............................................................................. <br /> " .............................................................................................................................:................................:...::...... <br /> c1�6et1 .........:..:....................................................................................................................v.............................................................................................. <br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�...................................................................................................................... <br /> To Have and to Hold the said premises with a11 the righte and appnrtenancea therennta belong;ing nnto tbe eaid �rantee,,...,,;?�.............heira and aeeigna forever,und tbe�3d grantor .�'� <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,tbat at the making of this instrnment it is well eeized of the eaid premiaea as of a goud and indeteasible eet�te in fee, and hath good right to sell snd con- <br /> n <br /> vey the same, ancl that it will W,RSaxT$nd D�FSxD the title to eaid premises u�tto the said grantee,,,..�'��..___..,.beire and aseigns forever againet the lawfal olaima of all persona whomeoever. ;. <br />� , � ��53_ ' ; <br /> Excepting, How�ver,all taxes and assessments levied upon said premiaea since......... __... ..........�`ei� ��3`��'-��' <br /> �'i'�Z...... � __._._....... <br />,�� bl�s��ed ar�l�uitt�ed-b�;thib�g'h�crZtatt�rea'tt--......................... � ' � <br /> _..........�..._._.. ar.................. .....suCcP�aore.heirA or aeaigns or any of them <br /> � -AND WAERFAB 8ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867�expcu�and deliver to Cyrµs H.MoCoiwick,q1 the Ciby oi New Yerk,and John DuH,ot the Gitv of Bos <br /> ton,acertain Mortgage�)eed of that date,wherein�aid Company convevec�to the said Gyrus H.MeCormick anQ Joh�►Duff,a5 9'rustees,for the uses and purpose9 therGip mentloned,among others the lands hereinbefore <br /> described; Axn,the said Cyrua H.MeCormfck did on the twenty-eighth day oi JunO,A.D.1893,by a proper instrument o1 writing to that e8eet,resiga his pl�ee ae Trustee tmder sa3d mort�age deed,whiah <br /> resignation was on the ftYteenth day of October,A.D.1a73,&CCCj1tCC1 U9 tll8 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY b�yits Board of Directora, at a mesting thereof held on Ehat dgy in the Ci�of Boston and i3tate of i[assar <br /> chusetts; Axn�'a�xFAS,on the Rfteenth day of October,A,ll.1873, Frederiek L.Ames,of E�ston,in the 6tate o�Masa�chusetta,was duly nominated by the remafning Truatee,John Du as suecessor to said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day�a�1PTOVP(1 by Lh0 BOaCd OP D$'CCLOT'9 OY Ch8 3aLQ IINION PACIFIC IZAILROAD COMPANYg AxD Wx�$�AS by sueh nomination 8nd approval aaid Frederick L.Ames did, <br /> upon his aceeptttinee thereoY,thereafter become vested with the?ame estates,powera,rights and interesta aud ehar¢ed with the same duties and reapomsibiH�ies,as ii he had been one of the original Truatees named in gnd <br /> execnting,,said Mortgage,Deed: AND WHEREA$�said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper�nd effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of Oetober,A.D.1873,at the Cit]+oi Boston,vest the same <br /> in such new Trustee 7omtly with him� the said John Duff; Axn WHRREAS� the said John Duff did, on the ioui�teenth day of Febru�ry, A. D. 1877 by a proper iuetrument of writing to that e8ect, re- <br /> sign his place as Tru•tee under said Mortgage Deed, wlueh resignation was, on the lonrteenth dxy of February, A. D. 897, accepted by the IIxiax Psc[atc RAZ[.xoan COMPexY, by the Exeeutive <br /> Committee of its Board of Duectors,at a meeting thereol heid on that day in the City oP Boston and 8tate oi Massaohusetts• Axn �fI�R�AS,on the aecond day oR Jul ,1889.the Union Trust Uompany oi New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I..Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nominabtion was,on tpe tfrirteenth day of July 1889 4ppXpved by the�xecutive Committee of the Board of Directors of the _ <br /> said Uxiox PnCiFic RAiLwAY ConzYAxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth d�y of July,1889,vesting in the a��d Un�od'frust Cotnpany of New York,the estates,po were, rights aad in- <br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Nrederick L.Ames; Axn WaER�as,the said Union Trast Company of New York signifled its aoceptance of saSd tnxst,bg sa¢ning said deed;Axn Wa�s�a� <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fltteenth day of July,is89,by a proper Lxstrument in writing to that ef[ect,resig�his place as Trustee under sa�id Moe�ge Deed,which resign�tion was,on Lhe sfxteenth day o� <br /> Jx�ly,1889,accepted by the UNtox PACiFic R4iLw.�Y ConTra�,bq the Executive Committee of ito Board oi Directoi•s,at a meeting thereof held on that d�y�n the City ot Boston, and Btate of Maseachu�etts; Axu <br /> WxEnEas,no nomination of a successor,to flll the vacaney,oaused by the resigvation of said Frederick L.Amea,havillg been made,the said�7nion Truct Company oL Alew York became asd now ls the cole Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1S6Z <br /> AND WHEREA9�Th8 StLld UNION PACIFIC ItAILROAD COMPANY(I�(I,on the eighteenth day oi Deeember,A.D.1873,egecute and dellver to the Urn'o3r Ta,usx Coa�rAar� o�NEw Yox.x a certain Mertgs�e Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the eaid Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the u4es and purposes thereln mentioned,among others the iands hereindefore deseribed; san Wa�s�es, the s$ia Uxiox <br /> PnCIFxC RaiLWAY CoMrAxY,with the consent oi the Union Truet Company of:V ew Yor'k sole TrueteQ under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of Aprli,A. D. 1869, and Tivstee under the Mort¢aRe Deed o3 the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,as above aet forth,the real esCate hereinb�tore described,unto the said grantee,for mAd in considetat�on of the sum afoiesaid, to the Uwop Ptla�ct RailW�ey <br /> ComQany in hand paid by the said rantee,which said sum of money has been pafd to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Truetee,for the uses and purposes mentioned-in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day oi April,1867,an�oi the eighteenth day of December,iS73. <br /> Now Therefore, $NnW ALL M�nr s�r Ta�s�PB�s�xTS, That the said IIxiox T�QST CoainaxY oF N�w Yo$g,Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deede,in consideratioa of the aforesaid <br /> p� p y ' Qf said anm,so paid by said Railway Companv to eaid Trast Company for the aeea and pnrgoses afaresaid,dcee hereby Ra�nt�,R�r.ssss and forever Q��-CLAi� <br /> � '� �' \ <br /> nn� t���ane.11�!�� 5�,;�- .. .........................._................. .... . .......................... . .....................................................................................................................--. <br /> the Real Estate du�enbe�;aforesaid, to be held the said grantee free and exempt f'rom all liens, ineumbrances and charg� of said Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth day of April, 18B7, �nd of the <br /> eighteenrh day of Decem'ber, 1873, but subjec owever, to all tHe reservations and canditions hereinbefore contained. � <br /> IN PRESE�iCE OF In witness �h�»of, the said grantor, tbe IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath <br /> �y- 1 cansed these preaente to be sesled with its corporate seal, and to be eigned by��s Pre 'dent : �: �: <br /> l/1'u.i.0 attested by ite�ecretary, and connteraigned by ita Iand Commiesioner and itrX'A i��i o �"```""� : a ° <br /> :o , •a <br /> • -��� -��"� - � - � � � the BRld UNIODT TEUBT COHiPANY OF NEW YOEg� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage D�eda, � :. � <br /> % � ��,Q of the sixteenth da9 oY April, i867, and of the eighteenth day of llecember,.1873, hath '� <br /> � �/��J `� <br /> � c. �' p -p c�nsed th �s te be sent Vp1't�}}�6 co�pqrate seal and to be�a�' ned by ' �den�� � <br /> ..�...../..!'.1.......cJ._........t(�".............. ........:. �,--�� vA'tvL �a v+�wwGu� _ �`'f[.�ovc.�r,�f.�c�i.f�...�X,.'+'Y�„ �`�,s/��o al„�Gti--�r��� ;6°� ` -: <br /> ,, ��+� tt118.....'. .... �....aap�of„��,u„ra,e...........................�....._A. D. i�y...�-.. :p � <br /> . ....c..�......................................s�t�y. .... .................... <br /> ...... .. .. . <br /> Attest:................................�%.Z'I�X. �' E UNION P IF RAILVI�AY COMPANY, A �'� ' <br />� �IN�'R�SENCE OF � � ! + �� -. w O , <br /> �,.--� // / z �.: <br /> � �, - q �1 BY._•,.�.�. !�.,�.G�/�4. ........-�...................... ............._President. � � <br /> � : <br /> ...._....�........; ........ ...... � : <br /> � �� �� z�"" �'"������������������ � u� tf1�IDi� TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTET, � �; � <br /> ... .. � � ` . <br /> .... . <br /> �� � o ` L <br /> � .........�.................:.�....�....... �. ... ........._ B _ . l/�st...Preaident. • - <br /> �- - �.--..:... Lr.../.'.�/,�........ .................................. � '� <br /> �' <br /> STA'rE OF 1�� T�' ss. <br /> C O II N T Y O F �TJ�Fi�$ �y�� � �, � �, <br /> /J��;- � Be it Remembei�ed, That on this.••...�.b.....� of.......'..Z..�. . . . ... .. ... ...... �f . D. 18 � before me, a <br /> ��'............ . . 9 <br /> ( � Notary Publie, in and for said Connty, appeared the IINIOi+i PACIFIC RAILWAY C MPA�TY, b , its President, wbo is per- <br /> � ��� sonally known to me to be the identical pereon whoee name ie anbscribed to t6e oreg;oing insstrument as said PresidenY� and then and there <br /> °� acknowledged tbe esecntion and se�ling of ssid Instrnment to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volant•iry act and deed of said Company. <br /> . � �, n <br /> �' In witness Mhereof, I have here to se my hand and official seal this............��...0.........................._...-�---�--._day of.......�..�!1 G..Y��................................................. <br /> A. D. 189'Y ,at the City o�'f6 eaid ConaYy and 8tate. '1 I. <br /> �- /� � ' <br /> STATE O�F NE �7V YORI�, ) _._ ._ ... _.__ ... _ .... __... _. ..��i.. . .............NotaryPublic. -. <br /> ) SS. �„ � � <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORg. ) ������' �✓� 9� <br /> Bs it R�»�mber�d, That on this .„ . . ... �,.._._ ..,..,._day oi....... . . . ..... . _ ...�• � 8 , before me, a Notary Public,in and <br /> i �` �: <br /> for said Connty, app.eared t UNION T�tUST GOMPAi+TY OF NEW YORg, b�..,���.r�...'�� - .. . . .!t it� 'dent, who , <br /> .��.................. <br /> ia pereonally known to me� be tHe i�ienticsl pet�on whose name is snbscril�tl, t� the foregoing t as eaid Preaident, and en and there <br /> ;;:% <br /> i acknowledged the esecntiom m�d eealiag of eKid isr�trament te be hie volnnt�4����ud deed wnd the vol tary act and deed of eaid Company. ;-� <br /> In witness whereof, I have berennto oet m�baad and afficiai eeal thit�.............l........,��..................._......•-°--...........�Y�_•......���:�i�t!fi�.r. ... ...... . ..........-.----- r"� <br /> ' A. D. 18 O✓� ,at the City of New Yart,fn e�d t7onnt�and 8�#e. � � � w� <br /> /� � <br /> � <br /> ....................... �..R."2GGQ........��..Plq.:............_�...:(r..�.i...� ...... ................ �Y PtabEsc. -�h �„�,�,� <br /> �/ .. .... .....`. / Nata ' <br /> � - � ? �,- i � <br /> . � . � �;� :� �� <br /> _._ _ .. �. ��_ _ _ <br />