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<br /> I
<br /> ._ �� � .. ___
<br />,
<br /> . D��C�.� ���CD �'c�. .
<br />�
<br /> __ 4�nati�Re"ixT2 .ca1i�--�n Co. _ ----° _ _
<br /> FROM
<br />! . FmEn Fox, RECORn and entered on Numerical Index this 8 � �' ,day
<br /> ......... ......................... ...............
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company of �
<br /> To ..................��t�c..._._........A.D.1892,at ...o'cloc and_-- ._...... ...minutea-,._,�,�„•:•M' I
<br /> IC�yy� /� �� /��, p/� ��� ............... ..,...... .......- •• •••....rr..�k?./.�............................................................
<br /> o(� �4�t�t..._4./YL...G'`'tr:��(.,/................................................. .. ........ . .. ... ..
<br />. i ....... ... � ` Gounty Clerk,
<br /> I�I . �'"(�V Yl/u�'l K
<br /> I B
<br /> _ Y... ....... .. ...................................................�-----. .. ......._.......
<br /> .. ................................................
<br />;' _..... ...__.___. _____ - .._ _ .......... '� Deputy.
<br /> I � U1�IOhT DIVISIOI�T.--1zEBRASKA. Deed,No...J..�....�.�..��....Q...
<br /> �I, Know al l M en by these P.resents, That the IINION PACIFIC RAILVVAY CObiPANY, whieh is a Corporation formed and eaiRting by the conaolidation of the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�ZPANY, by uuthority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to�id in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri Kiver to the Pacific
<br /> i Ocean,and to secttre to the Government the use of the same for postal, military�n�l other purposes,"�pproved Jaly l, 1862,and acta amondatory,thereof; which aaid Company hss succeeded to and
<br />; � become seized and possessed of all the rea�l estrate aud property of the said constitnent companies, whettier real,personal or miged, and, among other things,of all the land grrznted tu said IIxioN
<br />' II PeeiFio RaiLSOnn CoMraxY by the aforesaid act�of Congress,in aid of the construction of its road,not eonveyed away by said Company at the date of snch consolidation(to wit,Jannary 24, 1880), i
<br />! � c� ,// J�' �s�-
<br />, � in consideration of the snm of._...��.Y}�-U.../,/.�'"..:�civ�s..�.c<c�_��_.Cl�,. . .....>
<br /> _.. .................................... . ..... ............................................................................. ........Dollare,
<br />, � to it paid, the receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G�nxT, BAB,c�Aix,SELL AND CONVE�� nn�o.....�1��',,���!Y.{��.�.�:....�.v..C�.tr-t:��►.1....
<br /> ... ... . ........................ ........................
<br /> ......:.....................................................................................................:..............::.......................................of the County of........... �.C�..I�.�..R..��r.......................................in the State of......C�..�:�i�
<br /> .�.............................................
<br /> 4 _.. __ _
<br />' � the following described Fteal Estate,sitaate, lying andbeing in the County of FIa11 �n�l in the State of Nebraaka,aad deseribed aa followq,to wit ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,_,.,,,. ,.;,.,,,,.,,,_,.,,.,,,,,,, ;,.,;,,.. �
<br />; � � ... /7� _.,_p � � y--
<br /> �� ....._�:.._(YG.!/_LCS,tiI.__�...ci/.vr"._c!-j//tic-:c"%r��, �TL!t-L,'._.�!L.�� �.,.CR!r.�Q,./L�G�..��/.:L.<.Cr......�.�...'.......�!.L......°..1........�..`.."�...... ......... ........ . .......... ........ . . ....... ........, f
<br /> iI �� �/
<br /> ........ . _........_ ............_._..._.__.. .........._. .__..__.._ _...._ ...............°°---°--°---...........---...................................._.........................................................................................
<br /> I -.................-...----._._........._........_...___...:._..............._....._.___._.._........__._._..._........___.................-- . '---------...........................----................................................_ .
<br /> I �.-'...."'................................................................................'_....................................i:�.:............................. ................................................._............................................................................................................,...,--.,.....< . . .
<br />, ......................_..................._,...,....
<br /> �
<br /> � ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ......................................
<br /> � . ........ .....
<br /> I� '-""""-------"__'---�--------'-'-----'_.............°--- '----.-"""""""_'-""-"-""_"-"""_'-_"•"'_'--"----'-'-°-'-""-"'•""'•-"'_"'_"-""_'......"'•"""""-'_'....__......_...-""'_'......................"-.................._. � .
<br /> I
<br /> � _.
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.......................,.......:......,............,....
<br /> . p � � � •� �
<br /> � of Section No..........�::�..�1�1..............................:...:................in Township No.....��r..:�:CC.../.../...............................Nortb of Range No..�::�^:�,:.�..�.�.......�:2:��,�:.........of tha 6th Principal I
<br /> c,',
<br /> Meridian, containing aceording to the United States survey thereof............... �!,.�..,._,(��/.,U.)..................,....,.,..,...,..,,,., ,,;,,,.,,Acsres, more or � '
<br /> less, ' o ' e so ...........................................................................................................................................
<br /> ................. ........ .................................................................................. �
<br /> ,
<br /> �� "d'rrteit' ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:......::.
<br /> � '
<br /> .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................................................................................
<br /> II
<br /> �II .............................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................./........................................................................................................................
<br />•` j To Nave aed to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenancee thereunto belon�ing unto the said qrantee,.,, .,,,,�/%..J..(.c.,.�;,,,,,,,,,,,beirs and essigna Eonever,aad tl�e eaid grantor �
<br />` doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, Lhat at the making of this inatrument it is weil seiaed of the said premises as of a goud and indef'easible.est�te in fee, and hath good right to srll and eon-
<br /> vey the eame, and that it wil]W�axnrT and DEFSxn the title to said premises unto tbe said grantee,.,./I��,,..,.heics and assigns forever against the lawfnl elaims of all persona whomeoever.
<br /> �' Excspting, Howeve�,all taxes and assessments]evied upon=aid premises since....V'?,,�?iP�-t�c,�,�y.�• l.(f�-s-- .,...a ' ' � -
<br /> �i b,'v^"a..�se t��or3,�rmit rl 'd _ � _ __....
<br /> .................... _. _.. _ . __. _.... ........-e�-, ...��.-hefrnos.AS�igw�a�r. ei`^bi�e�
<br /> �� Arm WaEnEns, 321d UNI(1N PACIFiC RAILROAD COMPANY dl(1 ott the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus H.Mc(;ormick,of the CSity of NeW York;and John Duff,ot the City of Bos
<br /> I ton,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses and purposes thereln mentioned,among othera the-1Bnds Lere�ubafore ,
<br /> described; Axn WHEREAB�Eh0 S&1Cl Cyrus H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a roper instrument oE writing to that effeet,resign his place as Truatee under said mortgage deecl;whfch
<br /> resignation was on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.1873�2CC0pL0C�U9 EhE UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY �y its Board oL Directors, at a meeting thereoi held on that day in the City of Boston�nd E3tate o2 Yaesa-
<br /> ( chusetts= Arrn't�'H�sFne,on the flfteenth day of October,A.ll.1873,Frederiek L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as auccessor to said fJyrus H.
<br /> '� McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day approve.d by the Board oY Di�ectors of the said Uxrox PaciFic Rnir,ROnn CoairnxY; AMD WFIEREA9 by such nomination and approval said Frederiek L.Ames d1d,
<br /> upon his acceptance thereoY,thereafter become vestec� with the -ame estates,powers,rights and iuterests and char�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,as if he had been one of the o���1 Trustses na.med in and
<br />' �� executing,said Mortgage,Deed; Axn Wa�R�na,said remaining Trustee did.by a conveyance,proper aa��effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the C`ity of Boston,vest the same
<br /> �' in such new Trustee �omtly with him, the s�,id John Duff; AND WHEREA9� the said John Duff did, on the Pourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect, re-
<br /> sign his plaee as.Tru�tee Lwder said Mortgage lleed, which resignation was, on the fow�teenth d:iy of February, A. D. 1877, accepted by the Uxiox PACLFIC RAxr.xOAn CouPaNY, by the Executfve I
<br /> � Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston'and 8tate oi Massachusetts• Axn WHF,REAB�on the second day of July,is89.the IInion'tYust 4bmpany oi ATew York,was
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Fredenck 1..Ames,as succeasor to said John llu8,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July} 1889t approved Uy the Executive Committee o1 the Board of Direo6qrs of the
<br /> said Uxzox PnciFic RniLwaY Conzrnxs• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,1889,veating in the said Umnn'rrust Com�any of New York,the estates,powers, righE51�nd in- !
<br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;Axv Wa�REae,the said IInion Trust Company of New York signiHed its aeceptance of said-trust,by ei�ning said deedg AND W$EREAA�
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fiiteenth day of July,1889,by a proper instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignatfon was,on th� sixteenth day ot
<br /> July,1889,accepted.by the Uxiux PaczFZC RniLw.�r CoazrnxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the CitY of Boxton, and�tate o1 Mas9achuseLta; ANu
<br /> � WxER�AS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the saad�Tnion Trust Company o1 New York became and now is t#0 sole Trustee under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprll,A.D.1867.
<br /> I AND W.HERI9A8�The said Uxxox PaciFic ltnir.xonn ConzraxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxrox Tituam�Con�[raxY oF NEw Yoxx a certain Mo q Deed .
<br /> I wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trnstee for the uses and purlwses therein mentioned,amon�others the lands hereinbefore deseribed• ANn Wa�R�AS, the add Uxiox
<br /> i PncrFtC RnzLwAY ConTrnxr,wrth the consent o1 the Union Trust Company of N ew York,sole Trustea under the Mortgage Deed of the siateenth day of Aprii,A;D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mort�a�e DeAd of the
<br /> I ei�hteenth day of December,A.D.is73,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real estate hereinbelore described,unto the said grantee,,for and in considerataon of the sum Sforesald, to the U�►ion Paeiflc+ Railway
<br /> Company in hand paid bg the said�r antee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in ita capacity as.Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> the sixteenth day of April,1367,and oY the eighteenth day of December,1573. •
<br /> Now Thereio�e, KNOw ar.L MEN BY THE6E P$ESLNTB� Th&t EI78 8&1CI UNION T&UST COMPANY OF N�W YOB$�Trastee in the afor�aid Mortgage Deede,i.n cansiderataon of the aforesaid i
<br /> premises and the p�yment ae aforesaid of said aum, so paid by said Etnilway Companv to said 7.4vst Company for the naes and purposes aforesaid,dcea hereby R,sn;r8�,R�LEASS and forever QIIiT-CLArM �
<br /> untotUe sai3 ......U.o.,-(���2e��,!�-� `✓�/2.U�... _.... _. .. ... .... ..................................................................... ........_.............. �----... ( I
<br /> the Real E�tate described aforesa�d, to be held by the said grantee free and ezempt from all liens, incumbrances and chargea of said Mortgage Deede,of the sixteenth day of April� 1867, and of the I �
<br /> eigl�teenth day of December, 1873, but subject, however, to all tbe reservations and�unditions hereinbefore contained. - �
<br /> I IN PRESENCE OF In Witness whor�af� the said.granter, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, bath. (
<br /> I • caused th�e presents to be aealed with i�corporate seal, and to l�e signed„b�8����,�,,,�'�ent, • ` ••
<br /> ��/� r attested by Lts Becretary,and conntersigned by ita I,and Commissioner and'°i An itor,and : a .Y.°, l
<br /> �• �� �'`'`"�'��'-°�'�`�'L°`'" --°•° �„-tii���� the 9Ald UNIUN TB,U$T COMPANY OF NEW YOEB� Trustee, nnder the said Mortga•ge D�ds, '° �'° � �
<br /> of the eizteenth da,p of April, 1867, and of the ei hteenth da of Ilecem � 873 �th ;� � �
<br /> g Y � �
<br />'� nO �/ / caused these resente to be sealed with its co rnte seml, and to be si�T1ed by�q '�resident °
<br /> ' ......L�-:-G3./.Lcn.i+.:.c..C.,r �0�..���.. .L.%�i.. ..lL/v�'. .�l�-.N^� a.�a���a.r/,.�9�a..s�..ut.�.oG i�'u-`.c�'�tLw..�-y.(:a.u.a �t�w u.w7 an�.�i�Q�y�.M,o: ,�v �.G�van,cfi :-� � . '
<br /> ��°�' ✓ °� � i0
<br /> � � • ,, ;° tnis........ ...... ................. V ' .A. D. 18...�..� `a
<br /> c3GM,r,��-.� 1�:. .;. .
<br />� � �, � aµ��`''�/�.!�' ......::..:...........day of......��. .... .... ......... '
<br /> I /�� 1 ,A ., L F,. I -' � : �; I
<br />'' Atteet:.... 1 .. �i�..�i ......�ecretar THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY� q s'� �" (
<br /> I IN PRESENCE OF p � . �"; ';
<br /> � BY_•••�.�li . ��(�iC..cn.�.�......................................President. � C� � �� �
<br /> ��.�. � � �� � �
<br /> .
<br /> � �'�""''�� � � � - UNIqN TRUST COP�PA Y OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, � � ° � �
<br /> ...... ...... ....................... ..................
<br /> � .. � �.....G.,�. �-C�,� � B (� ' , �,. o � ��:
<br /> �
<br /> -- . .... ..... . .. ..... ....... ..
<br /> �L��vi-- Y....�.'��.��.(��.�./��..... j�'����.._... .............ti.ce�-Presiaen� U � .
<br /> � s�rA�rE o� � ss. �` �
<br /> ��t"�, �„�.� C O U N T Y O F S�-A-��. � � � �-�Q �p�
<br /> `' Be it Remembered, That on this............ ./°-v"'•i��'�,, ,...,.. .....,...............daY of.:.......��..ait:t�.l.. .... ......:...: . A. D. 18 Pi;2-before me, a �
<br /> • ....
<br /> I Iv�otary Public,in and for said Count , appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by�E�II 9;ita President, who is per- �
<br /> ! soually known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrament as ^aaid President aud then and there !
<br /> , acknowledged the eaecntion and sealing of said Instrttment to be hia vcslantary act and deed, and the volunt�ry act and deed of eaid Company.
<br /> I In Wltness whereof I have her�nt� t m�hand and o�'icial seal this �,�,�p� �� // f '
<br /> r n :.::. l�`Z�.(,NL�...... ---�-�---!�Y�f:......:.... ........:R�...�.�,1..........
<br /> ............................
<br /> A. D. 18 �j �, , at tbe Cit of�,in said Connty and State.
<br /> 1�;���� ^ �p n p�
<br /> � .GZivlr-R/c-� l:�.GL1����XJ. ,.. . .. .....Notary Ptcblic. .
<br /> � STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � . .. i . . . ,.�� , .;. , _
<br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. ss. /�� � /� � � '
<br />, 8e it Remembered, That on this.........�'��....... ............day ot..------.��'1!L..G.?�<riX�.<....:. _>:....:.b• D;18 �,°�, before me, a Notary Public,in and
<br /> for said County, xppeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY Or NEW 'YORK� by:. � ��,,./�}�,.___: .... ._�....,,.. its,�'reaident,who
<br /> _
<br /> ..... ..... ..._.
<br /> is personally kno�vn to me to be the identical peraon whose name is aubseribecl to the foregoin� instrn ent as said�.�resident, and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said instrument to be hie voluntary act and deed arni the volnntary act an deed of said Company.
<br /> ,
<br /> in Illfitness Mfhereof, I have herennto eet my hand t�vd official ,aeal thie..,.��j".;,,.��.c<t"�t. ..:..:.:. ...:....�..........:dayaf-••••---��!r/(/��/�
<br /> .. . ...... ............�--•�-----•-
<br /> A. D. 18 4�, ,at the City of New York,in said Connty and St�te,
<br /> � i�-�-�wc� ��vr�.c,o �..�Y...kLd.t.�:?-!--<.`e...�. c . ...... ............................................Notar Pttbdic. I'
<br /> ���_v'..� C, �a�.c.� `�D���3......... . C�,. y
<br /> ��-�_� �-G' ...... .. ... ..
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> .1 .
<br />� �. .a..:�;.; ,._�� s�.
<br /> ,
<br /> __�._ ,.� _ __. _._��....�. _.._.:��. _LLa._ .
<br />