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_ . , _. _ _ _ __ -- __ _ ____ ----- . ,____ . � <br /> � `� <br /> �� <br /> ���� ����� �'c�. . �� <br /> :� <br /> . a� <br /> FROM � <br /> i <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company FILED FOR RECOxn and entered on Numerioxl Index this.......�.�..,,...,._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,da.y � <br /> of..__..:._...�. .... ......... ..A.D.189�at---� .. .�......o'cloc and. .�._ ' � <br /> TO r �—.......m�nutes_GCr....�• � <br /> , <br /> � � .................................��.. .........._............... , ..........,...........N.)...l......................... <br /> . �. . <br /> ... .... . .. .. ........._... . ..... ..... .......... .......�...........' .................................. CountyClerk. � <br /> BY...............................................................:..-•-------•----...------•--...............---................................................. <br /> .__:::_:..__.........._. ...._______._._..........__................................_................................. Depnty. = <br /> � �.-4 .���z � - � <br /> THE UNION P � CIFIC RAILWAY CO �IPANY. <br /> .: IT1�3[ORT D�VISION.-1TEBRAS�A. Deed No../.p..�..�.0..1... <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObiPANY, wbich ia a Corporation formeQ and eai.atingbyt�econaolidationof the <br /> KANSA$ YACIFIO RAILWAY COMPANY�thC Di�NVEE PACIFIa 1tAILWAY A1�D TELEQB,APH Ct�MPANY� &Ld t118 UNION PACIEIO RAILB,OAD COMPANY� nnder tl]8 COrj10i&t8 II&II16 &ri(1 atyle 6f the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, by anthority of an act of Congress,entit2ed, "Aa act to aid in the construction of a railroac3 and telegraph line fmm tlte M�ssonri 2tiver to the Paci$c <br /> Ocean,and to secure to tbe Government the nae of the same for postal,milittiry an�other purp�es,"approved Jttly 1, 1862, and aets amendatory thereof, whiah said Company has sneceeded ta and <br /> I become eeiaed and possessed of all Lhe reai esta��te�ud pmperty of the said conatituettt compani�, whetner real,pereonal or miaed,and, amaing o�Ler things,of all the land grsnted to eaid IINION <br /> P��iFio RAZLSOAn CoMpaNY by the aforesaid te of Congresa,in aid of the constructiou of ite rosd,uot conveyed away by said Cbmpsny at the date of eaeh cot�olidation(to wit, J&attary 24, 1890j, ' <br /> in consid�ration of tbe �um of_...,,� .,��2Y.t�tn �� �� p�`"�„� � .� <br /> ...G-�............ a�fn��,C.��C__�..`'�c..... .r.�.n........ ....5�................. ..........._. .................. � <br /> `............. .... .Dollarb, <br /> ... . <br /> to it paid, the receipt of wl�ich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$AxT, BAB(�AIN�BELL ANb CONV� , nnto.. ... ............ .... �c-� <br /> ...._....................................... ................i...................................................... ............. <br /> ..................................................................................................................._..........................................:....of ffie ponnty of..,�t„it.�........ .... the State of...............1�.��............................................. � <br /> the following described Iteal Eatate,sitoate,lying andbeing in the Cennty of Hall and in the StAte of Nebr�eka,and described as followe,to wit:,..,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, <br /> , <br /> ..._ . . _ _.. <br /> q, . . <br /> _ .........................�--............._..............:................................................................................... <br /> .. �!!G�'VV4.� .. . . �....�'.` rr,��l..h'� !Y��Ci?-��t- ..('ll.� �h'.�j.........................................�----�----...-�-�--�-�----�--��-�--�---�-------......._..............:............................................................:....... <br /> .......................................................... � <br /> --------- -._....._........_..._ __..............._.... ......_____---..._............_.......................---................. - - - - - ..............,......._.......................................................................................:..............................:............................................._........ <br /> _........................................................:...........................................................................................................- ................................................................................................................................................................................. � .._.........................................:....... <br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . <br /> .................. <br /> .....-----------�--- -...--�------------ -----------�-- -----�----------------�----------..........._._.._.---�----------� ' <br /> i -----�--�----�................�--•------•---�-----�-�------••---�•-�---•-•----------.............._.....-�-----�-�-�-----------------•-------------••-----------------�---•-----••-....----------�------...._--------�-----------------•--------- � <br /> I ...:...--•...................................•------.........--•-�---.........----------------�------..-----............--••------..._._.......------ <br />� -•�� �� -�.....................................................................���-�--�--•------._.........--•-------------------------------------------.........._..-----------._._........-•---•--..._....----.._..--•_•-•--._.._ <br /> ............:.............................. .............................................................................................................................. <br /> ..................:............................................................................................................�............................................---.......................... <br /> of �"eetlon A7o.....G�%� �. .... :•,•, i�Townslu . ,�C✓,�.�c�,........((.�.... .. .North of Iiange No......�...�r,�,.......�.v.. ...........................of the 6th..FtSri�i�►A1 <br /> . ..........�.� ..... ................................ 'p ...::: ........... f ...�..._. �1. <br /> I� Merfdibn, oon4aining according to the United State� surveg thereof....................... � <br /> . .. '....(.�.0�....�......��lr..G?.........................................................................................................................Adtes, mot� or j <br /> less, being t� s�mb.p�e�sea edi�trAeteyd td�be-ANrd to,............................................... 1?jt-Cb;►'tt� IQri�._.................... 1 <br /> d�atecl ....:...................:.....................................................................................:.............................................:...............��---.....--�--..........................................................................................................................................................................................................:...._ <br />, ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... , <br />� .....:......._......................................._.......................................................................................... . I <br />, .............................................. ........ ............ <br /> ......................... ............................................................................................................ . ..... <br /> To Nsve and to Held ti�e s�id premises with a11 the rightg and appnrten�nc�Y therennto belon�ng nnto the eaid �tantee,,_, , ' ,heirs and aeeigne forever,snd t6e��d grantor ! <br /> ..._............ d <br /> flo�h hereby coven�nt with the said grantee,that at the making of thia instrument it is well geized of the said premisea as of a ga�ci $nd inde easible est�ts in fee,and ha►th good righL to sell and eon- <br /> vey tli�same, and thlt it will WAB,xnr r and DsF�xn the titie to eaid premiees unto the said grante ..�._....._...._l�eirs$nd aseigns furever against the lawfnl clarms of all persons whomsoever. .4 <br /> Exespting, However�all ta�xes and assesements levied upon said premises since.....uf...... ....-��z-. .l!O..__..��.��_____ _.. ...... _..............a�fl e�pt s� �gcl�te�'rer iace�— � <br /> btRweos cxedted o�Yr t�����1................................ . _ . .. .._. _.._. _.. r . . ; <br /> .......�t. ..---.... Y 1 <br /> � AND WHrIDtR�+aE,AS 5d{(1 UNi02�Y PACIFIC RAILROAD CpOaM�PANY fl�d Ori th8 SixtQBIIth A&y_of�pril,A:D 1867,execute and dellver to Cyrus H Mc�oi^mick,ot the(yity of�Ne�v York,and John Duff,of the CI'Ey of Bas 1 <br /> de�scribed A D�Wx�sEn�,�the�ald Cyter�ua Hr1YicCo mick did on Lhe�nLy e�hth$a�f J�O�D ik8?3�,byJ�pr oDp�,fnstrument oi wtihting�to$that e�e t,re�gnrhi�s plaCe aa�Tr'ustee under saSdtmo rt�a�ge de�edi,�wehi h l <br /> resignation was on the Hfteenth dwy oi�etoUer,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnciFic Rnir.ROeb 17offirnNY L�yfts Board oL IYICeCtors,at a meeting thereoi held on that da.y in the Ci�ot Boston 9nd �itate oi lfeasA- <br /> ehusetts• Axn�'sNxFas on the flfteenth day of Oetober,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Eastoh,iu the BtAte o�hIassachusetts,was duly nominabed by the r�iniqg Truatee,John Du ,as auccessor to aaid Cqrn9g <br /> MeCormlek,which nomina�ion was,on the same da.y,approved by the Board of Direetors of the said Uxiox PnciFic RaiLxoen Co�PAxY; AxD WaEB�;Ens by such nomination and approval said Frederiok L.Arues did, <br /> upoh his acce�tKnce thereoY,thereaYter become vesteQ with the ?ame estates,powers,rights and intere.sts and cha.r�ed with the same duties and res.ponsibili�ies,as it he had b�n one of�he oi•�'gina1 Trusteea named in£i�d <br /> I executing;said Mortgage Deed; AND WHEREA9�said remaining Trustee a conveyance,�roper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at tha City of Boaton,vest tfl� eame <br /> in suon new Trustee �ointly with him, the said John Du�; Axn WHERLAS� the said Sohn n�r ata, on the fourteenth day ot N'ebrua,i�y, A D. 18?7, by a proper iastrument oi writinA to that effeet, te- <br /> sign his pisce t�s Tru�tee under said Mortga�e Deed, which resignation was, on the fourtaenth dsy of February, A. D. 1871, accepted by the IINiOx PACtFxe RAZr,x,oan Co�AxY, by the Executfie <br /> a <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that daq in the Citq of Boston and 8tate oL Massachusetts•Az�n Wx�xEAa,on the secoud dav of Jut 1888.the IInion Ttust Compa.ny of Mew York,waE <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Freder�ek 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w'hich nomination was,dn the t�irteenth daY ei dulp 1889 approved by the�xeCUtive Committea of t$e Board of Directars ot the <br /> said Uxfox PnciFic Rnir.wnY CoazrnxY•and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a.deed on the tl�irteanth of July,1889,vesting in the saId Un�on Trust Companp af New Yorka,�tghne estates, po�vere, rights atid iq- <br /> the said Frederlek L.Ames d�d,on the�fliteen h dayeo Jui�,1889 y a�opei lnstru�ment in writihneS 9tc�ithat eff�,�r�sigamins pla e as Trustee ud n amid�Mo ��Deed�,whi��iesignationgWas,�on the s�Le�th da�y�p"� <br />�'� July,1889,accepted by the UNZOx PaciFiC RaiLw.1Y COffiPANY by the�aecutive Committee of ita Bosrd oi D�rectora,at a meeting thereof held Qn� th�at da�he City of $oston, and Stata oi Maesachusetts• Axu * <br /> WaEREas,no nomination of a succeseor,to fill the vacancy,oause�by the resignation of said FredeMck L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company ot New York became and how la the so10 Truatae'under �:� <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.i86Z <br /> Axn WHEREAB�ThC Sald UNION PAbIFIC kAILROAD COMPANY dfd,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D,ia73,execute and deliver to the IIxiox Tsuax Qo�PaNY oa Nsw Yoxx a certata pp�, Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Unioa Trust Company ot New York,as Truatee for the u�es 8nd pnrposes therefn mentioned,amang others the la�d8 heieieUefore descrfbed• ArrD Wasa�a�, th�e sP►Id�UlrtioN � <br /> PACIFZC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the conseat of the Uuion T�vst Company o1 N ew Yor� sole Trustee under tfle Mortga,�a Deed oi the sixteenth daq of Api� A.v. i887, and 'Trnstee under the Mortgage �DAed of the <br /> ei�hteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and eonveyed,as aUove set farth,the real es�ate hern,ittbefore d8scribecl,unW the said grantee,for aaad in consi�cration oL the sam afores�►id, W the �Iniun PaTc Rsit�vgy <br /> Compasiy in hand paid by the said grantee,which said aum oY money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oi N ew York,fn its capacity as Trustee,for the uaes and purpo�ea mett�ioned in said 1Vtbrtgage DegdeV pf <br /> the siXteenth day oY A ril,zsE7,and of the eighteenth day oi December,1873. <br /> Now TfiAre�re, KN(�W ALL MEN BY THB�E PBE8ENT8�Tll&t EttO 8&tci UNION T&U$T COMPANY OF NEW YOB�B,Trastee in the afine�aid Mort�e Deeds,in �nsiden►tian of the l�Coresaid <br /> pre�trises and the pay nt as afore 'd of said eum,so paid by said Itt�ilway Company to said 7Y�nst(7ompany for the nses and pnrposes uforesaid,does here�b-y R�TBE,R�'L$ees and fore�er Qeir-fAGAn[ <br /> unto tbe said _ • <br /> . ..... ... ......... . ..�!L.�C�YU.ou�c....... . <br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> the Real Est, describeci atoresaid,to be held bv th id grantee free and esempt from all liena, ineambrances and chargea of said Mortgage Deeds,of the siateenth day of April,1867, and of t2te <br /> eighteenth�Y of December, 1873, but eubject, how er, to all the reservations and cronditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> i IN PRESE:VCE OF In witness N�ereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br /> �` eaused theae preaenta to be sealed with ite corporate aea,l, and to be eigneci� its Pr 'd nt, � �; ; ,: <br /> � ' -- / � attested by its 8ecretary, and connteraigned by ite I.and Commiasioner an $lf"�`k"' 'a � <br />( .. /� �� ' v�'�'� ' . .... tL8 eRld UNIOIP THUST COMPANY OF NEW YOEB�Trustee,nnder the said Mo��ds, •� :b . <br />, � /�1.cut of the si�teenth da� of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, t8 3, hath :� '•� <br />( / �tf D L. -0 _ cansed thy�se p�sgnta to be seai th��.. r te seal, an be s'gned b����d�t, '� . � <br /> ' <br /> .. ......�.�..��.,�:.� ./.............�-.................................. ���� � � �.�'f' � :�, : <br /> J 2�r/�yo Gkraalo�q.h.��,r,7 �#/�,.� � � � <br /> I / � th s..............�.......�L��E daY4�I.......... ,f �q 'p ` <br /> p� � //I ................................ .. ...... . ......................... .._A. D. 18 ......� ; � <br /> /�/� V �� ; <br />� Atteeb;........���'�'�'...���.1_ .f��iC..P�iI�'........ ...........���• THE UN10N PAC1 C tL Y COMPANY, A . <br /> IN PRFS CE OF �� � <br /> � n\: : <br />� / /� � �J�/ z �> <br /> ( BY__•��....'.. ... �.�......_�...��1././..f�...--�--�.............................Preeident. � �� : <br /> ....... .................. .... .......... .......... " ' `: <br /> �� UNIdI� TRUST COMP Y OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � � <br />, ,� r� `�� r , z � <br /> - ,/ <br /> I �.._.... .�../.! .................... ............ .............. .... ..�----- Bp_.. � �.. ............._.. .............................._....---",.,iGC Preaident. <br /> � <br /> / .............. ........... � ; <br /> STA'rE OF 1VZAS TTS, � <br /> COUNTY OF .�O � S�� � <br /> Be if Rsmembered, That on this........,�.�.. of....._�.�..�r�'.�%��II0.A.�189'�before me, a <br />' � Notary Pablic,in and for said Connty, appes�red the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY CO�P�iNY, by , resident, wbo is per- <br /> � sonaliy known to me to ba the identical person whoee name ia anbacribed to the fore�,✓aing ins#sument ae said President and then and there <br /> acknowledged the eaecntion and sealing of said Instrqment to be hie volnntary act� and deed, and the volnnt,:ry act and deec:of eaid Com�ny. <br /> �fti. / y . <br /> In wilness Nhel�eof, I have herennto aet hand und offieial seel this_,�./.....�. ... . ..._-.----day of........l.l.�.�.i�t. .,�............_.............................. <br /> ........ .. / <br /> A. D. 18��y,at the City of '�Aid Connty and Btate. <br /> S T A T E O�F N E W Y O R I�, ... __....._ itL 9�v�[/ .Not,�wy .Pubt�s. , <br /> .. .. . ... ....L..�.J _ <br /> � ss. : <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. j�'� � <br /> Ba k RYmrmberod, That on this.. ',. ..---._cla,y oi_._��%!�'V"�i!-. _ _...........A. A 18 g'�-, before me, a Notary Pgblic,in and ; <br /> for said ConntY� aPPeared t UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by.. ... ......... ... .. ........_� .it�K�lrirCi......................ita��entti�� <br /> i9 personally known to m to be the identicAi persen whoee n�me ia anbseri o tb� foregainA instram as sa�ident, and then and�e <br /> acknowIedg�l tLe eaecntion and sealing of a�id instramen4 ttt ba hi��olan� and ��ed t�nfl the volnn y act and`�d���n9 , <br /> In wilnpss whereof� I have herennto eet my�and and officiat s� tfife......./...�i�..... .................:.........._ ;...........�y of_....._...G�... ..^... .. .....:.-.- .----.---...._....._ �' <br /> A. D. 18��y ,at the City of New Yorlt,iu detid Cv�nty ai�d�tate. , � : <br /> � ... ............ ................................. ...........��►"�.4�y....r.�e�22.:!.:`Q...................... ...Notary Rebldc. <br /> �--r�c, v <br />