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�� <br /> De��. ��.ecc� �-c� . <br /> , <br /> _�_�_ _ .n o: __ _ _ ._ __ _ _ <br /> FROM <br /> � FIL�D FOR RECORD and entered on Numerica�l Indeg this ��� <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company ...._.. :...�:� <br /> zo �f..._....�2:Fiz�G���l/.-.--.A.D.1892,at.--....._-�-........dclock and__......—........minutes_.� <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> / " � ...���%1.rP..�.�.,..�'....�'�'..t�.'.f:�<s.-.. <br /> ���/..�G��!z�...... .............__,................................................................ <br /> _ ................._.........._..................... ! County Cierk. <br /> I .... .......�...............�....... ....'......... .................................................................:..................... <br /> I -� . _. __________ _._..___...__......_ _....... .............. .. .... ........... L���I�a.G�� DePutq. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY. �°���'.50�30. <br /> _ ZI117IORT DIVISI011T.—�YEBRAS.�A. Deed No...�A.....��..��.... <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, Tbat tbe IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO3iPANY, which is a Corporation formed aud eaieting by tbe couaolidatian of Ehe <br /> �KA1P$AS YACIFIO RAILWAY CUD4PANY�the DL�'NVER PACIFIC KAII.R'AY AND TELEQ�RAPH COMPANY� &rid th0 UNION PACIFIO RAILB,OAD COMPSNY� under th8 COPPOT&t8 II&IDe�&IItl.SYy18 O�'t1�E. � <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIL`'VAY CO�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the bIissonri Hicer #o tbe Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of the same for postal,military and other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acia amendatory thereot; which said Compt►ny has sncceeded to and <br /> become seized and posseased of all the reai est�zte aud property of the said constituent companies, whetner.real,personal or mised,and,among other things,of all the land granted to said U�rON <br /> i PsetFio RaiL�oAn CoazraxY by the afores 'd acte of Congress,in aid of the construction of its mad,i�ot conveyed away by said Company at the date of such consolidation(to wit, January 24, 18801, <br /> in consideration oY the sum of .. ..._ ._.... 'ILy„/.-i .. . ....� . _..�..._�_. �....�i.�=.......... .. .. ........................... 11$ra <br /> �� ��_i� -�.�/ � ... ........................................:....._ , <br /> I to it paid, the receipt of wbich ie hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRANT, BAx N, S�LL AND CONV�Y, nnto.::......::............. ... . . . <br /> .... .:......�����......................... .................................................:......... <br /> •--...................................................................- .......................................................................................of the Couuty of..................... ... . the State of,•--`i� <br /> the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the County cf Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and deseribed as followc,to wit�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..,........,,,,......____.__.,,,,..._,;........,.._,..._,...._........_.._...,.._. <br /> ......... -- � <br /> �i"" _.. ,.. <br /> � . <br /> ' -- .�'.,!��uv�t�L ��l,��s1�..�..,�ei .. -..-------�����/ �.�'1.:.`'�.?��`�.... ............................................................................ <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................:............:: <br /> -------� - ......._........_....._.__. ._..........................-- - -- - -.............................................................._................................................................... ...........................................................:............................................................... <br /> —��-�................................................................................................�---........................................................---...................................................... ................._...................:.................................................................._.......... .................................................,.,..,... <br /> ................................ <br /> ..---......._------------�--------- -...--�-- -�-�-�-�--�-�------�------�----------�----------------------------------------�--.................-�----........-��--�-�-�--�- ��- �-�-....- -...-�--�--�---..._........_.._..._--------------------------------�----.._...-----...__..........._.._.._........._...._....----..------------•--•- �� <br /> of Section No..................... ..�.�. .......�-•---...,...� Townsirip No........�—..��3��•••�•�•-•—�North of Range No......-�.—���,����� the 6th Priatup�l . <br /> � . . .......�S.�':P........................................ ......... .... Ac.res: :�te'or <br /> Meridian, containing according to tbe United States survev tbereof............ ........... .... . . . _ . . . : <br />�� <br /> ,./ .. .. ........ ,�.�..�� ,�;�... , ' <br />; ie� ' ' <br /> �.................................................................................................................................................................... �............. ....,..........:..:......:... <br />, i � - <br />'i ............... ...... ......... .... <br />� ( .................. ... ....... .. . ............................. .... .............. ............................................... ... ........................ ...................................................:....................................... ..................... ... <br /> , <br />'� To Have and to Hold the said premises with a11 the rights and appurtemm�cea therennto belonging unto the said �ntee,,,,,... ................_heirs and m�aigns'fore�er,Rtad t�eaid.'ge�ntor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, t5at at the making of this instrument it is well aeiaed of the��premises as of a good and in e easible eatate in fee, and hath good right to sell auti eed�- <br />' i vey the samo, and that it will W�8$arT and DEFExn tbe title to said premises nnto the sa�id grantee,-.._.........—heira and aasigns forever agarnst the I�wfnl olaims of ali peraan� whomsoevert.. :,; <br /> ExceptFng, However, all taxes and assessments levied npon 4aid premises since. ��G�,�j,t�_�_.__f��,Z, • • • � <br /> ��, _._ .......:... <br /> e �---�-- - , <br />� Axn W$���ns Sa�d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld 011 th8 S1RtQ8IIth daj�Of ApT11�A.D.18G7�0%OCUrC aII(1 C1C11VET t0 CyTllS H.MC(70PTll1C$,oY the City of New:York and Joh�n Dulf,pi the oi Boe ' <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherem said Company convevec�to tl�e said Cyivs H.MeCormick and John Duff,as 7 rustees,for the uses and purposes thereiu meutioned,among oEh�s the l�nd8��B�pxe <br /> described; Axn WHEREA9�tY1C S$1(I Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his p7ace as Truatee und tg�d mortgag deed,vyh� <br /> resignation was on the flfteenth dtiy of OCLObBT�A,D.IS73�dCC0pL0Q Dy tY10 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors;at a meeting thareoi held on that day in the Ci o�Bbstab aAd tltate df�da8ss- <br />` chusetts;Axn'4Vxr:RFas,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,3ohn Du�a� suecee8ot Lo said Cyi�ts�I, <br /> i McCormick,which nomination was,on tlie same day�&ppTOVPd bY th0 BOaYd OY I)LPCCtOTB Of Lh0 S21d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY q AxD Wa�x�as by such npminatior�and approval said P'Tect�Ttek L,A�t8s did, <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the ,�me esta�tes,powers,rights and interests and char�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,as if he had been one of thg or�' �,1 Trttstees_n�uted in aptI <br /> execnting,said Mortgage.Deed; AND WHEREAS�said remaining Trustee did,by a�conveyance,�proper an�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.3873,at the Citq of Bostoi�,ve�t th�a same <br /> in sucn nevR Trustee �ointly with him, the said John Duff; AxD WaFaEns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteentli daq of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oP w�Fitjuu� tp tfigt eftect,� , <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under sa�id Mortgage Deed, wl�ich resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, accepted by the UNION PAC[FIC.RAir.ROAn Co�Par2Y, 6y the Eaecu 8 <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoP held on that day in the,Citg of Boston and State oi Massachusetts• Axn WasRFas,on the second day of July,i88J the IInion Trust Uo]mpany uf New 7�v1ek,vYSy <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day,of July7 1889t approved by the Ngeeutive Committee oE the Board of Directqrs q��qe, <br /> said IIxiox PnCiFic RniL�vaY ConzPnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth da�V of July,1889,vesting in the saad Union'rrust Company oi New York,the estates, wer�, rights and in- <br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Axnes;Axn WxE�Ens;the said Union lrust Company of Ne�v York signified its acceptance of aaid trust,by as�� eata �ea;a�w$$a,�,ce <br /> F the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,1889 by a proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Truatee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignation wa�,on Lhe aixteeath q} <br /> July,1889, the Uxiox PnciFiC R�iLw.1Y COMPANY��y the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and 6tate oY�a�achusett8�Ayt <br /> WaExEas,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee und+Ct <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of AprIl,A.D.1867. <br /> AND WHERICAB�T110 Sal(1 UNION�PACIFIC 1tAILROAD COMPANY(Il(l�OII tI10 Q1gY1L00AtY1 ClBST OY DCC01TlU0T�A.D.1873,execute�and deliver to the IIxiox Ta,usT Con�enxY oF�N�w Yox.x a Cer'�ath�ortga�e Dee�i <br /> r wherain said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the ltbnds hereinbefore deacribed• Aa�n W�x1�e, the satd Uxi�3r <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent oi the IInion Trust Company oY�lew Yor�,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deedof the sixteenth dag of April,A.v. 1867, and Trustee under the��or�gage Deed p[�tQe� <br /> eighteenth day o4 December,A.D,1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration at the sum aforesaid, to the Union' Yactpc�GBil�vay <br /> Company in hand paid by the sa�id grantee,which said sum oP money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of�Vew York,in its capacity as TruBtee,for the uses and purposes mentioue�l in safd Mortgage Deeds,pf <br /> the sixteenth da�y ot April,1567,and of the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> Now Therefore, Kxc�w ni,L MEN BY THESE PBE3ENT8� TI]R�E tt18 Sflid UNION T&(T$T COMPANY OF NEW YOEfi� Trustee in the aforesaid Mortga�e Deeds,in considera��n of the aforesaid <br />. premiee�and the payment as aforesaid of said um,so paid by said Raiiway Company to eaid Trast Company for the nses and purposes aforesaid,dce�hereby R��iI�,REL�ASE sn�forever QuiT-(JLAIII[ <br />. nnto the said ......................... . __...._ .... . Q`;��....... o-:K�t'/ . __...... .... . . ......_.. .. .... .. <br /> / ..................................................... ............... .. ........................................• <br /> the Real Estate described aforer�aid, to be bc t� he said gr�nt�nd exempt from all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deecla,of the eiateenth day oE April, 1S67r a�d of the <br /> aigliteenth day of necember, 1873, but s t ect, however, to atl the reservations and cronditions hereinbefore contained. <br />"' IN PRESEVCE OF In witness Mhereof, the said grantor, tlie UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath � <br />:` eaused these presente to be sea•led with its corporate seal, and to he signed by� ident� ;�; : �; " <br />' ���' attested by ite Secretary, and eonntersigned by its I,and Commiasioner and ita ��' E o :� <br /> - - • � the 8&ICl IINION TRUBT COMPANY OF NE`V YO$B Trnstee u❑der the said Mortga•ge eeds '• ��' <br /> ........, . . _ :,._. � C v <br /> �" of the aigteenth day of'April, 1867, and of the�eighteenth day of December, 1873, hath :� �� <br /> �j / ��o�ycaused these present�.�ile�tQ.,h,i�rpo� 1, and to�sj,gned y i'�I'resi��� '� : <br /> ....1/.(_•..f�:..... .. __.............. , �� •��� <br /> ,1 ...... <br /> t iR��s,.,...��_____���/�................'�... � <br /> , ¢. .....:.� �l <br /> ................. ...:................ <br /> .........A. . 18�..— •� e�� <br />;! Attest::... . . ..��....G��..... .....,Secretar . .. : �.. <br /> � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWA COMPANY, •'� <br /> �w �� : <br />- IN PRESENCE OF z ' <br /> BY--.........���...�. . .. Presiden� � ': <br /> . ..............�--�-��-�-----�--....................... <br /> � � <br /> ��� UNION TRUST CONIPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTE�, � �` <br /> .......... .... .. . .. ........................... � <br /> ,�/� , , z . �� <br />` ---.......1�...�... .. <br /> _ . ._.......,. .... ............. �, <br /> Q <br /> �Q o',/ �� p : <br /> �'� BY.•••_..........G7�..../"l.<.....Q. Ur1,G{�Preeident. � <br /> G�7��1�/�/ .............. ........ ....... ....r ' p : � <br /> s�rA�rE�.. , . . <br /> ' � ss. <br />' COUNTY OF , p ; <br />� Be it Remembered, That on this.................. �r� da of <br /> ...................... ................................ Y ...— . ......--���,,�. D. 18� before me, a. <br /> Nota�ry Public, iu and for said County, appeared th UNTON PACIFIC RAILWAY MPANY, by itA Pre dent, wLo ia per- <br /> sonally known to me to be the identicat per�on whose name ia snbscribed to the oregoing inatrnment as said President and thelq aqd there <br />. � acknowledged the esecution and se�ling of said Instrumeet to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volunt+ry act and deed of said(;ompauy. <br /> In Witness Whereof, I have heren my hAnd and official seal this ,.,....... _,��N:�--;�,5 of,,,,,,;,,,,,, r�. . �,,.. <br /> .:.::...:.........................:..... <br /> A. D. 18�,2 ,at the City of , in said County and�tate. . <br /> I _ -,..�.U�ti:�%Yl�JJ. <br /> ...... __ _. __. ......__. . __. ....Netarg Fublic. <br /> STATE O'F' NEW YORI�, � <br /> _ <br /> SS. <br /> I COUNTY OF NEW YORK. <br />:: � Bs it Remembered� That on this,.,,._..,., �l `� <br />, .....,Lt l�-. ... oi_..---..... .:.:A..I?:- � before me, a Notary Pablie,in and <br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TKUST COMP.ANY OP NEW R , y.,..�—.. ,��j..��_. . . ..,...,, .it�e r 'resitdent,who <br />? ,. is personally known to me to be tbe identical person whose name is subseribed to t foregoing inst ent as sai�and'then aud there _ <br /> � acknowledged the execution and se�uling of said instrument to be hi�volunCary act and eed aud the volnntary act anc�deed said Compa•ny. <br /> � � <br /> In INitness 1Mhe�eof, I have bereunto aet,my hand and official seal this—,,,,,,,,,,-----,,.,—y,��,� .-:.. ,_.,�,usy of ,.. <br /> • ...... .. .... ..... <br /> ...:.. - <br /> ' A. D. 18 Cf� ,at the City of New York,in said.County and State., �'°" <br /> ,, , <br /> _....................�ZZ��iZ�Crli✓......�. �VLI...l..�. .�.�li.,..Wl................... <br /> � .......................NOtary Pkrblee. <br /> � � <br />