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� <br /> ._ D���: ����0 �'c�. . A <br /> � �, <br /> � <br /> FROM <br /> � FILED FOR RF.CORD and entered on Numerical Indeg this......................_� � .,._...._....,......,......_.,,�,y <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company <br /> Tp . �.......... . _�,����?�i1!�/�'//"..........A.D.189�,at-�- ..._I... � o'cl an ._...._✓v"'...minutes_S.J,......_M� <br /> � / � <br /> .....................................................5......... .................._,... .. .. ........................... <br /> ................... . .......�.�. . . .......................................... .................._. <br /> ............._ County Glerk. <br /> , <br /> BY..........................................................................................................-� ....• .....---......................... <br /> ........ Deputy. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN���`���z,3 <br /> __ U.l�ZOZ�T DIVISIOl�.—i�TEBRASKA. Deed No....��i�.U.4.............. <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UYION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObTPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed �nd eaiating by the cansolidation of Ehe <br /> KAN9AS YACIFIO RAILWAY CUMYAFY� the ll�rvM$P�ICIFIC KAILWAY AND TEL�C3$APH COMPANY� &Tld Lh0 UNION PACIFIO RAIL&OAD COMPANY� �UI1C10Y�bt18 COPpO[&t8 name �and etyle af the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY C0IIPANY,by anthority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railmad and telegraph line fmm the Misaouri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ucean, and to secure to tLe Government the nse of the sa�me for postal, military an!i other purpoaes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory thereot; w6ich said Company has succeecied to and <br /> become seized anci posseased of all the rea�l estate aud property of the said conetituent companies, whetner real,peraonal or miged,and, among oiher things,of all the land grnpted to said UxioN <br /> PACiFra RAtL�oAn CoatraxY by the aforesaid acts of Cungress,in aid of the copstruction of its mad,not conveyed away by s�xid Company at the dnte of sneh consolidation(to wit,Jannary 24, 188Q), <br /> in consideration of tbe snm of..............._._.._........: �iGft'd.....,�i�!i2�i�....�......�-... ...........��..�c!l�Q..��...... .. <br /> . .. ....................................... Dollars, <br /> .. ................................•--........................... <br /> to it paid, tbe receipt of wbich is bereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRaNT, BAR(3AIN� SELL AND CON Y, nnto......................................l�J...�_.����,�y�y��,�� <br /> . . ............................................................ .. ............. <br /> ..............................................of the County of..........................��7fi.t! the State of..............��......................................:........-�----... <br />� the following described Real Fstate,situate, lying andbeing in the County af Ha11 and in the State of Nebraska,and described as followe,to wit:,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <br /> ........... _ _....._ .... __..... _.._ ............. ... ...-- --- .......... ...................................................................................._...........,---......_................................._..:......_.... <br />� . v� �� �i ��� r��,�� �'z����.�'�----------------_.....----.......................-.-- <br /> � � � <br />� - <br />� <br /> . . ........ . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .... .. . . . ... .. . . ... .. . .. . . ... ................. <br />� <br /> ------ _...-- ..._- ___ _ -- _ _ __ -__ _ . ..._. ... ................ - .......................... .. .............................. ... ... .. ................ ... ........ ................... <br />; <br />; _..............:.............................. .............. ........................................... ......................................---........................... .. _.............. .......... . . . .. . . .................................... .. .... . :.. <br />; <br />; ... . . . . . .. .... .... . . . ................ . .. .............................................................. <br /> ............................................................................ <br />� <br /> _. <br /> f --------------------------------------- -- -- -- - ------ --- ---------------------- -------.-.-----..-.---------------------.---.---.--------------.---.--------...---..----..---------.---.-.----.----..........------.--------------............------------..--.-----._..._.............._................_..---.----....---------------.. <br />� - <br />� ---------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- - -------------------- -- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.. <br /> G <br />, ...................... .. ... .......... . . . . ...... ...... ...... . . . .. . . . ............................................... .. .............................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> i . _ r � '� '/ �Q��� ��j <br />� of �ection No..................... ... .. .. ..... .. ... . ... in Township No................. ge .. � y.C� <br /> .�..�c��J ...................................... _. �i(�lt�[!t/....���.... . . . ...North of Ran No..••..........�.�Gtl.l�kf/�G...�..a�l�.. . . .................of the 6th Pfiia+cipel <br /> - <br /> . <br />� Meridian, containing accord g to the United States surveg thereof................................................................................... �Q,� ....................�.cres,__7�tOre or <br /> .. . .. ............(... ............................................................................. <br /> less, �a � � ___ <br /> �. <br />'Cou�pet—INa„,—:,-:....................................,.................................:.. <br /> �........................ <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br />; .............:........................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ...................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................... <br />� To Hsve and to Hold tbe said premises with all tbe rights and appurtenancec thereunto belonging nnto the aaid �rantee,,,,,,,,,�Q................_beirs and assigns forever,and the aaid'grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the grantee, that a�t the making of this instrument it is well aeizEd of tbe said premises as of a good and indef'easible estmte in fee, and h�th good right to sell and oott- <br />- rey tbe same, and that it will W�a,RnrT and D�F�rrn the title to eaid premises unto the said grantee,.....,��,Yy�O._. .._,..heira and asaigns forever against tba lawfal tslaims of all persona whomeoever. <br /> Excepting, However,all taxes anci assessments levied upon said premises since,..,,.... ... /��L�{i�;rj�..1.C��. ���,�i�,.._ . . <br /> ,. � o � ' .......... . _..:._.............. ..........v�.. ....... .� , . r . <br /> _._.. _....._ <br />- AND WHL+'REAB�9211d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY$ld on the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867,execute�and dehver to Cyrus H.MeCormick,oi the�Gityof New�York,and John Duff,o!�the.C�ty o�i Bos � <br /> F. ton,a ceTtain Mort age lleed of that date,wherein saic3 Company convevec�to tha said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among othara the 3�nde hereiqAefo� <br /> described�AND �HEREA9�th0 S$ld CyPll3 H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his plgce as Trustee und6r safd mortg ge dee13,whi�h <br /> resignation was OD Eh0 f1ft00DLh d&y Of UCLObBT�A.D.1873�a,CC8pt0C1 b}�th8 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CObIPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the Cit�of Boaton�nd$State at <br /> chusetts 7 Axn'WxhxFas,on the fifteenth day of OctoUer,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the rema,ining Truatee,John Du� as sncee�sor to saic�G�rus� <br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,aP�)TOVP(I Uj�t$0 BOaTfl OL D1Y'OCtOP3 OY tI10 9d1(I UNION PACINIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WAEREA9 by such nomination and approval eaid Frederick L.Am�es dfid <br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the -ame estates,power.s,rights and interests and charged with the same duties and responsibili�ies;as iY he had been one of the origfnal Trusteee named}n apt� <br /> executinb,said Mortga e,Deed; Axn Ws���as,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper an�effectnal for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the-ssi�e <br />," in sucn new Trustee j�omtly with him� the said John Duff; AND WxFSEAS, the said John Duff did, on the fonrteenth day oY February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument ot writin� to that e$ec6, n+ <br /> N, sign his place as Tru*tee under said Mortgage lleed, which resigvation was, on the iourteenth day of February, A, ll. IS77, aceepted by the UNION Pac[FiC RAILROAD COffiPANY� by the �XeaaSlxe <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the,City of Boston and Btate o4 Massachusetts• Axn WHERF.AB�on the second day of July 1889 the Union Trust(;ompany of New Yarlt,�►ae� <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July} 18891 approved by the L�xecutive Committee of the Board of DireCWrs of t8e <br />^ said Uxxox PaciFic Rnzr.wnY ConzrnxY; and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,1889,vestuig in the said Umon�L'rust Com�any o4 New York,the estates, powera, rightB�ad Flft- <br />+� terests created by said Mortgage Deed jointly with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaEx�as,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of said trust,by a� eaid deed;Axn WH�a�s11,� <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the titteenth day of July,18s9,by a�roper instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Moi�tgage Deed,which resigna ion was,on the sixteextth �t� <br /> July�1889�'d(fC0�1E0(1.U}j tY18 UNIUN PACIFIC RAILW�Y COMPANY�by the xecutive Committee of its Board oY Directors,at a meeting thereof,heid on that day m the City of Boston, and $tate oi MaeeaGhusatta;�p <br /> WaEx�as,no nouvnation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having bee,n made,the said Union Trust Comp�ny oi New York became and now is the sole Trustee imct�gr <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the siacteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> Axn WasR�ns,The said Uxiox PaoiFic 1tniLROan ComPaxY did,on the eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox TRUSx Co�PnxY oF Nanv Yoxs a eertsi�144ortgagb Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinhefore described; axn Wssx�:wa,the saui Uxiax <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wltll the consent of the Union Trust Company of:�ew Yor�,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oY the sixteenth day of Aprii,A;ll. 1567, and Truatee under the Moit�e I)eed��pt��the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbePore described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the IInion paciflu B�ilrugy <br /> Com�any in hand paid by the said grantee,which sa�id sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said MnrLgage Deed� pf <br /> the sixteenth day of Apr�l,1sG7,and of the eighteenth da�y of December,1873. <br /> - Now Therefore, KNnW ALL MEN BY THEBE PRE$ENT$� Tbat the said Uxiox T&USx CoasrAxY oF Nsw YoBg,Trastee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in considasation of the �foresa�id <br /> premises and the payment as aforesaid of said enm, so paid by smid Railway Companv to sa,id 7�ixat Company for the nsem and pnrposes aforesaid,do�hereby RBnsra�,R�EASS andforever QtTIT-qi.o,t�a <br />: unto tt�e said .......... ........... �...�. �/UG(%1'1?l�I:'�Gfill....... .. <br /> _.... ......._... _.._. ....... ._.._........ ... ....... ..... .... .............. <br /> ............................................................................�--• ------.. <br />� the Real Estate deacribecl afore5aad, to be heid bv the said gi�antee free avd exempt fi�ow all liens, �ncumbrances $nd charges of said Mortgage Deeda, of the sixteenth duy of April, 186'7, a,nd of t�te <br /> eighteenth day of Becember, 1873, but subject, however, to all the reservations and conditions hereinbefore wntained. <br />� IN PRESENCE OF In witness Mlhereof,.the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hath <br />' �,� caused these presente to be sealed with ite corporate seal, and to he signed by ih,te 'd " '• <br />. attested by its Secretary, and countersigned by its I,and Commiasioner and ita A�� i o � <br /> •� �• �'t��� -- - �� the 8ald UNION T&U3�r COMPANY OF NEW YO$g� Trnstee, nnder the said Mortgage �eeds, :� ;� <br /> �. +., of the sizteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, '73, hath <br />'. � `m, � �� ca sed t ese presents �le�th i��rate seal nd be si��y i ^ �ident,,wrQi.a,i,s � ; <br /> .............. .... �� . <br />. a��a14�1�ti��G�u�tit" . <br /> � . �- � �������.� .� .� : <br />; , th�s................�.�.. .................. . ..�....d$Y n..................................................._.....,A. . 18..�C..o'�...... p <br /> ° Attest:... (/k'.�-F'f..,.�'�L�"'v"-. ......... .....,Secsretary. .... .. ,� � <br /> . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, � <br />. IN PRESENCE OF qQ �Q ;r9� �� z : . . <br /> Y-••...........�.�I•.:SI,..�!k�ll!!Ylr......... „President. � . . <br /> B W � <br /> � ""_""""................................. . W <br />�.{ ...-...� �. ��� ..-..... .... . . ... UNI01�.TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � � <br />, � � z <br /> ,,,(� . <br /> _...._......�..1!Y....��j .... . . ........ .. aent � <br /> r . <br /> p � <br /> -.. ..--.- n„� B�................. �,r,..�:�'v�"� � � <br /> r�,c _. .:....... .........��.-:� . U : : <br /> s�rA�rE oF > . . <br /> � ss. <br /> COIINTY OF� . � <br />� Be it Remembered� That on this........._•••......�.. . of.......................... . ..� vG" •A. D. 18�,2 before me, a <br /> Notary Public, in and for said County, a peared the UNION YACIFIC RAILWAY COb1 NY, by � � its Pre dextt� wBo i� per- <br />�_ sonally known to me to be the identical person whose name is snbascribed to the fore ing instrgment as s�id President and tben and there <br /> acknowledged the execution and sealing of said Inatrnment to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volnnb�ry act and deeu'of said Company. <br /> In Nitness Whereof, I bave here my band and ofiicial seal this............. . _�y af_ <br /> �} ����..... ....... G�....................................................... <br /> A. D. 189,?i ,at the City of��n e�a,in said Connty and 8tate. <br /> " ........___._... . <br /> S T A T E O�F N E W Y O R I�, ____ _.......__ _.� ,;�•l�/I1�1> _................Notar� Publie. <br /> � ss. - <br /> M COIINTY OF NE�V YORK. <br /> : Be it Remembered, Tbat on this._.__.., ���.,..._ ..,....,day oi_.__,____.._._ ...,A. D,'18��. , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in anQ <br /> - --- .. <br /> „,y ; G� , ,�• <br /> , for said County, appeared the UNI�ON TRUST COMPANY OI+' NEW YO , b9......•.......... .�p11....-01�....... .. ........: its�President,who <br /> . . ....... <br /> - is personally kno�vn to me to be t1�e iclentical person whose name is subseribed to the regoing inatru nt as sa resident, and then and there <br /> . ........ ... <br /> ;.t,- acknowledged tbe execution and sealing of said in�trnment to be hie volnntary �et and de and the volnntary act and deed of said Company. <br /> ' In Mlitness 'Mlhersof� I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2�� ; of.,.,,,....,__ _.. ` <br /> .............. ......... <br /> ....._...... ............----•_- <br /> A. D. 18�2 ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. ' <br /> 'J ............. ,���� <br /> ..................................................4:��2��;[�+1....✓...�./.��........ . .......................Notary Pzwblac. <br /> . , , � <br /> , ,.4... . . . . <br /> . <br /> . . . . ,� . , �.: <br /> -.,,. . ..,.. . . ... . : . . .. .... _ . . . .. . �.�i�1:..� .... .s ..,:.-_��. ..}G..ti:.:. � � , � � .<:�.1 _..J.r�GdiMW�X. _ <br />