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w . _ _ _ _,. ____-___T._,_—_.__ T ,. <br /> �� ..� <br /> Deec� I�eco �-c� . . � � <br /> a <br />_ __ _ __ . _ ._ _ ____ _ _ __ _ <br /> �� <br /> _ �Q. _ _ _ __ __ <br />_ __ ��:: � � _ _ __-_�__ _ _. <br /> FROM 3 <br /> , , . FILED FOR RECORD and entered on Numerica�l Indeg this._...._.,...,1�_,,� ; <br /> Unlon P�eifie Railway Company � <br /> T� �f- ..... . . . . .. _... __. ......._A.D.189'2sat-�- . �............o' ck and...._.'_'_.......minutes �_.M. � <br /> i <br /> ! � ...................�t.., .... ..... .. ... �.................... ..... .................... <br /> � , .. ... .... <br /> .... (i����._ . _ �.:... . : .....Q-�.. <br /> � County Clerk. <br /> ........... BY........................................................................................................... . . ..... ........ <br /> .. ........ <br /> ---_ - _ __ --__ - - _ .._ ........ _ Deputy. <br /> I <br />; THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY_ <br />� _ . III1TIOhT DIVISIOI�T.--1ITEBRAS7�A. Deed No..�,�.1�.�....... ' <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY CO1ViPANY, which is a Corporation formed and egisting by the consolidation of the � <br /> �KAMSA3�I�ACIFiO RAILWAY G'OMYANY� th0 DLrNVEIL PACIFIC KAILWAY AND TELEC}RAPH COMPANY� &IICl th@ UNION PACIFIQ RAIL$OAD G'UASPANY� under tll6 corporate ri&Me and Sty10 O�thB I <br /> UNION PACIFIC ItAILWAY CO\IPANY, by authority of an act of Coogress, entitled, "An act to aid in the coustruction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Miasonri River to the Pacific i <br /> Ucean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same f'or postal, military an�other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory thereot; which said Company has sneceeded to and � <br /> become seized and possessed of all the real e�tate aud property of the s.�,id constituent companiea, whetner real,personal or mixed,and, among other things, of all the land graa�ted to said U�toN { <br />� PACiFio ItAiLSOAn CoazraxY by the aforesaid acta of Conaress,in aid of the coustruction of ita road,not conveyed away by said Company at the dnte of auch consolida�tion(to wit, Jannary 24, 1580), � <br /> in consideration of,tpe,sum of _...,.__ (I//J:1,�_.._.._.f�.�l..=�1 <br /> .... _._......... ....... . .. ..... _.._ . . ... ,.............. ................................... �� r � <br /> . ....... .............. ........... <br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GxnxT, BAR6AIN��ELL AND CONVEY� nnto ,�.�c.,..�??�� �� lU .. . . ....:. .................. i <br /> 4 ...... ..... ........ .� <br /> . ^ ' <br /> ......................... .... ....................:........................ , <br /> �/ � Q��� � / _ a � <br /> � ....... a:. . the State o..................... ��. <br /> ... . ...�/.�:�it�C/u!......................... ................ ...1.�:r�-Q.��1�?�L......................... . <br /> the followiug des�r�d I.eal E ate, uate,lying�&ndbeiog in the County cf Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to wit•........................................................................................:............. <br /> � II <br /> .:......__........._..._..._...._.....___.._..._.........._...........__........._............._........................ .._._.._._.........................._...... ....._............--� ---�------------. .......................................................... .... ............. . ......................... ....................,... <br /> •• , <br /> .........:.. .. ....... <br /> _...... ._ __.�'�.. _- _ �� �/� _�. . ._�...... . .. ���.�_- -- -..�.�...�:-����.... ..---.... .................... ........---.(,�.:��... ...... .. ......:m... <br /> � � � � �� �� �� .. <br /> ...... .. . ....... ......... ................ ... .. .. �� ........ . .. _ _ _.._ ............................ <br /> �� � ......... .......... <br />' _ ._c�-n.�1'�,c<f/h....�iL��c...._... ..._.... ......d'e�vvLt�-./....� -a�:.- .. .. . `�'v!.am�....✓1!r.�1'......... .......�.....�G?i?z�.._�-!-/�......��..... ............... <br /> ---�-- - -- -...... .. � <br /> �.................................................................................................................._........................................... --........... <br /> ....................................._._...._...._..._...... ._.._....``'��.._........... <br /> ._.... -......................... ..................... <br /> n/ //� �/, `� � g � <br /> ___..........V�......... �,/t�'�-�C-:L:l/.....;....._�n?_._`�?-!�-�t!_.<t�-�.......('.�:.2.d!�...G.�?-t�[....._C��Ci1'`"(1-�............ ��.. . .............. <br /> .................. . ................. . ..... ... . ...................... .... ....... <br /> •---�-��---------�...........� ./ .�....-- - --._........-� - °� -�--------�--_------ �-�-.. --- -�- ' <br /> ��lM�//� � � ...----�-�� -----��---�--- -----------�-�-���-�-�-----.....-------....-�--�-.....-�--- --.........--�--��-��- -- -......----�------�-----�°---•-�--�---�--�--�--�---------�-�------�---------------•�-----�-------°-�--....... <br /> �����--1-�-Y---------�E`f�Y......,/....................---.........................- -- ....--.........--------._...----------...--------------------------------- ' <br /> ....._.................1..._...._..---°---°°°--�..1 ... ---- - _ -.° °------- <br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................................�........................................................_......................................................................................................-- .............................................� <br /> h. / ' . D�' . / � / , �j <br /> of Section No,...:.........................�.�.-...... .. :4.:.C..,----°°l--��................., Townehip No...........�..��^�Y�-� .1/ ��.....North of Range No.....�..f..�� -4:�X..........of the fith Prineipal <br /> ....... ................. ....... ................... <br /> Meridian, . . . ........'�s—�'�"' <br /> , ' o � .........................................................................................................................................................................�3`���:.............................................................:.................:. <br /> t�tebeei ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:...:..... <br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> To Have and to Hold the said premises with all tbe rights and appnrtenancea thereunto belon�ing nnto the said grantee,�w.,q:�.,u,.u:gc�r.p...,�and asaigns forever,$nd the�id grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant witl�the said grantee, tha�t at the making of thie inatrnment it is well seiaed of the said premises as of a good and indef'easible eat�te in fee, �nd hath good right Lo sell and eoa- <br /> I� vey tbe same, ancl that it will W�BRnrT and D�FExv the title to said premises unto the said grantee,rAp,,p,�x�`:� eir,q and assigns forever against tbe lawful claims of all pereona whomsoever. <br />�I ��" Q <br /> Excepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied upou eaid premises eince.......__. l�!/[4<L!'�._/ �;_�.�9 `L _ _ _ � � � <br /> I _............... <br /> ' , � ............... . ........ _._ ............. . _... __... ._......;_ _.._ ..�............ . � � <br /> AND WHF,REA6�Salfl UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY C�1CI on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.186i,execute and deliver to Cyrus�I3.Mc(:ormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff,of the City of Bos <br /> ton,a certain Mort�age veed of that date,wherein said Company conveved to the said Cyrus I3.MeCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,Eor the uses and purposea therein mentioned, among others the lands herembeiore <br /> described; AxD WxESEna,the said Cyrus H.MeCormiek did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1s73,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,whiuh <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�a,CC0pt0d by Eh8 UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board oP Directors, at a meeting thereoY held on that day in the City of Boston and State of 1Sass�- <br /> chusetts; Axn'4Va�RFas,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,af Easton,in the State o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> I McCarmick,which nomination was,on the same day�&pilY'OVP.CL b}'thH BOaT$OP D1T0CYAT9 OY th0 9ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY q Axv Wx�RFas,by such nomination and approval sa3d Frederick L.Ames dfd, <br /> upon his aeceptance thereof,tliereaYter become vested with the s�me estates,powers,rights and interests,and char„ed with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had been one of the original Truetees named in and <br /> executmg,said M.ortga�e.Deed; Axn WaEREns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> in sucn new Trustee �omtly with him,, the said John Duff; Axn Wx�sEns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day oY February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writin� to that e�ect, re- <br /> sign his place �s Tru-tee under said Mortgage Deed, wluch resignation was, on the foui�teenth day oP February, A. D, is77, aceepted by tha IIxiox Pnc[Fic RAILROAD ContrArrY, by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting tliereof held on that dsy in the.City of Boston and State ot Massachusetts• Axn WxFREas,on the second day of July 5889 the Union'Crust Oompany oi New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick l,.Ames,as successor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July, 1889,apProved by the L�xecutive Committee oY the Board of Dueetora oE the i <br /> aaid UxioN PnCiFrc RniLwaY Co�rexY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth da�y of July,1889,vesting m the said Umon'1'rast Company oi New York,the estates, powers, rights a,nd in- . <br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Nrederick L.Ames; AND WHEREA$�tI18 9&lCt UIIIOII Trust Company of New York signiRed its aeceptance of said truat,by signing said deed;AND WHEREAB <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oY July,1889,by a proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under sa�id Mortgage Deed,which reaignation wws,on the sixteenth day ot� <br /> July,1889, the Uxiux PnciFrc RaiLw<�Y COMYANY�Uy the Executive Oommittee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axu <br /> WaEREAS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made;the said�Tnion Trust Company oY New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> tha said Mort�gage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.i86Z <br /> Axn Wa�it�as,The s�,id Uxiox PACiFrC KaiLROnn ConzrnxY did,on the eighteenth day of D'ecember,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxzox TxusT Co�rnxY oF N�w Yoxx a cert$in Morteage Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the 9aid Union Trust Company of Ptew York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore deacribed; Arrn WH�a�ne, the said Uxiox <br /> PACIFIC R9ILWAY COMPANY�with the cansent�of the Union Trust Company oY�N ew Yor�,sole Trustee nnder the Mortgage Deed oi the sixteenth day of April,A.D. lss7, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oL the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real�estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,.Por and in considerataon oE the sum aforesaid, to the Union Paciflc Raiiway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said�n antee,which said sum oY rnonep has beeq paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> Che sixteenth day oi April,1867,and of the eighteenth day oY December,1573. <br /> Now Therefore, Kld(1�'V ALL MEN BY THEBE PRESENTB�Tll&b th0 8a7d UNION T&U8T COMPAI3Y OF NEW YOE%, Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage DCeC18�111 CUZ181(18Tbt10II Of tt1A �OTeBdiCl <br /> premisea anct the ment as aforesaid of�aid eum,so paid by said Bailway Companv to said Trnst Company for the nses and purposes aforesaid,dcea hereby RsMrss,R�I.�ASS and forever Q�TIT-CLa� <br /> a <br /> unto tbe said���....:.lff/}I'l��Y�R. �i ......._ ���C'���2......._'.,LC.•. . ..._ .��.....__..... � �... ........ .................................... .... ....:.................. ...................... ........... <br /> the Real Estate describecl a�!yl��esaid, to be held bv the sa' grantee f'ree and exempt frmn all ens, incumbrances d charges o said gage Deeds,of the sixteenth duy of April, 1667, and of the <br /> eighteen�h day of Decemb�, 1873, but suhject, however; to all tl�e reseivations and rondit o s hereinbefore cont i�ed. � � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF In Witness whereof� the sa�id grantor, tha UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COJ�PANY,hath <br /> � p caused these presentA to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be eigned by its,�,,P esi �t�.����� : r: : �: <br /> ����,/°��U`�'y� � �` attested by its�ecretary, and conntersigned by its I,and Commiasioner and its .�u i �and 3 o b <br /> a <br /> - ��'-� - - - -- - � the BSid UNION TB,U6T COMPANY OF NEW YOB3�� Trustee, ttnder the said Mortgage eeda, ;•� :� <br /> (/-� 4�-� of the sizteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December �873, hath <br /> ca ed these p sen to be epled �i cor a seal, d to pigned i�s�"�re ident,� .� <br /> 's <br /> .....`7'.1�� _ �-� . . �.��,.� 4��.,�,.�,�,� ,,� .��,� .� a..�,�_y„1.� �- :� <br /> ..................... . . � � . :� <br /> , ���:�.���--.� tb�s...............:........... .� ...da� Kf,,.............:. ...................��..............A_ D. ..9..�:. � : q �� <br /> ..._......................°• ` <br /> .,� �:. <br /> Atteat:.............:.. _�<.............................................Sevretar � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA1vY, � ' <br /> �; <br /> _ ... .. .... . . <br /> IN PRESENCE OF � /J /�� � � � : : ,,, <br /> a-� B3-•-•-----.XJ..%.����icU!i!.�.....................-�-�-....------••-----.........President. � . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> ��� � ��� UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTES, � �' � <br /> ............. .......... 1..�!�!.... ............ .............� W �: <br /> � � �� (� � /� ' n/` � �: �: . <br />. ------------...�..��...C..l.. .... ..: � .. ...._. ..-- B �a. _ ; <br /> ,O]� �c�(�-!2.(, �/it�t,l:President. � ; • <br /> ' 9---........... ...... � _................ � <br /> s�rA rE o� , _� <br /> � ss. _ , <br /> COUNTY OF �. <br /> yl Be it Rememb d, That on this........... ..... ... of................ ............... ....�. .. . . . .....A. D. 189�before me, a <br /> Notary P ic, in and for said Count , appeared the UNIO:T PACIFIC RAILWAY �IPANY, 1S'y , itx President, who ie per- a <br /> sonally knocvn to me to b� the ide ical person whose name is aubscribed to t oregoing inatrument as said I'resident and then and there <br /> ��n 6 acknowledged the executiou and sea ng of said Instrnment to be his voluntary act an eed, and the volunt�ry act and deec:of said Company. <br /> ,� <br /> In witness whereot� I have Lereu o se y hand and official seai this,_..._..,.. . „ ,______day of................ <br /> . . ............... ................... <br /> . ............. <br /> ��� A. D. 18� �i ,a�t tbe City of ,i}�aaid Coanty and State. <br /> .... _ _ . _. ���/YI�O _ .._.ATotary Fublic. . <br /> _._... <br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF NE`V YORg. ,_ . <br /> -� Bo it Rsmembered, That on this_......... . ot_____.____._ .___ _ A D. 189 �, be ore me, $ Notary Public,in and <br /> � <br />, for said County, appet�red the ION TRUST COMPANY OP NEW K, ... ...... ..�YN�-t�Q...�l P � � '�� ' , <br /> ...... ........ .. . ....... . .. ....................its�esident who <br /> is personally known ta me to be the identical per�on whose name is scribe to t foregoinR instrnme s sai�"�r'esident, and then and tbere <br /> ��„ Q aeknow3edged the execution and sealing of�id inatrument to be hie voluntary act an �d an the volunta act and deed of said Gbmpany. <br /> �.� <br /> in witn�ss whereof, I have bereunto set my hend and official seal this_......... .. ............. ......... of-•----°----- -----.-----.._..._..-------.---.----._--.-..---.--- ' .: <br /> i , A. D. 18 q Z ,,at the City of New York,in ssid Connty and State. : <br /> � .�� `?�I?a-u� � . ..... .............. dac. � <br /> 9 � ��� <br /> ,p� <br /> ,. :. � �� �....... .............. �!!L�-?.sl.... ..... . ..�?:!�.-............�f.d.......... .... Notary .P�eb ' <br /> e , -� _ � <br /> _�� _ y. ___ __- _ ---__ _ _._. ._ . _ _----_. _. _ _ _ _ _ __. _ ___ _ __ _� __ ._ __ __ ' - - <br />