. _.. _�._..._ . _ . . _ _ ._ _ _
<br /> , .
<br /> � � a
<br /> De�c�. .��.eco �-c�. . .
<br /> __ o. _ __ _____ _ _
<br /> _ _ _ _ __._ __________ .
<br /> ____ _ ____ _ __ _ _
<br /> FROM �
<br /> Union Paeifie Rai�Way Company FiLEn Fox RECORD and entered on Numerical Indeg this._..,.,,,... .,�,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,day
<br /> �
<br /> TU of.--__.. . ..A.D.189 ...o'clo and. � 0.......minutes_.. ..:__.�. �
<br /> _ . .._ . . �at..._� ..... __ �
<br /> �� �
<br /> ........................................................................ ......_� ......................... ............................
<br /> :..............._.................._............. CouutyClerk. �
<br /> ......_...::.... : . . �. .:..._.....:...� I
<br /> �
<br /> ��� ��� BY..................................................................•-�------------�--............................ .................._p..�....
<br /> <...._ ___. __._._ _._ �.��G�:rli�N�.i�G�%fI/����...... .......... De u
<br /> �
<br /> i711TIOhT DIVISION.—i�EBRASKA. Deed No..�f�;�.;�.(�... �
<br />�j �'{IIOW a�� M@Cl bY t`1eSe PC@S@C1tS� That the UNION PACIFIC RA.IL`VAY CObiPAATY, wbich is a Corporation formed and exi.sting by the consolida#aon ot the
<br />'' K.AN$A$ PACIPIO KAILWAY CU➢1PANY�th0 DEhVER YACIFIC li,AILWAY AND TEL7CC}RAPH COMPANY� 4Lrid thC�TNION PACIFIO RAILROAD �OMPANY� under the corporate name &lld Bty16 6�tlie�
<br />� UNION YACIFIC RAIL`VAY CO\1PANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "Au act to aid in the construction of a rt�ilroad and telea aph line from the M�ssonri River to the Pacific '
<br /> Ocean, and to secare to the Government the u�e of the same for postal, military an�otLer pnrposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory thereof, wbieh said Companp has succee�ied to and i
<br /> become aeized and po.gsesged of all the real estaxte aud property of the �aid constituent comp�nies, whetner real,personal or mixed, and, t�mong other things�of all the land granted to said IINION �
<br />'I PsetFrC RaiL�oAn ConsraxY by the aforesaid acts of'Cunaress, in aid of the construction of ita road,not conveyed mway by said Comp�ny at the date of euch consolidation(to wit,January 24, 18$0), �
<br /> d� o� i
<br />' in conaideration of tlie sum of.................._....._..._...._.....-_....._ �
<br /> _............_._...........:�G�!.°O_..... . .. ... ...... .6i�� .................�1Y...200................... .................... ............................................................:...................noll�rs,
<br /> /� /f� ,
<br />� � P � r P 9 fi � Y r e � C/%�j�������..L/....C..�.........:........................:......:.:..:..:.:....:...
<br /> to it aid the recei t of which is hereb acknowled ed doth hereb GRANT of the County of AND CONVE�nt�............................in the State of....................... . .. ... ... . . I
<br /> ... .........................................
<br />! the following describe Real E tate,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraeka,and described as follows, to wit:.......... ......,....,,.......,........_,.......,............_..._..._............................. ��
<br />+ � ... .. �`� ,�.;�� `���� a�� __�� ,������--�----�.�1.. ..�.��.�����::...�,�.��.. �..�....�.....��,�......................................... ��
<br /> � �
<br />, ...: ..:. .. .. . . ... . ............... . ................... ... ...............................................................................................................................................
<br /> --�-�---------------------------------- - --------- --- -�-- ------�--- -------�--�--�-- -...� ---...-------------�------�----�---�----�---------------��----�----�------._.....--�--.-�--._.............---.......-------...----�-----------�-�----.........------------.....------------._...-----�--...--------------.......--�--...-------------
<br /> ....................................... ............... ................................................ .. ........... ........ .... . . .................. .................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> of Seetion No.................`�.9:f'!1.Y.�.l.t2../ .....�1�............................:..in TownsUip No.........��i��Pi....(,�P....h...�......�l .North of R�nge No......,,�,��,e,�.1�.(1�1,1. .r,�/�..........of the 6th Principal
<br /> � . . ..................._ �
<br /> B'Ieridian, containing according to the United States survev thereof........... ................ . .......... .... ... ...... ...............L�LfQ�..................................................................:...........................................Aeres, more or
<br /> less, �a � s�pr�is�a con;6caeted t�be �c1� t�...........................................................................: ......,.....................................................,.:..........��oatceat Iio.,..._......................,.:.:...:..,
<br /> dAk�cl '
<br /> ................................................. . .................................................................................................................................... ......................
<br /> �
<br /> I _.. ......_................................_..................__.._...................._..............................................................................................................._........................f.......................................:......;;-......................................................................
<br /> To Have and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appurtenance� thereunto belong;ing nnto tLe said �rnntee,,,,.,.,.7�,�q.............heirs and aesigns forever,and the e,��d grantor
<br /> I doth hereby covenaut with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is well seized of the said premises as of a goud and indef'easibie estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and �n-
<br /> vey the same, and that it will W ARxarT and DEFExv the title to said prem4ses unto the said grantee,,......�.._..,._Ueira and assigns fi�rever against the lawfnl elaima oY all persons who�onsoever.
<br />� Excepting, Nowever, all taxes and asses9menta levied upon said premises since.... ..___. G���?,� � .���'<Z ._._. _...............�1-e��-a�suat mxj�.c�4ai�d�iac.�►�-
<br /> i �
<br />� �c�utc�t oe-per�att�d U�;t�ug�k,ea u�dec 9le3li:...................... ........ ..._.. ___ __ _.... _ ..... . _._ ... . _ e+�....:. . .�teeeseatss,i�eisa.os.sassi�.r�l aq�C Of fA��d!
<br /> Axn WxFx,�as 3�id UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A,D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus I3.MeCOrmick,oY the City oY NeW York,and John DuB,oi the Oity oi Bus
<br />' ton,a certain blortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff,as 1'rustees,for the nses and purposes therein mentioned, among others the lands herembelore
<br /> i described; Axn WxEREns,the said Cyivs H.MeCormick did on tho twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.18i3,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign hia place as Trustee under said mort�age deed,whieh
<br />� resignation was on the fifteenth d�,y of October,A.D.1873�$CCCpCOI�b}�t11C UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereol held on that day in the City oE Bpston and State of Massa-
<br /> chusetts;,Axv'WxN:xFas,on the flfteenth day of OctoUer,A.U.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta,te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duie,as sucreessor to said Cyrua H.
<br />, MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day a�pproved by the Board oY Directors of the said Uxrox PaczNic RaiLROan Co�PnxY; Axv WaER�na by such nomination and approyal gaid Frederick L,Amea did,
<br /> upon his aeceptanea thereof,thereafter Uecome vestec� with the ?a�me est�tes,powers,rights and interests and char,�ed with the sama duties and responsibili�ies,as iP he had been one of the o ' TC�steea named in and
<br /> gxecuting,sa,id Mortgage,Deed;Axv WaF.R�ns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyanee,�p oper anc�effoctual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the�&Boston,vest Lha same
<br /> in sucn uew Trustee )ointly with him, the said John Duff; Axn WaFSEns, the said Jo�u DufY did, on the Yourteentli day oi Februaiy, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrumenC oP writin� to that egect, re-
<br /> sign his place as Tru,tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the foui�teenth day oE February, A. D. 1s77, accepted by the Uxtox PnC[FiC Rair.x,oen CoMPaN3r,,tiy the Executive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston,and Btate of Massachusetts• Axn W xExEas,on the second day of July,1889 the Union Trust Uowp�uy of New York,w&s
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trnstee,Frederick 1�.Ames,as successor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the thirteenth day of July, 1889;approved by the N:xecutive Committee oY th0 BOA�d o1 Directors oY the
<br /> said Uxxox PnczFrC Rnir.wnY Co�PnxY• and the said FrederickL.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of Jnly,1889,vesting in the said Umon'Crust Company oY New York,the estate�, pgwers, rights and in-
<br /> terests created by said Mortga�e lleed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaEnEns,the sald Union Trust Company of New Y"ork signified its acceptance of sa3d truat,by a�gn�ng�Aid deed;ArTn WsEe�n$
<br />` , the said Frederick L.Ames dtd, on the flfteenth day of July,1889,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,sesign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignatio�l ,on the aixteenth dag ot�
<br />� July�1859�aCC0pt0Cl.by Lh8 UNION PACIFIC RAILSV<�Y COMPANX�by the Ex�cutive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, ani�?�ot Massachusetts; Ar�p
<br /> WxrsEAS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,cansed by the resignation of said Frederiek L.Ames,having been made,the said Union Trust Compa�y of New York became and Aow is the sole Trustae under
<br /> the said Mortga�ge Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> Axn Wa�RSns,The said Ux�ox PnarFic ttniLxo.�n CoMraxY did,on the eighteeuth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the UNION;�RU6T COMPANY OF NEW YOR%&CBtY&!II MOrt�.g2 Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,a�s Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbePore described; Axn Was �as, the said Uxrox
<br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wlth the consent oE the Union Trust Company oP N ew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of Aprii,;A,ll. 3867, and Trustee under the��tg$ge T)eed of the .
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real es'tate hereinbe4ore described,unto the said grantee,,for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid;to the Un►on Paciflo RSilway
<br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum oi money ha,s been paid to the said Union Trust Company oE N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said MorGgage Deeds of
<br /> the sixteenth day oE Apr�l,1867,and oi the eighteenth day oP December,is73. �
<br /> Now Thereiore, Bx��w nr.L MEN BY TI3ESE PB,E$ENT6� That the said Uxiox T&asz CoaiPAxY oF N�w Yoxg, Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeda,in consideration of the �'oresaid
<br /> premises and the gayment as aforesaid of said eum,so�ai by said R ' ay Compp�y to said nst Company for the naes aud purposes aforesaid,does hereby R,�iBS,R�ASE and forever QIIrr-CL4�x
<br /> . /��
<br /> unto tbe said ............ --... _..__..._ F�.. _.. _.���... . ._..._ ........................ ..................- ---
<br /> .... ._..... . _ _........ ..... .... . ......................................
<br /> the I�eal Eet�te de,�;cribed aforesaid, �o be held uy sid grao ee f'ree and exempt fiom all liens, incumbrances and eharges of said Mortgage Deede,of the sigteenth dsty of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> eighteenth day of' December, 1873, bat suhject, however, to all the reservations and�•unditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF In witnsss whereof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COyIPANY, hath
<br /> cauaed these presents ta be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be aigned by its �,re�.s_i�nt��� ;� �
<br /> , attested by its Secretary, and conntersigned by its I,and Commissioner and ita Aui�i��, a : a
<br /> � _/ ..,
<br /> -� G��� -� - �� - ° ��1d�/'� the 8&ld UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NISW YOSI{� Trustee, under the said Mortgage �eds, ° '°
<br /> ,��a.�i p of the aizteenth day of'April, 1867, and of the ei�hteenth day of llecember,,��7�3, hath '�
<br /> , , cansed thesa'$resen,ts to be eealed with i c gate a �,j an to be i ned�by�it"s"�resident
<br /> a
<br /> .. � ���:�?�_ . .yvy�,,,���a„(„�,.�a,,..►ke.fww� �o.wened�'�'� ��Ga.u'�e�.y�v.'eo,�a�.�.w..A��taod+�fi....�wh�.v�l�r�wlev�s+�.� :� - . .
<br /> ........ . .......�............. .. ..... .........................
<br /> �f t 18... .e............ �J������t�rl/�v � ; i
<br /> . . . . - _.. . . . . ..... .. ............_.....Cl& Of..................... ............. A. . Zs...g...?.T... i p
<br /> /y /J ........ �....................... '.
<br /> AttP�B�:.... V✓�... �P���'���✓!-!�� � �
<br /> .. ............................
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF �- ,(/ � � '� ;
<br /> � BY__•••���.�.�:/!<�....... ....................•-----....,....President. � ,; •
<br /> � ��- � �:
<br /> � ������� -�������� �� � UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEF, H -: �;
<br /> ��
<br /> ... ........ ......:. .. ........
<br /> _....�...�0�� y.��� � �D � � . � �:
<br /> z
<br /> � �
<br /> BY....-�-- - -
<br /> .�to. G���- ..�..�.,ce�.;President. U - ;
<br /> STA'i'E OF ) � .
<br /> ' } SS.
<br />' C N T Y O F �L2�'t.�`�o�p��cto ) �� � �
<br /> Be it Remem red, That on this.................... �� day of_,..,,,,..,,,,,,�i���c;•••..... .� ..� A. D. 18�,L before me, a
<br /> ........... ....................................................... ...
<br /> Notary I'ublic, in and for said Count.y, $ppeared the UNI02i PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN y ��ry�, itx President, who is per-
<br /> �SL�%�v"" sonally known to me to be tlie identical per�on whose name ia aubscriUed to the foregoing instrument as said Preaident and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the egecution aud sealins of said Instrnment to be hia voluntary act and deed, vd the acrinntnry act anJ�f "d of said Company. ,n
<br /> In Witness whereof, I have herenn set y band and official seal this................ ..�� `
<br /> . ---------��°f................... .. .....� _
<br /> ..........................................
<br /> A. D. 1 8 G f 2 ,a t t be Ci ty o f Qy, in sai d C oun ty an d S t a t e.
<br />' � ,�
<br />, .... _�i1:%- ....�' �!W'_, .....Notary Pubdic. •,r
<br /> :,,
<br />; S 'I' ATE O�F NEW YORI�, � ss. __ _ _ __. . , ^
<br />, COi3NTY OF NEW YORg. ` �
<br /> 8a it Remqmbered, That on this....,., _. , ......._.day oi.,.__ _.__ .._ _ _ _ - _ _.........�•-D. 18p2 , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in�,� '
<br /> . ,.,.
<br /> for said County, appeared the T N TRUST COMPANY OI�' NE ORI�, by..... ... . . . ........�!�` ._y/. _ . . .. „ it�P den�,�$` �
<br /> . .. . -:- . ...... . ................_
<br />' is rsonall known to me to be the icientical ' � ' goin�instrume as sa�d Preaident, and then �nd tbeEe '�
<br /> � pe y person whose name is subsc.nbed the fore :
<br /> acknowledged tb�execntion and sea�ling of said in�trnment to be hie voluntary act and deed and the volnntary act an�deed of sa�id Company. ;�
<br /> " � � /� ,�.
<br /> i �,�%�/ In Witoess Whereof I have berennto set m I�nd and official sea] this................. ... da of........... . . . .......... .._.... ... :........----.-.•- �
<br />� _ r Y . ..y%:�%yT:,�!fu:..:.............. y
<br />� A.D. 1892 ,at the City of NeW York,ig eaid Connty az►d�ta,te. �
<br /> . ' � � V `?/Gro�� �, r�9,3 % '��Q
<br /> � .... ...���....,(::. ...... ..t.�..ti.......���i��....�....�.............................Notary .P4cbdie.
<br /> . ,. . ° v �
<br /> , . . .;•;�
<br /> . . . . � � . : .�..� . _;..i ,:. .M ".
<br /> .....1 _.� .-..�. . . .. . . : ..'..._ ..._._....__ . __._. . :. . .... ._... . .. ._............::u__r... .,. .. .�...;., . ..... .'.
<br /> .' ti.
<br />