���r`". . , . _ " , - .. � � . � -
<br /> - _ De�c� ��ec� �c� .
<br />' FROM �
<br /> � , FiL Fox RECORD and entered on Numerical Indeg this .... ...:...... ��_.,.;,._,,,,,,,,.,...,.....,.,,,,,daq
<br /> - Union Paeifie Railway Comp��y
<br /> . , ,/
<br /> , T� of_.._..._ �<�... ._. ........A.D.189`�,at_.......��....... 'clock and.._h`-�'.....minutes�._M.
<br /> '
<br /> -�_ , ....�.. . . ... .... .. ....................... ......... .........
<br /> � , � . ............. . . ` . �'?�J'�.._� ............Co .......lerk.
<br /> ............. .............._........._.._..............:...................:.......................................................... -- unCy C
<br /> � , -
<br /> < Ir 7 •
<br /> /' % B ................................
<br /> :_.__.:: __ CC-�-L.....___ ....__.... ......... �!( ...�,/...._.... .......... , Y.. .......................:.... ... -----------�--.......^..................................Depll�.._
<br />� ' ' ZI.l�TIOhT DIVISIOI�T.—i�'EBRASI�A. Deed No.�!�.�Q .�....
<br /> ow alt Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC ItAIL�i'AY CObiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and esisting by the consol�d�tion of the '
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY CO�iPANY, by auLhority of�n act of Congress,entitled, ``An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegr�ph line from the Missour� ftiver to the Pacific
<br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of the sa�ue for postal, mil;tary an�l other purposes,"approved Julg 1, 1862,and aets amend;�tory thereof,�vhich said Company has sncceeded to and
<br /> become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property uf the said couatituent com�ianies, whetuer real,personal or miged, and, �mong otfier things, of all the iand granted to s�id IINION i
<br /> PACIFIO RAIL�VAD CO3SP�ANY by t118 fo aid ac�a of'Congress,in aid of the construction of ite mad iw conveyed away by said Company ut the dnte of snch eansolidation(to wit, Janaary 24, 18$Q),
<br /> in consideration oY' the sum o£.._���:Q::� .�1/1!Y2�G�lLC.�.._�vti,�..�c.!C!�-1 ....._�r.....�.�.....�i,.....1 .._. . _... ... ... .. ....... ....:.... ............... .............:. .. _ .......Dollars� I
<br /> ......
<br /> ___—_ �
<br /> • to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRe.rT, BA$c�Aix, S �xD CoxvsY nnto.. ...._... ... - �
<br /> ............... .......
<br /> .......................................... .....:.. .. ......:.. ........ .. ........of the County of...................: .---::..�t.�l�Ll .....:... .............� the State of.......:..../...
<br /> ...................... ...... .. ... ...����........................................
<br />�i the following describeti Iteal Estate,situate,lying andbeing iu the Couutq af Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as ollowt�,to wit:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,
<br /> I � ��\ _ ........ . ._ -- ---- .... .......................... ......... ...... ..................... ......................................
<br /> , ;
<br />�
<br /> _!
<br /> _ i _.� �_.
<br /> � ��� �1� � ��-�� _ �� _`�1�����`�.,��. ... ., .... .o�':�����----�..................�---......-�----.........................................................:.......................... .
<br /> .... . ............_...... ... _ � _ ,� _ .. ..... . .. . . .. .
<br /> ....
<br /> .......... .... ... - __ _ _ _ __- __ _... .....
<br /> .. -..... .
<br /> r ........................................................
<br />; ................................................ ............. ...... .................._........... ..:...................:............._ .
<br />� �
<br /> _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ .- _._ _ _ _ - . ....:................................... ......_--..-:--.-------...........................................................................................
<br /> -,--..._ - . - --- ---
<br /> _...------,---------.-. -.--- -------.- .---,-.- - - -._-- .----.------
<br /> ""'r_'...."""""""'......."""""""""_'__""___"..."_'_"""""""""_"""""'."""""""""""__"""""'"""'......._...""""".........._'_""_..__�.
<br /> ............."......."""""'..:....
<br /> ...................................�......................................................,.....:.......................�...�........:...1........,................................... ..................................�....................-....................................................................... ........................: . ...
<br />, of �ection No (� t-�. in Towns No..: ... . �(l�-(�i7/ �/� ,,,,North of R�ange No.,.,,, l � �/� . ,�jof the 8th Prinei
<br /> �(�l.�U!..... 0-::1.!�.:�..:..-°--��:::/..-J........................... P� .............. .... ..,............'....... .......
<br /> ...�:�:���..�...�.��.��li:. ...................................pal
<br /> Meridian, containing acc�cjing to the United States survep thereof.. ....,.�;�' ........:�.........�.�.r� ................ :..'....:................... :........ .....; Acree, more flr
<br /> .. .�...........................................................................
<br />� leas, . • e.�`sblei`�b.,................................
<br /> ............................................................................................................................:.....J�`L�tt�'�i�.,...,...................,......:.........:..................................:.....
<br /> �te�ec�........:..........:.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..............:....................................................................................:....:::.::..
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..... ... _. _ _..... . ... . ................ ..................................:.............:........................... .... .......:.............. .......... ................................. ......... .........
<br /> ... ......
<br /> To Hava and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances thereunto belongi nnto tlte said �rsntes, ` ;.,, �.............heirs apd assigns forever, anc�t6e said grantor
<br />' duth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of tbia ivstrument it is well aeized of the ea� rem�ses as of a goud and indef'ea�sible estate in fee, and hath good right to seli and oop-
<br /> vey the eame, &UCl thAt lt W1�1 W_�RRANT&nC�DEFEND th8 tit�C t0 8a1C1 pT9irilSCB Ari�O tI18 S:L1Cl ntee,,..._,_. ..,.,._.heirs and aasigns forever againet the la�wfnl ciaims of all perao.na whomabever. '
<br /> 'Excepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since........... . _ � � /O.Q..Q ' '
<br /> _ _ _ ._. ......
<br /> . � .. .
<br /> ............ ................ .....__. _....... `` .. .�. . ..... ... .._... .. _....__ .......Ur�.::...................
<br /> Ai.rn WaFREns 9ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Cjld on the sixteenth Aay of A ri A. 7,execute�nd deliver to Cyrus EL,MeQormick,oE the City of New York,and dohn DaS,of the GYty o!Boa
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage-�eed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.McCo ek an John Duff,as i'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lauda h�t�eyubefore
<br />� described; Axn WaEREn�,the saicl Cyrus H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oY writing to that effeet,resign hfs place as Trustee under said mortqage deed,whi�h
<br />{ resignation was on the fifteenth day of OCLObET�A.D.1S73�aCCOpL�d by th0 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the Gitp of Boston and 8tate of MaBSa-
<br /> chusetts� Axn�WxN:Rr:as,on the fifteenth day of October,A.U.1873, Frederiek L.Ames,of Easton,in the 3tate o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining ZYvstee,John Duff,as suecessor Lo safd Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick,wtuch nomination was,on the sa,me day,approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PaciNic Itnir.ROav ConzrAxY; AND W33EREA8 by such nomination and�pproval s�id Frederick L.Ames di�
<br /> j; upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the ,��me estates,gowera,riahts and intarests and charged with the same duties and i�esponsibili�ies,as if he had been one oi the original Trustees named in an�
<br /> G executing,said Mortga�e_Deed; Axn WaFREas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated bn the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the sante
<br /> in sucn new Trustee �omtiy with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wx�R�AS, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day oY Februa.ry, A. A 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect, re-
<br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said MoTtgage Deed, which resignation was, on the foui�teenth day oi February,A. D. ]877, accepted by the IIxiox PAtlCFIC ILAILROAD COMPANY� by the Execut�ve
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the Cit�yof Boston and State of Massachusetts• Axn WaF.xFna,on the second day of Julq,1889 the IInion'lrust Companp of New York,was •
<br />�>- duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1,.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,whtch nomination was,on the t�irteenth dax of July7 1889t approved by theiixecutive Committee of the Board oi Directors at thie
<br /> said Uxiox PaciFic RniLwnY CoMPnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of July,1889,vesting in the said Umon'frust Com�any of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;AND WHEREAB�Lh0 9aLd UT110II Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of said truat,b� s�n�said deed�!AND W$EREAfI
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the Hfteenth day of Julq,iss9,by a proper iustrument in writing tq that effect,resign his place a�s Trustee under said Moi�tgage Deed,whfch resigva�tfon was,ou the sixteenth daq d�
<br /> July,1889,accepted by the Uxiox PaciFic RAiLw11Y COMPANY�by the Executive Committee of its Bo9,rd oE Directors,at a meeting thereof held On that day in the CitY of Boston, and Stwte oi Massachnsetts; AxD
<br /> WxEREas,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said FYederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company of New York beaame and now is the sole Trustse under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D,iS6Z �
<br /> A.xn VPx�R�AS,The said Uxrox PacYFic ftniLROnn ConzPnxY did,on the eighteenth day oP December,A.D.1873,eaecute�nd deliver to the Uxiox Ta,uaT Co�rAxs oF Nsw YoRx a certain Mott� e Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; aND Wa�R�ae, tfle sa�d�tTxtoN �
<br /> PACIFIC S�AILWAX COMPANY�with the consent o1 the Union Trust CompanyoY�vew York sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oE the aixteenth day of April,A;ll.�1567, and Truatee under the Mortgage'Deed�ot�tYie .
<br /> eigAteenth day of December,A,D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real esGate hereinbetore described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consi@eratton of the sum aforesaid, to tha Union Yua��Rn5lway
<br /> Company in hand paid Uy the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its capacity as Truatee,for the nses and purposes mentioned in said Biortgage Deedg of
<br /> the stxteenth day oi April,1867,and of the eighteenth day oi December,1873.
<br /> NoN Therefore, Kx� nLr.MEN BY THESE PRE$ENTB� That the said Uxiox Ts�as�r Co�raNY oF N�vV Yoa,g,Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deed�,in consideration o€ the aforesaid
<br /> premis�and the payment as af re aid of sai aum, aid by i R,�ilwa Companv to said TrnstComp�ny for the nses and purposes afoTesaid,does hereby R�nsisE,RsL7�s�andforever QIIi2�CLAiM
<br /> uuto the said
<br /> ...........:..............._...... ._.. .........._....... .. .._..... _.._. ..._ . ��.........:.... ........._........_......................
<br /> ..........................................................................................:..............................
<br /> t6e Real Estate described afore. ,to be held U e said grantee i'ree ancl egempt froin ail liens, incumbrances and eharges of said Mortgage Deeds, of the sis�eenth day of April, 1567, and of Lhe
<br />, eighteenth day of flecernber, 8 , but suhject, however servations and c�cnditions hereinbefore contained. '
<br /> IN PRES�NC ��� In Mritnsss Whereof, the said grantor, the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, bath � ' ..
<br /> �j�� cansed these preaents to be sexled with its corporate seal, and to be signed by its �¢'g�� � `
<br /> attested by its Secretary,ancT conntersigned by ite I,and Commiasioner and its Auditor an��� ; o °
<br /> .��%��c%.:�..Yv. ._._ 4��iVV1�.2�U-v� . ........ :�,
<br /> �� th0 BAld UNION T1tU$T COMPANY OF NEW YOER� Trustee, nnder the said Mortgage T�ee'ds, ;W :�
<br /> , ot'the sisfeenth day of Apri2, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 3, hath •M �
<br /> �� � � [� �/9� --9I ',,,,,�,,, ause ,t�ese resent�to sealed w)'t}1 its�o rar,e ses�l, �to e sig ed by i reside t _, ,�o :� \ `�
<br /> ......... ........ ................. ... ..... .. .. : .... .... O�J�'K��n6 �i���M�.D � . ' ,[n�?��-�-u�L1.l.d../u-� �L'.cuAl�O � 9M i U \, r
<br /> � � , /' , � tn�s.........�..... .. � °.aay � � •
<br /> C� - �, l ,� ' � S . ... .... ..:..:........... .......... .. .. ............ ............... . ,�..... :q
<br /> .. .. A D. 8. .. J( �a;
<br /> Attest:...... �:.�. �2/ ... .ecretar „ ;� s
<br /> ,'� �� �� � �� _ THE UNIO PACIFIC RAtLWAY WMPANY, � :
<br /> N PRESE E OF � � � `
<br /> C � _ _ z .
<br /> � / „� BY..� .... . .. ...... . .... ..... .. ...................................President. �
<br /> . ,. . : �
<br /> ��(� �� � : ,
<br /> ............ . 'l,�(-�.. _���i1.L .L.>..Q. UN10N TRUS OMPA OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, F : :
<br /> � ��
<br /> � � � . , , � �
<br /> --...... .. ........ __. ........ .._...-.--......_ BY.................... ...G��....til..'......1�'.. .................. ............_......Y/,�f t-�:.President. � ;
<br /> � ���r �rE o
<br /> ��O�T Y O F � 0�1� SS. ��Y�-� � � � � � �
<br /> Be tt Remem d, That on this,.,....�k,�t•.�-�1`�i2�� .... ��. ,
<br /> � � .................... ....... .............. ..................day of............. ......�`!2il�C .... ..... . . .. . . . 18�' Zbefore me, a
<br /> Notary Publie, in and for said County, appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY b
<br /> ; Y i resident, who iri per-
<br /> , � T � sonally knowu to me to b-, the idanticat person whose name ia subscribed to the foregoing instru nt as d President �nd then and there
<br /> �-C acknowledged the ezecution and sealing of said Instrumeet to be his volunf t and deed aud the vo nt-�ry a ed of said Company.
<br /> in yYitness whereof, I have ber to s t� and and official aeal this k„�''� ......__daY of...... .,��'�"9�(�[-
<br /> . .... .... ................ ........ .................................
<br /> � A. D. 189 �,at the City oE��in id County and State. , �
<br /> . !�l�i� ._c�. '
<br /> S T A T E O F N E W Y O R I�, � . _ ; .....Nouary Public. :
<br /> ss. . A
<br /> Be if Remembered, That on this........ .........l:!P_�.... . .........day°t•----- �'��
<br /> ::.A: I!.18� '�7,before me,a Notary Yublic,in and
<br /> �/� � ,ut.i c.
<br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TKUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by...'„_ .,..,,., /.�....... ... .... „__., ' .,_....._.,.,.,its,.gresident,wbo
<br /> .. ....
<br /> � p is personally kno�vn to me ta be the identical,peraon whose name ia subsi;ribed to e goin�instru t as sa�sident, and then and there
<br /> '��t acknowledged the execntion and xeieling of said instrument to be hie voluntary aet �ed and�he valun ry act�d d of said Company.
<br /> In witness whereof, I have berennto eet my hand and o$'icial seal thia ...,,',;;,,,.�.......;., .:..::., ..;_...:,_.�,y p�'�1
<br /> A. D. 189� .,at the City of N�York,in�d Connty and St�te.' q' " �� ��l�� ��f.f�l/.. . ..... . ... .. ._ ...,...-.. �....-.--- I
<br /> / . .. .............................. . ............. .................... :.............�......... ... ....................Notary P4cLlac. �
<br /> � �unvwv�n,�a.�art ��,�n,e �9 an,c .a�'Le 1 t�9. GvLi,f�l i
<br /> ai
<br />. I
<br /> : _y�.._ _ . _ � r. _.. ._.�� ._�_ � ,, � _. _ ,.
<br /> ._. .._... -"- .._._r.._�.__�.. ..�_�..��...:�......... i .. . . . ,��,�. .
<br />