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� -�� �-c�: . - � <br /> e��. �� . <br /> FROM , <br /> FILED FOR RECORD SriCl entered on Numerical Indeg this..... ..�.� . day - <br /> �Tnion Paeifie Railwa�r Company .... ........................ ...,....... <br /> . . <br /> Tp of...__(��..n.�c�.................._......A.D.189'1�at...-��r �� ....dcloek and....�...............minutes-•••�•_M. <br /> i ^ ��( /� <br /> _ ` <br /> + , � Z Lu <br /> �/ ,..���L�"""'••`•••-••'��J��ciZ.s:...?:......._�t�....................................................... <br /> ��� � � <br /> .....................................�...,.I.....P�:�l�,�ll..4..... ........................................................ � � CountyClerk. <br /> y �i��-c�u�.� <br /> B .. ............................................................ ......................................................................................... <br />` ... ��t9• <br />' TH � �1NiC3N PA► CIFIC RAILWAY COM �'ANY_ <br />' U1�iIQla►T DIVIS�'03�.-1TEBRASK�. Deed No.�..�.�.11..e9'....... <br />; I�nov�r al l M en by these P resents, That the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObiPANY, which fe a G�rporation formed �n8 eziating by tfie copaoiidatw�ef Li1e <br />! KADTSAS l'AOIFIO RAILWAY CU:NPANY�the DL�'NVEE PAOIFIp l{AIi.WAY A11D TELE(3RAP8 CI�A[PANX� 0.D(�t�1e UNION PACIFIQ$AII.ROAD C,OMP.ANY� under �le OOPpOPStB name and atyle of tfiae <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY,by authority of an act of Congrese,entitled, "An$et to sici in the construction of a r�ilroSd and telegraph line from tbe Mieeonri 2tiver to t}�e Pfteific <br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Government the nse of the same foT postal,milit�ry and ot6er parposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acts amendatory theseot;vrhich aaid Company hss snec�eded ta aud <br /> i become seized and po�ed of all the rez�l estata t�ud property of the said conatituent companiea, whetber real,personal or mised,and,among other thinge,of all the land granted to eaid UxTVN <br /> d of the conatraction of it,�road,not eonveyed away by said Company at the date of snch aaneolidstion{to wit,Jan�ary 24, 18$0), <br /> Gy�,� /� � <br /> P� eonside a�on of tb esum ofY t�,&�foresa'....acts o��- '�1�... .`.... _(�..�`:�.d.......v�.................................�--.......... . . ..... .... ................... ...........----....................................._...................-----....._: ......_�1�, <br /> � <br />� to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereb 'G$a , BABGt4Ix�B�LT,ADiD COX9�Y nnto.............(t�i!�`..�.(.......�,........�-��wV..�.............................................:......................:.:....:.. <br />` ..............................._...............:.......................:..............................................................of the County of.............. ��...................................., the State of..........�L�.�IY.,cn.�:��ca..................................................... <br /> the foilowing described Real Fstate,situate, lying andbein� in the Countg of H�11 and i� the Sta#�e of Nebraska,and described aa follows�t0�¢it:.....................................................................�..........................;.... <br />, <br /> ..... ._ _.... .. _n /,�. .._......... . .......... . . .. -•-°-------•--------._ ----................................................................................................_........... ......................................................... <br /> L�.........c�,�,i�',<<....�C�,�a-�.......:1�..��....� <br /> E J '�1.' - -- <br /> . .. <br /> ^ � <br />� �...��.� <br /> i ....... .: �...... ..�'1.��.._ w... _ �. ' <br /> , )..... <br /> ..........................-----••-�---..............-------........................._................................................................................................ <br />� .:............................................................ .......�.............................................................................................. <br /> ................................................................................................................................... ..... <br />� <br /> i .------ - -- �-�-� �-.................__......._............................__ --__._....._ -... <br /> ................................... .�-�-�-�-�--............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br />, <br /> _.................................................................................................................................................................�- ................................................................................................................................................... ..................... <br /> �................................ <br />� <br />� .....................:.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> I <br />'� •-�----�-------------�-�---��---------- ---- -----....................�------------------�-------------......-----�--�---------------�--••--�--�---------..........._...._...--•-•----------�---------•---�-----------•-••-•------............_................._....---..._..._.._..:.._......-•-----�-�--------••---------------•--......-•---�-------------------------------•-- <br />� <br />� .....................................................•--•---•-�---�----............--------�-•---------.._..................-••---•--••......._._.._.... <br /> ................................................�.....................................................................................................................................�. ..................................:.....................................................................�................................................................................................... <br /> , L ' / /��, � 1,� <br /> A!� �s�n �To ..:....��!!i.`.'.i:.........��J...�. ........, ......... ..............i�Towneh' No�,...:.��.......4...1.X..�,.._. .......Nlortl�of Range No........::.=:l..L?��`.�t.:..........�.�:!I�yl`.of the 6t1! PTiu�siP�tl <br /> .. . _. <br /> ., � � _ <br /> �eridi�n, containing according to the United States aurvey thereof.......... ✓r.. ...... CO....... ................................................................................................ .,.......................................... .........Acree, mote �r <br />�, lese, being the same premises contraot�l tR bo e41d to........ . ........................ ........ ......� ...... ...�,....�..�.,.<��2�..��:.1�................................�Y Con�4 No.,�..,....s.�.d...�i..7..�....,.—...�...................... <br />, aa�a _.. :..... .........�.�..._.....L.��.�../,............................................... . <br /> ..................................................................................................................................:. <br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br />� .......................................... .... .... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... <br />; T�t 1�ave 6ind t0 H41d the said premises with all the rights ancl appnrtena�pc�a tI18iCAIIt9 1�IOA�LiIg AD�O �Ile said qrnntee,.,...,.;;�r,��`l�r.�........��and aeaig�forever�aud the�aid grantor <br /> doxh bereby covenant with the said grantee,tht�t at tBe making of this inetrument it is weli eeiaed of the d prem�aee ae of a go�d and indefeasible est�te in fee,and hath good right to ee3i and c�on- <br /> vey the same,ancl thnt it will�V�$snrx aod DsF�Np the title to eaid premiaes unto the said grantee,,.,.,� .....,,,beirs and assi�ns forever against the lawfnl claiaas of all persons whomsoever. <br /> Ex��pting, Hqwev6r,all taxea and assessments lev,i�ed upon said premises since....... . �;_:2.1ti 1ti �,� t /�� `L':. ... ....._. .. ,....,..:......and eatsept against any claime or incnm- <br />; br�4ces e,�euted ar permitted by,throngh,or ander eaid.------....U�t IUC..........?� c�a.:'. "�-.._. ....._...... ....... . ... ............ ............or_.....�?��.........�►coeseora�heirs or assiga9 or#nY of til�em <br /> � t....�,,,�.. t1e <br /> �aln WH�x�es 9&fd UNInN PACIFIC$ATLBRA D COMPANY Qld on tha sisteenth day o�f A il,A.D,is&7,exoctlLe and deliver to Cyru�H.McCOTm9ck,ai the Citg oi Ne�p York,and John DuS,of th@ City oi Boa <br /> ton,$oe AZorG�gaBe�eed of thaL date,whereiq safd Campa�ny canveves�to the saSd�yr�, H.MeCo ek atnd John p�,as 7'rustees,for the uses and parposea t�erein meutioned,among others the lands h2r�inbefore <br />' de9dsribe�Axn WHEREAB the saiyd Cyru� $.MeCormink did on thye�twenty-e3ghth ad_ o�Y Ju,ne,@..�18a7�3,by a p�gropergIon�Brt�eument oY writiu to tha�e8ect,resfgp hls�ph�. &s Trustee utynder said mort8age deed,whiuD <br /> Chu�setCsl��ns'WxxxFns�,on the�flfte,fenth day of Qetobec,�AC llpl&l3blrred�lek L Amea of�s�A,pih the 8t&t�e o�$Masi sachu8etta was dWy nomalp�rte�d b�ytthee re�hma��inin�1Yuet�YJ hn D S,as�c�esaonr to tsaid C}T�$. <br /> MCCormiek,which nomination was,on the same day ap rnved by the�oaTd oi�irectors of the sairi UNioN PACZNic RaxLROen ComraxY• A.�r��x�a�we by Bueh nomiu�W3on and approval said Frederick L,Amee did ' <br /> upon his acce�tance thereof,thereaiter become veste� �h the ?ame estates,power9,rights and i4teces�,s $.nd aharged wiW►the same dutiae and respoustbiti�ies,na ii 1�had been one oL the original Trustees named in anc� <br /> executing,said Mortgage Deed; AND WHEREA9 said remaining Trustee a conveyance,�pToper$nd effeCtual for that putpose,dated on the twentiath day of OcWber,A.D.1893,at the City of Boston.veat the same <br /> in such new Trustee )ointly with hiru the ssic� John DuS; Axn Wxs�xna, the saiQ .Fohn Dud did, on tha fourteenth day oi RebruarY A. D. 1877, by a proper instrtunent ot writ3�uR to that e�eet, Ye- <br /> s' n his lace as Tru�tee under sa�d Mo a�e 1]eed, whiCh reaigna.tion was, on the fourteeath �yy of Fsbrusry, 9. D. 1877, aceepted b'y the IIxiox PwC[FSa Rsir.a�osv CoasPe.nrY, by the Executive <br /> Committee oY its Boasd of Directors,ata meeting thereo!held on tlxat day in the City of Boston sud �tata ot Massachusettis Arra Wu�:$�es,on the second da5 ot JulY,1889 the IInion 1Y•ust Company oi New York,was <br /> dulp nominated by the remaining Trustee,Fredenck l,,Amea,as succe8sor to said Johu Bu�,w'hich nami�tion waa,wq�be L�ixteenth day.of 3uky�1889 ap�roved by theF,zecutive Committee ot the Soard ot Direetors M the <br />� � Sfl�1d IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY• &IICI 1h8 St1St1 FYPr$8Y1C$L.Ames esecuted a deeci on the tl�[rteex�th daY o!Suiy,1s89,vestiug in the ax�d IIn�on rrust Company ot Dfew YorY,the estates, wers, r�and in- . � <br /> sfl <br />' terests created by said Mort�age Deed joiut�y with the�id Frederick L.Ames;Axn Ara�xsas,the said Uniott Truat GompanY of New Xor$aigoi8ed iLs aeee of trust,by said eed;�xn �e�As <br /> i th6 said Frederick L.Amea dtd, on the 8lteenth day of Ju1p,1889 by a proper instrument in writi���that ef�act.Yegi�p hLs place AS Tlvstee uIIder�AI Fh��sL r on was,on th8 sixteeuth day o� <br />; July,i88e,aceepted,by the Uxiux PACiFic RAiLwaY Coa�Pa�r3r 'by the Executive Committee of ite oi Fi�ecWra,a�t a mee thereof heid on t t day tbe' a� B+�cLou,and $tate o1 Massachusetts; Axv <br /> Wa�x �,no aomination oY a suceessor,to ffi1 the vacancy,�ausedbq Ghe reaignation of said PYederick L.Ames,havip�Ae�sn m�hC said�Jnion 7Y�ust Cwnpsny o1 I�Ieet' drk b �and mow is the so18 Trastse uRder , <br /> the said�ort�&ge Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprt2,A.D.1887. <br /> AND�WS�REAB�ThC Sa1CI UNION PACIFIC 1{�AILROAA COMPA.N� Y$1C1,on the eighteenLL d�y�of�Decetttber,�,.D,k873,execute�and deSvar�to the IIxiox��a.usx GoffiPA.xY Og N�W Yos.g a eertairi$�o D0C(1 <br />' whereins�id Company conveyed to the said Un�ion Truat Company of New YQrk,as Trustee for the nSes aAd pu�wses ther�iu mentioned,among others the tanda he�einbefore deacribed; b1zD Ws��es,the s�d eUxiox <br /> P,�oiFxc BszLWp�CoazraxY,with the consent of the IIniop Trust� CA�auy ot New Yor�t,sole TnlRfefl�c�Y�a Mortgage Deed,of Ghe sixteeath day of AF�.�•�• I867+and Trastee under the Mo�e Deed�ot�ae <br /> eig�teenthc�ay of Aecember,A.D.3873,has soYc1 and coaveyed,�s abov0 a lorth,the real estate hereiRbetA�e dOecrltzed unxo the ss�d grautea,fot aad iu consider8tion o!pbe yum sfuresaid, Lo the Un.fP� Y <br /> Gopnpany i,n hand paid by the said�rantee,whieh said sum o4 monay h&a Ueett paid to the�aid Union Trust Company oi�vew York,m its capaoity as i'ruatse,for the uses Aad purposes mentioned in said Dfortgage Deeda of <br /> the s3xteenth day ot April,1s67,and oi the ei�hteenth day of December,1873. <br /> �Q�! Tb�fQMR. Kxow aLr.Mrx sY ra��P���rxs,�hat the said IIxzoa�Ts.crar Coa��!wxg or N��e Yo�.Trnatee in the arfoiee�id �iort�age Deede,in aonsidetatiom of tlse �►forn,said <br /> pren¢isea a�d tha payai ore�aid of sa�um,e4 pa�,d bg said�lway Comp�,v to da!1d Ti�1st Co�u�s�py far the uaea at►d gurpQeea afores#i�.doea he�ebY B�ns�,Rs�.ses�and forever Qvr�CLSiac <br /> . i B��s <br /> nnto the said ........���� .. (�t� ....��..2:o�y!�........ .............................. ..... ........... <br /> ....... .................... . 8�.. ...... <br /> ................................................. <br /> the Real Estate d�cribed aforesaicl, to be.held by the said grantee fi�e and esempC from all liens, incumbrances and chsrg� of eaid Mort I�e�ie,of the siateenth dsy of April, 1867, and of t,�e <br /> eighteenth day of December, 1873,but suhject, however, at the reservations and c�nditione xiereinbefore ewntaine$. <br /> � IN PRESE� E OF j �'� {n wftnes; �oi, tl�e said grnutor, tbe IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath <br /> , r z„�. cau�ed f�heee preaenta to be se�led with ite corporate aeal,and to be eigned byc)' 'de t, : m y <br /> , h <br /> � � �,� attest�d ite� a�nd aoz�terBi ed b its I.and Commissioner and i �ii�d • a <br /> � <br /> ...� �� '� - %` ° � tt►w sa�d�NIO$I T$U8T CAB[PANY QB'N�w Yosg,Trustee,nnder the said M�o��ge Deeda, <br /> .� <br /> � � �„Q� ' :'� :a <br /> �"//� / � �� �' of t�he eiacteent�t d�,y of April, 1867, and oY the eighteenth day of December, 18 3, hath '� <br /> �/ �, cansed p ts to ba aealed with'ts corporate i, and to be signed by i ,res�den�, � <br /> -���� . <br /> ......... ......... .... ......... �-- _ <br /> �L� vv�ia ,..o,a,�<G,,,,C� �v� � ��� �c ��� �l� �C�� �� �`° g��� '� <br /> ; //� �,i//� �z.,n( �,-c-b�� �bis..............�.f . N�.......�._.., �ay of � C . .. A. D. 1 :b � <br /> � .. .v. .... ..... ...... .......... .�. ......................... ........ <br /> . . � : '• <br /> ' � : _ : <br /> At�t:.....C���.��....�/%��...-i-�..............................................�etary. E U H PACIFIC RA �,V�AY COMPANY, A ' i� <br /> PR�SENCE OF /�� ' � � x � � <br /> � �.� � C�iZf_ ��2 � <br /> i� <br /> � 4 �` ...,.. .... . .... ...................._......•••.........Pre$ident. � � <br /> �� -••••.......... ,�. . . : <br /> ,v4,. � '.�'1.�c:�....... :�................................. ���y-���h�-�--Z`� w i <br /> �: <br /> '� i�FTI(}I'� UST CO PA Y OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, � <br /> �� �«� �� � '` /� , <br /> ..!�;./... .�.���a�i....... ...... � gy. . z'�:��Y `��. ��� `.(!.�:�:...:Pr�ident. � O <br /> �, � ..... . .. .. � . <br />� � STA`i`E OF 7L��S; �� � <br /> � ss. � � <br /> �� �( COUNTY OF ���A�L . � � � <br /> Be it Remember� That on this ,,,, _,.,aay of. � ,� ,,., . D. 18 9/ before me, a <br /> ....... ...... . ..... ......... .............. .......• ••. .......... ........ ..... <br /> Notary�ublic,in and �or said Cputtty, tbe UNIO�I PACIFIC RAIGWAY C+0 P , b�����A , i Preaident, who is per- <br /> sonally known to me to bY t,he identical gereqn qt�o�e name is subseribed �o t�e fo g i�aefsament se sai Preeident and then and there <br /> ��� acknpwledged tLe e��cution and aealing of eaid I�trnniu�t to b4 his volnntary aet and d�d, sad �e volnnt•+ry act and deed of said Company. <br /> yi� <br /> i In w9lness Nhereof, I bave here o t d aad o�cial s�l t��. ................ .: ......:......... . .�-�-�--.d�ef............./�/�...................................................... <br /> A. D. 18 y� ,at the City o���g in seud County and�tate. ` � <br /> l/�vJ�� �-� <br />' S Z'A T' E O�F N E W Y O R I�r ) ...... .....__._. ... ... .. . . ....... .......... . .... ...._. _.. ......... .......Notary Public. <br /> ) 8S. <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORg. ) �� � �J <br /> Be it Rempmbe�od, That on this..............�..� oi•••...1._._'1..�. _.................. . � 18 9/ , before me,a Notary Pnblic,in and <br />, . /� / � , �Ii--z c� , <br /> for said Connt a ed the UNION TRUST COMPANY O� NE�Y YOR� ,GL�ZC s/" � ,,c� ,,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i President,who �-� <br /> Yr P� e. �4..... . _. . ............. ............. <br />'� � �s gersc�nally knQwn to ma to be the identacal pe�aon�eboea�pam� ia sn I�to the fa�egoi�nn i�ivment as eai�President, an��tlten and there °d <br /> �clF�owledged t�e e3cecution and aealir�g of e�id inst,s�aenL ttt b�e hie�oluu��y�4e�i and deed �d t�e vadnntary act and d o eaid Oompan�r. � <br /> � � � � � � // ' � <br /> ln.Mftness whereot, I have berennto�et mF]�and a�d o�'ici4� s�a1 �...............!••11�........................:................�.....�Y�_•......................��...... ..........................._ <br /> A. D. 18��( ,at the City of New Yar�,iaa,�id Coutnt��t,d�t� , <br /> � , <br /> p ,. <br /> z • <br /> ....................................................................��7�1..............................��!...�.-¢.r....._Notarg Public. a <br /> � � <br /> h <br />