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� T .�� _ _ _ _ <br /> � _ <br /> . <br /> . DC-�c'�.�- - �:e�t� �'t� . <br /> Qmaha&e •can PrIn' Co. . _ _ ___ _ _ _ _---- __ <br /> FROM ' / <br /> . ; , � ` - _ `' FsLEn Fox RECORn and entered on Numerical Index this � <br /> , <br /> :..... ✓ ......... ....... <br /> Union Paeifie Rallway Company � ; . .. ; : _ � _- : : : . � <br /> '� TO : ' . � � ....��i.y�.G.v � :....A.D.189�7;at_..... �..._......_o'olock and,.l2�. .........minutes_, L'`_M. I <br /> _..._. <br /> ' ; I <br /> / , C/(�O <br /> y_ ��� � `-- /� �� ,/ _ _ __. _ ._. ............... .... ......_._ ._. ._�.........................:....................................� <br /> , <br /> . .�.. ` /✓Z Z..�..!'i.�/. ........ ........ ........... .. . .F. ... � .... . <br /> I ......�- ..... .. ........ ... ? County Clerk. <br /> _ _�. � B�.....�...>'....... .............�........ .......---......................................................................... :� <br /> ..._ .:_ _._.._.._____ __._...__ __...._ ......_. .. ........... DgPnty. i <br /> � �, " � <br /> � THE , UNION P �1G`lFIC RA�I 'LW � Y COMF'A1� Y. <br /> _ ,, ' •U1�7IOh D'IVISTOl�.—�1�]SBRASKA. Deed No. ./...����... <br /> I Know al1 �Men by these Presents, Tb�t the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�SPANY, w�ich is a Corporation formed and exi.cting by the consolidation oE the ' <br /> �( KAN$A$ PAOIFIO RAILWAY COMPANY�the DENVE&PACIFlC 1LAIT,WAY ArD TELL(3EAPH COMPANY� Rnd thC UNION PACIFIO RAI7ROAD CO3lPANY� nnder the corporats name and' style of the � <br /> I UNION PACIEIC RAILWAY COYIPANY, by authority of an act of Congresa, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction af a raiirosul and tel am�aph line from the �Iissonri Hiver to the Pacific � <br /> Ucean� and to secure to the Government the nse of the same for postat, military an�i other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acta amendatory thereoF,which said Company has succeeded to aad <br /> become seizecl and posseased of all the real estate a�nd property of the said eonetituent comp�nies, whether reat, personal or mised,and, Rmong other things,of all the innd granted to said UNrox <br /> PACIFIO RaILS�OAD COMPaNY by t112,�oresaid 8cts of Cungress,in aid of th construction of its road,iwt conveyed mway by satd Company ut the dnte of sach consolidation(to wit,J�,nttary 24, 1880), <br /> ` ,// q5/ <br /> in consideration of_the sum of ..�?r �_/.�11�1-�L2(�til/.- �G�. . .:y. ....� :.......... /_d.:.�.U...�:............... Dollare, <br /> v � _ /\� ................... .....:.. <br /> �f to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknow]edged, doth hereby GRax , BA$G}AIN�S�LL AND ONVEY� nnt ..,..-.�,/���C�l�,,�.Z��,.: . .. . <br /> � ................. <br /> � . . ........ ......... <br /> .. <br /> .................of the Co.unty of........ .,..LI..�:L.. :..�.�...,.... ..........:...:iri the State of.........,... .:.:�..f�,�..1.C..GcI.................................:..... <br /> the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the County of Hall and in the State of N ka,and described as foilowri,�to wit , :,,,,,„ ,,,;;,,,, ,,,,;,, „ .. . ,.:_....._:.......:.... .;.._..., <br /> (� r� - . . ....... - ----------- ....... ........... .... ...... ........ ............ . ... ..... .. <br /> .. .. __ __ _ .... .---- --- <br /> ..... . .. .. ....... ....... ...... ... <br /> , <br /> ........ ...... .. . <br /> .... <br /> � -- u ��� ��y,��y�� ; 1�� �����_�����„� ��:��-���_.��...... .�������.��... :...... . .����.�-���. <br /> ' ..... .���� �.�.��. .._ _ � <br /> - . ............ . .. ............. <br /> .. ............... <br /> ............. . <br /> :.......................................... .............. .... ....... .. <br /> I ..................... ......................................... ......... ... . .... .. .......,.........:::... . ......:... .: ..... .. . . ........ ..�... .......... .. . .. . ....:........... ..1.. <br /> ' ................................................ .......... ................... <br /> . :. <br /> , _ _ .� . _ _ ....... _ . ..... _ _ . .. ........:.............. .:...................................................................................................................................... <br /> �` .. ... _ . <br /> � ...... ...... .. . ..._-- -. - . . . _. ....... <br /> - ---__- - --- -----..-- ------�.--------.- <br /> � .............�-------------- --w-- ------.-. ......................-.---..---...---.. ..---.---.........._..............__... <br /> i <br /> 'i - - -------- - --- <br /> __........_-�--..............._._....--------------- .._.._..---�-�---��-----�---_. <br /> � --�----------------�------............................. .................. .. .... <br /> �-- - --------- ---�---�. ..................�---�------.._...----..._..........-�---- --�---.._._. ... <br /> ' .................................................................................................................................................. ... <br /> i. .................................... ......................... ............................................................... ...................... ...... ................... ....................... <br /> ,{ . . / , / ,f�f <br /> I i, of 8ection N� .. ��-..........���J................................:. Townslai}�NQ,.. ...,�cr:.. .. L,�� .Nortli of Range No... .... ......,,.:c�.:.U..l...r�.of the Bth Prineipal <br /> ............ ......... ._•.....__ <br />, I � _ <br />; �; Meridian,.cwntain' g according to the Unitesl States surve4.thereof....................... . .. . ... . ....C.l,�U1 .......:...............:.. .. ........ .....:..... .:....:.. ......... ......... .........Aerea,- more or <br /> ; ..... ......... <br />� ;; less, ��th� s�e preiai�ea castgac�d te be-s�d�te,..... _ ....: . ....................bkCasl3aCl�NoA <br /> . ....................................................... ....... . ...........:.............. ........... <br /> ......... ......... . ........ ............................ <br /> �i dritL�- ...................................................................::.......:.............................:..........................:......:...... ..:..,:.: : :::..... ..... .:.................... <br /> ................................................................................................................. <br /> '! _......._....._......................... ........._................................ ........................_........................................................:........................................................................................................ <br /> .................. ........ ..... .......... ................., <br /> ; To Have and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appiirtenancea thereunto belon�iag ui�to 'the eaid �rsnte ,,,,'f��j%l ._.:._...,.heira and aseigna forever,and the said graator <br />' Ii doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the makmg of this instrnmcnt it is weli seiaed of the id premises as of a good and indef'easible est�te in fee,und hwth good right to seli and eion- <br /> 0 <br /> vey the same, and thnt it will W�s$nsT and D�FExn the title to eaid premiaes unto the sa�id grantee, �L.�,J ......_heirs aud assigns forever a$ainst the lawfal oiaima of�il peraona whomsbever. ' <br /> IfExcepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied npon gaid premises since ,� 1�tiL L2 z �iu /�j(`�� _ __ _ .�i'e�eQb.�gain�aa�C elm�m�.ar�incnxn; <br /> � b��hce�tcr�eake�3t�'P�S;f�xe�g�i,�ox'�un6lersaid.... ... / � __.._.._ ...... be� :saace�ee�rer-}:ei�.os.s�ai� <br /> _.. : . , _._..... . <br /> I AND WHF.REA9� 921d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Clld on the sixteenth da�o�April,A.D,1867,execcte and deliver to Cyrus I3.Mc(;oimi�k'oY the City of New York;and JoLn Dnff,oi the Cfty oi B�us . <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrua H.McCormick and John Duff,as!'rustees,for the uses aud purposes therein#nentioned,among others the lands hereiuubeYore <br /> descrfbed; Axn WxESEns,the said Cyilis H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oi writing Co that effeet,zesig�his place as Trustee under said mort�sge deed,which <br /> resignation was on the flfteenth day OF OCtObOT�A.D.1873�aCC8jlL8d}!y thC UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoY held on that day in the City of Boston and F3tate oi 1Sassa- <br /> ehusetts; Axn'WxNx�;as,on the flfteenth day of October,A.ll.187s, Fredenek L.Ames,of Easton,.in the State o�Massachnsetts,was duly nominate�by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrua H. <br /> MeCormLek,which nomination was,on the same day�ap(JPOVP.d U}i LtIP•BOaI'd Of D1t8CCOT3 OY T,t18 8$IC�UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WFIEREAB by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames 8id <br /> upon his acceptance thereoP,thereafter become vested with the same estates,powera,rights and interests,and char�ed with the same duties and responaibill�ies,as iY he had been one of the originai Truatees named in an� <br /> executing,said Mortga e_Deed; Axv WxFx�AS;said remainin�Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.is73,at the City of Boaton�,vgst the same <br /> in such new Trustee jomtly with him? the said John Duff;. AxD WHIBREA9� the said John Du8 did, on the fourteenth day o4 February, A. D. 1877, by a proper itlskrument o1 writin� to that effect, re- <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the iourteenth day of February, A. D, iS77, accepted by the Ux•iox PAC[FIC 1LAILROAD COffiPANY� 'by EZtO EXACUt1YQ <br /> � Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and Sta.te o1 Masaachusetts•Axn WHF.REAS�on the second day of July 1589 the Union Trust Gompany oY`Ne1�v York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Fredenek I..Ames,as snccessor to safd John Duff,w�ich nomination w�s,on the t�iiteenth day of July! 2889t approved by the Lxecutfve Committde oi the Bo�rd of I3�rectora ot the <br /> � said Uxiox PnciFiC RaiL�vnY ConzanxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth da�yof July,1889,vesting in the said Umon'Prast Company oi New York,the'estates,powers, right� and in- <br /> I terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jaint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames• Axv waES�ns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signided its acceptance of said trust,by s�ing said deect;ANl)VPHEREAB, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fltteenth day of July,1889,by a propei instrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said MorCgage Deed,which resigna ien was,on the sAxLeenth day oi <br /> JiQy,1889, the Uxiox PACrFic Rair.w.�Y ContrexY,by the Executive Committee of it Board oi Directora,at a meetin4 thereof hpild on that day in the CYty of Boston, and 8tate of MassaGhuaetts; Axu <br /> Wx�xEas,no nomination of a successor,to rill the vacancy,caused by the:resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,�he said�Tnion Trust Company oi New York beoame and now is the sole 15rustee un@er <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. . , <br /> Axn WHERF.AB�The safd Uxiox PaciFm ttaiL�,onn Coa2ra�Y did,on the eighteenth day of D�cember,A.I).1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox Tausx Couzrnr� oF N�w Yoxx a cartain Mortgage Deed <br /> ( wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereint�efore described; Axn Was$�AS, the aaid UxioN <br /> �ACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�W1LI1 Eh0 COIISQllt OY Lh0 UIIlOII TTllSG COIDp any of N ew Yor�C,sole Trustee�under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and�rustee under the Bsortg ge Deed of�tHe <br /> eighteenth day oi December,A,D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,tor and m consideration oi the sum aforesaid,to the UnionaYacifle RaIIWay <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum oE money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said H�Ior�gage Deeda o! <br /> the sixteenth da�y of April,]567,and oi the eighteenth day of December,1573. <br /> Now Therefore, KN(�W AL7.MEN BY T$$$E P&RSENTB� ThS1Yr the Sald IINION�TFs(7$T COMPAATY OF NEW YO$g, Trnstee in the aforeeaid Mortgage Deeda,in consifleration of the afore�id <br /> premiaes and the payment a� resaid of eaid aum��aid by said Bailway Companv to eaid Trast Company for the nses and purposes aforesaid,does hereby R�MtBE,RsL��s�and forever QIIiT-CL��M <br /> unto the saicl ��� , � i � ....... . ..._ ........ . .....� <br /> ...........:.........� .... . � __��',�2-:z.-:k� ... _.. . _ <br /> .. .................................... . .....................• <br /> the Real Est;�te describeci&oresaid, to be hef d by ti�e said graotee free and exempt from ail liens, ancumbrances and eharges of said Deede,of the siateenth day of April, 2867, agd of t3�e <br /> eighteenih day of' December, 1873, but subjec however, to all the reservations and ronditions hereinbefore contained. _ <br /> � I PRESENCE OF In �itness Whareaf, the said grantor, the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO'.4IPANY, hath <br /> � / � � �/G�o-�- � �� caused these "reflenta to�be sealed with its eo rate seal and to he si �@� <br /> i <br /> ,, � P I'po , gned b P sid nt •- :.; � �; <br /> attested by it�Secretary, and countersigned by its Land Commiaeioner and ite i1nd��G�"' `o � 3 <br /> I' `,(��; Z�`vZ`�"'� ' �J� � � tLe said IIxiox TsusT Contrnrtsr oF N�w Yoa.g, Trustee, under the said Mortgaga �eda, � '� I <br /> ;� , � �°""'� ;�, of the sigteenth day of April, 1867,'and oY the eighteenth day of December�J 78 3, hath `� �� <br /> � ) ;_/ �^� c�naed thea .presents to be sealed itlip its co�/ rate 1 and to be si ned b i'te"�eidep t' <br /> !I ...�2�2.!-1�.: .. %...i/�.�U`� , ,�7l2� aa�r,r.�v b�l�s'� ' �i -�vz,uc. �y71�.�-f� �.' ��tgv°�j�o�,�i:z-`��� :� <br /> � � 19:..._..�... . ................... Y �f....l.�........ r'..-wi...k:i-,� . ..........A. D.�18�'.�.. ��b <br /> � � �k ��.° �:� <br /> . . <br /> : � : <br /> Attes ... .. `/ �cretar . . <br /> t�i ... LG �' ....... ....:... ..... E UNI 'PACIFIC RAILW COMPANY; Q ,, <br /> ? _ <br /> :1 <br /> ��� <br /> � ( IN PREy}ENCE F � / � � ' � ��i � �� z � <br /> , �/' <br /> � ��� � � i _ � �' � B� . .�Z L�� . <. ......... � •...............Pxesident. � � <br /> �" -�-. /!iC.: Z�f<:�?�c:.................. . <br /> , � : : <br /> .;....y��..:: (!✓.�...��:2.. ... . ?-�u.:v�k........ - I � P3 : <br /> � � /�� � . . ��� � � �� UN1bN��T�RUST COffiP/�'"'" OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEF, � � �: <br /> y , � \ <br /> /--- -.. �' .v�...(....���'z:l.a.z,,1��.�v:t.._................... � _. ................... ......... <br /> � , . <br /> _.. ...-�--r ��(/�/ / t, : 7; <br /> . � - � / . B� .��:�.�4Y.U.. .`�C/ .. �L� ' ,�I„�, G�pl'C81(IP.11t. � ��;. �. . <br /> � <br /> � STA'.CE OF S, � <br /> � ss. � � � - . -- <br /> ' �� COUNTY ar � � � <br /> / � <br /> � `� ' embe��That on this.. ... .�C�,�,�.,L„� _ _ day of. .,.. <br /> Be �t Rem ..,... ................... .�,�„iL�lvt�! D. 18y� before me, a <br /> .. .... ............. .... <br /> ( 1�'otary Public, in and for said County, appeared t6e UNIO.�I PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPA , b President, who is per- I <br /> sonally known to me to be the identical peraon whoae name ie aubscribed to the foregoi instrument as said i'resident and then and�there <br /> i ��� acknowledged the execation and sealing of said Instrument to be hia volant y act and'deed, and the volunb+ry act and deed of said Company, <br /> ,�� (� � In witness whe�eof I bave herenn set m d and official seal this �_ �,�,� . da of,.,,,, „ . , <br /> 7` _ � �//�Y,� .. ...,:2�c. <br /> ``(�`�— A. D. 18 9 ,at tbe Cit of�{��/""'�' y �FO'=�,'�c-........ ._.... Y �rL�1. <br /> �- y in id Count and State. �� � <br /> i��............................................ <br /> � i <br /> STA 'TE O�F NEW YORI�, ) � <br /> ..... ___ �� <br /> � ___�.. _. . � .....Notary Publec. ,, <br /> � j SS. <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. ) , �G' ��,� %� , � <br /> j! Be it Remembered, That on this,,._..�✓ �� ����%2iGY <br /> ot._. _._... ...--- A D,]8 y'y, before me,a Notary Public,in and <br /> I for said County, appeared tlie UNION TRUST CbMPANY Or NEW YORK b .:.. � � <br /> , Y �?�!.2�� s�...��_....,41,v�,►....................i�resident, who <br /> �7�"R <br /> ''.. ti3 t['f <br /> I L . <br /> .. ... . <br /> �`� is personally kno�vn to ane to be the identical peraon wbase name is anbecribed the'foregoin� ins ment as said resident, and then and there <br /> � <br /> acknowledged tbe execution and se�ling of said instrament to be hie volnntsry a��d deeci and the volntttary act an eed of eaid Company. <br /> �� �/� � � Q i I <br /> \��(� In N►ite�9ss Whereof, I have bereunt4 set my hand and official seal this ,......,, ,,,,,,,,, ,;,.:; ....:.......... of ' <br /> �Y ............4.��..Z.'�c.�. . ........................ 1 <br /> A. D. 189�i ,at the City of New YoTk,in eaid Connty:a�r�State. / j . <br /> � .... ...... ,....�;�Zi2��....�.... .....1'..ti..t.':.�"...�..� ...Notar Paablic. <br /> J /J-� .. . ) .... . J <br /> /� j ' . � 1{ < j....... <br /> �r" ��//7L"�l�L7i/iJ 2 � : � /�� 1� � � <br />�:...�__..,., _ . , �....�_ <br />