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�_ � ,. A.. ___ _ _ <br /> ;�,;,,; <br /> �� �;�: <br /> I����. �.���►r`c�. . - <br /> _ ___ ___ _ ____ _ ___ ____ ___._ ._ _ _ _ _ _____ ______ _ _ _ _____ <br /> ___.____..___. ...._ _ ___._1� _ �-�- . ... _. ...___._._ ..._ ._._ . . .... <br /> FROM �� ' - <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company F=LEa FoR RF.CORD and enterad on Numericttl Indeg this..:........ . <br /> of....._�.�..............�._...A.D.189�at----....f'..........._o'clock apd_._..�_.....minutes_�,.1�[. <br /> �O , <br /> f ' %� � � ,..........�.'�.......................... ....................��................................................................ <br /> r. . s <br /> ....... ..........................._...........C�'........................................................... ........................_ ^ CountyClerk. `�' <br /> � � <br /> BY .. .... /.���..............................._......--•--- --.. ................................................................... � <br /> ....:._.___....._._.__....- ..._.........._.....--....._....__.............. -................................................. � 1�Puty. <br /> TH � UNIOnt P �# � IFIC RAILWAY CQt1�IPANY. �,��_� <br /> U1!'IO�T l7tZVIS1�'Q1�.T.-1�TBRASI�A. ' Deed No.......... ................ <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the IIAIION PACIFIC RAIL�TAY CObiPANY, which ia s Qorpocation foFmed wnd esistingbytheconsolidationof the. <br /> KANSAB PACIFIO RAILK'AY COMPANX�t170 DLNVER�PAGIFIQ KAILWAY ANn�EL�$APS CUMPANY�&Dd t118 CTNION PACIFIO RAILROAD C�'OHfPANY� nnder the COrpoCdte risttle AIId Sty18 of the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COYIPANY, by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction ot a railmad and telegraph line fmm the Missonri Hiver to the Paci�c <br /> Ucean,and to secnre to the Government the nse of the same for postal, military anrl other purp�es,"approved Jaly 1, 1862, and acta amendatory theren[, whitsh ssid Company has snec�ee&ed to and <br /> become seized and posseased of a�11 the real estate aud property of the said conatituent compani�, whether real,pereonal or mised,and, among other thinge,of all the land granted to eaid �IaIDx <br /> PACIFIO I�AILBUAD COMPANY by�h8 resaid act f Cengreas,in aid of the constructi9n of ite mad,i►ot conve ed awap by,�aid Comp�ny at the date of snoh oonaolidation(to wit,.F�aasry Q4, 188f11, <br /> " 0 9 b <br /> � � <br /> iu consideration of the anm of ......... ��/v1�t.S- ..... l�iLC�li� �?�vt�tK..... ���.,...._..�...�'�+......��....a--�.17...P...........\. ,C�� �..���.�/y. .. .......................... ...... ....... � ................................._Do�lars, <br /> to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$nxT, BABt�AiN,�aLL eND Co1+�vEY nnto.......................................... . .........................�.�. . . ................ :.................:........................ <br /> n���� �4/ �'�,�/ <br /> ................:............. ........................... . ................. ..:.................................................. .......of tbe Connty of......... ...�•^••b••:...W...�� the Btate of.......................:.:....".Y............. .....�!�c...................................... <br /> the followin�describ d Iteal Fstate,sitaate, lying andbeing ip tbQ�ounty of $all An�l in the 9#ate of Nebraeka,and desoribed as follows,to wit:,..................................................................................................... <br /> n <br /> ..,... _... _ <br /> t _..... i�_. ,�... ........... _... ...........- �-- - -------- ..................................... ....�......... � .........,,....� ........_..........,..................... .......................... <br /> _ , <br /> .... . _ _��w'� ._�1... ,:ti��,�,. �'.�..�,. �rUi�....�v�..... �u,<, ��.y.�..�'�':��--------�'!.:�.....:�u.....'��...... ..�..�(.�....w...�..w........��"..�1............... <br /> � 1 <br /> ....................................................................................u........u.... . ..........................................................�:........................... ....................................................:.........................................................................�................................................................. <br /> -.-------... - -.. .......... ___ _ . ...._....__ -_ - ..._._ ............................................_ ........... - - ....._......_....-.--................................................._.............................................................._............................................................. <br /> .. ............:.... .... ...... u: <br /> .. <br /> _......................................................................................................... ............. ...... ... .-� --- -.-.-..........._......___ ......_..........._..._................ ............................................................._..............._...................._... ....._........._.__..................� <br /> -�...,, <br /> ......................................� ,,. <br /> --�-----------------------��----��------ - ---�- ----- ---.....---------------------�-----------.�--�---�-- ------�--------�------�-�----�------�----�------�-------.------.......-------...-----. ...---.._.......... � <br /> � � ............... .. ....,,....................................i................................................................�..............................................................................................,...... , <br /> .......................... ....................... ...................... ................................. ....... <br /> . <br /> a� �iou No. ,�i��•�T�c�t.............L.��-�............... .........................�n To�hip N.a ......... <'��Z�?.:.'.-.......1.1..�`.,i............:.Aforth of R,ange PTo.....�:..... .... .�.... .....�.�...�l................... the 8th Fria�ipal <br /> � <br /> A o . . �✓�of <br /> l G�,� � /., <br /> � , <br /> Me�cidian, oontaining accorciing to the United States aurve_ thereof��-D...�.. �� GC. - y...(.°....�Q. v.�..+. .d..�..D............................................:...........Ac�ee, more ur <br /> cid ......•.`?K....:.. . . .....�`14-.11'...... � � <br /> �� � / � <br /> . .... <br /> _ , ✓/ 1� L�Q <br /> lesa, bei t e same premises contracted to bYe eokl to_ .,�..�.�..G'����1..4... �V7.... . ....Fi4��... ...............�.............---................................... ...h7(loa�Na�...7P...��:".1......-....�1..�....................................... <br /> ... �Y........�8 S..l....�...'.lry �uf'�.�.....l�'°.......4G�.7-...,�. �.....�. ..'� �.��o-�-�-....�..../..8 ..1................... .'.. � <br /> aat�a . y . � --.... .. „� �r� .��.....�.......�....'.....��:�....�..'�.. .�.... .......�..n. .r�:.•.-..._ <br /> � <br /> ...,. . ... ...... .. .. .. ..... . . .............. . ....... <br /> , � � � . , <br /> ..�. .�.. � ... . ... .........:►�........ ��............:�......v...,�.........�......�.�.�:�,.C�..........`. .. ..... .. ..�-....�... �:..�.�.....��'.�-�.ti,�.....�x.. .��..'��� ..................... <br /> .........._�..:........................'. _...............................................�..:.......................................................................................................................,,...................................................................................................................:. <br /> Tp k1aM0 a�¢r to HeW the said premises with a11 the righta and appnrtenancea tt►eY�ennto bebnRing nnto the sa2d fKrantee, ..�j,�...:..........t+ei:s aud ae�ign�forever,snd the eaid grantor ; <br /> cl�th bereby covenant with the said gruntee, that at the making of thia inatrument i�ia well eeized of the eai prem�ses as oE a goud and inclei�asible est�te in fee, and hath good right to sell and ec+� <br /> vey the same, and that it will W�B,$nr�and DsFENn the title to eaid premises unto tl�e saic�jgrantee,...,,,.�...,,.heirs and assigns forever against the lawful olaims of all persone whomaoever. <br /> EXCe�ptipg, Howevsr,ail ta�ea and asaessments vied upon eaid premises since.�1�j��(�'wv�. �.�'f. _..._L D..��. . ............ .... .............and eaoept againat any cluima or inenm- . <br /> � / (��n ,/� � � � <br /> braoce�ere,�ted or permitted by,through,or nnder said.... ..�:,�.G..�L!�Y.Y�f ,G.V(�...(!V� ........l�t �.�x'e�oFS,1+eits or assigns or any of t�em � <br /> _.... <br /> �xp�V�x�g,�nfl $37d U�1ION PACIFIC 1LAILROAD COMPANY(Ild on the sixteenth day of Ap�il,A.I) 1SG7 e�ecute aad c�el�ver to Cyrus�I.MeCOrmick oi the Citp ot Pte�'York:and John Dt�+ot the E3i0�of Bos ' <br /> taa,a COrtasiu Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Comp,a ny conveve�to t�e said Cyrus H.11�cCpfi���SoUn Ui19;;as 1'rustees,tor the uses aad purposes thereia mentloned,amoag o�Ykera the l�s lei�eFUiAefore <br /> desCribed;Axn VP�as�ns,the said Cyrus.EE.11ScCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of Junq, D.}873,b'y a pTOper iust ent ot wriLi,ng to that OSeEL,r his plaace as Ttustee uDder said mo dee�,�h#�.� <br /> lc �} <br /> resigttation wms1,o,�A the iifteenth day o€Uctober,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnciFZa RAZr,�,pqD COMPANY b_yiES Board�irectois,at a meefiing thereoP h ld on bhat 8ay m the C!tq oi Boston te ot � <br /> C]111g0tLg�AITD W$NRF.A9�OII th8 flfteenth day of Oetober,A.U.1873,Frederick L.Ames,of Eastoq,in the 3tate o�'Massa�chusstta,w&s duky nom4nated bg the remaining Trustee,John�Duff,as successor to s�Cyivs�k. � <br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day Sj)�1TOVP.C�b}�Lh8 B02�T(I OY�lTOCLOTB OY L118 9ald UNION�'ACINIC RAILROAD COAiPAN Y y Axv Wa�sEas by sweh nominatlon and approval said Frederi4k S..Amex did <br /> upon his acceptance ttiereof,thereafter become vestec� with the?ame estates,powers,rights and interesta and ohar ed with the same ducies and raspons.ibili�ies,ae 4f he had Deen one of the o 1 Trustees named fa snt� <br /> executing,Raid Mortgage.11eed; ANP Wasrsas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance, roper anc�effect�fot that purpose,dated on the twentieth day Of October,A.A l9�3,at the�f Boston,ves�the sajne <br /> in sucu new Truatee �omtly with him} the said John Duff; Axn Ws���cas, the said �hn Du8 did, on Lke fourteenth day o1 February A. D. 3877, by a proger instruu►ent oi wii;ing to that e�ect, re- <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortga e Deed, which resignafion was, on Ehe foui�teenth d�y ot Feb�uary, A. D. 1877, aocepted Fiy the iJ�orr PaCtstG RAtc.ROAn �onspaint. b�y the Sxecutfve <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting t�ereoE held an that day in the.City of Boston and state of�1Sassacbusetts• Axn WxFS�AS,on the secon��y oY July 1889 the Union Trust UOmpany of BTew York,was <br /> dulY nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick l..Ames,as succesaor to said John Du�,which nomi�tion was,an the tbisteenth dap o&.Fulyz ls&q�appsoved by the�x�ntiVe Committee o!5he l3aard of Dir�6pxs of t�e <br /> said IIrrxoN PACxFZC Rnir.waY Con�pAxx•and the said Frederiok L.Ames executed a deed on the tloirteenth clyy ot Suty,3s89,vesting bn tihe saixl Un n"1'1�ust CamPmnY of New Yorlt,the estat�,po wer t t�asd io- <br /> terests created by said Mort,�age Deed jointly with the said Fredarick L.Ames;AND WHEREA$�the ssid i3niou Trust Gompany oE l�ew YorY signiSerl itsa�ceptance of saLd trust,by siranin8 eaid dsed>��rp���s��s <br /> the saSd F'rederick L.Ames dul, on the fliteenth day of 3nly,i889 by a proper instrumenC in writi�to tl�t e�eat,resign his placo as Trustee under said ffiosi�tte I�ed,which resigns�iipa was,on Lh�s�Lepa4;h�y o� <br /> July�1889�aCCCj1C8(l,by th8 UNIUN PACIFIC ROILWdY COffiPANY��y the Facecutive Oommittee of it&Boaxd oE DirecLOrs,at a meeti[ng thereo€ held on tBat �tay�n the City o# Boston, aed 6tate of M eCta; Axu <br /> Wa�s�ns,no nommation of a successor,to flll the vacancy,eailsed by the resignation of said Fredeciek E.Ames;haYing been made,the said{7[►iou Trust�ompanp oII l��ew York bepam8 aIId aoW ia th��Truat�under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of AprII,A.D.1867. <br /> AND WBERICAB,The Said Uxiox PnciFxe ItniLxonD GontpnxY did,on the eighteenth day of De�emb�i,A.D.1873,execu�e and deliver to the IIxiox Ts�usx Goa�pnxY oR I�i�w Yo�ts� a cecta,�q Deed . <br /> wherein said Oompany conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of i few York,as Tru&tee for t�e t�es mndp� oses therein mentioned,among others the l,ands here}�nefore �beeuribed• dxiD �VS�B�Aa, Wsa E�ri�Ox ,,� <br /> PACtFiC RAiLweY CoMrAxY,with the coasent ot tfle�Tnion TruSt Company oE N ew Yor'k,sole BxUStee Unc�9lC�he Mortgsge Deed of the slxte+enth day o1 Apeil,A.D. 1�7, a�d��e0 tiRder tl�e 11�0 �ok t2t� _� <br /> eighteentl�dap of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate herfsiub�iore descsibed�,untb the said grantge,,foT and m consideratfon ot th� sam atoteaaid,to t&0 � <br /> ComDsny fA hand paid by the said grantee,whieh said Sum of money h$s been paid to the said F7nion Truat Company ot M ew York,in its capacity as 1'�ustee,ftir the uses and pu�poaes meuL'ToIIed in X�'AH?� �� ` <br /> the sisteenth d_ay of Aprii,1867,and oi the eighteenth day oi December,1873. ' <br /> »; <br /> MQ� 'FU61'e�01'�� KNnW ALL MEN BX TNE9�PB�E9E:$Ta�That the said Ux�ox T&v8�r GbatpAxY oF N�w Yos�,'1`l'�StCe ln the afOTQ9A1(I MOY�gSge D88d9�3II 'WD8��1i Q�`t�A9!i�O�id ' <br /> preuaises at,td the pay�e as aforesaid of sa� � so paid by eaid Ii�way Company to aax��`r�Compsny for the nses and pu,rpioeee a�or�aid,do�hereby R�sz,B�tL�AS�and for�ves�ti�Il <br /> ' �r o <br /> unto the said ,�/.���.Gyv4...��..� . .. . ,. . ..... ................................................................................... ....:.... .....:. <br /> _.. ......... . .. <br /> the Reai Estate�leticnbed atoreaz��d,to be held by the said grant free�nd exempt from ail liens, incumbranees and charges of ssid Mortgage De�ia,of the sisteenth day of April, 1667, andt�'�#�LO <br /> eighteenth day of December, 1873,but eubject,howea e reservations and canditions hereinbefore eAntained. <br /> � �IN PRESENCE OF in �itness �hi�ot, tlu said graator, tre UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,bath - <br /> � i caused tbese presenta to be sealed with ite corporate aeal, and to be signed by ita P nt, :� : �: <br /> � � °S attsated by it�.�eretary,antk eountsrsigned bp its I.and Commisaioner and i i or,and o � <br /> :A .� <br /> �.. . .. �he eaid '6Txx>x�a,us�Coa�rnx�r o�N�w Yoax, Trnstee, under the said M Deeds, �� :� <br /> n of t�e ais�eenth day of Apxii, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December�y�73, hath :• <br /> ��� caused th preeents to ba led wi k it� rate s 1,[a to be a' n i 'dent � ;� � <br /> :........... ...........�v.!2��'! """.................. ............ ��� vvv�ti�K�'v�""�"F��wrvr�,G .l1lw ��w-9 2�w�6��^+��°'"`J ������`'� ;v : <br /> 1, i �.{ �+^+'J �'Y's............................f" � da�of � �d'�'e'1t7.� A. D. 18.. ( � : <br /> ,(�+.K,�,L ...�2�YG�.......................�..... ........... ................... .......................... �.'...... <br /> :a ;� <br /> 1 �/I � : <br /> Atteat:....���... ....i�..1�.2.�.T4�.......:...:........ ........:e�$��• THE UNIO PACIFIC RAI' AY COMPANY, a �� � <br /> IN PR NCE OF ����,� , � �I�'� - � z � ��\ <br /> : <br /> i , � : <br /> � � ...................._.......................:'���5�-�----�--�----�----••...........••_••••••_Preeident. ��: �2:+ <br /> : <br /> ... . <br /> � . <br /> .�... ''�. . . . . . .... A ..."��`�'�I � �1�10�[ 'F�UST COMP Y OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, z � � <br /> �}�' /J�f�/�J �// � • � � <br /> ---•^!... V.�.... �� v'1!J/�f/�01.�7'. .....---- �� By��./.1..�..�..�!1..(X! . 1 (l/.!LG4....President. U J' <br /> �� � <br /> � �/�_ .�1!L!L......._ _. ......_....................... . : <br /> s�rA�r� oF , , : <br /> � ss. � � �� <br /> CQUNTY OF S�3"�!� . O� � <br /> Be it Remem red, That on this. ,� „ ,.,, , day of..../.�............... ............... . ... ,..._. ..y.....A. D. 18 °fl before me, a <br /> Notary Public,in and for said County, appeareck tAe UNIO�I PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP�NY, � ���4 its President, who ie per- <br /> . sonally known to mo to be the identical person wha9e name i� aubscribed to the foregoieg in�am.ent sa"ifl"P"resident and then and there � <br /> � acknowledged the esecntion and sealiatg of eaid Instrnmant to be his volnntarp act aad deed, and the volnnt�ry act nd deec:of said Company. <br /> � " In Nitpess whereof, I have heren set aud o�eiai seal this,...................�� . �........ ...------day of........�........................... ....................................... <br /> A. D. 18 q� ,at the City ofl�;�E���nnty an&Sla�e. �D � <br /> � �/ G'�J� �........ iLC��GC.................Notwry Pubtic, <br /> ....... __..... �_.. .. . ..._. _ <br /> STATE O�F NEW YOR �, � <br /> ss. . <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORK. " <br /> Be it Remqmhe�ed, That on this_..,.... �...'.. . . _ _ _ _ .....�• �• �8 9� i�efore n►e a Notary Pnblie,in and s <br /> �. ot•-•• ..i .... r � r <br /> fur said County, appeared the U1�i�ON TRU6T CO�PANY OI+' 1�EW YORK, by���1?:J.:!!(.:4.....�(:-•'•a••••�-•-•�••••• J •;,,••�••�r.L.• rt$�dent,who � <br /> . .. ... . <br /> is personally known to me to be the ident�es�person�ahaes sn tq the fore�oing instru snt as said�-reeident, and tLen and there :; <br /> a�nowledged t�e execntion anc�sealing.o€ss�id inatruuQent to be hi�volan b���� G�d deed and�e v.olnntary act and`rd�d of said Company. F� <br /> In �ltness whereof, I have herennto eet my ban+� aiad officiai seal t1►�4...........��......................................................�y of............................. ... . ..... ...--•---�---......,...._ .;, <br /> _. <br /> i A. n. �a91 ,at the City of New Yoa1F,�n s�(7ounty and��ta�e. � <br /> .. /.2�..R.I.Z...........................Notaryr ,Pu3aie, <br /> •x <br /> • r.� <br /> � .................... ...:. .: . ..��..... .....�... ........ � � <br /> � <br /> � �. � <br />