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, -, , _ _. � ... _ . _ �_. - .�.�� <br /> , �� <br /> I . ��� '� <br /> ' `7 <br /> Deec� Reco rc� . :� <br /> � <br /> FROM <br /> FiLEn Fox RECORD and en�ered on Numerical Indeg this,,,. . ...._.................... . � <br /> rY.o ......... <br /> � Union Paeifie Railway Company <br /> _ r d <br /> � To af... ::..� ... ... _......__.....A.D.189?at...L..I.y� ...dclock d � __.minutea_•--�:••M. •y <br /> _...... ; <br /> � � �, <br /> .................................................!..............................__.............."`.:.".�..1.......................... <br /> ........ ' <br /> ...................__..�:......._.._.... .........:_....................................._................................................ County Clerk. <br /> BY..................................................................................................._.............._........................................._ <br /> .... ._ __,... ... _ ___ ______ ......_.__ _.._ _..._. ......... DePntY. 1. <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP1kNY_ � <br /> III�TIORT DZVISION.--''��73R�a�A. Deed No.:�..�..� . .... <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UDTIOY PACIF�C liAEL�'4'AY COBfPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and ezisting by the consolidatioa of the i <br /> KANfiAS YAOIFiO RAILWAY COMPANY�the DLrNVLB PACIFIC KAILWAY AND TELL�C+RAPS�'(YMPANY,�&Ad.the�UNION PACIFIO RAILHOAD CO�PANY� nnder t}l0 corporate II&II78 and style af the <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, by autharity of an aet of Congress, entitled, `'A.n a�to�ici in the coustruction�f a r�ilroad and telegraph line fmm the Missonri Hiver to the Paeific � <br /> Ocean,aud to secure to the G�overnment the nse of the same for poatal,militasy an�i other.:�r�nses,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts a�mend:�tory thereot;which s�id Company has sncceeded to and <br /> becoiue seized and posseased of all the real estate aud property of tihe said constitueq��e�tu�a�Aaies� whetner rea,l,persontil or mixed, and, �mong other things,of ail the land granted to said Un�tox <br /> PsciFiC RAiLBOAn CoasPaNY by the foresaid acts o ungress,in aid of the conatr�teGit�sru£.itsroad,l�o�conveyed away by said Company at the dzte of such consolidation(to wit, Janaary 24, 1880), � <br /> /�� �1�, � �' �2`� �v <br /> in consideration of tbe sum of...._.��r<!lrt�z. ......... G�LG�Cr.. 'Zt...��!'{r�cru�.. ..............�I �........ _.... ........ .. .... .. .. . ......... ..............................................:........................Dollara, <br /> ....... �� <br /> to it paid, the receipt of wLich is hereby acknow]edged, doth hereby GBarT, BASC�eix,BELL AND CONVEY, untg., �� oO � � <br /> /6:1..�... .......1 `..�C��''i/�.�.................. ......:.................... -- .............:.......... � <br /> + •....... ..................... ....... ........... ......... .................... ..:.:.... ..................of the County of............................z/��....�-�........� the State of.................�„1..��14�Y�1�t.Z..G�................................... <br /> _. _ __ � <br /> the followivg described Keal Estate,situate,lying andbeing in the Connty of Hall an�i in the State of Nebraska,and described as followa,to wit:...................:.................................................:..............................:. � <br /> ' :. ....... . ._....__ _ _ - _ ..... __ . - ,..:::. _..... . ........... ....... ............................ ............... . ... .... ....... ...................... i <br /> ". ". wr-�.�`...... .,,.�..��..�.......va4v✓...y�...��.........�...�....l:Y.,v..�:�---....��_........ .......... <br /> ! . __ ��_ � _ ,�.� ��,,�. ----�' �.........�.�::...:�-P.G-�,�...��:....,�... � <br /> �- � �' � � : . ; <br />� . �.. �� �. . � .��.... . , <br /> i _ . .... . . . . .... . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .... <br /> _ ... __ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ ___ . _ _...... . - .. ..._. . . .. _ . .. ............... ..._ ..................... ... ... .... . ....... ... . . ................. ...... � <br /> ........ ..... ................................ <br /> , . ... . . . ........ . ........... ........................................... ... . .. ... _ <br /> � ---------=-------.-.--.--- <br /> .......................................................... ......... ............................................................................. ...... .. . ................ . .................... ................------------------------.-------------..._._._._..-.---.----------------------------.--------------------------.- <br /> � . .. ........ . ... . ...................................... .... .. .......................................... ................. ..................................._ y <br /> ..................... .. . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . <br /> . . ......... .. � <br /> .. .................... . <br /> of 5ection Na..... ................................4�� TownsLip No................ . � .,1 ' ..................of the 6th Prineipal ` <br /> Ivorth of Range No.,...,..�rc,,,,�l..D/, /V-e/L�� ,. <br /> .......... . . . . .... ...................... <br /> .......... .............................. <br /> ' Meridian, containing according to the United States survep thereof.,..,....... � G�it.L�- Orvvr.� , ..... ............................................:.......Acres, more or :L <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , .... ...........................................................................��.............. <br /> le3s, l�i+ig tl�e ea�u�a�ee+�i9oe�c ld t�........................................................................................................................................................................��'�-............................................................................... �" <br /> rlvt�d.....................:..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:....................................................................................................................---.....:.....:...._ ; <br /> ,� <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> � <br /> .... ..... .. ........... _._. . ....... .... .... ............................................ .. . . D ....................................................................... ......................... <br /> _ ......... _� � <br /> To Hare ilnd to Hold the said premises with all the rights ind appnrtenances tberennto belonging nnto the said �rantee,"WLe......................heirs and aseigns forever,and the grantor �� <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is well seiaed of the id premises as of a goud and indefeasible eat�te in fee, and hath good right to sell and _�n- <br /> vey tl�e sam.e, and that it�vill W�$xnrT and D�FExn the title to aaid premises unto the said grantee....... .. ............heira and assigns forever against the lawfal olaima of alLpersona whomsoever. <br /> ln,� p� � r ... Q./� / ! <br /> ExeBpting, Howsver,all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since..../�'4.� i'.. �(1 Q � � � � ' � <br /> . ........... <br /> �d�rmibted.�i`��r�r�ad�erssetd-........................ _..... . . .... __.. _ __. ._.___ . _... �'.................. ..... ' • i <br /> AND WHEREAfi 9&1(I UNION PACIFZC RAILROAD COMPANY CIl(I on the sixteenth day of Apr�l,A.D.1867,axecute aud deliver to Cyrus H.Mc("ormick,oi the Gity�oE New York,and John DuB,oi tha City of Bos � <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage veed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff,ae 7YUStees,for the uses and purposea therein mentioned, �mong others the lands herelnbefwae �i <br /> described; Axn wFZ�nEas,the eaid Cyivs H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that e�eet,resign his place as Trustee under said mortg�e deed,w"Liu}� <br /> ' resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�2,CC0pC0fI Uj't110 UNION PACIFZC KAILROAD COMPANY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoP held on that daq in the Ci�y of Boston apa �3tate oi ]rfass <br /> chusetts; Axn'V�'xr:RFas,on the fifteenth da,y of Uctober,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St�,te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duf�,as succeasor Lo said C9tus� <br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day�dPpTOVPCI US'EhH BO�CC�OY DICCCLOT9 Of th0$2,1Q UNZON PACIF'IC RAILROAD COMPANY� ANU WHEREAB�by snch nomination and�pproval said Frededek L.Ames dtd, <br /> ''� upon his aceeptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the ?�ms estates,powers,rights and interests and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as iY he had been one of the original Truatees named inand , <br /> " executing,said Mortga�e.11eed; Axn WaER�as,said remainin�Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the Crty of Bostou.vest the sa[qe j <br /> in sucu new Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wg�x�as, the said John DufY did, on the fourteentri day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument o4 wriLing ta that eHact, re� � <br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, wluch resignation was, on the fourteenth day oi February, A. D. ]a77, accepted by the UNION PnC[FZC RAiratoan COMPANY� by the Es,eentive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston and State oE Massachusetts• Axu WxFxEna,on the second day of July,1889 the IInion'Prust Uompany of New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I,.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nomination was,on the tbirteenth dag of Julyr lss9=approved by the L�xecutive Committee of the Board oi Directore oi the \� <br /> x PnciNiG Rnir.wnY ConzpaxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a�deed on the tlurteenth day of Jul SS89 vesting in the said Umon'irust Company oi New York,the estatea, powers, rights sud in- <br /> said Uxio Y, , <br /> .� <br /> terests created by said Mort�a�e Deed �ointiy with the said Frederick L.Ames;Axn WaExEas,the said Union Trust Compa�ny of New York sigmfied its aeceptance of said trust, by ����ng said deed�AND WHEREA$� ;i <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,iss9,by a proper uistrwvent in writing to that effeet,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resigna�ion was,on the sixteenth day vt_. <br /> July,1859, the Uxiox PnciNZC Rou.wAY COMPANY�by the Executzve Committee of its Board oi Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and 8tate oi Massachusetts; Arru �+ <br /> Wxsxsas,no nommation of a successor,to Sll the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said Union Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole Truatee widgr '-�} <br /> the said Mortgage lleed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprll,A.D.1s67. � <br /> AxD WaERt�na,The said Uxiox PACiFiC 1tniLROnn Con2rAxY did,on the eighteenth day oP December,A.A.1873,execute and deliver to the UNiox TxusT CourAxY oF N�w Yoxg a certatn Mort�e DOed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the landa hereinbefore described; axn Wa�s�as, the d Uxio� <br /> � PACZFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent oY the Unfon Trust Company of�ew�'or'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oY the sixteenth day of April,A:ll. 1867, and Trustee under the Moetgage Deed:ot the .: � � <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real esta�te hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,,Yor and in consideration oi the eum aforesaid, W the Union YaciBc' <br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which s�id sum of money rias been paid to the said Union TrusC Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage D�i� rv � <br /> the sixteenth day oi April,is67,and of the eighteeuth day of December,1873. <br /> Now T6srefore, KNOw nLL ME:T BY THESE P$&8ENT8� That the said Uxtox T�,UST ConspAxY oF N�w Yosg,..Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage'Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid <br /> premiaes and the pay t s 'd of said eum,so paid by said Railwag Companv to said Trust Company for the uses and pnrposes aforesaid,does hereby R�ntlss,RsL�AS�aad forever Quix-GLaiDi <br /> unto the said ........... a�1� ..................................................................... ...................:............ <br /> __.... . . .. .. _._ _. . ......... _..... _......._. .. <br /> the Rekl E�tate deacri ed aforesn� , to be held by the said rantee free and exempt fi•oin all liena, incambrances �nd charges of eaid Mortgage Deede, of the aisteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteenth day of necember, 1873, but suhject e�•, 1 the reservations and ccnditions bereinbefore contained. � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF In witness whe�oof, the said grantor, tbe UN ON PACIFIC RAIL�AY COMPANY, hath , : � � <br /> i � cauaed these presenta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by ita Presi ���t��y �,�;-�; ti '� � <br /> � �'� attested b y its Secretar y, and conntersi gned b y ita I.aad Commisaioner and its�u�an1 Qµ� ; o � x <br /> � i - - - --- - - the 881C1 UNION TS,UBT COMPANY OF NEW YOSg� Trustee, under the said.Mortgage D�ds, 1 `"" ; <br /> Q� � � / � oY the aigteenth day of Aprii, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of llecember, 1873, hath �N '� � <br /> /'�` 4 ��� can�se,d�,/t�hese pre'sents to be sealed with its,,corporate seal, d to be sign b i�pea�id.ent, ;� <br /> � 4.< ...�.,.....�� ... �/' tk�� __l cfH��Lw„,� .,�`�a�,L,�,,,�,�� / vLu,�,,,�c,-H� ���. l :� _ . + <br /> ,. , . 7.�o a�s�.�-w , <br /> ' i � vYx...,,� ' this..... � 4'--- /" da of...........� A. D. 18.... :p ' ' <br /> ....A-c.���uc.f�t.............................. Y . �"1.� <br /> • . <br /> �! : ,�` t <br /> Attest:......�j��G�(,..._ .._.�i��...................:.....................Se�etar . THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY� Q �Q:`� � � <br /> < < � � : �; �; <br /> ErrcL � , `, /� , z �; <br /> ', By_'�.(f/�1�2%1�....:........ .... .... .. . . ................................,President. � ` ° <br /> � �: `� <br /> ' � �������� - ��s� UN10N TRUST COMPANY F NEW YORK, TRUSTE&, H �� � ? <br /> � J , z : ; <br /> , , :- --�.................. �,�. ... .... . 2,�.�.c.. `� <br /> ,�� . ......_ g � � � �JI M.c.......President. o . � ' <br /> k . �---...... .. <br /> __ _.... . .. ._..... �� , � <br /> s�rA�r� o� , <br /> s�. <br /> �--/ COUNTY OF . � � " � <br /> � -'�a�'�y� B0 it Rem mbered, That on this.,�'U�.... .. . . . of.l ................ . . ...A. D. 18,�'�before me, a <br /> ^T� ......... ...... ..... . <br /> Notary Public, in nnd for said County, appeare t UNION PACIFIC RAIL Y CO�IPAN , b . . , ita President, who ie per- <br /> II sonally kn��vn to me to b: the identical pers hose name is subscribed t the foregoing instrnment as said President and then and tbere <br /> t�LL� acknowledged the execution and sealing of eaid nstrument to be his volu ary and d, uud tt�e volnnt i -ry act$nd deec?of said Company, <br /> � (� _ , � <br /> In witness whereog, I have hereunto t �band aud official 8Ce1 this,.���._. .. _/�,t _ .....---daY Of.... . ................. .................................................... '` <br /> A. D. 189'`L ,at the City ,i said County and State. � ' <br /> l � A � „ <br /> S T A T E O�F N E W Y O R I�, ...... __ _ __ ��J _....._�...Notary Fublic. � <br /> � � ss. � � K <br /> ��, COUNTY OF NEW YORK. � � � ;' <br /> � Bs it$ememberad, That on this......�!t!�G....... ......___ ot-----��_...--- _ _ .. :_ ........ . .18 9'�,before me,a Notary Pttblic,in and, <br /> �" "� � ,l� d`� .��J�• � /Gse.., �; <br /> for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK b . .�......................its Presidept, who., ` <br /> � .......... ... .... ......... re�� i� <br /> �ic.GK� is personal]y known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscrib the foregoin� m$trument as isA"d��- 'dent, and then aud there <br /> acknowledged tBe execution and sealing of said inetrument to be hie voluntar act n deed and the voluntary act t�deed of said Company. <br /> i / <br /> I ` X <br /> In witness Whereof, I have bereunto set my hand and official aeal this........�?�...... .............:........................d�y of---..�il/jJ.�. ..1�. ---r.--�----...........:.........---..._ <br /> I� A. D. 18 9'�,at the City of New York,in aaid Connty and State. � ! J ,= <br /> � � ��� <br /> � ..........................................� .. . . ...... .......... ....�..�...�............... ............................N r <br /> utaf'y '� : <br /> �� - � �,, � _ �� ��� <br /> �uu <br /> . ' <br /> .w <br /> , _ <br /> _s . . : <br /> ,..t . _ � , .: . . :-_. _ _ _ <br /> . <br /> , <br /> ,�- � < ;c <br /> F <br /> �; , � <br />