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_ �__ _ _ <br /> , s <br /> E � �� � <br /> I <br /> DC-�E,C� RC�CO�`C� . _ � <br /> _._----- ��an . �o. ,_ . __ ._ _ ____. _ __. ---- - -- -- _- ---- -- -- - - <br /> __ _ . <br /> . _. ._.---�a _..___. _._ _.__._— _. __ __ __ <br /> FROM � �/ <br /> FILED FOR RECORD and �entered on Numerical Index�this ....�v ` '' <br /> .......... . .................................aay <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company �, ;. <br /> To of....G'C�� A.D.189�,at.. . �. ....... 'clo d_...' -�minutes_...........M• <br /> _..... ... _ � <br />, <br /> � � � �y�,� <br /> �� "� .................................... ... ........................... ........................................... <br /> /,,,,�, ...__. ................ <br /> �'."."."....... ._.._....___.. �......._.._......_. ...... ......._........ . .......'.... .... CountyClerk. <br /> � � // % <br /> BY........................................................................................................... ................................................. <br /> ' DePutq <br /> THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COIVIPANY. j <br />' . IINIOh' DIVISZOl�.--lYEBRASKA. Deed No.��:l...�0.�........ , <br />! Know all Men b�r these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILI'VAY CObiPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and eaisting by tk�e consolidation of the ', <br />� KANSAS 1'ACIb't0 RAILWAY CUMPANY�thC D�NVICR YACIFIQ I:.AILWAI AND TL�LEC}RAPfi CUMPANY, Rrid th0 UNION PACID'If7 RAILROAD C0,11PANY� under the corporate name atl(� style of the . <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CUVIPANY, by autLority of a�n act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in tihe constructimi of a railroad aad tel adraph line fmm the M�esouri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Governmeut the use of the same for postal, military and othei purposes," �pproved July 1, 1862, and�cts amend:�tory tnereot; which said Companp has succeeded to and <br />, become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said constitueut companies, whetuer real, personal or mixed,and, mmong other thinge,of all the land gr$nted to eaid IIDiION y <br />' �3j _ e � __......._� � .. �.u,road,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of anch oonsolidation(to wit, January 24, 18$0), 1 <br /> PACIFIO IZAILSOAD COMPANY the afor;Qsaid acts of Cungress,m ai o�construction of ita.. ... ........ ........ / , . ...... . .............................,.................... ' � <br /> �. `'Y /� <br /> in conaideratiou of the sum o 'l�Vt!l.C. �IiVVV[�,t,Ge wvvG(, � 9 fo D. � ^ ,,,,,1......................Dollars <br /> to it paid, the receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledged, doth liereby G$ahT, BAac�Aix, S�LL AND CONVEY� o..�.. 'I��....Gl�'....Y�vrnl ..�.1/�!l�,y��`.(!��..... �G.�f�c cG.. � <br />' ..........................................................................................of the County of....................._.ti���'...'r..ti...S�S� the State of..11..:.............:..�!�I.'GCiii!i...�. '''� <br /> ........................................... :f <br />,, ......................................................................... . . <br />� i <br /> ' <br /> tbe following deacriUed Keal Estate,situate,lying andbeing in tLe County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and deacribed as follows,to wit:,,.......................................__...,.,.,,,.;:..,,.,,,,,_,,,.,,,.,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,. � <br /> .. � � _ ....... ---..... .... - <br /> i /,/\ �' �; /,�`/� ) - �---....-�--�-�..... . ................_....--••---- ........................................................................................ <br /> c/.. ....(.,�� �1�. �`.. .... �..�'... . .�.. .. .... .... ... ....................... ... ................ ..................................................... .. . ... ...................... . . <br /> ........ ........ . ti <br /> ......... . <br />� • � _' '. . ........-.._._.._.........__.......... _���_...._...... ......... . _........ . ........... .._....... ......... . ._._.._. ......._ ......... ............... . .... .............................................................. .... ......... ..................,......... ........ . . <br />. �.".................................................................................................................:....................................................��--'---..................................................................................--�-�-�-�--....................................................................--��-----'---"-----............._.................................. <br /> . <br /> ..._.............._................._.__......_.___._.._...................._...____...._..................................................................................................................................--......................................................................................................................................................:................ <br /> ' •"-"-"'_""""'_'-"""'...-'--"-_"""--'_.........""'-............._""-'-'------_"'__""•"""'-_"....'-""."'_'-"'........................-""--'_'-.........-------............---------------`.-•--'........_......_""_"""_"""•"""--....-_-"""--"-""----'-'---"-'-'--'-"---"'_"-"'-...._""""'--"'----"---""'_""_- . <br />� � �� <br /> ..............................�..�i........�............ .....................................................................:.................................................. ..................................................................................... ......................................................................................................_ . <br /> .. . . .. . <br /> �. ........ ............. <br /> . of Seetion No����/�y...'..... .. �t�� ' ,in Townshi •...✓!!?/ .--........��. . North of Range No....�lk1f . . .........�% � �,Gy'�....of the 8th Prineipal <br /> � <br /> . . ..............._t.y.............................................. ... ..... ............ <br /> , �� �J'................................... <br /> Meridian, containing �ccording to the United States survev t�}er ... ....C;t�j�j,�,e,...,�!I�YVy!�..G�.�. � `�'�",�Q�vy,.�y..........:.....���.....Y...��...................................:..........................Acrea, �nore or <br /> �� �� ........................ <br /> leas, be' a the same premiaes contracted to be sold to�.... ......... ....... .............Q?,t'.............................................................................................� Co tractl�No.Q...�3..��l....�..."�.1.�....................:..........._. <br /> ,D-I �jp �y,� ,�,�` �j - �/��. � . t -�n, // � Gp <br /> dated �/�!.�'�".�'�i..�oL. ,�7..t../�.D.Q.......:`?1...'!�!......C�!L���..../F.�'kS/�/Yl.........�..�(.1.'�Q�4....../ulJ'q.....`7"..��D..'�'�....`.....7......���.%.�....��..r'v...r.L�.....�.�J..........l..0•1l..�,............................:............ <br /> �" C / <br /> _....................................:.(,'............................................................. �' <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> .................................._..............._... .._.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................;�..........................................................................................._.................. <br /> To Hsve and to Hold the aaid premises with all the rights�nd appnrtenancea therennto belonging nnto tbe said �rantee,,Q.....,..;��Zef.�.y....heira and assigps fore�er,si►d the.�aiti grantor <br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at�the making of thia instrument it ie well aeiaed of tbe said premises as of a goud and indefeasibie estste in fee, and hath good right to eell and con- ; <br /> vey the same, and that it will W�BRnrT aud DE�Exn the titie to eaid premiaes unto the said,grantee,.�...�,._.heirs and assigns forever against the l�wful olaims of all persoua whomsoeqer. ;' <br /> (L` p ,- � <br /> � ExCepting, However,all tazes and assessment�lev' u on said premises since _7,��� �3 /�p.0 _ ___...... . , and except againet any.clni�s or,incum- <br />'�, .. � <br /> brances created or permitted by,through,or under said.. ,.,..,. .,/..��.y�.�,p�v�,..�.__ „: � ���� ....., u�.,!,,. � .$necPSaore,heirs or assigna or auy ot them � <br /> ,./ �.��lil.1/l/�1.. . _... �ur.'. . ... ' <br />' . �AND WHFB.EA B� 63,1d UNION PACIFZC RAILEOAD G6 MPAN did on the six.teenth day of April,A.D.1867,execute and deliver tu Cyrus]i.Mc(;ormick,oP the C�y of Neiv York,and John Duff,of the�!Boa � <br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of tkiat date,wherein said Combany convevec�to the said Cyrus 73. eCormick and John Du�,as 7'rustees,for the uaes and purpnses therein meationed,amoag others the landa he�T etti;tte ; <br /> et <br /> - under said mort e eed w <br /> described; Axn WAEREAS�thC 68,LCL Cyrus H.MeCormick�id on Lhe twenty eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument o1 writing to that e�ect,resign his place as Trustee Kag d. , hiCh <br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873�aCC0pL0Q Uy EhC UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMYANY by its Board oi D'uectors, at a meeting thereof held on that daq In the Cit�of Boston�nd ntate of 7�at <br /> chusetts;A.xn'Waxs�;na,on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the$tate o�lYIassachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor to saLd.�ru3. <br /> MeGormick,which nomination was,on the same day approved Uy the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PaczNib RniLROnn Co�raxY; AND WAERF.A9 by such nomination and approval said Frederick L,Am�1a <br /> upon his acceptunce thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the ,�,me estates,powera,rights and interests,and ch�r�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,z�a if he had beBn one of the original Trustees named LA su� <br /> executing,said hiortgage.11eed;AND WHEREA6�said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper•and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.3873,at the City of Boston,veet,the e�ne <br /> in sucu new Trustee 7ointly with him} the said John Duff; Axn Wx�s�ns, the said John Du� did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1s77, by a proper instrumenE oi writiing to that e�ect, re. <br /> sign his, pl�ce as Tru-tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day oP February, A. D. 1877, accepted by the Uxiox PAC[FIO Rntr.x,oAn CoxrsxY; by. the IDs�ecutiv� <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the,City of Boston and State of Dria�ssachu.getts• Axv WxEx�as,on the second day of July,1889 tha IInion'Cruat�o�,pany oi Nev► Y'orY,yr�s <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w�ich nomination was,on the tI�irteenth day of July} iS89t approved by the 1Sxecutive Committee of the Board of D' tors of t�e <br /> I said Uxlox PnciFiC Rnir.waY ConzraxY•and the stiid Frederiek L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day of July,lss9,vestuig m the said Umon'frust Company oi New York,the estatea, owers, rf�tg a�ut in- <br /> p AI <br /> � said deed•Artn �x <br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Dzed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WaEREns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust,by aigning � sAa <br /> the said Frederiek L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,lss9,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his piace as Trustee nnder said Mortgage Deed,which restg�stion was,on the ot� <br />� July,1889,a,ecepted,by tlie Uxi�x PACINiC Raxr.w.�Y Coa�ArrY,by the Executive Committee of its Boasd o1 D'u•ectors,�t a meeting thereof held on that day�n the CSity of Boston, and State of Massaehusette; Alxp <br /> WaE$�as,tto Aommatfon of a successor,to flll the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Jnion Trust Company of hew York becmme and now ia tlie sole�rustee und¢r . '� <br /> the said Mortgage lleed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. � <br /> Axn WHEB�RA9�T138 S&1Cl UNION PACIFIC KAILROAD COMPANY CI1fI,on the eighteenth day ot December,A.D.1s73,execute and deliver t0 the Uxiox TsusT t7oetraxY oF N�w Yoxx a certain ge peed �,. <br /> wherein said Gompany conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uaes and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described• axn Wssx�as, the d Ux �,�,�� <br />� PACIFIO RAILWAY COMPANY�Wlth EhC COIISOrit Of thE UIIIOII TPUSE COTripanyoP N ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sucteenth day of April,A,ll. 1867, and Trustee under the.Mortgage l�ee�oL.�s., .�..-. <br />! eighteenth day of December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,as above set Eorth,the real estate hereinb�alore described,unto the said grantee,,for and in consideration of the eum aPoresaid, to the Union Pacifle�$sili,i� �,y �.,< <br /> Company 3n hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has beempaid to the said Union Trust Company oY N ew York,in its capaCity as Trustee,for the uaes and purpoaes mentioned in said Mortgage eed§ef- ���,^ <br /> the sixteenth day oi April,1ss7,anfl oY the eighteenth day of December,1s73. � , <br /> New Thorefore, Khc��v ar.r,MEN BY THEBE PEESE:VT$� TI]&t thC SAi(1 UNION T&U9T COMPANY OF NEW YORg, Trustee in the afores�id M�t�ge De�s,in consideration of the aforesaid <br />'' premisee and the papmen s aforesaid said eum,so "d by eaid R�i_l�vay Corppanv to said T}�ast Company for the nses and purposes afore�id,doe�hereby REnass,Rsi.sAS�and forever QIIIT-CLe�ffi <br /> . . �.�� �,� �r' . <br /> Iunto the saicl . .... ... . ..... ..... _�2�W. ... . �.1.��_- _......_ ..... ....... . ._ ..... ............................................. .............._............. ... .�.: . ...... <br /> �...... . ....... �,,� .. (. 1 <br /> I the Real Eat�te described aforesnid, to be held v the sa' grantee fiee and exempt fi�oin all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deede,of the sigteenth duy of April,1867, at�+�f t�e � <br />� eighteemh day of' December, 1873, but subjec howevG to a,ll the reserv:�tions and runditions Lereinbefore contained. <br />! IN PRESE\'CL�°OF /�"-'\ in witness �h�u►sof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�YIP�NY, hath ' <br /> `.� <br /> � � caused theq�presents to be aealed with its corporate seal, and to be aigned b i� 'dent, � ,„.� �-�• � <br /> I ��,,f attested by ats Secretary, mnd conntersigned by its Land Commissioner and ��k'�t�i r,and ��� � <br />,� � ""`" i � tbe 681f� UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NEW YOEg� Trustee, under the said Mo�tga�,+e Deeds, `'`�='� ~ <br /> f <br /> _ t ,� , <br /> �� � of the aixteenth day oY April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1873, hath `�'�? """ <br />, a� these pre.sena�seai�with,it�corporate�se�l,��p�tn e�signed by i�ident, � ,� � � <br /> ... . .. .....�./........... _ _ _....... .. ....... °�,,,��- d�„�e,w+,.�.c!.�n�v„a,� �� ,,�.�„jda,,., ,w.,� l� <br /> ! ����� ' . ; � . <br /> . tb�a............:...... X <br /> 1 ! ��w�'� a�ti� f"rv.��'....................................dap of....... . ....... ....... . .....................A. D. 18... ..� �b :, <br /> � � �' � /f� � C ' <br /> C,/r�/4riY..._..�/l�i(�/s . .. .� . <br /> Attest.,,.. . �,��.................................�Secretary. THE UN N PACIFIC RAIi�WAY COMPANY, <br /> I11fi ESENCE OF , � � � � � � : <br /> � �,� B j, ..._ . ...................President. � � ' fi <br /> . .. . . .. .............................. : <br /> � ' �y , � . <br /> -�- ��� � � � � =`a"�� ����� ��� � UNION TRUST CO ��N OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEFs, � � <br /> �� - �/�� (J/ <br /> a� , r-�: � <br /> _�j?.�.. .. �. . .,.,� ...: .. . ... . .........- ,��� BY.... . `�!..Y.,. _, ................ ... ... v..'.�:Q.President. � �• <br /> � � �. <br /> : � <br /> . <br /> ...... _..� (� '' <br /> STA�rE o� �.�, s, � ss. � � . �\ z��- � <br />, � � COUNTY OF ' � / � y �� f _� <br /> � Be it Rem bered That on this,,,,...,.. �0 ` ` �I <br /> ...... ....................................._......_._._......da of..................... ...�...... ......... .... ........ ...:.. D. 18�/ befouti�4ies s `t <br /> 1�Totary Public, in and for said County, appesred the UNIUN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY,'by . i President,.v�rllo is �,- ' <br />� n sonally known to me to b� the identical person whose name ia subscribed to the foregoiog instrament as said President and t� Ans1 there; <br /> ' � aeknowledged the egecution and sealing of saSd Instrument to be hie volunta,ry act and deed, and the volnnt ary aet an deec:of said Coua}'qmy. � .; <br /> � / K <br /> A <br />' In witness whereof, I have he nto t ht�ud and official seal this.................. . /!�., . ...,..... ::�- <br />� A. D. 18 9j �at the Cit�����a�eaid County and State. ..._ .. of... ..............�r"..................................................... <br /> l <br /> ��� �. <br />; . ..............___ _. __.. ........._ _ .._.......�___ _ _ <br /> `;:....Notary Public. `•' <br /> _,.... __ _ <br /> STATE OF NE �7V YORI�, � ss. <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORg. <br /> I' Bs �it Remembered, That on this................ �. .......d$y ot,-••----. .. ....�/j. , , � iq ' *- <br /> _........... . ...A. D 18 9/ before me a Notar �nbi m a�i <br />� for eaid Connt a � • � � � "� <br />� Y� PPeared the UNION TRUBT COMPANY OI' NEW YORK, by.. ........................:. ....._...._. ..... . ........�...............:..ite Preeideitt�a�W � <br /> j is personally known to ma to be the identicsl person wbose name ia snbscribed to be lbregoin% inetrn t as eai�e s ident, and then sn�fi". <br /> I acknowl e dg e d t he execu tion an d aea ling of sai d instrument to b e hie vo lun t�ry a c t d e e d an d t h e v o lnn ry a c t an d�d e e d o f sai Cbmp�n�+, <br /> , `� ., <br />; � �}. <br /> tn Witness whereoi, I have hereunto set my hand and official eeal this_............:........�0.. ............ ...., ,..:............_dsy ef,,...........J�.,�.���..�...._.. . .....:. ........_ `� �-. <br /> i A. D. 18 Qf/ ,at the City of New Yor1c,in said County and 8ta►te. � i � " � - <br /> e <br /> __ _.................... ........J,/L�L.r.�........ .......... ...12�:GZ�t..�......................................�ofas�r Pab�C�. � ; <br /> _ � �� :� . <br />