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�� . <br /> � � •� De V `�.�� �.��V �'c�. . . �� r <br /> FROM � <br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company FII,ED FOR RECORD 8riCl entered on Numeric�al Indea this.............�,,,,._.....,,..,..,......__,,,,,,,,,,.,,,_,..,,,,.,,,., <br /> Tp - of--� . .......................A.D.189 � at......�. ' ' <br /> ................... _...........o lock axd_..._.�-..............minn#ss_,_C!C.M. <br /> � <br /> �,L�. .�� C� .... ,.... . .. .. .. ............................... ..._...................................�....�...lerk.... <br /> .... ....... ..... tut G <br /> .......... . ........... ................................................ � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> BYM ...... ...... .. ..................................__................... ..............-�----....................................._ <br /> ----..._._...._....._...___......_- ..__..._......._..-. ................._................................................. � <br /> Depnty. <br /> �' H � UNIC� IV P � CIF' IC i� ,41LW1� C �► (MPA �IY. <br /> tT1�I01<' J32YISFON.—Y�B�ASK�. Deed No../..�.�..��J."... : <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNtON PACIFIC RAILR*AY CObfPANF, whicl� ia a Oo�rpoistion formed and ezistingbytheconaolidationoE the <br /> IiANSAB YAOIFIO RAILWAY CUMYANY�th0 DENVEB�PACIFIt71LAILWAY gND TSLS(}RAPH COffiPSNY� snd the Uxrox Pecrsio Rair.$osa COffiPdDTY� Un(�er L�18 Cotp01'&tb riS�Re AIICt Sty18 Of t}18 <br /> UNION PACIFIC RAIL`VAY CO�IPANY, by antbority of an act of Congress,entitied, "An act to aicl in the constrnetion of a railroad And telegraph line fmm tbe Mi�onri River to the �'aci8c <br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Government the uee of the same for lwstal, military an!i ot6er parlwees,"approved July 1, 1882,and acfs amendatory thereof, whieh said Comparty has succeede@ to 8nd <br /> bet;ame seizeci and po�sea9ed of atl the real estiate and pmperty of tLe said conetitnent compsniea,whether r�l,peraonal or miaed,and,among other thinga,of a)1 the land granted to eaid IINIO�i <br /> PtCIFIO RAILBO�D COMPAIQY b�t e afo id acta of Congr�e,ia aid of the ebustructiun of it�sroad,zrot eoaveyed away by said E7ompany at the date of eueh eonsolic�atioa(fa wit,3anal�s�24, 1890), <br /> E)o <br /> ia eousideration of the sum of_.._.„ _, _.._ _ _ � � � <br /> '1�"'A.�G1�y�,t,(,...� . .. . . .. ...��...�:.!�.�7...�..�—..�.......................................................................................... ...................... ......................................................:...............:DoIlar$, <br /> to it paid, tbe receipt of whieh is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby BANT� BA$�dIN;S�LL AND C031V�Y� nato..........v�...........�,/��....�..........................................._.._..._.........:...,_,._.,.., <br /> .................................. ............................................. ...........:.................................:.................................of the County of.....................U.•�C�.�� in the Btate of.......�G✓1�Y.kt..... <br /> the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in tLe 4,"ounty af Hall snft iu t�e atate of Nebi�ska,a�d deseribe� As foPlowe,to wit:.....:................................................................................................ . <br /> :...... . _.. ... ........... ............................- - - � ................................._................................................. . ........,........................................................... <br /> ' ..... <br /> .... ... �� ., �t1"1 .... ...... �.....S,J.�....�..CiI�i.X...... �..Ce�/Lr�,v1l........(�..y..�V.�:t------------------------------------°°-°----.................._........................................................................................... ' <br /> ............................................................................................... .......................................................................... ........................................ .. . <br /> � .............................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> ................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................:. <br /> ,.....................................:............................................................................................................................-�---�-............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ......................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................ <br /> ...----------°---�..................°-'--�--°--...----------- --��-------�°----°------°--------.... -----�--•---°--°--------------•-----°...--------......._....-----------.....-°°-•-°----------••------...---°--�----°°------•............-°-----�---..............••--•-----°°-----......--------•-•°-°•-°-..-•-------------------------------......_.._ <br /> ..........................••--•-------------�------°--.......°°-•---......---�--�--........-------._...--•-•------°•°--••--•--...---......•-•--................................-�--•--•-°------.........._....-°-°---°-----°----�--�-°--•-•-----•-'-•------------••°-------------------------•------...---•.........................---•-------_•••-•-------..._-•-•--•----•-- <br /> .................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> . � � �p /� n,,/ <br />� t� 8ec$iou No.. . . ....�rt�,,,�.,.......�� �... ia Z'ownehi No.. ''V <br /> .... . . _.... �..:.............................:.......... ... .:1.f��.:...........� .�. North of R�nge Na �'tX�k�r.. U...:'Jr�l............h.�:..of the 8th Prlt►Eipa1 <br /> ..... .... �............... ........ ........ .... <br /> Mel'tidi�tn, iybntaining a ing to tl�e United States su�ev thereof............ ...... . . /.� .... L0,..6� :...........................,. .......Acsrta, aaoz�e or <br /> . ..... ... ........ .. .......... ......................... ................. <br /> ....... <br /> ............................ .. <br /> less, being th same premises contraeted bo be eold to_............................................... ' ...............b�`Qani�la�fA No:aQ �,..Q..C/.:�...— ,,�. : <br /> .................. ..... ... ................. ............ r .... ................................... <br /> dated .............. .�,�,,.......�......../..0..�0...�......................................................................... .........................:....... <br /> ...................................................................................:............................................................................................................................................. <br /> .......... ........... ........ . <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> Tb Ma�� Ae�td Hetd the�id premises�rith all the r�gh�and appurt�i�snebi bhefennbd belati�ing aitto tI�b da,�d qrantee,....,. ...� ..,__,,,_,,, he3ie aad�tigne fbrever,naa tt��►�a ��toT <br /> dvth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at the mating of tbis inatrnment it ie well t�iaed of t2�e td pr"emised ss o[a guud and indefeasible eet�te in lbe,and hath good right to sell and oas <br /> vey the same, and that it will W�BRwrx and I}EFSxD tbe titie to 6aid premia�nnto the suid ntee,_�.,,.___....,heirs and aaaigns forever ag�inet tLe iswfnl eLime of all pereons whomr�oe�et. <br /> ExC�1Hng� HoMre�re�,all'tr�zes and assessments levied pon said premiaes ' ce...... . 'Wt.....�..,. /.$.g.I. . .....___. . .........and eaoept i�gainst any ciaih�e or inenm- <br /> brnnces created or permitted by,throngh,or under said..................�ll.vva� . �,,,�,�io _„.. . <br /> ......... ........ur..,�j_a,,�„� stCcc�tiats,helre or asei dr�u di tZierm <br /> � gND�EiEREA6 9f�ld UNION PACI�'IC RAtLROAD QOMPANY did on the sixteenth Aay�of April, D,i8q,exeoiite aud de.11ver�to Crfiue H Mef;ormic�,a!tfiel�{y oY IVe�F Yoi�k,and�lofin-DuIl`,o�t d fR of Bog � �� <br /> ;. <br /> ton,a certgin Mort �ge I�eed of that daty@r,u wherefn said Companq eonrAve�to the said Cyrug H 11[eCorfnie�Rnd Jol�Duff,as i'tusteea Lor tfi�uses amt xa tb,�rh�1a ptbE�ttioned,among others the�� hef�De2ot�E <br /> re gnatioa w�s�the flfteenth�1 of tletobg;AcD�ri�3 accepf�ed by Ehe Urtior�r Paciaic Rwi�ROx COMP�Y �roper�mfe�tt��q'��taL$t�o t�htiing tLereorf held on tha�t��t e Ci of�n and 8tate of'�a�h <br /> � yit � <br /> Chnsetts•Aivn�GVs�RFas,on the fteenth daq of Octotier,A.D.1873,Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 3tAte o�11�assalchlxsatts,was duly nom3�ate�1 by the re�ing,Truatee,Jphn Du ,Ss euecessor to eafd C�rtlb <br /> MeCormlck,whien nomfnstioh was,on the same d9y 3ppTOYRd by tL8 BO�td OL DiPCCLOt9 Of Ch8 98fd IINION PACIFIC RAILROdD COMPANY�ANA WHFiRBAB by 8ach non�tinatlon and�pp;oval aaid Frederiek L,Ameb <br /> upon his acceptanee thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the�ame e3tates,powera,Tights and intere@te aud chut ed vOith the same duties and respohs[bkll�ies,as it he had been o�oA of the or�In�,1 Truatees named in 8n� <br /> executing,said Mortga e Deed;Axn Wa�R$na,safd remaining Trustee a conveysnce,prop8r�n�eII�et�for that pu se,dsted an the twentieth day of Oetob�r,al.,D 1873,at the C�ty of Boaton,vesE the sam0 <br /> in such new Ttustee�ointly with him, the said Jdhn Duff; Axn WB$s1pAS, the said John Dn� did, on tha iburteen��day oi FebrusrY, A. D. 1877, by a proper�natmment o1 wrlting to that eHe�t, re� <br /> sign his piaee �s T�u�tee nnder �d Mort�age Deed which raeignatiop was, on the iaurteenth df�y pt Febrt�gr , A. D. 1 , accept�d UY the.Urrtox Psocrza RdttBOSn CoapPANY, by the EaeetiClve <br /> ig�y g77 r �1 <br /> Committee oi its Board of Directorx,at a meeting thareof he'ld on that day in the Ci�y of Boston m�d 8tate oi Mas9xchuSetES•Xxn W$aR�AQ,oq the secq�&c1ay of July'�1A89•the IInion'hvst Oompany of 1Vew York,Wa� <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trnstee,Fredenek 1:.Ames,as succeasor to sald J"ohn DuB,ti��tteh nomiaaflon was,oh Lhe t�irteevn�tfi daY of Jutp 1858 ap�tTOVed Ay the Fateeuti�e Commlbtee of the Board oi Direetars L 6he <br /> said IIxiox PwciFic RniLwns Co�rnxy• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth da,7 o tJ om'pan'of New Yoh�$a3�d,1$�op rrust C�o�Q�ny pL Ne��v Yb the e�i�, po�rsr�,�p����dX�- <br /> terests cr0ated by said Mortgape Deed joint�y with the said Frederiek L.Ames; AND VVHEREA9�LL8 88'It�UIt�OII'A`Ptj� �'i it�q sata y d 'I <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the Hfteenth day of July,iS89 by a proper instrument in wri' tq that efLe hLs place a8�8 u�er�aid o� ge D�ed,�►hich resiggna en was,on L48 aixteentJt day q� <br /> t�n� gg. na <br /> July,1889,$ Lh0 IINIUN PACIFIC RAILW.�SC COMPANY �by th8 ERecuttve Committee of itp Bbard of Dir�o�n ineetlag therzoi held'on chat y 3n LhE Git4 of Boaton, and State o1 Msassehusetta; Axn ; <br /> i Wx�s�a�,no fiommation of a successor,to flll the vaeancy,tavsec'#by the resign�tion of said Frededek L.Amea,having been made,the Said$nion Truat Com�any ot New York became and now Ls the sdle T►�ustee nnder <br />� the said Mort�age Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> lixn W$a��na;The said Uxio�r PACiFro 2tnYLROAD Conir�[xY did,on the.ei$hteenth day of Dgcember,A.D.1873�C%CCllCO&IId f�C110@Y ED th8 IINIOR T8UgT� CODSPANY OF NEW YOR%8 CBtt�Ni drt�ge Dc�ed <br /> wherein said Gompany conveyed to tha�aid Union Trust Cpmpany ot New York, g Trustee for the ates�nd�,pu�oses th�zefn mentioned,ampn$others th t nds h reinthefore deecrlbed; 8:am W�[Ex,�e6", C�et+�d'Uie`ioN <br /> PACIFIL'RAILWAY COMPANY�with the CoHSent ot the Ufiion TPUSt Co'm�any o�New Ydt�C,e,ole r�t a�dd6P thQ Mortgage,beed of the�}ateCAth day.o��pr�1,� �. 18�, and Ttuate8 tti►der thb Dio ge rie�d�o(_tihe '���.�.: <br /> eigtiteenEh day oi December,A.D.1873,has soid and conveyed,as above�forth,the real estate he p.iftb�efo�e i�e9eribed,unto the said grantee,for aad xn considrsst,�an of Wie awn afo�aa�d�,to tlie �Tnle��uaP�►cl9c Railway <br /> Company in hand paid by the said�rantee,�vhich said aum oi mone7�Ras be�n paid to the saiti Union Trnst Conipsny of tV ew York,in its capacity�as 1'rustee,Yor the nses 8nd pnrpesea m�tioned in said MoYtgage 17eeda oY <br /> the s3steenth d�, of A rll,}867,and oP the eighteenth day of December;1873. <br /> Now ��ore, BNnW ALL MEN B7�TA'ESE P�E6EIPTA�TNa�btte eaid Ui�iU��T�bs�Gb�A�tY oF NEiv Yosg Trastee in the afurdssid Mortguge Dee9s,in consideratios of tLie s�oresaid ` <br /> pr8mises rind the puym t as e�foreesifl of gaid em ee paid by�t2d�i2vVRy Comp�ny to eia3d�t Campbay tbr the abee aud parpo�ee aforesAid,dobe hereb�R�,RaLSSe��td Por�ver�s21t ' <br /> i nnto tLe said ..... ....�yy��._....._. �. ` <br /> ... ........ ........ .. ..... ... . .................... . ......... .............. ..... ...........................................................................................................................-�--- -...... . <br /> t6e Real Estate ciescribed aforesaid,to e held bv the ssid grantee fiee and eaempt from All lIene, inoambranets aad eharges of eaid Mortgage Deede,of the eiateenth dny of April, 1867, and�'tlie <br />� eighteenth day of December, 1873t but subject, ho ver, to all the reserv�tions and cronditions hereinbefore contained. - <br />; IN PRESENCE OF In MitnASS Nhbrootf thC said graetor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br /> � ` esneed these�res�nta ta be seal�d with its corporate seal,and to be signed b �'t�a��P� ident, :�: <br />� �� atC�ted by ite 8ecretsry, aud countersigned by ita I.and Commiaeioner and i��3'fidi��'o�'i,and :a :° <br />� . , . .. the �cid Uxzox Tsvs�r Co�Pwx�r oF Nsw Yosg, Trnstee, nnder the esid M6�age Deeds, �° `'° <br /> t `•� :� 1 <br /> n o f t he eiYteenth day af April 1867 and of the eighteenth day of December,�l87�, hath :• • <br /> I �...� ��� � � d pt�eente tb be eea�ted with ite c o r p pra seal, an be aigned by its�l�+esidenty ;� : � <br />, .... ..... ............. .... . . .................... .............. �,�.,.e�.�,�t,,.., �G�3�«.,�. � ........ .... � <br /> VC � ` ��YY�1.�. ���1r �INVA CWW�A� �YW� C) 7 <br /> , . .� , t ,d� of......:�"�. . ... . ......................._.... . D.�.:�../....... �� <br />'I .......... ... . . . .... .............. .......... .... <br /> . A 1 :�� <br /> y1�� �Q `, i <br /> Atteet:.....��`I.Y..1N`�'!!!�..........................................:..�ec�ta,r7 : <br /> T�IE UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY COMPANY, A � ,� � <br /> IN PRESENCE OF , , �Q�,`I � � �; : <br /> BY••_• . ......... .. .. ��aV�."'^'4...........:`. ... . .President. � v <br />! • __ ::.. <br /> 7 � ....... �ti ' � <br /> ; . � � � <br /> d � '�. � . : <br /> ..,..........,`. � . .. ....................:... $1�1�T1 '�RUST COMPA Y OF NEW YORK, TRUSTE�, � '� <br /> I ---.......�..�. .f........ ,/��j'� � � � , <br /> .. .........:... ` � � : <br /> :; <br /> �----- By.. .................dY. �!/ ��-c'.f..Pres�dent. °U ` ` � <br /> �....... ...... ........ � � � <br /> �rA�rE' oF � � � ss. <br /> �. _�/ C � � G � <br /> f ""�� Be it Rem bared, That on this.. ��.........�.�.1../ _._ .: .. .�ay of........ ...............................................................A. D. 18 before me, a � <br /> ..... ... ......... . ....... ... .. <br /> Notary Public,in und for said Cottnt , appeareci the IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, by C. F. AdamB� itn President, wbo is per � <br /> sonally known to me to be the identioal pereoa who3e ng�me is snbscribed to the foregoing inef,rument as said P�aident and then and tLere <br /> acknowledged the ezecution and sealing pf said I�trument to be his volantary act and deed, and the volnnt-iry aet and deed of said Cbmpany. "� <br /> In wHuess Nhereof, I have ber ta m and and o�cial szal this.........................�Y...4�::.,�0_./.�......_�Y of.......................................................... <br /> .............................. <br /> A. D. 18 ,at the City o ,ia euid Conut�snd 8tate. � <br /> � <br /> S T A T E O�F N E W Y O R I�� ....... . __....... . ... .__.. ....._`�'ti'r'Q.. ....._ �. ....... .. . ._.. .........._�otsrg Aubtie. <br /> � ss. <br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORK. ' ; <br /> ...d• b. 18 , before me, a Notary Public,in and <br /> Be it Rem�mbe��d, That on thia.....................� ot..__.....--�--��-- --�-- . �I� <br /> • ............... <br /> ' . � „U • .:. <br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNTON TitUfiT COMPANY OF NEW 70Rg, by.. ........� _,,.�. , ,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ite �i�siclent, who ° <br /> is personaliy knorvn to me to be the 3deIItieet pe�on whose name ie snbscri6ed hp fore fn instra ae eai 'dent, an�then snd there <br /> acknowledged the execntion a�t seuling of esid.imltrament to be hie volantser rtcb 8eed duct�e "volnntary act an eed of eaid Company. <br /> Iw Mitness Mhsnoff I have berennto 9et my hand and official eeal thie....;...... .. ]�...........' ............. ..............d�ty of..........��_ <br /> ......... . ... . ..... ...... ......................... <br />� A. D. 18'� ,at the City of New Yeik,in•ee�iid Co'an�y s�8telte <br /> _ �r� <br /> Ci'��I <br /> , �,, � �p �� . <br /> _...... ......... ......l..!.v�ct..........,............................�.............................................N Pebdtc. ;-. <br /> ' • - <br /> F� � <br /> , _ . ..: . . . <br /> ._. __ ,._:�.,._.�.�. ��_.r__....:.W_F. ��:...�..._u�. __ _ - _ _ .. <br />