�,.� . : : . _. _ _ . _ , _
<br /> �
<br /> Dee�.� =: k�.e�o �c�. 1 �-
<br /> _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ _ _ . __ __
<br /> �roa " Re-ii xcan rin�_. �o. -- --- —
<br /> FROM �
<br /> FzLEn FoR RFCORn and entered on Numerical Indeg this ....,..� _T.� _._.... ,,,,,,,. ,,day
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company =
<br /> i zo of...__...�?'i�. /� � v� �
<br /> ..A.D.189( t----...... .....o cloc a�d:........ .....minutes_..------°M.
<br /> �/f ; - -
<br /> i, 7 Ce�� ' -: .... ..... ...,......... . .......... ... ................._�................................................................
<br /> � ..�..L! .... � . ,��'L�tiY.:l�l.L�!k:l� ....... .
<br /> .
<br /> . .. . .............. , County Clerk.
<br /> V
<br /> ................................................. .'.....'.'..'................................._....................................
<br /> � -....__ _--._..._.._.... .
<br /> __- -. ._...._......__ _........................_....................._.................. : Deputp.
<br /> II1�I01�' DIVISIOl�.--11TEBRASKA. Deed No.,l...�..�...�.,7........
<br /> I� Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RA.IL�'VAY CObSPANY, wbich ia a Corporation formed and egistingbytl�econeolidationof the
<br /> 1' UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C0�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the con.9truction ot a railroad and telegraph line from the Missonri River to the Pacific
<br /> Ocean, and to secare to the Governmeut the nse of the sa�me for postal,military and other purposes,"approved July 1, 1862,and acte amenda�tory thereot;wbich said Company has sueceeded to and
<br /> j become seized and posseased of all the real est�nte a�ud property of the sa,id conatituent companies, whether real,personal or mised,and,�among other things,of a11 the land granted to said Uxiox
<br /> iPACiFio RAiLROAn ConzPAxY by the afo esaid acta of Congress,in aic�of the co trnetion of its road,irot conveyed aAV�y by said Company at the dote of auch eonsQlidation(to wit, Jannary 24� 1880�,
<br /> �� in conaideration of tbe snm of..._._. ���/ ,,�ll.�2�1� ?(�1/1�[�.��`�._. �L�L/��. �,�(.�(ti�l/�(�?��....7.�.. ��. ... ���P 7 �� � � .....::_Dollare,
<br /> �� �� .. _ ._. . ..
<br /> _ .. . . �,._'/''_' .. �' . r�. . : ��.. � -.�=� .�... .............................................�....................... ... .
<br /> � to it id the recei t of which is hereb acknowled ed doth hereb GRANT BA$ IN �ELL Axn Coxv�Y unto .�.QiL:.. '� �
<br /> . jl 1� r P � � Y g � Y t r e ....... . .......�1.2/,z.Or./..y!
<br /> oft,heCount of.,... Y cC, � intbe Stateof.............�!C-e�r✓ �4
<br /> ....... . . . . .. ............... ............ _ _ _ _� .......�........� ,......, ...�....... �................... ..... .... . ........
<br /> �, the foliowing described Keal Estate, situate, lying andUeiqg in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described ae follows,to wit:.................................. ,_.,.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,..,_...,....,..,....,...:.,,,...,,,, �
<br /> I
<br /> ; � _ __ _ ......-� ----- - .. ...... ..... .... .......................... ......... ......... ......... . ..
<br /> ... .
<br /> . . .. __. f ....
<br /> .... .. ..
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<br /> 'i .. _ < < �,��G���<�.�� �-� 1 '71�,r 1 � .���-�?� ,�� �� ���-----�Q�-----�--. �:1::�.�� ...................................................................................................... II
<br /> ,
<br /> .. ......
<br /> ��� ......:....
<br /> � . . . _ ..... ........... . ............ . ...... _ � �� ........................ ........ .. �...
<br /> ......... ... ............................. .... ... .............................................................. .... ........................................... �
<br /> �
<br /> �� ------- ....... .. ..___ _ __ - _ - -- _. __ _ .. ._..--- _ - -...._... ..--........_._ .._.. _ ................................. ......................................................
<br /> ..................................................................
<br /> '' -........:.................................... .............. .................................................:..................................... - ....... ..._.........,......._.................................... .... ...... ..._................. � � ............ .:........ :..
<br /> Ii �
<br /> � __ _ _ . __ . _:._...__ .__ ... ...................._.............._............... ............................................................................................................................:.............................................................. �
<br /> � _ _ -
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> �� _..---�..........................----�-------�-----�-- - --..._..-------- -..__.......-----------------------------------------......---- .......�-� -�� - --......._......--� - -...-�-��--�----=--------�---------�------ �---------- �
<br /> i ......... .. . . . . ,� .. . . . ...�................... .. .. ... ............._............................. . .. I
<br /> � � . ,, � ......... . . ..................................................................................
<br /> i � in Townsh' No.,,...�(�[,Q 2�..I( C7 ,,North of Ran e No � .:u:,L�u e i , �1' of the fith Pnnei
<br /> of �ection No �:.�l:�....�.L.�....... ... ................................... .................. P .. .. •••_• 8 �,;� ..........�..."l� .�................... P� (
<br /> ��
<br /> � .....
<br />; Meridi�n, containing according to the United States survev t}�ereof �i ���!G2�C1 J!Z.:l.GZQ �..7:��� ..<r'?���...�..��/..�f�..............................:....................: ......... ......... ........Acrea, more or i
<br /> / ��/� G !
<br /> k less, being the same premises contracted to be aold to�........�})�.1.!!�'L[C:��......�:�..'i.-..1�...b.:?...�' t L.............................................................................by Contra�etO No.D...�.��...R ����.. ..�..��1........:.
<br /> dated <
<br /> ........................
<br /> �� � ^
<br /> .� k i �.�........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............ ..(�.. ........�
<br /> � ,
<br /> � ................... .............. . ........ ... .. .............................................. .. .. .............................................................................
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> , J�
<br /> .................................:... ................................................................................................................:................................... .......................................
<br /> To Have and to Hold the said premises with all the righta and appnrtenancee thereunto belonging nnto the said �ran#ee,,,,,K,,,y,�,,.�_,__,,,___heira and aasig�s fflrever,and the eaid grantor
<br />; +, doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrnment iti 3�well eeiaecl of tbe sa' premises as of a goud and indef'easible estate in fee,and hath good right to aell and coa-
<br /> ii %
<br /> � vey the same, and that it will W�axarT and D�F�xn the title to said premiaes nnto the said grantee,.._i_._.�:�:_,,,...,.Ueirs and assigns forever againat the lawful claims of all persona whomsqeeer.
<br />'t � Excepting, However,ull taxes and assessments levi��pon said remis since . G��T Cz-c ./.�. ,F�b'��_...,:. . __. ,_............ . ...:..,and eacept agaiqat any claims or incum-
<br /> brances created or permitted by, through,or under said .._...��c�!11,,f�1 f......�,�c�i^. a t �.-�-t V __.._ _ .__..__o,•...��?.�itl'�.......:.9ACCPS$OFS�heirs or assigns or any of tltem
<br />� .;,Arr�WxFRins,S&�d UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY dld on the sixteenth day of April,A.ll.1s67,execute and deliver to Cyrus Ii.ble(;ormick,of the City of New York;and John Duff,oi the Gity of Bos
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cynis H.MeGormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,ior the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the lands Herembefore
<br />� descritied; Axn WxExEns,the said Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument ot writing to that effect,resign hia piace as Trustee under said mortga�e deed,whfeh
<br /> resTgRation was on the fifteenth day of Octobei;A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PaciFZr,RazL�oan CoatraxY by its Board oY Directors, at a meeting thereoL heid on that day in the City of Boston and bt�te oi �assa-
<br /> cHusetts; �xn'WFiNxFas,on the fifteenth daY of October,A.ll,1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta�te o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaiUing Truatee,John Duff,as successor to said.Cytua H.
<br /> MeCorm�ek,which nomin�tion was,on the same day approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PaciFrc RniLROan ContraxY; AND�'FIEREAS�by such nomination and approval said Frederick L,Ames did
<br /> upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the ?ame estates,powers,rights and interests and char�ed with the same duties and responeibilities,as if he had bean one of the original Trustees named in anc�
<br /> executing,said Mortgage.11eed; Axn WaExEns,said remaining T�ustee did,by.a conveyance,proper anc�effectual for that puxpose,dated on the twent�eth day of Octobar,A.D.1873,at the Crty of Boston,vest the same
<br /> in sucn new 7rustee 7ointly with him, the'said John Duff; Axn WxES�as, the'said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that e8ect, re-
<br /> sign his place as.Tru,tee under said Mort�age lleed, wliicri resignation was, on tha Yourteenth dwy oY �ebruary, A. D. ]s77, aceepted by the Uxxox Pac[Fic RAILROAD COMPANY� Uy the Executive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoE held on that day in the.City of Boston and 8tate oi Massachusette•Axn WaEiisps,on the second day of July,is89.the Union Trust Oompany of New York,was
<br /> � duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I,.Ames,as suecessor to said John lluff,w'hich nomination was,on the tbirteenth day of July,18@9t approved by the Executive Gommittee of the Board oi Directors oY the
<br /> I said Uxzox PaoiFic RniLwaY CoMYnxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day ot July,]889,vesting in the said Umon Lrust Company of New York,tha estates,powers, rights and in-
<br /> � terests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said F'rederick L.Ames;�n WaEx�as,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its aceeptance of said tivst,by s�'gnu►g said deed;Axn Wg�gEAS:,
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oP July,1889,by a proper instrvment in Writing to Ehat effect,resign his ptace as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resi�,mation was,on the s3xteeuth da,y o�
<br /> �I July,1889,accepted,by the Uxrox PACiFic R�zLw,�Y COMPANY.by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on tha� day in the City of Boston, and 8tate of Massachns@tta; AxU
<br /> +� �PxEREas,no nommation of a successor,to rill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company ot New York became and now is the aole Trustee under
<br /> � tLe said Mort age Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprll,A.D.186Z
<br /> AND�HE$.lEA9�Th0 S&lCl j7NION PACIFIC�1tAILROAll�i.'OMPANY f11C1,on the.eighteenth day oY December,A�.D.iS78,execute and deliver to the UNION T$II8T COMPANY OF NEW YOR$S CBTE&IIL MOPY,p�BgQ DC8(1
<br /> � wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposea therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinhefore described; fNa Wa�x,�AS, the said Uxzox
<br /> .! PACiFxc RAir.waY Co�rnxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company oP:v ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixtaenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and Truatee under the Mortgage Deed oi the
<br /> Ieighteenth day o1 December,A.D.1873,has sold'and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,.tor and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Unfon Yaciflo Raftway
<br /> ; Company in hand paid by the said grantee,whieh said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its capacity as Truatee,for the uses and purposes mentionedin said Mortgage Deeda of
<br /> the sixteenth day oi April,lss7,and oY the eighteenth day of Decembee;1873.
<br /> Now Thereto�e, KN�w ar.r.MEN BY TAES PsES�x��, That the said Uxlox T&UST CoasPAxY oF N�w Yo�,Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgf►ge Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid
<br /> premisea and the payment a�,�fore�said of said�m,s�paid by said Railway Companv to said 1�ust Company for the nses and pnrposes afor�ai,d,doe$herebp R�MIS�,B,EL�ASE and forever QIIIT CLe,iAt
<br /> ' � / �� ,
<br /> unto the said ...................� [ ..:'�:.. (._.�_ l�-��f L:i.:1.�2 Z v'�.... _.._ . . ...... ... .......................... .................... .......... ....... ...... ... ...
<br /> �_..... _. ...... ...... ... . .:....
<br /> tLe Real Estate described aioresaid, be held bv the said grantee free and exempt fro�n all liens, incuinbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deeds,of the siateenth day of Apri1,1867, and ef the
<br /> eighteen�h day of [)ecember, 1873, t subject, bowever;to all the reservations and ronditions hereinbefore contained. ,
<br /> IN PRESE�TC� OF � �� In witness whereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hatfi � �
<br /> ^ , � x`��Y�'��y�t�{�' caused theae preaenta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be si e b i ��P���eaident, � : o
<br /> � � � :i( + [ ,'� �C f ��� �� attested by ite Secretary;and,countersigned by its I,and Commissione�n�i���'An7itor,and '; o �
<br /> -� - =� �� � `� -- - � �' � � tha B&i(l UNION TB�UBT GOMPANY'OF NEOV YOEB� Trnstee, under the sm�d M r�a•ga Deeda, :� :�
<br /> , ' � '?` �`. of the siateenth day of April, 1867, and oY the eighteenth day of December�/�73, hath D :
<br /> � C � G + ' ��{ <y�S1� p c�Psed t}�p,ge r sen to be s t$d w]�l�ts�r ra}W°$p�1 and be si n d ifs resident a�,%��" ~ `
<br /> ����_.�X,... .J" I.. t.�.t ...�..�t�.l �-�:..r�.��l.�.. ...... �� 'L .�Llil.c�.�hcL<���0.�. rt.j�.t�( a�p�<. �tA.ta:r-t.c i��`�y,l.-3u.�1< �f'(��s�lfic.�u-... �.t ....t,�,,,�,�9�-u.ccGua.s.� ��vh' �\ � .� . �;� .
<br /> .�........ . � /�._ �
<br /> � (! p,�a���Nl L�iLd-+d t�119.�.... .......�....... � l
<br /> _
<br /> ..;.,:.. da of........ ...,A. D. 18 .'�'-(...�. \� a �':
<br /> I� Attest..�..�.(.��. _�� .`.' . . k:� 1..... ..... .......Seeretar�y.� : T�IE UNION PACIFIC RAIf�WAY COMPANY, A `�- '`� �`(�
<br /> ,.:�.�.�...
<br /> � y .
<br />� I IN PREBENCE OF �� ��a , � ��� �' 0 7 � ������` _
<br /> :
<br /> Pxesident. H �'•
<br />-.:., � ?k � � , � � b a°� � �� By--•.. �_�..'.,�...1:1.2:. ��::t.� �:.�.�.�.�...-�--�- - -- r�
<br /> ..... .... .................
<br /> „ .
<br /> � �4�� ��� `� �e�-F � UNION TRUST COMPA� OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEB, � \��
<br />._ �
<br /> � �� � � :
<br /> �{ �� ,..�� � Y , ,_� �
<br /> ....... � ..:., � ...... .. ....
<br />- �/ ,� „ �, _ ,
<br /> :
<br /> � � / l� �x �.t�..t _. � �.�L �� ���-�1�u C�c � o ��: ��
<br /> _........� :....... �.,.:'.. rk.y.(�f..Z . ._� � ; "e c � 1_� B
<br /> y_•... . . ......�,A�..President. U , �:
<br /> � S�I'A`r'E OF �.<r .
<br /> '� SS. � � �
<br /> � �
<br />� � C1�Q,�NTY OF �2Lu1"��� � � � ��
<br /> � r ` �1. Be it Rememb�i�ed, Tbat on this.... ••....... �:1:�.�(....................................day of.................. (�ii9�r f!1 ' � . D. 18��� before me, a
<br /> a � �...... .. ........................ ... :. ........ .
<br /> ; k �. Notary Pu4S1ic,in and for said County, appeared the UNIO:I YACIFIC RAILWAY C . PANY, , i President, who ia per-
<br /> � sonally known to me to be the idantical peraon whose name is subscribed to the o noing in ment said President and then and there
<br /> � ��`L� acknowledged tbe eaecution and sealing of said Instrument to be hia volantary aet and eed, and the volunt�r act and deed of said Company.
<br />_ �
<br /> I '�;�� � j In witness whereof, I have here to s t hand and official seal this ,,..,_ �'�-� . ... ____.__day of.. �-�t�-��-
<br /> ,� ....... ....�.....................�...................... .
<br /> ............
<br /> I ��� s> 4 A. D. 18�j'/ ,at tbe City of ��a co�znty apa s.tate., ., r
<br /> I . .... ..._._ __. _....�.Y� !�...�.4;!/:,��i�"G� .._ _..�.... ...Notary Public.
<br /> I STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � "
<br /> ss. . ,
<br /> Be it Remembe�ed, That on this........... ..........`'.. �'._,.._ ...._.._,day ot_______.,. �?ZL(u2�; A. D. 18��/_ , before me, a Notary,Public,in and
<br /> , , ; / `/� ' " /J/.u-�-
<br /> � �� � �> for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW X K, by.. �t?�u*��V•..- __. � its�Preaident, who
<br /> ................. . .....................
<br /> '� `'" is personally known to me to be the identical peraon whoae name is�a scribed t the foregoin� ins ent as eaid resident, and then and there
<br /> r �_� a� acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of eaid instrnxnen'to be hie volnntary act d deed and the vo ntary act a �eed of said Company.
<br /> I 1 _ r� �/
<br /> In witness whe�eof� I have bereunto set my hand and ofiicial seal tivs ..........................�..Y'...................:..:..........,;ds►y of........... ......... .. ........ . .............:....-.---
<br /> �'�'� t ,Z '�} A. D. 18�/ ,at the City of New York,in said County�nd State. , fi_ ; , G��2�iL�
<br /> /�- �,Q �/� �%
<br /> ,;
<br /> ....:.........................�'1�,/u!i1 7�':........ ..,l..� ..................................................Notary Paeblic.
<br /> s
<br /> ,� . , � . .. . r ..::, . � �,., ' .
<br /> � '
<br /> . .. . .. ., . . . ..... . . .. ,�. • _ :� :: _.
<br /> . i, . ' ' � , ..�_.n�..�_.s, ,.._.:��. .�..i, -d.L...,..,�s_:.s�._.. �
<br />