� _ .
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> Dee�.. ���c�rc� . - ;
<br /> ---_.._ ean. ng o. _
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ __
<br /> FROM ,
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company FILED FOR RECORD and entered on Numerical Index this.................. ..........�„�...,,,,.,..,,.,,,,,.,,...,,.,,,,,day
<br /> To og.........�. .. ...A.D.1 �r at_......_�..lU..- ..¢'clock and_...�..0...........minutes_.�,,_M. '
<br /> � �.
<br /> ....�//����� ..........•••..................._�.............................................................._
<br /> ,..... . ;
<br /> .................................................................................................................................................... Countp Olerk, �
<br /> �� .
<br /> � �._�..�i��,ti,e�! 'By .......... .............................................................................. ...........................................................
<br /> - .-...____ _._ . -............... ....... .............. ; �nu�.
<br /> iINIOh' DIVISI03�T.—•1�EBRASKA. Deed No.....�..:1.z�.s.
<br /> Know all M en by these Presents, That the IINION PACIFIC RAIL`VAY CObiPANY, wbieh is a Corporation formecl and eaisting by the consoliclation of the
<br />, UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COtiIPANY, by uuthority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An aet to aid in the eonstruction of a railmad and telegraph line from the M►seonri Hiver to the PaciBc
<br /> Ocean,and to secure to tbe Government the nse of the same for postal, milita,ry an�l ot6er pnrposes,"approved July 1, 18(i2, and acte amendatory thereot; wbioh eaid Company has sneceeded to and
<br /> Uecome seized and posseased of all the reai estate aud property of the said constitnent com�nies, whetber real,peraonal or mixed,`and, among other thin�,of all the land grnnted to eaid UxioN
<br /> PtctFm RAiLSOAn ConzrnxY by the afbresaid acts of Congress,in aid of the constraction of ite road,not eonveped away by said Company ut the d�te of euch consolidation(to wit,Janasry Y4, 1880),
<br /> � �.��.P..�L....,Q,�,,,.�..._.� �. �i.�c....,�.�,a�....$... ..._....g��........---� ',
<br /> in conaideration of the snm of................. Q WL_.... , �.Q.�........................._�`� �.�� ................................................................................Dollare,
<br /> ;
<br /> to it puid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby Ga,exx, BAa,ae x,S�exD Coxv1�C, nnto.................................................�,�.Q.�,��,�..............................................................
<br /> of the Count ,�� �p in the Btate of.................�'.1.u�v.�c�...............................................
<br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................... Y of..........................
<br /> ...d 1i.Y,d......................................
<br /> Ithe foilowing described Real Estate,sitnate,lying andbeing in the County of Hall an�l in the State of 13ebraska,aad described ae follows,to wit:......................................................................................................
<br /> I _.............._........_-......_........_.._..._.__...__._........_..._....................................--..........._..................................._...................................----......_--- .............................................................................................................
<br /> ---- ............................................................
<br /> ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................w....... ,
<br /> ---------'------'------------.............._.........._.__.___.........._.____........_. --_._....................... ....... ................. _--............................._.............._................�,...............................................................................�.................................................................................
<br /> _.........................................................................................-----.......�t�..�.....°.�,.. ..:.C. ..�!C..�..:... a ..�.o►h��/...���...�...._........................................................................................................................_........._....................
<br /> ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................
<br /> ......................................................................................................................................... ............... _........................................................................................--��---.............................................................................. �
<br /> . of Section No..... `! � ) .in Township No. 1 13ortv of Ran No.,�,. . . ........ ..,. .......of th��3th :Prittei i
<br /> ............ .. ..nn,5.._:,... ..�..I,............................... .........�.ar..r.:�..�1..x�.......�.1..�......_......... _ se �Q.tr,...(�.:z�).. �.t.�.. � �
<br /> Meridian, containing according the IInited St$tes survec thereof_.,,,_.. ., (� l 1 � p� n
<br /> �,l.N��...1nn,nfvtr�z�l...�.....r�.�!�+,..Y�n�....`..'�.5.�....�ArvL�.�.:..?.'�.....l..Q.p..............................Acrea, mord or
<br /> ......................�. 4 U
<br /> � 1�839� bein.g the same premiaes. euntracted to be eold to..................................................�.. .. �..Q..�L�V�..`�.r.J.. ............'.....................�g G'onttaatA No1,�.....3w}..��,...1�..�..�-...1..�......................_.....
<br /> � dated ................. �3..`V4^r� ...:!�-.�..,......1.`b..�..1...........................................
<br /> ......... ....... ........... ....... � ...................................................................................................................................................._............................................................._
<br /> ........_........:..:::'.;.::...................................................................................................................................................................,................................................................................................................................................................................................................... �
<br /> To Havs aed to Hold the said premises with all the righta and appnrtenancea thereunto belonging nnto tbe said qrantee,,,,,.�,,,_.......,_heirs and aeaigne forever,nnd tbe esid grantor .
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the eaid grantee, t,hat at the making of this instrument it ie well eeized of tLe id premisea as of s►gaxl and indefeasible esLate in fee, and hath good right to sell and Qon-
<br /> vey the eame, and th�t it will WABxnrT�nd D�END the title to$aid premiees nnto the suid grantee,,_,...�j�,�...__,,._heira and aseigns forever againat the lawfnl daims of all persons whomsee�en �
<br /> Excepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied upon eaid premises since..,,........'J.�rr�`,� _`�\_�._.l.$.g\. .. _ ........and egoept against any claima pfi ineum- j
<br /> braaces created or permitted by,throngl�,or nnder said..........................................._...�nntir+l` Q�erl�.�t✓.... �r......�....�uuecwseoTS,heirs or assigne pr any of ihem :;
<br /> _. ... _._ _.... . .......
<br /> AND WHFRICA6 98Id UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD COMPANY$�d on the sixteenth day o�f Agril,A.ll 1867,execute and dehver to Cyivs H.McOormick,ot the Oitp oi NeR 1'«'k;�and dohn Du�,of the Cfty o!Bos '�
<br /> ton,a c8rtain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein said Compa.ny convevec�to the said Cyivs H.MeCorn{fek an�John DnH,as'1'rustees,Yor the usee and purposea therein mentk►Ded,amoag otnere the lands herembeforQ �
<br /> deseribedq AND WA&REAS�tYl6 Sal(�C rus H.MeCormiek did on the twenty-eightlt day oY June,A.D.1873,by a proper inatrument o1 writing to that e�ect,resfgu hisp�aa Tnietee undeT said mortgage de�d,whi�h
<br /> re�ignation was on the fifteenth day of�ctober,A.D.iS73,accepted by the Uxiox PnCiFic Rnir.a�oan GoMraxY bp it�s$oard otDirectors, at a meetin�thereoi held on�hat day in Che(�ty oi Boston and titate of Mass�-
<br /> chusetts;Axn'WxxRFns,on the ftfteenth day of October,A.U.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o��rias$achusetta,was duly nominated by the iemaining Trustee,John Duff,as euceessor to said Cyrue S.
<br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PACiFic RAiL$oen CoairAxY; AND WfIEREAB�by SUCh AOIDIlIUt10II AAl(I�pp roval said Frederick L.Ames did
<br /> upon his aceeptance thereof,thereafter become vestec� with the ?:►ma estates,powers,rights and'ulterests and chart;ed with the same duties and responsibilities,as ii he had been one oi the origInal Trustees named in sux�
<br /> executing,said Mortgage.11eed; Axn Wa�x�ns,s�id remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�eHeetual for that purpose,dsted on the twentieth day of October,A..D.1873,at the City of Boaton,veet the same
<br /> in such new irustee �ointly with hira the said John Du�; AND WHERICAB� the said John Du@ did, on the fourteehth da,y o2 February' A. D. 1877, bp a proper insLrument ot variting to that �e�ect, Te-
<br /> a
<br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under sa�d Mortga�e Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day oi February, A. D. 1sTT, aecepted by the IIxiox Pwa[Fto R.�ir.x,oan Coffirex�r, by the Executive
<br /> Comxnittee of its Boaxd of Directors,at a meeting thereo4 held on that day 3n the.City of Boston and 9Eate oY Massachusetts• Axn WHER�AS�on the second day of July'1889.t�e union Trust COmpany of New York,waa
<br /> duly nominated by the rema,ining Trustee,Frederick 1,.Ames,as succeasor to said.Tohn Duff;w'htch nomina,tion was,on the t�irteenth day oY Julg,1889t ap�roved by the IL7cecu6ive Committee of the Board of Direc4ora of the
<br /> said Uxiox PACiFic Rair.weY CoffiraxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tl�irteenth day o1 Suly,1a89,vesti�lg in the saad Unioa LYuat Com�any of New York,the estates, po wer�, righte and im-
<br /> tsrests created by said Mortgage Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames;Axn VP$�x�ns,the said Bnion Cruat Company of New Yoek signiaed its acceptance of sai@ tiust,by signing said deed; �xv Was AN
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fliteenth day oi Juty,i88s,b a pro r instrument in writing to that e8ect,resi his place a6 Trustee unsler said Mor�gage Deed,which restgistion wue,on the sixteenth�wjr o�
<br /> July,1889,accepted.by the Uxiux PaczFia Rsir.w.�r ConzrAxY,bF the Exe utive Committee of it$Bosrd ot Directore,at a meetipg thereof,held on that daq 1n t]ie Gi of Boston, and State of Maesachus@tts 6;gu
<br /> 0 0
<br /> Wa�xses,no nommation of a successor,to flll Lhe vacancy,eaused by the resignation o1 said Frederick L Ames,haviug been made,tLe said Union 1Yust Compsny of New ork became and now ia the sole TrustRe'uuder
<br /> the said Mortg3ge Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> AND�W$�RFAS�Th2 Sald UNIpN PACIFIC ItAILR,OAD COffiPA2IY dl/l�071 Lh0 21ght09ritL$&j/OY D6C0I11b8T�A.D.1873�8%COULC SI►d d@liVCS LO th0 LS2iIAN TSUBT COffiYANY OR NEW YOR�g&CeTC&FII MQT'tKage Deed
<br /> R
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of.iew York,as Trustee For the uees aad purposes therein mentioned,among othera the lands hereint�efore deseribed• Axn Wa�s�es,the aACd UNtoD*
<br />� PACIFIC RAILwAY COMPANX�wit6 the consent oY the IInion Trust Company of N ew Yor�C,sole Trustee�under the Mortgage Deed of the'sixteei�th day of.Aptll,A.I?:1887, an�Trustee under the�Mortg�ge Deed of tke
<br /> eighteenth day o1 December,A.D.1873,haa sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate herr.inbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration oE the sum aforeeaid, to the Uw n Yaciflo Railway �
<br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,whieh said aum of rponep has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New Xork,in its capaeityas Truetee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in eaid�ortgage 13eeds of
<br /> the silcteenth day ot Apr�1,18s7,and oi the eighteenth day of December,1s43.
<br /> Mo�r TNerafore, Kx�w nr.L MSN BY TAE$E P$�SEATTB� That the said Uxiox T&us�r GbaiPAx�ox Naw Yo$g,Trastee in the aforeeaid Ynrtgage Deede,in cwasiderAtion ot t1�e ffioresaid
<br /> premiaes and the payment as aforesaid of said ewm,ao paid by eaid Railwap Company tq eaid Tivst Compeny fos the nees and pwpasee aforessid,doea hesebp R�sEias,Rs,�.�sas and forever QiTi�GL�Iac
<br /> anto tbe said •............ ......... . .. . .................... ........ ... �..,t�v�l�....�.JW\.�A�M�h.� . ............... ....................... .............................. ..,.
<br /> ..........................
<br /> the Real Estate d�x;ribed atoresaid, to be held by the said grantee free and exempt from all liens, incumbrances and charges of ssid Mortgage Deede,of the siateenth day of April, 1867, a�nd of tbe
<br /> eighteentli day of December, 1873, but subject, however, to all the reaervationa and cunditions hereinbefore oontained.
<br /> IN PItESENCE OF In Nitooss whae�oi, the eaid p,eantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath
<br /> '(J � caueed theee presents to be sealed with its corporats seal, and to be eigned 'ts re5�dent, : � : �:
<br /> 1,,.1���., Q Q, _ __ , __ ( �°'�`' "��+ att�ted by ita SecreUvy,and countersigned by ite I.and Commiasioner and itsM1 i i;and �
<br /> :
<br /> Il l ��✓�wuu�uv . . . .. ��� the BSld UNION T$U$T COMPANY OF NEW YOBK�Trustee, nnder the eaid �[ortgage Deeda, '� ;�
<br /> of the sizteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December • $73, hath � ;
<br /> ca ed these presents to be sealed 'th i;ta rpo�a�, an� to be signed by its� resident� �a �
<br /> ........../)'..:.�..�.a...�U-o-a�ti/x,......................_......... , - a,;�..,..:��,..� ��X�a�-s� , ,d�,��. ^�.�a,.. � S
<br /> , '��.63o-�L.���nis...... ....'�1�aT5��.................daY `�'...........�� .��-•`�, D. 1 ..�.�..... � '
<br /> �A�.._�nr�.'1�.................................SeoretAry. � •• �a �
<br /> nttest:,.,.... .. _ THE UNION ACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN , A
<br /> IN PRFSENCE OF p� � x d�
<br /> � � �..nJ.4�4v�u�,J. �
<br /> �oY BY•••-•••........... ..�.. . �---..._..............................President. H
<br /> :
<br /> c o-- � � � �: � ,
<br /> ..�._.�..:`�;�.�.�,.�.�,�............................... W � a ;r
<br /> -----.- -.��..-�� ,t�n "� , � . � :
<br /> � �
<br /> �.... V�4.�.v� U�Y� ...4�,1.Pie8ident. ' '
<br /> � ,�. o� � : : :
<br /> Bp.................. . g... ... �
<br />- s A�rE oF ,
<br /> ss.
<br /> � ��c�..C 0 II N T Y O F �YF'i�F'^6�:`�'� �j� ;<
<br /> Be it RemembekAd, TBat on this...................... . .'.L11. ..�+....�r......,I.g�.�.__....day of.............................................�.� . . ..��. . D: 18 before me, a ,,
<br /> 1 Votary Pu b lic,in an d for said Connty, ap F� the U13ION PACIFIC BAILWAY CO MPANY, by ��i P resident, who is per-
<br /> sonally known to me to be the identical peraon whaae name is snbacribed to the foregoing inatrament as eaid Preaident and then and there
<br /> acknowledged the eaecution and sesling of a�id Iustrnment to be hus volantary act and deed, and the volnnt��ry act and deed of said Company.
<br /> r�' In wftpess whereof, I have herennto set my hand and ot8cial sea�l this.........�.�.�'�1.....1.�......l..g�.1.............._day of........................................................................................ '
<br /> �� A.D. 18 ,at the City of Boaton,in e�id County and 9tate. `� � �
<br /> '� - -�.. (�
<br /> ........ .. .______�.C��ATCaJ�.�...`� _... .... ......__........Notary PubZiG
<br /> S "TATE O�F NEW YORI�, �
<br /> � ss. -
<br /> COIINTY OF NEW YORK. h,�,�
<br /> Be it Remwmbered, That on this........................._....�..........._.................day oi.•_---.-----. �( 1�`. ..._____........A. D. 180.� , before me, a Notary Pablic,in and _
<br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNION T�UST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by...,..,.... . . . �,(..../�._1,.t.. �AJ�.�,.................i��8r sident, wbo ��
<br /> is personally known to me to be the identicai pereon whose name is enbseribed to t foregoinR inetrnment� eaii�'�sident, and then and there �
<br /> acknowledged ths ex�ution and sealing of said inatrament to be hir volunt�uy act and eed snd tLe voiantary aet and deed of esid Com�ny. ,
<br /> � _ ',
<br /> <,,, In �itness whereof, I have herennto set my hAnd and officiai seal this............................�.................... ............day of...........---`�(�/�,.� .._.:......................:.;, '
<br /> �?' A. D. 18�� ,at the City of New York,ia�d County apd$t�ts. '
<br /> . �_ , ,
<br /> .
<br /> 4. ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ..................... ........ . �-�,�....9�.... ......���.�.1..........................,.......:.....�N� � �
<br /> ,�
<br />� _ _ ,
<br /> ` ;., : , �::
<br />