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+' T __ � <br /> � .. ! <br /> De�c� ��e�o �-c� . <br />_. ' Omaha Repnblican Printin�Co. <br /> _ �___ _.__------— .--- <br /> il FROM / <br /> ii � FiLEV Foz� PtiFCORn and entered on Numerical Index this..,., .,.,.., �.�p <br /> ; Un.ion Paeifie Railway Company _ /� <br /> ! To of. _._...� .�...._.....__.A.D.1891 �at -..... --. minutes...�1t....M. � <br /> � ' <br /> .o c ek �; <br /> _. .. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> ; .Q (� _ ..............................................5....... ........... ..... . . . .. .......... c i <br /> _..�..1'�a�;l'. .���.J1��£�3.f ..................Y..v............ <br /> _._... ._. .._ O'. _. .............. ...... ... ount G erk, � <br /> � <br /> `;�i BY................................................................................-............................................................................. � <br /> , _......._..........................:............................ '. Deputq. . <br /> " — —_ _— <br />��-�_-_=-___—..._—_. _- - : _— >_--�—=_-- ---- <br /> i' THE l� �N �ION� PACIFIC RA �IL�WAY������COMPAN�Y�_ � � � ; <br /> �: IINIOhT D�ZVZSII�N.--i�EBRASKA. „� ri Deed No.....r.��'..�'.��....... �I <br /> - � � � a/vu^1-L o`�i, � i <br /> Knovv ail Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC�RAILWAY COiiPANY, wbich is a Corporation formed and isting by the consolidation of the ! <br /> � KAN5A5 PACIFIC R,AII.WAY LUBSYANY�the Dl+.NViCR PACIFIC iLAII.WAY AND TEL�QRAPH CO3SPANY� Srid the UNION PACIFIO RAILROAD C'OMPANY� under the CAPpOi'�t8 name fLnd st,yle of the <br /> UNION PACLFIC RAILWAY CO\'[YANY, by anthority of:�n act of Congress, entitled, "An act to�id in the constructiou of a railroad and teleera�ph line from the M�ssouri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secnre to the Governmeut the use of the s�ume for postal, mititary�nd other purposes,"�pproved July 1, 1862, and aets amendatory thereof, which said Company has succeecled to and <br /> ' become seized and poasessed of all the real estate aud property of the said coustituent companies, whether real, petsonal or mixed,and, araong other things,of all the land granted to said UNION <br /> � PACIFIO I�AIL�OAD COMPANY U the af'oresaid acts of Cun�ress in a,id of the construction of its road iiot conve ed awa b said Com an at the d�te of such conso3idation to wit Janaar 24 1880) <br /> ; Y b � r Y Y Y P Y � r Y e , � <br /> 1 1 <br /> ; in consideration of the sum of .._,..... ,._... - ..;.._ �'Z!.t.¢.r._.....n�✓v�.C.�.[.GL-. . ........ ........ ... . ......... .................... _ Dollars, <br /> �� to it paid; the receipt of which�s hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GRANT, BAB,(3AIN� SELL AND CONVEY� IIri�O ,,,,,_:; . ;„!��,.�,,Q,��,�„ ;�,__��,;..... <br /> ...........of tbe County of....................�.�,,: ......... the State of. .. ........�.£.X�'�G�....................................... II <br /> .... ................... ....... ......... . .......,... . ..... ...... .....................,...... . _ <br /> ' the following described Real Estate,situate,lying andbeing in tt�e County cf Hall an�l in the State of Nebraska,and deaeribed aa follows,to wit:,....,.........::....:........:.:..........:......... ,_..:::_......;,.,..._...,;...,.,,:;..,. II <br /> I <br /> i <br /> I�. .........."__..... .._ _._"........ .............T._............_., .�', ____ ...""" _ . . ...._ ...""_ ... .............. ....""""""""""""_ ........... ...................................................-.. ...�....................... ............. �f . <br /> .._...... ...... � . . <br /> � <br /> ; _... _ _, ...�;,v-�1�_.._'1'I,t�.t._.a7..n�'sv-..� S.) ....A�vt.d.... � .��� .�lnnl ..V�iW'��---.`.yL.�..�.s?'t.:�,(...��.t:tt.'Er..��-�-...-lr.xk....M'l�..e�.1Yt�tr.v..t�....�1. ....... .............. �; <br /> , .._..... � i� <br /> ....................................................................'................................_................................................................................._......................... �........................................................................................................................... <br /> ,� � , <br /> .......... , i <br /> !' ..... . . ..:�.�c..c�.e�...��.K�c1.__w.►...�a,wl. .�'�...._cvt,eJ_�k,a�,d...�n-�.�Y,-,,....a�.�.�1....d�e��..a.-�....x.l�.a.�...�.... .��'......�.a�d,....�"�......t.c.a.e�w-d.e.d....,a:N1...�e, 'i <br /> i .................... ... ..... ....�.................. ..... .................... ... ...f....., ...... .. .. . . ...... . ........... :.. .:. .. . ........ .. .. ... ............ ..A ....... ....... . ^....... ....... . <br /> f� . .u,e� e� �,.�o-w►�.�.y -��.�i. . _ .�.c�d...:1.2�� �-t�v�.�I�C,...�,e�n�1.�.n.eMn.u.o�,.r.....e,�+��.oL...�u...�.���.�c�.� �.`.1'J'I.�. . <br /> � 0 Q �u <br /> -� °-� �- � I� <br /> -----._.... .._ .. ... -- <br /> _- - - _-. .. ---- -- - - ...-.---- ............................-.-.---....-. -----......-.-----..-.-----.--..:.......---.-.--.......--.-.-..----.--..............----...........................----.---..._....----._.......-----............-.--..-------.. <br /> � � . . <br /> � �..�.��.�,�.._�,,:���,�t�.e.,�-�-��`1,�<�--�.a,r;,��..C�g,�Q,,,�. �����--:�--�.�.L�-Q.A,�„M.._�-Q.�.�._.--d.�.�l.�`m.a,,�--.�.�;..���.v_._ `; <br /> ............................ ....... ......... . .. .. : <br /> _......................................................................................... ....... <br /> ......... ................... ......................... ...................... ........................................... <br /> , <br /> ...................:.................................................... ............................................................................ . . <br /> ...........:.. �, <br /> � <br /> � ....:............. ........ ....................................,_.................. ! <br /> ;! Meridian, containing according to the United States survev thereof............. ........................... ................................................:..............:........:....:... ..:........: .:....... ........: ...:..,..Acrea, more or i <br /> ?; - <br /> i� less, being the stime �remises contracted to be sold to................ ............. .......................................................... ...........................................................byContract No......:.....:...... :..... I <br /> dated ................. ........... ......... ... ................... . ................................................................................. .. ...................,.............................................:............................................... ......... � <br /> � <br /> ....................................................................................................................................:.. I <br /> i � <br /> ii To Have and to Hold the said premises with all tbe rights and appurtenancea thereunto beloriging unto the said �rsntee,,.,,,,.,. �,�/..,,,,,,,,_,heirs and assigns forever,and tbe said 'grantor � � <br /> �' duth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is well seized of the said premises as of a gcwd and indef'easible estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and con- <br /> 6 I <br /> '� vey tbe same, and that it�ill W�s$nxT and D���:vn the,title#o said premises unto the s�id grantee,,.,�,�,�..___..lreirs and assigne forever against tbe lawful claime o�all perao.ns whomsoevet. <br /> s �: ��" � <br />` �I Excepting, HowBVer,all taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since_.. ___ Y v�,q� �„� � �$�0 _: _..._ and eacept againat u�ny claims or incnm- <br /> 11 � n i1 ... <br /> brances created or permitted by, tbrough, or under said _ _._.........��,�,/.��.p�,�y�f� .._._. _.. u,...:., succrsaors, heira or assi ns or su of them <br />�` - . � Y <br /> I� - � AND wHEREAS S3,�d UNION PACZFIC RAILROAD.(JOMPANY C�ld on the six �enth day of April,A,D.18G7,execnte and deliver to Cyivs 23:MeQoruuck;of the City of New York,and'John DufY,oi the Citq oi Bos � � <br /> �I ton,a certain Mortgage�eed of tha�t date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cqrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein nnentloned,amon�others the lagnds hereinbePore r <br /> �� resigna on was a the fifteenth day of O tobe•,AcD 1873 accept d by the U io Pa CFIC RniLROaD ColnipnrrY b�yrits IBoard oP Directors,ta a meetangffhereoP held on that da in th eCitynof Boston and b�tate of'Ma sa- <br />` I� chusetts;Axn'R'xNxFas,on the fifteenth�ia�y of October,A.ll.iS73, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the State o�Massaehusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trnstee John Duff,as successor Lo said Cyrus I�. <br />�s � McGormick,which nomination was,on the sa�me day,approved Uy the Board of Direetors of the said Uxiox FncrFZC Ii,aiLROan CoriraxY; Axn W�EREns by sueh nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did <br />�% j; upon his aceeptance thereof,thereafter bacome vested with the �xme estates,powers,rights and interests,aud charged with t(ie same dutiea and responsibili�,ies,ds iP he ha,d been one of the original Trustees named in an� <br /> executing,said Mortgage.Deed; Axn Wx��Ens,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1573,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br />�. � in suen new Trustee lomtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn WxESEns, the said John Duff did, on the fonrteentti day oE February, A. D, 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect, re- <br /> ; sign his place as Tiu-tee under said Mortga�e Deed, which resignatian was, om the fQUrteettth day of February, A. D, i377, aceepted by the iTrrtox Pac[FZC Rair.ROAn COMPANY� by the Executive ` <br /> Committee of its Board of Director•s,at a meeting thereoE held on that day in the City of Boston and Stata of Massachusetts• Axo WxFxrws,on the second day of July,188s the Union'Crnst Company of New York,was � <br /> � 'i duly nominated by the remainin�Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July, is89=approved by the L�xecutive Committee oP the Board oE Directors of the j <br /> said Uxiox PeciFic Rnii.wnY L"oazrAxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a�deed on the of July,1889,vestuig in the said Umon'frust Company�P New York,the estates, powers, rights and in II <br /> �I teresta created by astid Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Nrederick L.Ames; Axn WaEhEns,the said Union Trust Company of New Y'ork signified its aceeptanee of s�id trust, by siguing said deed; Axn WaESEAee, <br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,i889,by a proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resi�n his place as Trustee under said Moi�t�age Deed;which resignation was,on Lhe su{teenth d;�y crl i <br /> Ii July,1889,aecepted,by the Uxiox PnczFic RAiLw.�i Coazrax3t,Uy the Executive Committee of its Soard ot Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and State oP Maseachusetta; Axv <br /> ii WxExFAS,no nommation of a successor,to fiii the,vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said Union 7Y�ust Company of New Xork became and now is the sole Trustee under . �i <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the siYteenth day of April,A.ll.186Z �� <br /> i i AND WHF.RF.A9�The said Uxzox PnciFic 1taiLROnn CorcraxY:did,on the eighteenth day oY December,A.D,is73,execute and deliver to the Uxzox TRUST CoMrnxY oF NEw YoRx a certain Mortgage Deed <br /> (� wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trnstee,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WHTREA9�the saad Uxxox �� <br /> Pacil�ic RniLwaY ConsraxY,with the consent oi the Union Trust Company oY N ew York,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oY the sixteenth day of April,A.ll. 1567, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of tYte <br /> ��I eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consideration ot the sum aforesaid, to the Union Yaciflc Railway <br /> l Dom�any in hand p<tiid by the said grantee,which said snm of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> � the sixteenth day oE April,1s67,ana oP the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> Now Therefore, Kxc�w nT,r,M�x B3t TxESE P$ESExTS, ThiLb t$C 9ald UNION�T&USC COMPANY OF NEW YORg, Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeda,in conaideration of the aforesaid <br /> I premises and the p:�yment as aforesaid of said eum, so paid by., �d ailway Companv to said Truat Compa�ny for,the nsee and purposes aforesaid,dces hereby Rsaqrs�,R�L�AS�andforever Qurr-CLAiM <br /> - - i nnto the said . �.�AhX..�L�.....� �_�....__...... ........... .. ....._. _.......... ........................................ .................... .......... .... I <br /> �� . __...._.. . _........ _ <br /> �� tbe Real Eslate deticribed atoresaid, to be held by the said gr.�ntee i'ree and exempt froin all liene, incumbrance� and cha�rges of said Mortgage Deeds, of the aisteerith day of April, 1867, and of the i <br /> �� eighteenth day of Ilecember, 1873, bnt sulr�ect, ho��ever, to a he reservations and<•cnditions hereinbefore contained. _ � <br /> q IN PRESENCE OF in SMitness rYhereof, thc said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILtiVAY CO�PANY, hath � <br /> � _�{z�.,-a.Ze.- caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be signed by its President, '• ti <br /> �; ��;(�,;�,���,� ���I � attested by its Secretary, and countersigned by its I.and Commissioner� and . a <br />� '� �.�'°`� the 8&1Cl UNION TBUBT CODIPANY OF NEW YO$g� Trustee, nnder the said Martga�e Deede, ;� ,;� I <br /> � o f t he sig teen t h day o f'Apri l, 1 8 6 7, an d o f t he eig hteent h da�y of Decembg�'f 73 hath �� ± <br /> F i� �� � A�m��� n + n ��e�aus�thes�presents to bp se led w�fth its c,prporute seal, and to be signed by Y�resident,�,N, � ` i <br />` i ..... . J�0 �M �A.�' o-Q�GC�6 �w}�a�y Cyy�`� � �NLL�sY� U <br /> j � �' � . . . . . V. ... t1118........... ...... 1 . .. . ... ..4................... � ..........Y. .. . . � AD. 18......1..... � � ? <br /> ti�ti�wti��,... .°da of . a °� � ' ( <br /> ....................... � i ' <br /> r i� ntte�st:.... . ..._.. . . , 9 PACIFIC RAILWA'Y COMPANY, A v'=`a <br /> I �,{,��. �. ,_,Secretar .- • <br /> . , <br /> THE UlYION `� <br /> ^ II IN PRESENCE OF _, BY......---�-��. . .:.1.1..,. - - r . � � E i <br /> : } d.Q,K.�.�l............ .....•---._...........P esident. �.. <br /> � --• • � : <br /> � c� : i <br /> � <br /> i .....�'..�"`� . . .........° UNIQN TRUST COMPAIVY NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � � <br /> ' ;�- C L , �, . � � <br />� ----------...SJ....,Q3._.�..¢7,.e.< ....... ...--- �r ���..�'p � : s " <br /> BY............... ....r�J..�..1'J '..��.�"..��''' �-��t,,�,�,,,,,.Preaiaent. U � f <br /> k', . . � .. ��' : . . <br /> I) STA'i'E OF n, - . . _ , � _. <br /> , . <br />`' I� � SS. _ _ <br />� , � �- C O U N T Y O F �:�'lcnnr�c�r�• . . I <br />� i Be 6t Rememhered, Tl�at on this,,.,._ G <br /> • T .. ................. . ....., of......... ..... . .. �..�...:�. . .:.l.�.... ..�.�.A.�D. 18 before me, a �� <br /> � l�otary Public, in and for said County, appeared the UNIOV PACIFIC RAILWAY. COMPA Y, by its President who is <br /> i <br /> sonally known to me to b� the identical person whose nawe is suUscribed to the fore�oing instr�ment as said Presid�and £hen anci thpere ' <br /> � acknowledged tt�e execution and sealing of said Inatrumer!t to be his volantary act and deed, and the volunt•+ry act antt-deed of said Company. ! <br />� ' <br /> r i In witness Whereof, I hace he nto set y band and oflicial seal this..........:. . _ _day of;,.....,,_.��yy�..�.g, f�q� ' <br /> . . .......... ... ... <br /> A. D. 18 ....................... <br /> ,at tbe City o i said County and State. �� <br />� �I� _ _ __c�c�l������ � <br /> S T A T E O�F N E �7V Y O R I�, ) , _._..._......Notary Public. _ � <br /> ; ) SS. • <br /> -> � COUNTY OF NEW YORB. ) • <br /> Bs it Remembered, That on this......... . � ot_.__...__„_ �y�,�f _ __ .,.A. D. 18q� , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in and <br /> _... .__ <br />�' !i , <br />� I� for said County, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY.OP' NEW RK, by.,,,,,.,, . �� ✓}'�...�_. ... ..� �: ��president, wbo f <br /> � is persnnally known to me to be the identical person whose name is sabseribed to foregoing instrum�id�resident, and then and there ; <br /> !i acknowledged the execution and sea�ling of said inatrument to b�hie voluntary act and deed and the volnntary act and deed of said Company. <br /> :� <br /> j? QQQ��� In Witoess INhersof, I have herennto set my hand and o�'icial seal this. ,.�„_.,,.,day of..............`�,,,y�� <br /> _y- .....................5............:...... <br /> - ��� A. D. 18 I ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. .: <br /> C ... ; .... .. .. <br /> ---- ------------ <br /> 1i �� � � + <br /> .�. ........ ....... _.... ,.............. . ... . ........................................Notary P:cblic. _ I <br />