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<br /> ---- Qmaha.Re i�lican Printin Co.
<br /> rROM Q�
<br /> � „ F n FoR PLECORD and entered on Numerical Index this............... ....:..U � .._,..,.....,.............,,......,day
<br /> ,I Union Pae�fie Ra�lway Company -
<br />� , �(/� -.
<br />, 'i T� of.._ �7/1/L.(_.__ .. __._..A.'D.189( ,at_. O .......dclock nd___�'�._,minutes�iL',M. �
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<br /> _Z�i��ti�"�. ..._... ... _.. ......_. I� .. ....... ... ................••..•..••...[.... ..... ............___...................................Connty Clerk....
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<br /> 1 _ .
<br /> � L../
<br /> ki� `,_ BY ........................................................:................_::.:.:......................................................................... �
<br />� I' _...._......._....._..._...._................. Deputq.
<br /> __ ._. ._..__ __._ ..__ _. __
<br />� ���-- - - - __ - - -------_- -- .
<br /> ,.
<br /> �� i�
<br />'� �' . IT1�7IOh 1�IVISI01�.-1TEBRASKA. Deed No....�. .. ............
<br />� �! Know a.11 M en by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�i'AY CO�IPANY, wbich is a Corporatian formed and egisting by the consolidation of the
<br /> �i KANS.IS I'dC[FIO IZAILWAY CUMPANY� th0 DErV�R P.iCIFIC liAIL�VAY AND TELE(3RAPH G'O:tfPA1�7Y� and the UNION�ACIF7Q RAII.ROAD:COMPANY� under the corporate ri�7riB &rid 6Yy18 Of thC ��
<br /> '; UNION PACIFIC RAI[,�'VAY C0�IPANY, by authority of�n act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegra�ph line from the M�ssouri Hiver to the Pacific"
<br />' Oeean, a�nd to seeure to the Governmet�t the use of ti�e sa�me f'or postai, milit��ry:�nct oct�er purposes,"appro�ed July 1, 1862, ancl aets amendatory tuereof, whieh said Compt�ny has sueeeeded to and '
<br /> �� become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said constituent companies, whetner real, perao�al or mixed, and, among other things, of all the land granted to said Uxrox �
<br /> tl in consideration of' the sum �p foresaid acts of Cungress, in aid of the construction of itsroad,n��t��onveyed awa�bysflid Company at the dnte of such eonsolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880),
<br /> i' PACIFIO RAIL&OAD(.ObiPANY by.t�����.....,N/�,LYL�'1_G�!L�c%� __�k?�il.... .. . .._ . ��_�tU�.J ....,. r...... ...-... ... ...... .................... ................................................._DO11aT9�
<br /> � I
<br /> ...}...
<br /> �i to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknow)edged, doth hereby GRANT, R(3AIN ELL AND CONYEY, n o...:,..,. - � �d�i,11�-/f"�il!
<br /> ............ .......................... .........................:.._:.....:.............:............ 'I
<br /> I' ............oftreCountY�f........................���C/1 ' ��u/,1���C `
<br /> „ .............................................................................._..............._....::................................,.......... .. ............................................in the State of..................................................................................................... i
<br /> ��
<br /> i the following described Iteal�state,situate,lying andbeiug in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to wit:...,,;...............................................:........:........:......................:....:.
<br /> 'i
<br /> �, _. . ____.. ___,__ ___ _ . _,�_.� _..._ _. .... -- ------a---�--�..----. ............... ......................... ..... ......... . ........ ......... ... ...... ... ......
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<br /> �,.' .....................:............ ............._.........................._...............................................................,........................................... ...................................................................................................... ......:.............._..................,�...........................___"...................................�
<br /> "i of �ection No.................. ......,.�....`.7�?i2:�:...----..........�..� ...........ln Townahip o......... . ..". � ..._North of R�nge No............... . of the 6th Prineipal
<br /> �..... ..�..... � �����r,u.......�.....��..... . ��;�,�.�:1..�........���c:�....
<br /> i' Meridian, containing acc ding to the United States �urvev the o .......,�. ..... ................. ...�../...................................................:....:........................................:...........................:................................Acres, more Or
<br /> ,� � �.�..
<br /> ,� �� /� "
<br /> �t less, being tha sa o premises contracted to be sold to_......�\'��/`�12............... .. ................1!<J....��'.......................:.._....................:.by ContractdNo„� ����.!�.-'
<br /> , � � ........... .... ........... . ......�:.................................
<br /> �[ aa�a ....�........�:�.�-. :.....1.,3.t...�.,��o..................................... ............................................ �
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<br /> � . . p . . .g , PP , � g . ' ° � ..... . � , g I
<br /> I; doth hT by�ov nant wrth t�e,sa d gran ee, that at the mak ng of th sanst ument t sewell seiaEd of be�sai7nprem�ses as o a goud a d�indefeasible�estate in fee,and hath good r ght to sell andacon- I�
<br /> i;
<br /> � vey the same, and that�t will W�&RarT and D�F�Nn the title to said prexnises unto the said rantee, ...�.. �._:..,._heirs and assigns forever against thelawful claims of mll persona whomsoever. !
<br /> Excepting, However,all taxes and assessments levied ?aid premisas sinc C.�. _�'�.�_ l0 !� � _..... _..: ......:.:and eacept against nny claims or inenm- I
<br />� !� brancea created or permitted by,througt�, or under said...... ��i2�p1 �� .l�Q�'��_ _ _ _ .. . ��'...���-.:.:snc�essore,heirs or assigna or any of them
<br /> Axv WxFRras, said Uxtox PaciFie RniLROnn.Con�rnxY dicl,on the sixtee,nth day of.4pri1,A,ll.ISG7,execute aua deliver Eo Cyivs H.1VIc(:ormick,of the Oit'p of New York,and'John Duff,of the Citp oi Bus
<br /> ij ton,a certain Mort�age lleed o£tha�t date,wherein said Company cnnveved to the said f yrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,Yor the uses and purposes therein mentioned,axnong others the lands here3nbefore 1i
<br /> �� described; Axn WxExEns,the said Cy�us H.McCormick did on the twenty-eishth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which '
<br /> resignation was on the ftfteenth day of October,A.D.is73,a�ccepted by the UYtox PaciFZC ReiLxonn CorrrnxY by 1ts Board of Directors, at a meeting thereof held on Chat day in the City of BosCon and 8tate o1 Massa-
<br /> �; chusetts;Axn'WxNxr;aza,on the flfteenth day of October,A.ll,1s73, Frederiek L.Ames,.of Easton,in the Sttite oi�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus f�. I
<br />� McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day :1,Pt1TOVPd by tl]P.BO�I[Cl Of Dll'0CL01'S OI L$0 3a1(I UNION PACINIC RAILROAD COMPANY q Axv WaER�ns by such nomination and approval said Frederiek L.Ames did,
<br /> i� upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter becom2 vestec� with the -�me estdtes,powers,rights and interests,and char�ed with the same duties 2nd responsibiliFias,as i4 ha had Ueen one of the original Trustees named in and ,
<br /> I � executing,said Mortgage.11eed; Axv Wa�i��ns,said remaining Trustee did.by a conveyance,proper and effechial for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of OctoUer,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same
<br /> in sucn new Trustee ,owtly with him, the said John Duff; Axv Wx�xEns, the $aid Johri Duff did, on the fourteenth day of Febrnary A. D. 1577, by a proper instrtunent of writing to that e$ect, re-
<br /> ii sign his place as Tru�tr.e under said,Mortgage Deed, wiiich resignation was, on the PQm�teenth day oP February, A. D. is77, accepted by the Uxiox Pac[Fio Rnir.xoan ComraxY, by the Executive �
<br /> I i Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting tliereoP held on that day in the.Gity of Boston and State o1 Massachusetts• Axn WxFxEas,on the second day of July,1889 the Union Trust Company oi New York,was
<br /> �� duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick i,.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of Julyt 1889;approved by the Executive Committee oY the Board oY Directare of the
<br /> sa,id Uxiox PncrFrc Rnir.wAY CoMraxY; and the said Frederick L.Ames executed-a�deed on the thirteenth day oi July,1a89,vestiug in the said Umon 1'rust Company oY New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> j� terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jointly with the said N'rederiek L.Ames; Axn WaFrEns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of said trust,by si�rnin� said deed;Axb W�ESEns,
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,lss9,by a proper iustrument in writing to that eff'ect,resign his place as Trustee iwder said Mortgage Deed,whieh resignation was,on the sixteenth day of
<br /> � Jt�ly,1889,accepted.by the Uxtux PnczFic RazLw.�Y ConzraxY,by the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City oE Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axu
<br /> i� WxFxFAS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,causedby the reslgnation of said Frederick.L.Ames,having been made,the said�7nion Trust Company oi New York became and now is the ole Trustee under
<br /> i, the said Mort�d ge Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1s67. �
<br /> Axn WHEREA9�The said Uxsox YncrFic 1tniLROnn CoMPaxY did,on the eighteentl�day oP December,A.D,1s73,execute and deliver to the UNION TRU9T COMPANY OF NEW YOBK$C0i'C33ri MOl'L�8g0 DBP.d
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of vew York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lande hereinhefore described; Axn Wa�R�ns, the said UxioN
<br />;I i� PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�with the consent of the Union Trust Company of�vew Yor�;sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deedof the sixteenth day of April,A:D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of ,the
<br /> i �� eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Uiuon Pacific Railway
<br /> Conl�any in hand paid by the said�rantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the nsea and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> ;� the stxteenth day oY April,1867,an oP the eighteenth day of December,1873.
<br />�i �� � NOM1 Te1CM6fOp0� $N�W A7I,bIE�I BY TIiESE PR�BENT$�That thA eaid UNION'T&,OST COMPANY OF NEW YO'EB, 'rt0.St08 111 the �foresaid Mortgage Deeds,in eonsideration of�the &#�OTP,8i41Cj
<br /> I (� premises and the payment a f esaid of said eum,s d id Ra'lway Companv to said Truat Company for the nses and purposes aforesaid,does hereby R�MisE,REL�AS�and forever QUZT-CLaipi
<br /> �' ���-� _ ���_���`-� _ . . . . . .. ... ... . .
<br /> �i unto the said _._. .. .,... _.....__ _........ _ .. _........ _ :c.
<br /> ... ......... ... ..... . . .... - ..
<br /> I ;; the Real Estate described aforesaid, to be,he.ld bv the said grantee i'ree and exempt f'rotn all liens, incambrances and charges of said Morkgage Deeds, of the sisteenth day of April, 5867, and of the
<br /> '� eigt�teenth day of' L)ecember, 1873, but suhject, 1 to all the reservations and ecnditions hereinbef'ore contained.
<br /> I i) IN YRESENCE OF �� In Witness whereof� the sa�id grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COJ'IPANY,Bath
<br /> �' � ` � caused these presenta to be sealed with its corporate aeal, and to he signed bq its President, � ' ' ;;
<br /> iJ . �/(/�� � � �� attested by its8ecretary, and countersigned by ita I.and Commissioner and its Auditor,and ; a °
<br /> � " thC S&id UNION TRU9T COMPANY OF NEW YORK� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Deeds, �° O.;��
<br />�I � r��-/ �/�j � �`�'�-`� of the 8isteenth day of April; 1867, and of the e�ghteenth day of December 3, hath
<br /> I � .`4U.� ...d�.Y.. ...,,�!C�11"� .. �� aus�ed t ese p�sents to be s aled witp its corBora,te�al�and to� siPgned����es�en�t�� _ s� � �
<br /> n .
<br /> . .... :......_ � �t � �iz�C�.y O �o�,�✓�'� �_7 .
<br /> ! ' �
<br />� �i ,�`�l � , `,G� �',�".`l 4.O��e�w this......... .......��r. ....... ......... ..............,..... a9 �f..............�1•'. . . A. D. 18.. Q '•�
<br /> � � ..... ................ ...... �. ......
<br /> ; %'� ,- ,�, � ;� •
<br /> ! Attest:....��..... _..._.��L�1h���., , :.....,Seeretar . � .. . '
<br /> � i H E U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L W A Y C O N i P A N Y, A �
<br /> ;
<br /> {� � IN PRESENCE OF '� � � �� �
<br /> _ '� � �a�.� � _ � � � ' `��
<br /> I� /; /�r ;� Gd� B9-•-•--.....� �!i......��G77�t�7............ ...---------..............,...President. � ( �r
<br /> ....li(,....lL��...�Y�.f�U"LI...... ...............:....: ' � � :
<br /> ;I �! i 1-e�-F " U N I O N'T R U S T C O M P A N Y O F N E W Y O R K, T R U S T E B, ,. H
<br /> � � . �`" , _ p �'�:
<br /> �� -.-.--.� .� �'�,.��_ _ ... _...__ n/ :
<br /> , �t-�-s-�- BY...---... ... � ��... .X�./:�President. � � •
<br /> � �;
<br /> �! STA'rE OF MASSACHUSETTS, � . �
<br /> ji C TY OF SUFFOLK. SS. o��� ,
<br /> Ii Be it Remembered, That on this............../.-:".".^'� ........ .. .r��.�....aa9 �f.................... .......................................................A. D. 18��O before me, a
<br /> � 1\'otary Public,in and for said Connty, appeared e UNIOY PACIFIC KAILWAY C � AN , by C. F. Adams, ita Pre�ident, who is per-
<br /> � �x _ 0 sonally known to me to be the identical perso hose name is subscribed to the o going instrament as said Yresident and then and there 1
<br /> j �`'1 acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said I rument to be his voluntary act and d, and the volunt•+ry act an deec:of said Company. I
<br /> I� � �
<br /> �j In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my l�and and official seal this .. ..:.... ��(��c�t oK day of.:................ I
<br /> .. ....--- . ..........................................................
<br /> � A. D. 18 C�Lj ,at tbe City of Boston,in said County and State. �
<br /> / � � ��
<br /> .._. /2n:.�`��!""' L
<br /> i" S T A T E O�F' N E W Y O R Y�� _ _ _(%���� _. .._.._:......Notary PubZic.
<br /> R
<br /> �: � Ss..
<br /> '� � Bs it Rememhered Tbat on tbis.,,,....
<br /> li y r .......day ot.----- _---. __. A D: 18 � !J, before me, a Notar Pabtie in and
<br /> � � ,Y,� >
<br /> C for said County, appeared the IINION TI UST COMPANY OF NEW Y K, by:...: (.-�'_..�+�_��.,_ „'..... ..... .... ....... zts/President, who '
<br /> . ... .
<br /> ; � n is personally known to me to ba the identieal peraon whose name is snbscribecl to e foregoin� instrum as sai �`r'esident, an�hen and there i
<br /> iGLl(" acknow2edged the execution and sea�ling of eaid inetrument to be hie volautary act a deed ma@ the volun y act an�eed of eaid Company.
<br /> Il In Mliteess 1Khereof, I bave berennto set my hand and officiai seal this................ .....:.� :...:.:. ..:...........day of.........----.._ �7���%G�1'
<br /> � � .... ...... ......................�---- 1
<br /> A. D. 18 ,�j (� ,at the City of New York,in eaid Connty and State. I
<br /> / ,
<br /> / ,�, , �,/-
<br /> _..................��........�������"�
<br /> � ........... ................................�..... ......�....Notary Pzcblic. 1
<br /> / I
<br /> 6 . . . . ......�.. .. - _.:...�. . . . . .. .. ..... ... .
<br /> :
<br /> ,
<br /> !
<br />