<br /> �
<br />� 3���� ��.��� �c�. . -
<br /> � _ _ . _ __ __ _
<br /> � FROM �
<br /> ,
<br /> � . . FILED FOR RECOxn and entered on Numerical Index this........ ........ � ,� �:,,:1..... ..,.., , day
<br /> s
<br /> Unlon Paeifie Railwa�r Company ' ������������
<br /> ; �� J
<br /> � To o�....__C��:�/`..._........_.... ......A.D.18 ��at......_........(....... 'clock a�d--....._ .._. l/'"
<br /> � -...minutes_.........._M.
<br /> � i „ �
<br /> I �/ /'� � �j '�� o,/�
<br /> I
<br /> /�... ... ,... ....(........... .............. . ............. ou er .
<br /> � ........./I i✓k'((/�/��i......�........��L�it:�/`"��......................................................_ ......................._�................................................................
<br />� ` C nty CI k
<br /> . ........... .........................................���.................................................................
<br /> U Deputy.
<br /> �
<br /> �" HE I� NIC� l�1 PL�► CIFIC RAILWAY CO �/IPANY.
<br /> �iI�10AT Di�ZSIQ3�.-1TEBRASKA. Deed No,��.�.o...V.�...�...,7 .
<br /> Know all M en by these Presents, That the UNION PAG'�FIC �A�LWAY CO�fPANY, which ia a �rorporrytion formed pnd eai,gting by the conaolidation of the
<br /> UNION PACIE'IC RAIL`'VAY C011PANY, by suthority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad �nci talagraph line from the M�asonri Kiver ta the Paeific
<br /> Ocean,and to secure to the Government the nse of the same for postai, milit;�ry and other purp�ea,"approved July 1, 1862,and,acts amendatory thereof, which said Company has sacceeded to and
<br /> become seized ancl possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said conatituent compani�, whether real, personal or mixed,an�,among other things,of all the land granted to eaid Uxiox
<br /> P�CIFIO RAIL�UAD COJSPANY by th oresaid cte�f Congress,in aid o the construction uf it�road,i►ot conveyed a�ap by said Compaag st the date of euch coneolidation(to wit, Januarp 24, 18801,
<br /> ( in consideration of' the sum of.....,. �Y� � �z ��' I
<br /> �/.,�� -.�'�./Le.� �.���2 -.,�'��j�'..` �..:. ....�.....'��..:�.�..j a o.._/ ..... ... .. ........... ...... ..........................................................Dollare,
<br /> 1 II�-. � �� �/f� � . .
<br /> to it paid, tbe receipt of which is bereUy acknowledged, doth hereby GRex � BAII4AIN�B�LL APTD COpiYEY� nnto.......................�,��/..��?!L2..� '(-��-�/-�
<br /> ..... .................................. ................/......................................................
<br /> ......................................................_.........._......._.......................................................................................oftbeCountyof..............�! ��. intheStateof,......���':Y��/i��-
<br /> the following described Real Estate,aituate,lying andbeing in the Couuty of Hail and in the�ta�e vf Nebraska,and deseribsd �follows,to wit:............................................_.._,,.,..,,,,..,..,,_,.,..,..,,.,,,,.,._.
<br /> ._ _._ _...
<br /> _ __ ..._
<br /> ....... ......
<br /> ...............-�- ---�----•--------•-.................................. ...,......... ...............................................,...........................................................
<br />� � � �-�� �� �-����.,-��-:�� ,�-�-...-�---...��.......���..... �� .�
<br /> � � .. .....�...
<br /> � .... . . . ......................................................................
<br /> . . . . .......................... .. ... . .... . . -
<br /> ..................�.. ........_.._.............. ........ .... ........... .. .. ...... .......... .. .... ................................................ ...... . . .. ...... . .. . ................ .
<br /> . ............................... .. . . . . . ... ......................... . .. .
<br /> .
<br /> ..�........................ . ................... ........................................................�,..................................... ..................................................
<br /> af Section No....�✓/-/1�..�...v'.. �....... .... �-�!��':.,.�.� ..�...,. g ..�.���.......��...�, ��.ea-I-
<br /> � ' �,N � th h
<br /> ....._. ..---.................. ...,...........�u Townshi . .. .._.. � l�Ttutb of Ran e No. ., � J of e 6t Princi}�gl
<br /> "�/"-\�... ..
<br /> �
<br /> �� Meritliwn, con#aining according to the United States �urvey e eof..........��,.... .................�:Z�� ���.� /���0.�.......1....�.9....�;%�/U ........... ......... ................................... ....AGres, more or
<br /> jless, being the same premiaes contracted tu be eold to...........�%r.����I!7!L...�:.Y....�..����.......................................................................�Con�aat DTe._....5l..D..�...�..P.. . .............................. ......
<br /> . ,
<br /> ...
<br /> I n � p,/� (�G
<br /> idated =--`<'�1'2(i.....Li.�.:...:�.d...P..�:...................................................................................................................................:.........................................................................................°--�--............._........................---................---.......................................;............
<br /> ..................................................................... I
<br /> .....................................................................................................................................................................................................:........................................................................................ .._................................................................................................................
<br /> TO Hare pod t0 Hold the said premises with all the righte and appnrtettances thereun�o l�sgiug unto t�e sa}d�rqutee, ........ ........_._beire and�s4�e forever,a�pd the$aid grantor
<br /> �I ve h he ame and that it waleW$BahT and DE�EN�p he�title to eaidlnremi�anunto the�d��'of the sa' premisee as of s gaod and iudef'ea9ible estate in fee, and hatb good right to sell and con- '
<br /> y , ' p � D- ,,,,,.heirs and aseigns forever againsL the laavfnl alaims of atl pereona whomsoever.
<br /> .tee ...L�1�
<br /> ExCepfing, Howeve�,ail taz.ea anci assessments led d upon said pr ises since. L. � �.�P, � Q..O. y� 1l and except against any claims or incnm-
<br /> �f br,�tuces created or permitted by,through,or nnder said_---.....ck::lr/U'��l l:l"t .1✓:Y '`�(�-:�`�*T?... � __. . ..__.. _ ......�� �.'/�1/1.�......succc�eaors,heirs or�tssigns or any of tlaem
<br /> AND YPHrICtR�aEAS��82dd UNION PACIFIC Sa1ILROAA COMPANY dId on the sixteenth Aay of April,A.D.1s67,exeoute and deliver�to Cyrus H.�toCOrsuck,oi Y&;e�Gity of NeEV York,and dohn Duff,oP the CiLpy�of Bus � °
<br /> desar b d A n�W x�aEnsat he t�i d Cte,s h$er e�"1c orm ic k d i d on t he twen ty e ig h t h��o f J�i1n,A D i 87 by a�prop�e�r'fnstil�uste t o f wri t h i n�g�t o�th d e ft�t�ere a i�n 1�p�la�c e a s�,T i'u s�e u n d r s a z dt m o r�d e d e ed,whi�h �
<br /> � ��tate oi �assar
<br /> resjgnation was on the fifteenth day of )etober,A.D.1873�8CC2pLC(I Uf EIlO UNION PACIFIC.RA�LRO AD COM ANY by lts Board�ectars, at a m�g Lhereof haki on that day in the Citv of Boston an
<br /> chusetts;Axn'�'VxNR�AS,ov the Hfteenth day of October,A.D.1873, Fredenck L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8 te o�Massachusetta,wae du3y nominated by the rem�ainiug Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus�. at
<br /> MeCoruuck,whieh nomination was,�n the saane day approved by the Board of nirectors of the said IIxzox ACIFIC RAIL$OAD C031[PANY�Axv WS�x�AS by aveh nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did,
<br /> � upon his acceptance thereof,tliereafter become vestec� with the -ame estates,powers,rights�nd interests add char�ed with the same duties and respansibili�ies,as iE he had been one of the original Trustees named in and
<br /> executffig,said Mortgage.11eed; Axn WH�cR�na,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper anc�effectua for that purpose,dated an the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the sa,me �
<br /> in sucn new Trustee 7omtly with him� the said John Duff; AND Ws�a�ns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February A. D. 1877, by a pro�er instrument of writin$ to that effect, Fe-
<br /> 81�II hfs place a�a Tru�tee under said Mort,�age lleed, wiuch resignation was, on the iourteenth dwy of Febraaap, A.�D. 1877, accepted by the Uxtox Pec[�iC I�eir.x:onn COMPANY� by the Executive +
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereol held on that da.y fn the City ot Boston and Sta.te oY�assachusetts• �xv WHF.REAS�an the aecond d��yof July 1889 the Union'Prust Company oY New York,was �
<br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederiek 1..Ames,as sucee8sor to said Jolin lluff,w'hich nominatian was,on the�Iairte�+ntli da�x of dulyr 18&9t approued by the L�xecutive Committee of the Board of Directors of the
<br /> said Uxiox PncrFic Rnir.wnY CoazpaxY; and the said Frederiick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth da. oY Juiy,188�,vesting m the said Unxon'lrust C�mpany of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> a y
<br /> terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jointly with the said Frederick L.Ames;AxD W]aFaEas,the said Union Trust Campany of New York s�g�ifled ats acee ta`nce of said trust,by s�n ing said deed�AND WHF.REAS� 'k.
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did,on the Hfteenth day oE July,�889,by a proper instrument in wrxting t�o that effeet,resigp his place�s Trustee tuuder said D[o��g�,ge Deed,whieh res�,gnation was,on Lhe siateenth day ot
<br /> July,Y889,aCCEpLOd by E$0 UNIUN PACIFIC�AILWAY COMPANY�bythe Exect�tive CommitCee of ita Board oi Dire4tors,ut a me�n�tihereof held an Lh�t d�9�� Gity of Boston, and $tate of Massachusetts; Axv
<br /> Wa�x�as,no nomination of a sncceasor,to 811 the vacancy,caused by the resignation ot said Frederick L.Ames,having 6een made,�he s�id{Jnion Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole 1Yvstee under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1S67.
<br /> AxD WSERiCA9�Th0 S&ld UNION PACIFIC 1tAILBOAD COffiPA xY Elid,on Lhe eighteenth day oY December,A.D.187a,execute and deliver to the UxioN TausT Coa[rexY o�N�w Yoxx a certadn MoTt¢age Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the�aid i3nion Trust Company of New York,as Trustee far Ghe u�es and,purpa3es tiUerein mentioned,among others the landa hereiebefora deacribed; .�xn Wa�s�as, the sa3d Uxiox
<br /> PnciFic Rezr.wAY CoMraxX,with the consent of the Union Trust Company oi:�aw York,sole TPastea undet the 11�ortga,ge Deed oY the sixtsenEh day ot AgTil,A.D• 1867, and Truatee under the A�ortgage Deed of the
<br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1S73,has sold and conveyed,as above set Yorth,the real estate hereinbetore described,uuto the said grant�e,,tos and an coasideration,oi the aum $foresaid, to the Union Paciflc Railway
<br /> Com an in band aid b the said antee which said auna oE mone has been $a g $ �i
<br /> p y p y �r , y p2,id to the said Union Trust Company oY N aw York,in its capac�tp as Trustee,for the uses aod purposea mentioned in said Mort a e Deeds of
<br /> I the sixteenth day of Apr�1,1867,and of the eighteenth day of December,1873. .
<br /> Now Th�ratore, KN�w a7.L MEN BY THF,BE�EESENTB Tl�at the said U�iox T�vs�Conc�exY oz�N�w Yo�s, Trustee in the a£oreeaid Mortgage Deeds in consideration of the aforesaid
<br />,, premisea�nd fhe pa�y as a�.foxeaaid of ' �um��pa� y eaid Railway Coutpa�ny to eaad Truat Com�any fqr the ueee aud puF�oees,t��'aFeesid,d�hereb�R�uu3E,R�as and forever Quix CLAxat
<br /> nnto the said ...........��>..I 1.�/.��G,� ��_.� � ... ..... . ...................... ........ ........................... ...............
<br /> .... •
<br /> the Real Estate�le.�c;ribe�l afores�d, to be held bo tbe saxd grantee tiee aAd exempt fro�n�11 liena, ineumkraneee and eharge� of said Mortgage Deecls,of the si�teenth day of April, 1867, and of the ,„
<br /> � eighteemh day of' December, 1873, but subjecb, however, to all the reservations and conditions hereinbefore contaifled.
<br /> � IN PRESENCE OF ���- In witness whaa�ryo(� the said graator, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�PANY, bath �
<br /> n � -. � cauaed tbe�e}�reee�►ta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to he signed by ite President, :� �
<br /> \//1/�'� ��� �%/,� �� atteated by ite�ecretary,and conntersigned by its I,and Commiesioner and ite Auditor,and � : a
<br /> l ��C -�� ,�.� (��?Z� � � the BBld UN�ON TEU$T L`O�PAPTY OF NEW Y08g� Trustee, under the said Mortg�ge Deeds, � :�
<br /> ____ < :Rs
<br /> � ,, .�Q� ,,,�p of the aixteenth da,p of Apxil, 1�67, and of the eighteenth day of December 73, h ath / ;•� ��
<br /> � °,�
<br /> .. L ,/ / ,/',�,�jJ � °""'` � cause th pre b�eeal�y wi its T�Orate an�i to sign�} y i� r s ent,�/�U. 'p ,aj.
<br /> . ....���..��....�4.UC'L!!L!'. . .1�.�......... � .Ga �L� �c�y��q�eh,�/ UI-G(.((��G-� :�� �rou�w �d ut�w o�,G'��e p
<br /> O�� � .
<br /> \; a�va;�al /�P��.�vr�l thie.......`�Q�.aru..2L.Gl������. da of...............��:.............�.._ �A. D. 18...G�..�.... � � :�
<br /> ................��........,..... � .....••••••.
<br /> �� � :
<br /> �/ � � .
<br /> � . :
<br /> � � � i .. z�
<br /> Att�eat:... . _i.�'�...�%�/�./�....:........`.��'.. . ..::a�ecare .Y• 3'HE UNIO PA�FIC RAtLWAY `�OMPANY, a
<br /> IN P ENCE OF � /� � /� x � ; � `
<br /> � �� � BY_.,..1......�......�1..�. l(.t��.U�..G�/l�21� ' 'v �s `
<br /> � ,�/� i , .....................�----.......................................President. � �.
<br /> '
<br /> lL�l. . ............:......................� �J ��!,�- C w :
<br /> . .. ....(.�.. �.._... � c�� :
<br /> � �,�'� ��� � �. � i9 j� ° �'C n/ o
<br /> ` ....... .. , v
<br /> � � / �
<br /> -- ._ __ ._._.._._ _�. ._-• -----.....__.._........---- B �(l` tl.A.�:.Preeident.
<br /> �
<br /> , '
<br /> L _ �—�__-�, y . G�v ,... �._ lJ� � c�,._ \ : . :
<br /> � STA'I'E OF' 1�rIASSACHUSETTS, � (�
<br /> ss. -�
<br /> � NTY OF SII�FOLB. /' � /� �
<br /> Be ft Remembered, T�at on this,..,,..,, '��� . . � � •,• � �
<br /> �� �`'�.• �? _��................�ay of.......(..�.�. ......................................................A. D. 18 d before me, a
<br /> � Notary Public,in and for eaici Connty, appea�the N� N YACIFIC RAIL�'AY CO A1+TY, by C. F. Adams, itA Pre�ident, who ia per
<br /> � sonaliy known to me to be the identica,l ger w me ia enbscribed to the for g�oieg inatrnment as said President and them m�d there
<br /> � �-� acknowledged the esecution aud sealing of said Instrumeet to be his vo�tar� act �nd �7 , d ,Lhe volunt�ry a �d deec:of said Company.
<br /> �- / �� �� �,/
<br /> ' �-,� � In witness Mhsesof, I have hereunto set my httind and og'icis3 seal thi���.... ........�:... .:�il.:�:.............:�'nf..........�� .?��!... .............................................
<br /> ` n ��i
<br /> I �� Q.Q-� A. D. 18�j 0 ,at tbe City of Boston,in�aid County and�tate. � , � /� /
<br /> � �/ � �� �lS�' �f�L�t-t�!/I�L[iI� _. . .........Notary Fublic.
<br /> ...... __.._ __....
<br /> _.._ - _......__ _
<br /> i STATE O�F NE �7V YORI�, � ss.
<br /> � COUNTY OF NEW YORB. � � ��` - � �
<br /> � Be it Rem�mbered, That on this.._......, ...��:_'. ........ . y L�-� '�� ...�.�•18�'� , before me,a Notary Pablic,in and
<br /> ........._da ot..._..... . .-----' __.......... . � rll,w-
<br /> � for said Connty, sppeared t�e U�TION T�8U8� CO�PANY OF 3�'iE�P YORK, by............. ..��.��..... . •.. it�s President, who
<br /> .. ...............��...................
<br /> � is personally known to me to be the icienticAl peraon vrhoee name ia snlase,ri#�ed tp oregotnR inetrum t as eaid President, and�hem m�d there
<br /> ��� acknowledged•the Rxecution and sealing of�id inatrunaent to b+e hiP volunfi�rg a�st�ad �n,d t��olun ry act and�deed of id Company.
<br /> I � � In witness Nhereof� I bave bereunto seL my hand a�►d afficial aea,l �k�ie ....................d..".../............. ...,..._........�s►Y of---------.-.--. . .......... .........�. . ........ ..--.---
<br /> `;3 A. D. 18 D ,at the City of New Yar�,in e�id;�onn�y�ud Bt�te. � _t
<br /> � ��.,�_- � ' / ��L.! /%������ .............Notary Px6baic.
<br /> ..... ......... ��l-�.... . ...................................................................................
<br /> - ,
<br />