24 �
<br /> � � � � ��� De�ec�� ���� ���, cor� .
<br /> 0
<br /> FRO:VI
<br /> y FiLFV Fos RECORD and entered on Numerical Indeg this...__............._....,�...._,_.__...,.........,................day
<br /> �� Unian Paeifie Railwa�r Company -. ' �
<br /> t� , � � � i
<br /> � TO oF �..�_.....__........._.__..A.D.1890,at--- "�'_-......o luck and.._�:. _ --_.....minutes_ �.,M. �
<br /> ij IE
<br /> ,,
<br /> , ��,
<br /> � , � , ................�. ............. .... .................................._u................................................................
<br /> s ' � 1 � �.�_. ._, ,'.. ...__....._. . ........._... ........ � � OountyClertc, �
<br /> , _.. �_,�.._1�.L-�-_.._ .,.
<br /> /
<br /> i, ,
<br /> �
<br /> ; BY....... ...........:............................................
<br /> ........................................... ................. .....
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> .f
<br /> ii
<br /> � iINI011T DZVISIOfiT.—i�EBRASI�A. Deed No..�..�..�.�...�.
<br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RA.ILWAY COhiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and egisting by the consolidation of the
<br /> KANSAS YACII�IC R,AILWAY C�OMYANY�th0 DE\VER PACIFIC RAIL\M1'AY ArU TF.LL(3R.1PIi CUMPANY� �tld�thC LTNION PACIFIO RAI7.ROAD C0:ISPANY� under �T12 corporate ri&II78 &rid 8ty18 of the ��
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C011PANY, by autliority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tel a�ph line from the Missonri itiver to the Pacific ��
<br /> ;; Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of tho same for postal, military an3 other purposes," approved July i, 180"2,and acts amenda.tory tfiereof; which said Company has succeeded to and
<br /> ,'� become seized avd poasessed of all the real estate:�ud property of the s�id conatituent companie�, whetner real, pe��soual or mixed, and, among other things,of all the land granted to said UNioN
<br /> % PACIFIO IZAIL&OAb COMPANY b9 th0 af0� ai$aCt�9 Of CJ�,gr�`se, in�aid of the cou�truction o_'ts road npt conveyed a�way by��id Company at the date of snch coneolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880),
<br /> ii ' _._ .. _........................................................................................
<br /> � �p�
<br /> in consideration of the sum �f_ k f��Y/1��2� . � /u-- �Z �. �
<br /> y _,..r .._'rr�_2'G�L_"_...��. _. .. .._ , �..- � .--. � .... . ._��v .._... D llar�,
<br /> �I to it paid, the xeceipt of w�ich is hereby acknowledged, dot.h herebs GRANT, BA$aAlx, S AND��NYEY� nnto.....................:..........._..................................:..............................
<br /> I1
<br /> i t ;G'✓vvuA._.......�.. � ..................._................................................of the CountY of.........---....�/...�,�..,,CUi{�...................................:.in the State of........�..................G��?/�.G�.....................,...........
<br /> .. ..� .... ... _
<br /> �� tLe following desci•i Iteal Estate,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Aall and in the State of Nebraska,and deacribed as follows,to wit:..............................................................................................:....... I,
<br /> �:� �
<br /> , . ..� .............................
<br /> il, __,._ . ._.... _ y.. -..�_. ... _. . .. , _... - -� ----- ..... _.-�j`r�... ................. ..... .... ..�....`��
<br /> ., f � �
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<br /> r'.�- . ..�� (� � _<.:�� ...�-�/ ..:::�i�,e::.. ��t�'�'��-�....Y��.�- --1.��2.�!i�......�..f L........ .
<br /> �� _.. __ �,� � � � ............................................................................
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<br /> ,f '�
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<br /> i...................................._..................................................................._.....................:...............................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ,, .........................................................................................._.............,.
<br /> +j ----....... ----- --� ......-.. ............._...............................................................................................,............,.....................................................................
<br /> , _...... -.... -- _ -- ___ ___...................
<br /> ii ---�-.... -�--.._........___.._._..._.... _._.
<br /> i
<br /> , .................. ......................................................................................................- - -..........._......_......._...._.............................................................................................................:..............:.....:....:.............._...:....................,.................. �
<br />, 3 �................... ..................
<br /> ,
<br /> ';; ___...._...._......_.._.._............_..___..... _....... .._.._.....__....._.....__......._......_...._.............................._..........._.............._......_...._................................................................................................................... �
<br /> �f �
<br /> �� ------ - - ------ _- - -- - ---- -- - - - • --- -- - -------- -- - -------�----................................--�--�-�----......----.._..--�-•----......._...........----..........---�--�--�-�--.....-----........---�-�--._...:.........:..............---°-°°°•----.......................-°---.......
<br /> ---------•-��---------•-----------------------�----�--------------- ---- ---------....------�-----�---------------�- ................ ....... --��-- ......- -......... �--......_..... --�--�-----------------------------------------------�---------------°---°--.......----°-----------°-�-------------....•----.-•...
<br /> �� �� �........
<br /> !; ..........................................'................................................................................................................................................�.... .......... ............. ........................................................... ........ ........... ............. .. .........................
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<br /> �..
<br /> ; � ( 1 / � � n (�0 � �1...�.'.�.�.i��G��i�'i......�/ �.�.: .
<br /> of 8ection No... .... . .. . ..........L2/. _.........--•-�--.........................................u►Townshi Nq.. ..:...;�...................... .........,...................North of Range Na, �f the 6th i'rincipal -
<br /> ;j Meridian, containing according to the United States surveg the of.................�.Q�1.... _..........�..._�..D...O.....l...........................................:................................................:..:....:.::.............:.....:......:....:...........:..�cres, more or
<br /> i less, being`t� same premises contracted to be sold to_.................. �-!�!l'?�-d. ....... ........ ................� ..........:.....................................................by Contract.ONolI �� ��.9....^.�/�...... ........
<br /> .................... ....... .
<br /> ;; �� � c:� 1 g f .'`' .........:..................................................:.....�....................................:........
<br /> �I dated ....................�....... .............................................._........ .............................................................. ...........................................................................
<br /> y
<br /> ,.
<br /> �r ; i
<br /> i� _.................................:.:......................................._..............._......................................_.................................................................................................................
<br /> 'i
<br /> I� _._......... ....__...,._. _ ......,..... ... .......... .. ........................... .. .. . ..._... ... ... .:.... .................:......... ......... . ...... .. .. ..
<br /> ; ......., _..._ . .__.. _..................._
<br /> ii To Have and to Hoid the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances thereunto belongi g nnto tbe said �rantee... ......... ....... ..heira and assigns forever, and tbe said grantor
<br /> . .
<br /> i � duth hereby covenant with the said grautee, that at the making of this instrnment it is well seiaed of tbe sai ptemises as of a goud and indef'easible estate in fee, and hwth good right to sell and eon-
<br /> � vey the same, and that it will W�aRAxT and DEFENb the title to said premises unto the said grantee,:_.._ �_:.....heirs aod assigns forever against the lawful claims of all perao.ns whomsoever. :
<br /> � Excepting, However, all taxes and assessments levied np said premisea 'nc _� 9 �D.�� __ __. . . : ...... ..... .....and except againat any claims or incnm-
<br />� I� � � �
<br /> r, �I branees created or permitted by,through,or under said...... ....... G��YYliC,d...p��/I/l!!%1/Gr _ . . �i ..... ....... .�uccPSSOre,heirs or assigns or any of them
<br /> AND WAF.REA$�said Uxiox PnCi�ir.RarLROan�COa2raxY d' n the sixteenth day of April,A D.lse7,e ecute aud deliver to Cyrus H.McCoimick;ot th0 City�of NeW York,and John DufE,01 the City of Bos
<br />� �' ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company convev o the said Cyrus I3.MeCormick and John uff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, among others the lands here�nbetore
<br /> � described; Axn WxER�,as,the said Cyius H.McCormick did on the w nty-eighth day oE June,A.D.1s73,by a.p er iustrument of writing to that effect,resign lus place as Trustee under said moi�t�age deed,w}uch
<br /> resignatton was on the fifteenth day of(3ctober,A.D.1s73,accepted by 2 Uxrox PnciFir.RaiLROan Comraxy b i s Board o1 Directors, at a meeting thereoi held on that day in the Ci�y of Boston and 9tate of Massar
<br />� I� chusetts; Axv'WaNKFae,on the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1s73, derick L.Ames,of L�aston,in the 8ta�te ot� assachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus H.
<br /> t ,I blcCormick,which nomination was,on tl�e same day,approved Uy the Board of Directors of the said Uxrox PaciFic RniLROnn ComraxY; Axn WxExsas by such nomination and approval saici Frederick L.Ames did,
<br />�. ;i upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with t4ie =�ume estates,power,,rights and interests and cha�r�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,as iY he had been one of the original Trustees na,med in and
<br /> II executing,said Mortga�e.11eed; Axn WxEi�ses,said remaining Trnstee did,by a conveyauce,proper anc�effectua�l for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same
<br /> in such new Trustee �ointly with him, the said John Duff; Axn WxFR�AS, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day oY February, A. D: 1877, by a proper instrument oP writing to that eHect, re-
<br />�� I` si�n his place as Tru�tee under said Mort�age Deed, which resignation was, on the Pourteenth day of Februa�ry, A. D. 1377, �ccepted by the Uxiox PACCFIC RAZGROAD COMPANY� by the Execptive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the.City of Boston;and State of Massachusetts• Axv WxrxFas,on the second day of July,1889 the Union 1Yvst Company oi New York,was
<br /> � duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick I..Ames,as successor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July�18891 approved by the�:xecutive Committee oP the Board oP Directors of the
<br />��, said Uxtox PACiFic Rair.waY CoMYaxY• and the said FrederickL.Ames executed ti deed on the tllirteenth day of Jilly,]889,vesting in the said Uuion'Crust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> l terests created by said Mortgage Deed �oint�y with the said �'rederick L.Ames; Axn WaExEns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its accepta.nca of said trust,by siguing said deed; AND WHEREA6,
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oP July,1889 by a proper uzstrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under saSd Mort�age Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth day oY
<br /> Ji�ly,1889,accepted.by the Uxiox Pacr�ic Rair.w.�Y Co�rnxY,�y the Executive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meetmg thereof,held on that day in the City of Aoston, and State of Massachusetts; Axv
<br /> WxEx,�AS,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,cansedby the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said Union Trust Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee under
<br /> , the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> i Axn WaERFes,The said Uxiox PaciFic KaiLROnD CoMraxY did,on the eighteenth day of D'ecember,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the IIxiox TRUST Co�rnxY oF NEw Yoxx a certain Moitgage Deed
<br /> ) wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WHEREA9� the said Uxiox
<br /> - I PACtFiC Rair.wnY CoazPaxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company oP;�'ew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oP the sixteenth day of April,A:D.'1867, an@ Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the
<br /> ti- fl eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real est'ate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, Lo the Union Paciflc Railway
<br />�' q Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the nses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br />� the sixteenth day o4 April,1567,and oY the eighteenth day of December,1873.
<br />' O Now Therefore, ANOR'ALL MEN BY THEBE PEE$ENTB� Thab the S&id UNION TFcUST COMPANY OF NEW YOR$, Trustee in the afores�id Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the �foresaid
<br /> �, " premises and the payment as aforesaid of said z�um, so paid by id Railway C p y ta said 14�ust Co pany for the ases and purposes aforesaid,do�hereby R�atis�,R�L�AS�and forever QuiT-CLAiM
<br />( ;� ,/ � � �p
<br /> i �� unto the said ..... ......... _....._...... ._....._._ . .._.... ��/��'�..........._<,�.v.r+�'.�/ll......._. ......._........... .. _.... _......... .. .. .........................................._................................... .................
<br /> ({ the Real Est:�te described afores�id, to be held Uy the said gr�tee f'ree and exempt frotn all }iens, ' brances and charges of said blortgage Deeda, of the sixteenth dAy of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> ti eighteenth day of Deceniber, 1873, but suhject, 1 , to a 1 the reservations and conditions he e' be re contained.
<br /> {i IN PRESENCE OF !����� . In Mfitoess whereof� tbe said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CObIPANY, hath
<br /> ,. � . caused these presents to be sealed with it�s corporate sealYand to be signed by its Presideytt, ;N
<br /> i' � s
<br /> yY" � attested by its Secretar and countersi ned b it�Land Commissioner and its Auditor and ; a °
<br /> '� �' �iQ..._L��I 1'`��'1` p '�� , Y, g Y� , ,• ;o �o
<br /> � - the 3ald UNION TRU9T COMPANY OF NEW YOSB� Trustee;under the said Mortgage Deeds,
<br /> i Q �._;��� of the si$teenth da of A ril 1867 and of the e�ghteenth day of Decembere/1873, hath ``� ��
<br />� �� �% � ti u ed ese rese � be sea�ed wi�h itscqr rate seal and to be si ned bp}'ts`"��'resident „
<br /> .._�!'� �' � � �� � .� � �.,�..�,� � ,�� �
<br /> ,( .....(...,t�r.. ; �'i!l�� Z .�... _... .��a� .����,yy � ,,u„ '� �.ti.,o��,�;,�1`..G:.r, �,,.�.,�wd� J�:v ' :v
<br /> �' ��/ � 1 7 �� this.......... Y�.. ... . ....................daY f...............�.�C�:....................A. D. 18�.�...... ;p
<br /> . .. �
<br /> ; � :
<br />� �� Attest.....��...__. Z:�� ...._. ... .....,Secretary. THE UNIO PA�IC RAILWAY COMPANY� �q�' "� �� �
<br /> , � ;
<br /> i , .t � �
<br /> `; IN P�I�ESENCE OF � � � z _;
<br /> � � , BY.... ..... .... �Ll' �%�-��/G1�X�.............................................President. H i
<br /> /�� /,� � �� :
<br />, (' ......� ����V���'"�'�'` ^�����'`�. .. .. �� UNION TR T COI�PANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, W �,:
<br /> �I ��!4�.Y� � �/ �� � l � `�- / � � ' l p �`
<br /> /� ��� ) ' :
<br /> li -��--� ....... . .. .... . �....u.... ........._, �C' c1_ ' By._.... OL,�.�ci '� ... UG .. �� 4�,�, o
<br /> . ...._........ ..........President. � �: :
<br /> ��'� STA'I'E OF 1�IASSACHUSETTS, Ss. �/
<br /> I� Be it Remembered, TUat on this,__,..__„_ ��
<br /> .�,��...... ..... .. ..... ... . ...............day of..........��1./.l�. ...............�................................A. D. 1890 before me, a
<br /> !� Notary Public, in and for said County, appeared U i0 YACIFIC RAILWAY COM NY, by C. F. AdamB, itA President, who ir� per- i,
<br /> sonally known to me to be tl�e identical person li n e is subse ' d to the for ing instrumeut as amid President and then and there
<br /> �� ackno�siedged tLe execution and sealing of said Instrum nt to be his volu act an dee , and t e volunt iry act deed of said Company.
<br /> �I - ` ,� ��
<br /> �, in Witness whereof, I have Lereunto set my hand and official seal this,... ,.,.. ... .. ,d1:_---day of,_ �'(itif ��
<br /> ................ .............................
<br /> ;, � A. D. lBg4 ,aY the City ofBoston, in said County and State. � � ��������
<br /> � .
<br /> 'i .... _..__ __e��l � ✓:..b�ti�.�(l?tit!i.:�. __.. __. ........Notar Publ�c ,
<br /> �� STATE O'F NEW YORI�, � - � y
<br /> ' ss. • i
<br /> � �� COUNTY OF NEW YORK. � ��!� � _
<br /> �j Bs it Re�nembered, That on this_........ � _. ...... daq ot.._.__ _ _ ____ __ :...A. D. 18�Q� , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in and
<br /> j) � for said Count a eared the UNION TRUST COMYANY OF NEVP YORg b 4' �'�
<br /> Y, PP � Y... .. .....✓.1.��--��---•-•.... .. ..... .... . ....................its President, who �
<br /> � �...�
<br /> is personally known to me to be the identical peraon wbose nawe is subscribed to e foregoin� instrume as sai l,'resident, and�en and there I�
<br /> acknowledged tae execntion and se�ling of eaid instrument to be hie voluntary act a deed and the volnnt act an eed of said ompany. I
<br /> s'`��� a-'� In WBtness Whereof, I have berennto set my hand and oi�icial seai thia ,,,,.,., c�� ' "
<br /> + . ...d....� .:...... ........ .....day of............
<br /> i �� � A. D. 18�p ,at the Citq of New York,in said County and State.' �
<br /> � � --
<br /> � ..........................luJ '/�`� �'l�,!����0 ... ..Nota Pzcblic.
<br /> .... ..... .......................................................... �. ,Cy
<br /> --- —__-==__.1 / C.�
<br />►„_'�_. - -- _ _
<br />