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� <br /> ����`�. �.��i� �'c� . . <br /> _.__ <br /> - _ _ ,___ _____ <br /> malia __nY�licau�. . Co. _ <br /> FROM <br /> II Fn.En Fos RECORD and entered on Numerioal Index this '� <br />, ; <br /> Union Paeifie Railway �ompany ..... ... ..-- ....,::....-............................da� <br />� TO of...__........._.���''✓......_.......- -A.D.189� �8t_.. -c?I....._...o'clock and._ -.—-.._....minutes � <br /> � � , _��......�. <br /> I'� i � � (� ,......�.....��I.?�� <br /> o,.ti.� <br /> ............................................._�.............................................................. <br /> ��� ................._..........._... . . ..........�,..�2./�................_................................................... . . <br /> /�� ....._ _ . County Clerk. <br /> � B�.. ... ..... ..... ............���- <br /> ... ......... ... ................. <br /> � ____-....__...._____ _................................__............................... � Deputy. <br /> _— —=— --_-- ---__ <br />� <br /> �" #-1E l� N1ON P �► C { FIC RAILW �► Y CONlPANY. <br /> � �Tl�iOh'' DI�ISi01�.-1"�EBRAS;€�A. Deed No..../V..��..�.�..�.. <br /> �I Know all M b <br /> ; en y these Presents, That the UNiON PACiFPC RAILWAY CO�LPANY, which is a Corporation forgt,ed �nd eaiqting by the cousolidation of the <br /> � KANSA9 YAOIPIQ RAILWAY CUMPANY�Lhe�DL�NVEB PACIFIC H.AILWAY AND TELE(#BAPH COB4PANY� 8Dd E118 UNiON PACIFIB RAIL$OaD COffiPANY, under the Oorporate name and atyle Of the <br /> � UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, by authority of an act of Congress,entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroaci au<i telegraph line fmm the M�ssonri River to tlie Pacific <br /> R Ocean, and to secnre to the Government the nee of the same for postal, milit:�ry and o#her purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acta amendatory there�f; whieh said Company has sncceeded to and <br /> become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the �id conatitueut compani�, whether real, peraonal or mixed,and,among other things,of ail the land granted to said UxioK <br /> I� ; PACIFIQ RAIL�UAD COMPaNY by tll0 titOP�d&Ct9 Of C�rigr8S6�in aid of the construetiou of ibs mad,not coaveryed away by saiel Company at the date of anch oonsolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), <br /> in consideration of tbe eum of '�,���� ../�1/I/�lCr%�� �� l–,3^ 7` �,� �� ,/� 0 <br /> � �, ._� //�,(i �.r!U� .u�J7) �...� ......... .�.�.p_..... .�.�'� . 3,Z,�..�.�.;.... nollars, <br /> .............. .................. <br /> . ..... <br /> .. <br /> � � 9 <br /> � � to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby acknow3edged, doth hereby GaaxT, BA�aaix,��x��Coxvsy, nnto .. ._.. .`�7�� �j�,,l,��i �, <br /> ..................... Y of...............:......... ' �P. the State of................... ....f � J� <br /> of the Count s � �� <br /> i . ............. .......... ... ... ................... ........ ................... ......................................... ....---..�.�..�;��...... L..1..,..�.ir::!C••� .... .... ..... ......... <br /> ( the followiqg desci�ibed Real Estate,situate,lying andbeis►g in the Connty af Ha11 and in tbe�tate of Nebrasl�a,snd deecribed ae followa,to wit:,,,,...................................................................... <br /> ............................ <br /> _. __ _.. _ .. .. _ .. .......... ....... .................................................................................... <br /> � ....... ..........---•_•------__ .... ............ ...... . ................................................... <br /> _.. �,�-?. ��,���.:^����. ..���.....�S�. i��C�1.....::��f....,��:u ��'Y=-....:�::.✓.. .._�;��z��....................................... <br /> { ------� -...- -..... _... _.___....._._.... - -- .......................... -�-�-- ..-.-..--....--.............---...................._........._...........................................................................................................................................................:......:............ <br /> , <br />_ _................................................ ................................................................................................................�--�- ...._........_................_........................................_............._..........................._...................................................._........................_........................... . ...... <br /> ............................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.... <br /> � _.:..-------�-----------------------------�-----------........---- -.....--�- -.._......-- .-�----------�--.----------�-------...----....__.._---�� ...._........._..................................-----..........-�-...- -�-�--------.....---------�--�-�---------------------.._.....----------------��--------------.....-�-------------------�=----------_.__.._...._.._ <br /> , <br />' ! ............�.............................................................................F. . ...............................................................................�.......... <br /> ....... / ................................... .................................. .......... ...... ........... . <br /> . �... <br /> I .. . ......................... <br /> ' af Se�cGion No. . � 3 �a�ownebi No............. � ' ,� ,..::...Norty of Range No.,, ° ^ � o % �� of the 8th Princi 1 <br />� ........................�(�!�r..Y�..�.��...:!U�.'ll.t��.:. ....,�..._.�..................� P ......✓.�l',.�.�..i,w..11 ....... ..........l..�1.1..,1 t.�1.1......�.� �f./.i............ P� <br /> � . <br /> i �VIeridia�n, containing according to�j the United States aurvep thereof..........................................i��LG;^„�..(�L'��(.._.��.1��........ �%. .... . ..:.....................:. ..Atses, more or <br /> ...........: ......................... <br /> � . �CJO.......:............ iI <br /> � less, being the same premises, contraeted te � sold to�...:............. �� � ,b;Cont�act No. <br /> 7` ✓ <br /> ............................. ......:..�..� .......:.�'.'�'.�...................................................................... ........�`.�...,c..�. .5........................................ <br /> � J <br /> ' a�r,�a ................................................. � . %;� l;� /:��.r?.................... .. ... :... .. ....................................-�--�---.............................................................................................................................................................................................................._ <br /> . �....... .f........ .... <br /> , <br /> _...................:..................... ...........�%.........,::.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> � .......... _.. ...... ... _....... ............................... .......................................................................................................................................�:................................................................................................................ . <br /> � 71a Hare and to Hold the said premises with all the righte and appnrteuanee�a thetennto belo�ing ttato the said RranCee ���(,Q, ..., heirs and asaigue forever,aud t,he e�id grantor <br /> � doth hereby covenant with the said grantee,that at tbe ma�ing of this instrument it ie well eei�d of the aai�premises ae of a gooct and indefieasible estate in gee, and hath good right to sell and con- <br /> vey the same, and#hat it will W�$RnrT and DE�xn the title to eaid premisea unto the eaid grant�,_....:1��,__,.,...,_heire and a�igns f�rever ag�inst the}awfnl elait�s of all pereons whomeoever. <br /> Excepting� Nowaver,all taxes and assesaments levied upon said premises aince. .._.,..._.__. �'Uv� l.Q� _/.�..%J.. ,,.., ..._,.....,.. „......._..and eacept againet any cluims or incum- <br />_ , <br /> br�aces created or permitted by,throngh,or nnder said...:....................:.... .... .`f%Lf� i L�✓�i'i..... _..... ......o� ......C�.........sneceaeors,he{rs or aesigna or�ny ef L�e,m <br /> _...... . <br /> Axn WaFx�ns 8&Id UNION PACIFIC RAiLROAD COAiPANY d1(t on the sixt th Aay of Apri},A.D,1s67,execute and deli��er to Cyrus H.Mc4ormick,rrt the L'iLy of�Te1v York,and John DuH,02 the City of Bos <br /> tan,a certain Mortgage�eed of that date,wherein suid Corripany canveve�to the said us H.McCormick and Jvhn Duff,as 7Yustees,Yor the nses and pnrposes therein meutioued,among athers the lands herembefore <br /> described; AND WHEREAS�Eh0 said Cyrus H.1KeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a pl�oper inetivment ot writing to that eHect,resign h1s place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which <br /> resignation was on the fliteenth day of Vetober,A.D.i$73�aCCepY�B(1 hy thQ UNION PACIFiC RAILSOAD COMPANY by�It��a Hoard of Dltectora, at a meeting thereoi held on Ehat day in the Ci�y oi Boston and 8tate oi �aasa- <br /> chusetts; Axn'R'g�sr;ns,on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.SS73,Fredenek L.Ames,of Easton,in the Stste o�MBSSaehesetts,was duly nomtnated by the remaihing Trustee,John Du�,as suceeesor to said Cyrns H, � <br /> McCornuck,which nomination was,on the same day,approved by the Board of I�rectars of the said UNiox PACi[�zo RninxOMD Co�rANY; AND WFIEREAfi by sueh noDalnation and approval said Frederick L,Amea did, <br /> upon his aceeptance thereoP,thereafter become vested with the ?ame estutes,power�,rights and iutareats and cha►rKed with the same duties and responstbilf�ies,as it he�ad been one of�he original Trustees named in and <br /> execnting,said bfortga e.Deed;Axn Wa�Ens said remaining 7rnstee did,by a conveyance,proper an�d effectual tflr that purpoee,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.Y873,at the City oE Soston,vest the same <br /> in such new Trustee �ointly with him, the sai� John Duff; Axn Wx�xEns, the said John Duff did, on the �'ourteenth day oi Febiva�'y, A. D. 1&77, by a geoQer inat�ument of writing to that effect, re- <br /> sig�} his place as Tru�tee under said Mortga�e Deed, which resignation was, on the tourteenth dsy oi F'ebruary, A. D. 1877, accepted by the Uxtox Pec[Fic RAILROAD COMPANY� by Ehe Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directars,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston $nd Stats of Mas�eMtxsetts•Axn Wa�e�AS,on the second da of July,i88� the Umon Truat Uom ny of lYew York,was <br /> y 8 <br /> mmi of the oard of Directora o <br /> duly nominated t�y the Temaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,aa succeeaor to said John Duff,wLtch nomination w�s,oa she ti�irteenth da,y of 3uly i889 a�iproved by the[:xecutive Co ttee P the <br /> said Uxiox PnciFic RniLwngY Co�PAxY• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deecl an the thirteeuth da�o1 djdy,1s89,vesCing ia the s�d Un�on'lY�z�L�htpany of PTew York,the eatates, powere, rights and Sn- <br /> the said F�e bck�LaAM.mes did oe We fltt en h day ot�July,88891 by a gr�opei u tr�uentin wr'ithe t�,oi tha effeet,�ret.��'�s pla�s,���Tr�ustEe�i�n er s�eeiA M �e�Dee�d,�whtiehtres s. ion w�dodeLhe sixteen h day o� <br /> p II �ng � <br /> July,i889,accepted,by the Uxiox PnciFic R�ir.w.�Y COMPANY�by the ExecuErve Oommittee of i�Bo�d oY Direcstors,at a tneettag thereof fiel�t on Chat d$y Ghe UitY oL B�ton, a.nd 6tate ot M�aa�chusetts; Axv <br /> WaExEes,no nomsnation of a successor,to$11 the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,havi�g been aiade,the swid�Tnlan 1'rust Company'of 1Vew Yoi�k bec�me and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of Aprii,A D.1867. <br /> Axn Wg�xsn�,The sa,id Uxiox PnCiFtc�tAiLltoAn Coa�rAxY did,on the eighteenth day of DeGember,A.D.1873,esecute and deliver to the Uxzo�TnusT Con[raxY o�N�w Yo$x a eertatn Mortgage Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveye�to the said Union T�vst Catgpeay of New York,a8 Tries�ee for the wes aa►d ur�oses therein inentioned,among athers the lands kereinrefore deseribed• aNn WaESSns, the said UxroN <br /> a ere <br /> PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY�Wlth tYtB COitBQII$OS L$8 UL10H TlllSt COI9p any of N ew Yor'k,sole Trrtstee wY et trhe MorCgage Deed oY the siateenf�day of A�ril,�.�. 1867, and Trustee under Lhe A�bo e Deed ot the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.is73,has sold and conveyed,ss above set 4orth,tlie real esta°te hernigbefere dese�fbe&,unto the saYd grautee,ior aad�n conside�tion of the sum aforesaid, to the Unioa aciflc B,�ila�y <br /> Company in hand paid by the said�r an�ee,which said sum of money has been paid to the eaid Union Trust Gbmpany oE New York,in its eapacit�as Trastee,for the uses�nd purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day of April,1s67,and of the eighteenth day oY 15ecember,1873. <br /> Now Thswfore, gxow nr�.M�x BY asmm�P$ro.s�vTS, Tha�t118 88id UNION'1'€,tF9T C(iMPA�TY OF NEW YO�,T�vstee in the aforedaid Mortgage Deeds,in cwnsideration of t3�e �foresaid <br /> p,remises and the payment a$aforesaid of saad eum,eo paid b�said Bailw�q Co�npsnp to said Trnet t3om�anp f�t�e us�nnd gnrgoeee+Afoi+eeaid,doe�hereby R,Entis�,It�Aes and forever QtrtT-Gi.pix <br /> . ,, . , <br /> nnto tbe said ..............................._.._........._____..........................._............._..._.....;.?���G�d.....`.�,_l�..L�%�._........................................................................................................................ <br /> ....................................................�........................................ <br /> the Real Eetate d�ribed aforesxid,to be held by the asid�rantee free and�.fempt from all liena, incambruncee and charges of said Mortgage Deecls,of the aixteenth duy of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteenth day of' December, 1873,bnt auhject,however,to a31 the reservations and cronditiona bereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PREBEtiCE UF In witness whstyot, th'c eaid grantor, 'tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br />� ��, � –�rA /� �y -��a, ca�aed these presenta to�be s�10d with its corporate aeal, and to kre signed by its President, � ;; <br /> CC ' l a.� the�d�U�N Tatrs�� �d conntersigned by ita I,and Qommiasioner and its Auditor, and � p, � <br /> . �._/–�,_ SC1.. _,�Cllll.�l�>.!'ii�,. ___ ..__. � <br /> � ° ��- � � T Gb�4PA11TY OF NEW YOBg� Trnstee, nnder the eaid Mort$age Deede, �. <br /> ��� �P. 4y of the aiate�enth day o#'A}�ril, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December,f1873, hath , ��=` �_.� ` <br /> f i � �� cansed tYlese�reaenta to be eealed with its corporate seal, and to be si�ued by it9"�' aident,,�,�,� �� <br /> ....�:...�i...............G......... .'`I��L. .G�........_. ........ �^ <br /> i ��t�.1:;�i�a��.�-�e �Gs��,� ��c2�s�L , � �-v � X!.��. ,E Y✓�2a� ac� �y�2�ef 1r��2u{� e°� £ -r <br /> ,�. , ��2ea7�-nt is...... ... .......:4:.,,�� ........ •vj•�o�.:... ... .... .. .........✓.. ........A. A�18...�(.�'..... � Q'�p =s <br /> .,;.... ....., . � • „ <br /> c�/�.�'f�1l.l � � : <br /> Attaef'c.. ... � .'...._ ......Seoretar�. � •• ;� ? r:i <br /> t��������������� ��� �� THE UNION PACIFIC RAtLW�fY` CONfPANY, A . , <br />! IN P$�SENCE OF �� ��� ���� � �'� <br /> I � � � � `� BY........................ ,.ti..,.�.,�.:...�L-l�t��/I./',.���----..........................President. � � <br /> � � U �, <br /> � � , <br /> �"'� ^ � w t` � � <br /> ..: ,�...�".�.2��t�.'�.,�,:���i.,!..................... r 2.�. EW YORK TRUSTEE, H .: <br /> �,. .._ . <br /> . . . � � <br /> � � � � t�nl��t �'RUST COI�PANY OF N z � � <br /> ��� A/ <br /> I �.'� �� � : • . <br /> ------�--�- � - ..-�........ ... ................................ By................. �L� i�_�' .� • � . : <br /> ��. � �.�...............................'V�?-�:..Pre�dent. : : <br /> STA`i'E OF 1�tIASSACHUSET'TS, �i <br /> � ss. . <br />�� COIINTY OF BUFFOLK. ' _ ;' ,� � � � <br /> Be It Remembered, That on this.-•---,,,,-•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��i �fi�, day of....................,,,�,�/„��i.^ra;:�✓`'./..2�...............,A. D. 18 v before me, a <br /> . ...i' ... ..................... ...••••• f r <br /> Notary Public,in and for said County, appeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAI�Y, by C. F. AdamB, itn Presi ent, who ie per- <br /> I� sonaily known to me to be tha ident,ical persan whode name ia subscribetl to the foregoi+�g iagtrnment as said President and tLen and there <br /> �� acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrnment to be hia valantary act and deeda and Rhe volnnt:iry act a�d deed of eaid Company. <br /> � � In Mlitness whe�f� I have Le�reunto set my hand and�Official seal this................ ./�<.^,l.(lil!1�......_.... ..dA�q of.........�2��',/�.'G�...f.c�........................ �:� <br /> A.D. 18�; at the Cit of Boston in eaid Canat and t3tate. <br /> ........__.....__ __.._,.. .._..._.._. _._......Notary Public. � <br /> j _.'���� ��;����,� <br /> STATE O�F NE �7V YORI�, j ' <br /> j ss. <br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORg. � ���;� � <br /> Be it Aem��nberod, That on this..,,..,.._. ...,,,.�;,�..,,.... ..----.,,,day oi,.,------�- --.u!�l�"t"t{/J' ..1l. D. 18�v , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in and <br /> for said Connty, appeared the UNION TRUST COMPAI�TY OF PT�W YORi�, by....:. ....�.�.'I.!L.�.4.-...��.�1�„'�'""'7�......................rt$President,who `` <br /> ���� is pereonatly known to me to be the identicAl peraom w�►ose name ia snliscribed to#�for�oinR 9netsumen�as aaid�iesident, and then and thei�e <br /> . �� � acknowledged the execution and ser�liag of eaid inetrnmeat to be hie voluntery a�ct aatd``deed at►d t�e volnntarty aet an�deed of said Company. <br /> � � ,, <br /> In witness Nhewof I have herennto aet m hand and official aeal ti�ie. `� <br /> � ; �' • � s y ..:..... ::......�...�- ....:,,. :...........'�Y�................ _�..........7i? ...... .................._ � <br /> ' A. D. 18�b ,at the City of New Yc+rk,in saad+Connt�and Btwba �-.. .� <br /> / ,� . �' �� <br /> _.............................................�./��,�C�f.....�•<:�......�wQ.���L�l./.�.�.:�: .......................Notary Paablic. <br /> � <br /> ; <br />