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�� <br /> �° Deed 9 ��ecc��-c� . <br /> — ma :t_ c�n g o. . _ . _- - -_. _ _ . __ ---- -e.___ _ <br /> _ .__ - <br /> r�,o� /�� <br /> FiLFn Fox RECORD a.nd entered on Numerical Index this .,...._,. ,,,,_., %..,,.. <br /> ! Union Paeifie Rai�way Company � <br /> �I � Tp °f-_ .. . ._. . ..A.D.189� ,at_..... /.�..........o'cloek and - �. , <br /> __(�!/l!C,-_ . _...minutes _�M. <br /> i; <br /> ij �7 � .................. ....................................---._�....... ................................................. <br /> / � � /' � _ �i �� /!�' ....f......._ <br /> � ........,�,1��./..�:GL!L o��l�l/"._.L� ..../, .�iG7JO.L..._ �.�._�� J...... QountyCierk. <br /> ;; � ;� �� <br /> � ���� ....... <br /> ' !... B�..................................................................................................._ ...... ..... ........... <br /> � //, <br /> ; ..._. _ _..__ ____... _.._ .. ..___. _1.�.... .. Deputq. <br /> Ii ( <br /> ;i THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAI�' COMPANY. <br /> !� . ZIKIOI�T DIVISION.--�i33��S�. Deed No...../..�.���/. <br /> �) Know all Men by these Presents� That the UNION PACIFIC RA.IL�VAY COiiPANY, wbich ia a Corporation formed and egieting by the consolidation of the <br /> jI KANSAS PACIFIO Ii,AII.�VAY COMYANY�th0 DliNVLTR P.ICIFIC 1{AILWAY'AND T1�LL+'Q�RAPH COMPANY� utld th0 UNION PACINIC 1�AILROAD C'OMPANY� llp(�CT tt18 COPjX1T&t8 riaTriB &TIEl styIe of the <br /> �� UNION YACIFIC ItAILWAY COJTPANY, by authority of'an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to�tid in the construction of a railroad and telegra�ph line from the Missonri Hiver to the Pacific <br /> Ocean, and to secnre to the Government the nse of the same for posta.l, military and ocher purposes,"approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory thereof; wbich said Company hae suceeeded to and <br /> I� become seized and possessed of all the real estate a�ud property of the said conetituent companies, whetner real, peraonal or mixed, and, among other things,of alI the land granted to said UNION <br /> , PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY b9 thC afOi'eSaid aCte Of CongrCSg�in�d of the cons�uction of its road,not conveyed�way�a�d Company at the dnta of each consolidation{to wit, January 24, 1880), <br /> � � <br /> ; � �( <br /> ;I in conaideration of tbe sum of_.__... .._____ - ---� lr"J,%��. .=�"�%l����L ..-.."1� ... --%�. .�.... 1.�� —.� .. .... ... ... .... ............... ......................_..... .....:Doll�rs, <br /> ...... <br /> � .... ....... ..� <br /> � �._ . ..... <br /> ?� to it paid, tbe receipt of which is l�ereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$nxz, B4RC7AIN� SELL AN�CONVEY� nnto.........._..:.�!�e-........��Ii(./f�,,._L�..��.�GGU.'.... ............... . .../�„ .�L.���G�°G�� <br />, � �; <br /> i' C °� <br /> �j ....................... ..... .......... ........... ............................................ ounty of..................,r% .aal�..'.. . . . . ....... the State of...........................���� .. . ... .......................................... <br /> of the '' <br /> ! �... <br /> ji tha following described Real Estate,sitnate, lying anclbeing in the Coanty of $all an�l in the State of Nebraska,and described as followe,to wit:,,,..��.y�y��¢,�.y!�,/���).....��/,�,L�r.�...�irr....... <br /> d C l �"'... <br /> i - . / p <br /> � � r (J��' lv.�.O�a2.12�1,�ncl�a.x�_....t� � � cw� �'a.�.��.�.. �,e.1��C� �.4�� <br /> 1 � Iri_.�"��Z _ a�rnq . ..l �9=€- <br /> � .��awEm�.��.�.vn..�.���u�..7'la..�zur�a , ,.Y'i�yc iZ�:._ls�v i>.... ra.�a�7.�u. , _ �/ _ �. . .r �. <br /> � .: � , . <br /> � �c��.r�..u�.��,�.��..�t�[�...�-y ..�i,r.�y�- �y..ti�ae�:�,.:1On;����-.�z ��a.��- ��;.�8��......��..��.�.,.�.:�.�9.�C��.7.E�..C���.��z�a'.�c.�� <br /> / � �9 //�,p' . •,,6. // 0 ,,�/ .-Q / -/��/ / • e� / q�� <br /> Cr' - <br /> i rluMd.��Anr: t�L..� �..aan au��.�'�i1t.U°r.�l..�tu:��...�vz�2G+�c...GU�2c�J..,.��.`��tv�...;ZG�.trc�Lt�L..�r�h::.1X�iicL.�l`LUo.... �K.�[4Z_n�..Ea<e�LL..ud�...: '��'..�r�?a...�u..t�G..�f�tnc.. �a ir�r-C�L...c:e�.�'G�trr!���Gt�.,...'��! <br /> � � � � � �.' . . . <br /> ���. �',�� ���� ���_� ���,�.�t...����°.�,�._����.....��..�..�. . ..�.�..�...��1.�.�,�..�...��,..�..... .... <br /> � � � .�:�N��.���r...�...�,�rc.���.;�C�..��. Na�s .. �,G�r... � cs �cc��rG�.......... <br /> .. .�.� � �. � ��.�_. ' <br /> o —.............�.��. . — ... ,�z . .����.... .._.. :�._ � <br />� ,i � ,, <br /> � �� � <br /> . p „ . _ p ,�p / . �,,„� <br /> fI °' .cuntL...���'�itc�.. .z.�...�... c�...�i�e......�....�.��u�L. ��,x. .. <br /> � �z�-���'h/�%t2a�.!G'.[�f� �,�t�/.��..��.y..��fUa�.U��ltccc�.._��z� a��.�,�.�..�u�*�._�..lJ�,�. . rrv � a�9rLU1�..u�""L. �efrL:. �„"""` <br /> , �� 0 . / A p p / / 7^,/ <br />' .,�.-,1�m1�lie. �-r/� ��4arce�.ra�Y2'✓�_-�f.crt:;.�..X���/�t..t�eri'�.�!Yk--�c�C'�C�,.-�ta�.NcxGt2-�t�h.�1t�G2.--.�c... .--�.XC[,[�l...v.r.. -'-.L� -�^y-'��•---- <br /> �u��u�ec�G ..u� ���/ ��u���..................................... <br /> `� --------------------•-----------------------------•------------------°-•---••---------------------._.._.__.� <br /> � ----�-----•-----...--------------�---- - -----------...---.._......- ---- -�---....---------------------�..............---� ......................._.....- -............. ................. -�-�-- ...----------------- <br />, �, <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> � ............... ................ . � ......_. r.. ................ ............ ...... .......... ................................... ......... ......................... ................. ......... ........... . <br /> .�..... .... . 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' .... ............. ......... .. . <br /> . ...... .. . �.. ...�. . . � ...... ...... ,.��� <br />, - ! -_�___-_'_—' . <br />� .... . ......... .... .... .. .. .. ...................................................................................................{.y.........................................................................................................................................L...........................................................::..... � <br /> .............................. . <br /> . ' � V ............................................................................................ . . . � . <br />, .. ._......._..... ... ' .._.........._._.... ..,...._._..__....._......... ...._...._ � ......... ........ ..... . .. .... ..................:.......... ... ........ .... .. ... . ........................ .... ...... .... . ........ � ........�.............. <br /> ........ ... .......... ........ . ...... . <br />� To Hare and to Hold the said premises with all tbe rights and appurtenancea thereunto belonging nnto tLe said $rantee,�_,,,����.:...........heirs and assigne forever,:and-tbe eaid` grantor -. <br />' doth hereb,y covenant cvitk the said grantee, that a-t the making of this inatrument it is well seized of the said�remises aa ot a goud and indef'e�sible eatate in fee, mnd hath good right ta sell and eon- ` <br />� �� vey the same, and th�t it will W aaanrT and D�FErrn the title to said premises unto the said grantee/,�.,��lll1/�"........heirs and assigns forever a•gainst the lawful elaims of$ii perefxos whomsoever. <br /> ! r� <br /> ExCep4ing, HOwever,all taxes and assessments levied npon said pre iises aince . '�„�/� 6 J��. �6 _d.c3', _.__ _... ... ..�nd eacept against any cImims or incttm- _ <br />� ' � ' ' �•���i� � or_...,� encce�sors,heirs or assi ns or an of them <br /> �, brances created or permitted by,througl�, or under saia.... ....... __ ...... �.. __ . g Y <br />� � AIQD WHRREAB� said Uxiox PnciFir,RAiLROnn CoMrnvY did on the sixteent day of April,�+..D.18�execute and deliver to Cyrus H.MeCOrmick,of the City of-New York,and John Dt[i�,of the�City of Bos <br /> E � ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that da�te,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyr H.McCormick and J n Duff,as 7 rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefoYe <br />[, j, described; Axn wxExFas,the said Cyrns H.MeCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument oY writing to that e�ect,resign his place as Trustee nnder said moPtgage deed,whioh <br /> �! resignation was,oa the fifteenth day of October,A.D.1873,2,CC0�1t0C1 by T,I10 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board oY Directors, at a meetin�thereol held on that day in the Ci�oE Boston and SCate of EYdas�a- <br />' i chusetts; Axn WxNxFne,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the 8tate o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Du as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> i j MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approved by the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PnciFic Rarr.ROnn CoasraxY;Axv WaEREne,by such nomination and approval said Nrederick L.Ames did <br /> a <br /> upon his aceeptance thereoP,thereafter become vested with the �ame estates,powers,rights and interests,and charged with the same daties and responsibilitiea,as if he h�d been one of the origuial Trustees named in an� <br /> �� executinR,said Mortga�e,Deed;Axn Wx�R�AS,said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of Oetober,A.D.1873,at the City of BosWn,ve8t the saxne <br /> �4 in sueh new Trustee �owtly with him, the said John Duff: Axn Wg�s�AS, the said Johu Duff did, on the fourteenth day of Februar , A. D. I877, by a proper instrnmenL oP writing tyo that efPect, re- <br /> �? Committee of its Boardl of Dir cto sl ataa meet g thei eof held onithat day�in the.City of Bosto tand Stat ofyM ssachnsetts• Axu W iF,aFas ponthe second da yI of JilyiBSi�the Unlon Tru�t G mpany oi New Yorkuwas <br /> li duly nominate�d by the rema�ining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w'hich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of 7uly,18S9t approved by the L�xeeutive Committee oP the Board of Direetors oP the <br /> said Uxiox PaciFre RniLwnY Coazrnr�• and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a deed on the thirteenth day of Jnly,]889,vesting in the said Union'Prnst Company of New York,the estates, poK�era, rights and in- <br /> j terests created by said Mortga��e Deed jointjy with the said N'rederick L.Ames; Axn WaEREas,the said Union Trust Company of Ne�v Y"ork signified ite acceptance of eaid trust,by si�nmg said deed; AND WHFREA6, <br /> i the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the Hiteenth day of July,1889,by a proper instrument in writing to that eff'ect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteentL day oC <br /> i July,1889,accepted,by the Uxiux PnczFic Rnir.w.�Y ComrnxY,by the Executive Committee of its�oard oi Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, a�nd State oY Massachusetts; AxU <br /> WxEREna,no nommation of a successor,to fill the vacancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederiek L.Ames,having bec n made,the said{�uion Trust Company oP New York beeame and now is the 8ole�'rustee under <br /> I, the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.SSGZ <br /> �J AND WFIERF.AB�The said Uxiox PaciFic itair.xonn ConzPaxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873�0X0ClltC&IICl d011V0T t0 tfl0 UNION TRTT6T COMPANY OF�NEW YORK a�.CBTY$1(1 bIOPtga ge Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore describad• Axn Wa�R�ae, the said UxtoN <br /> I PnciFic Rnzr.�vaY CoMraxY,with the consent of the Union'lrust Corapany of�ew Yor�,sole'frustee under the Mortgage Deed oP the sixteenth day of April,A.ll. 1867, mnd Trustea under the Mortgsge]]eed of the <br /> eighteenth day of Deeember,A.A 1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,Yor and in consideratiop of the a�n afoiesaid, to the Unfon Pacific Railway <br /> �� Com{�any in hand paid bv the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paicl to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> , the sixteenth day oP April,isa7.and of the eighteenth day of December,1873. <br /> �,1� NOYY' Therefore, KN(�W A7.7.MEN BY THESE P&EBENTB� Th&t thE S&i(�UNION TTsQBT CO!VfPANY OF NICW YOEg, 'rPRS�B IIl the aforeas►id Mortgage l)eeds,in consideratian of the,aforesaid <br /> ,i p p;y , y �y pan to said�rust Company for the naes and pttrposes aforesaid,dces hereby RsnirsE,RELEas�and forever QIItT-CLeIM <br /> !� unto itses and�he.. �. men��aforesai��nidGL�_����'b said Rz�ilw Com v y�� �� . / n e��i�f✓L.......__. <br /> � �f _ . .�_.�%(�L'' f....f _.......... . . ........................................... ........................ ....... .......... ..... .... . <br /> ;� <br /> A <br /> ; the Real�st:�te descrihed aforesai , to be held by the said gran e f'ree and e�pt froan all lie �i incumbrances and charges of said Mortb ge Deeds, of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> eighteenth da9 of' necember, 1873, but sut�ject, ho«eve�, to at tbe reseivati s and<•onditions bereinbefore contained. <br /> IN PRES�NCE OF in witoess wh�Breof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO➢4PANY, bath <br /> � j �, caused thesepresente to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to be eigned by its President, � •• <br /> /�} � / ,t.y u� att�ted by its Secretary, and conntgrsigned by its Land Commiasioner and its Anditor and ;o `o <br /> i - �-�-�-"���`'�� - - --- � the 9&ld UNION TRUBT COMPANY OF NEW YO$B� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Daeds, `•� <br /> i / �� of the sigteenth day of,April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of llecember,�873, hath ; ;� <� <br /> '/�� y � � �c�-c- �� cansed these present,s be ealed w't rts corporatg seal, and to be si,gned by its"'�'resident �r✓.�� <br /> � _....._..... . /�....���Gl/�i� .. �... ....,.., � ��"��`/,�,� t g�l a u�,e�L��Cy��C,���w",''� cz„d Gy �� �i�a,tiiL e�,(9.oteeZ,.rz"�" ' V <br /> ' . U�.��ivf,1�"E�Z�1...' . .L.....�o.�.�.....:....da�' nf.....�........... .. . � ?� <br /> ..........................A. D. 18...�...... ' <br /> Attsst:.... �.. � ......ff�Gt�..... ...: .. .....Secreta,r9• � •• :� e ..'V <br /> �� �' G HE UNION PACIFIC RAILWA CO ANX, A <br /> IN PRESENCE OF � �,/ � ' � <br /> .�:�" ') � BY................ .�� , f......�G�G'��U���..�-� .................President. � � <br /> ..7 ��:,...�...,c�%r.c�0����� _......--�-----....... <br /> `. � �������� ����-����������� � UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE, H � � <br /> �� � � , � � z � <br /> ---......_..�..�.�f�.` �����?✓-�._..............._.._.......... � <br /> "" By._.........�G/y...y.�. � _ -.... ....U,r,�,ci_.......................Pr��a�,t. � ; : <br /> STA`.CE 0�+� 1�IASSACHUSETTS, ) � G���� ' <br />. } SS. <br />- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ) • <br /> Be it Rem�mbered, That on this....................��i%�........, of.---�•----�-=-�--- . ...:. .. A. D. 18 9U before me, a <br /> ........................... <br /> Notary Public, ' appeared tbe UNION YACIFIC RAILWAY COhi ANY, by C. F. Adama, ita President, who is per <br /> i�� sonally known to me to be the identical person whose nawe i8 aubscribed to the foregoi�g instrnment as said Yresident and then t�nd there <br /> acknowled ed the esecution and sealing of said Ins rument to be his volantary uct and deed, avd the volunt•iry act and deec:of said Company. �,�,�� <br />' Id Ml��ss��r��I hav her�e nto se�m an f� offici�'�'a1 sea th�•�'`wf�. r.�°i;,Ev�'/ �/`�u,���,{�:��c��C� /l <br /> Y ............. ...i'✓t�/!!�. .......... ...:.._d�Y o.. .........Q�i%��i:fii.:................................... <br /> A. b. 18� � ,at tbe City of Boston,in said Connty and State. . <br /> _ __..__ / /n <br /> _ _..._...._ //lGl/1/�� �1:�• ��a�:�%���t�._................:Notary .F"ublic. <br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, � ss. <br /> COUNTY OF N�W YORK. � <br /> � Bs It$em�mbqred, That on this....... ',,.:�` .__.._.. ol------ '' "�',�,��v��✓. ;..:.A. D:18 90 , before me,a Notary Pnbiic,i�a-sead <br /> �v�r-til"w�C, �-2��. � , <br /> f+������aPPe(�red the UNION TRUST COMPANX OF NEW YORK, by:......... .�y��y.�_:x� . . its�resident, wbo <br /> � ���..........�.... ,........ ..... <br /> is peraonally known to me to be tl�e identics] person wh�e name;is snbscribed to e foregoin� inst ent as sa,id�Yresident, and then and there <br /> � ackn wledg tbe esecntion and sexling of said pinstrament to be hie voluutsryp act and deed aud the voluntar��/y act and deed of said Company. 'GUn��� <br /> /�,-=gar.ti, c�l[�{-Gc f Y�p cl��,�a�,�,,,��u�C -wr�v 2/2�� e�tiXe+��7eur� vr�. / . � <br /> � ��tRe wh�bf I}�ave herennto"se�'m hand"���c�s�� �,�..........................�Y of..-•-.--.----..- <br /> r� Y ...:.... ...:..... c4�G�C-.`=v"F�r.....:.._...-� .....:...--�--•-- <br /> A. D. 18 y� ,at the City of New York,in eaid County and State. � , � ' <br /> ...................................................._...../.../[.�e.fi1.....�..... . .... d/L�...........................Notary .P'ublic. <br />