<br /> � ,
<br /> Deec� ��eco �-c� . �
<br /> __ �� _ am m �g o. _ _ __
<br /> ----- - -----
<br />', FRU13 ,0
<br />' � Union Paeifie Railwa�r Company FILED �°R RF°°RD and entered on Numerical Indeg this,,...,_ /, D ...G�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,day
<br /> + TO of......._.__. ..._.__./i�7;-� ,
<br />, i L�,%�/lL.... ..........A.D.189 J at....._.. -.�. ....dclock and '�.._...minutes_--p_M.
<br /> � /� � o , �,� �///
<br /> �c � ' ��� �,
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<br />� 'i B�._..................................................................
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<br /> � - _ ___. _..___ ____ - ___ __ _.....
<br /> � _....... ......... Deputq.
<br /> � ZI1�IOhT DZVISIOK.-11TEBRASI�A. Deed No..��..�`7:.�
<br /> � Know al( M en by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC ItAIL�'VAY CO�iPANY, which i� a Corporation formed aod egisting by tl�e consolidation of the
<br /> KANSAS L'ACIriO I�AILWAY CU➢1YANY�the DL;NVER PACfFIC 1{9ILWAY AND'rELL+'C}RAPH G'O➢iPANY� £1DC�t�10 UNION PACIFIO I�AII.ROAD G'OMPANY� under the corporate riSillfl and st,yle.of' the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COYIPANY, by authoribp of nn act of Congress, entitled, "An act to�id in the construction of a ra�ilro�.d and telegr:�ph line from the Nl�ssonri Hiver to the Paciflc y
<br /> Ocean, and to secnre to the Government tbe use of the sarne for postal, military an$otl�er purposes,"approved Jaly 1, 1862, and�cts amenda�tory thereof, which aaid Company has succeeded to and
<br /> `' become seized�vd po?sessed of all the real estate aud property of the s�id coustituent companies, whetuer real, personal or mixed, and, acnong o�her things, of all the land granted to said UxioN
<br /> PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY 1J3'th8 afOr�id acte of Con�ess, in aid of the covstruction of ite ro�,iwt con�yed away by said Company at the dnte of euch consolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880), ��
<br />'� � i , ' �
<br /> in consideration of tbe snm of.... �, ,.�-� _.;i!�,��(jZ2,�.,_,�(j� `�GLl� �, y:�,/ �;�;' �'� �D� �, „ � Dollars
<br /> rJ .... ,� .... .........................�---°............ ,
<br />� �� to it paid, the receipt of which ie bereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$exT, BaRaAix, �Li ANn Coxv�Y, nnto ��,_����/1�r,�� 7�� �,tiC!�7�!!-v'!� �2. .... _ �..............
<br /> �� ......................................................................._..._............_.......................................................................oftbeCountyof_................`�� ��� � .( " � �
<br /> �... ..�,...... . .. ..0 .
<br /> !; �..._�. . ,_........................................in the State of.................... .. ��`YL��a.�!Gl,.....................................
<br /> i� the following described IZeal Estate,sitaate,lying andbeing in the County of Hall an�l in tbe State of Nebraska,and described as follows,to wit:..........................................__.,
<br /> I� _._ .._... __.....__........ __- ...... _ _ �. _ . ......... ._ .................................... ... ........... ..............................................
<br /> ��,...�
<br /> n
<br /> �/I �,/i � � ,/ �-�
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<br /> ij _ , , �,,� ........ .. ...... , .......................................................
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<br /> I� �i�. l�✓7'�1/l�'0/..._�Z.�l///.^' ����i..�'+......� � s.ii�'.� �H�-42�[a'lf�t� � �
<br /> ,._... ..__........ , �, � y-� l �
<br /> ; ___ __ _ _. ..--. f..... - c[.�u�:�,._ -- .. . . �:� ..... .L...... ....... ...... .......................................................................................
<br /> � ___..._ ,r I � �
<br /> � ......... ... ...... . ..... ......... ......... __.... _.._ ................... �
<br /> _... . ...... _....... . ....... .. . .... . . ',
<br /> � --- . ... ...... . _.... ..... -..._ .... -_ - -_....._ _.. ;
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<br /> ............... ................ . ... � ....... . ....... ............... .. ......... .................. L 1 ...... ..... . ....... .....
<br /> �. ...
<br /> .......
<br /> � of Section No............... ..i�./.,rr�?/..�1�...�:.�1 .-. �.�.............................in Townehip No............. / � � �'/
<br /> :IGLC li...'�..�.Z......��.! ..........._North of Range No........r!....e�Z..�J.�......✓t.:..f./..�.......of the�th Principal
<br /> Meridian, containing according �o the United States snrvev thereof.. ..... .. . ��G�� ��,�. � ............................................. ....................................Acres, more �or �
<br /> /� , ��, ..... . ...............byContract ay�.c�...�. .✓.�............. ............................ '
<br /> ! le�, being the same premises contr,acted to be sold to:....................... ... �„���/-�,� Y � � lji ��
<br /> I , ,� .....i..c...../.:.Gi��'�/.�`.'✓'�cr........................... ....................................�No.� ...----................._............:....................:............
<br /> i� p�y
<br /> dated ................ ......... . .... .............� ���... /..D..O...tJ<.. ....
<br /> ............... ..................................................................................
<br /> _............_....................�........................
<br /> ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..
<br /> To Hare and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenances tbereunto helonging nnto the said grantee,,,,,...._.r`,7�,,1,�,_.,,_.,,.,heirs and a4aigne forever,and the said grantor j
<br /> � doth hereby coveuavt with the said grantee, that at the making of this inatrument it is well seized of the said premises as of a good and indefeasible eatate in fee, and hath good right to sell and con-
<br /> � vey the same, and that it wili 1V�x�RnrT and DEFEx�the title to said premises unto the said grantee,...._�_...__._heirs and assigns forever against the lawfal claims oYa�ll persons whomaoever. �
<br /> Excepting, Howeve�,all taxes and assessments levied upon eaid premi�es�ince.... _._ _�f'��j y^7i��li��_��� /_��Q,...._.......,and except against �ny cl�iims or incum-
<br /> „ �, � , . , __ ,
<br /> brances created or permitted by, throngh, or under said,__....... _„ �j_ �,_,,��,�._..,�Z`' �����,___/ _�� ..r��, sncresaors,heirs or assi�ns or any of them
<br /> Axn WaFxEas,said Uxiox PnCiFrC RniLROnn CoMrnxY did on the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1s67,exocute and deliver to Cyrus H.1VIcCormick,oi the City of New York,and John Duff,oi the CiLy of Bos
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company conveve�to the said Cyrus Ii.McCormick and Jolin Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore
<br /> ( deseribed; Axn WxEaEas,the said Cyrns Ii.McCurmick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1573,by a proper instrument oP writing to that effect,resign lus pla,ce as Trustee under said mortgage deed, wluch
<br /> resignation was on the fifteenth day of OCGObCI'�A.D.1873�aCC0pG0d by LI18 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board oP Directors, at a meeting thereoP held on that day in the City of Boston and 8tate oi Massa-
<br /> i chnsetts; Axv War:xFns,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873, N:ederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta,te o�Massaclmsetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approved lly the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox Pqcirtc Rair.ROnn ComraxY; Axll WxFRNns,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did
<br /> ! upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the -�me estates,powers,rights and intere�ts,a�nd char�ed with the ssme dnties and responsibilities,as ii he had been one of the original Tivstees named in anr�
<br /> � executing,said hfortga�e.11eed;Axn �TVxEK�ns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D,1s73,at the City of Boston,vest the same
<br /> in such new Trustee 7omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axv WxFR�ns, the said Johu Duff did, on the fourteenth day oP Pebruary A. D. 1877, by a proper instrnment oi writing to that effect, re-
<br /> sign his place as Tni,tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the fonrteenth de�y of Febrnary, A. D. ]s77, accepted by the Uxzox PwctFiC ICAILROAD CODiPANY� by the Executive ;
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at�,meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of Massachusetts; Axn �i�FiFxFas,on the second day of July,18s3 the Union Trust Company of New York,was
<br /> � duly nominated by tlie remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as auccessor to said John lluff,which nomination was,on the thirteenth day of Jttly}18891 approvecl Uy the�:xeeutive Committee o4 the Board oi Directors of the
<br /> � said UxioN PncrFic RniLwnY Co:virnxY; and the said FrederickL.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day oY July,7359,vesting iu the sa,id Umon Lr�ist Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights �nd in-
<br /> � terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jointiy with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WxF2�Ena,the said Union Trust Company of Ne�v Tork signified its ticceptance of said trnst, by signing said deed; Axn��xEKEas,
<br /> � the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day of July,1889,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his pl�ce as Trustee nnder said Mort�age Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth dxy of
<br /> � July,iss9,accepted,by the Uxrux Pncir�ic Rarr.w.�Y CoazYnxY,by the Executive Committee of its Soard of D'u�ectors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and 8tata of Massachusetts; Ax�
<br /> WxEREas,no nomination of a successor,to fill the vacancy,causedUy the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,liaving been made,the said Union Trust Company oP New York became and now is the sole Trustee under
<br /> I the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> � Axn WaExFas,Th0 Sfll(1 UNION PACYFIC 1tAILR011D COMPANY dlC�,on the eighteenth day oE December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK a C0PC3�111 MOTCg$�E D00d
<br /> � wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union'Crust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the la,nds hereinbefore described; Axn WHEREAB� the said UxioY
<br /> PnCZFic RaiLwnY ConzPnxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company of New Yor�i,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A,ll. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the
<br /> eighteenth day oE December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said�,n•antee,.for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union Yaciflc Railway
<br /> ComQany in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of N ew York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the nses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> the sucteenth day of April,18G7,and of the eighteenth day of December,1373.
<br /> Now Therefore, Kx�w nr.t MEN sY Tx�s�Ps,ESExTS, ThAb thC 8aid UNION T&Q8T CObiPANY OF NEW YOE%, Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid
<br /> premisea�nd the payment a�aforesaid of said auni,�o paid by said Railway Co�pany to said Trust Company for the uses and pnrposes aforesaid,does hereby R�Mis�,Rs][.�AS�and forever QUiT-CLaias
<br /> � „ ' -��� �'
<br /> unto the said _..... ' o � . ............... .. ........ ......
<br /> ...L. � ���Z...--� �'.�%'�1/L_ -4___ ... . _.._ _ _._............ _ .._......... ................... ..
<br /> the Iteal Esinie�le.,cribed aforesaid, �o he held bv the said grantee free aud exempt fi•om all liena, incumbrances and charges of said Mortga,ge Deeda, of the sisteenth day of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> eighteenih day of' llecember, 1873, but suhject, however, to a�ll the reservations and��unditione hereinbefore contained.
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF , In Witness Whereof� the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IPANY, bath
<br /> '�,� � ,� caused these presents to be sealed with ita corporate seal, and to he signed by its PresidenE, : �: ••
<br /> I���'"" �.� �����L� �„�J'�,i attested by its Secretary, ttnd convtersigned by its I,and Commissioner and its Auditor, and `o � °
<br /> - ��r� the 9&ICZ UNION T&U$T COMPANY OF NEW YO$P� Trustee, under the said Mortgabe Deeds, '�
<br /> �� �1'�� 7 • �„v�-'(`i � of the sigteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth da�y of llecemb�• 1873, hath D •� �
<br /> � 'v�d I (� `}' caused these resents to be seale wikh its c rporat��al an to b si ned by '�President,�U�irr<.. ,�
<br /> .......... ...... .`� r./... /��rar'.... _ �� � y-� `� �j� �' �±,,
<br /> I �.. �i`� ���F.�-t��rua,� &vu�y�a��+r�,vs�[¢ ��y GG'�,c �� !� "�L�y�f.GCo�u�,n � �rva,e2�� •� C\ `v
<br />'� /' �— i�.0 ��IiL��:ri�� ' ....day of... ........:.. � a
<br /> �. . .. ........, ........ ..... ...�.........A. D. 1 .......d...
<br /> � /�`�/ ��7 , � ;�
<br /> I Attest:,.. . ...._�,.;�.�(�i�,,/. �'�.��_.l',t/�........ . .....s � ` THE UNION PACIF�RAILWAY COMPANY, q a
<br />� IN PRESENCE OF �� �_" B �� L �' z �
<br /> �.�i�11!.!i�.
<br /> �' � Y-••.............. �, ..' ..._� ................................President. �
<br /> l� � /� / � � � (�.., �
<br /> I .............. V� ,. �� .1... .�il...�✓��'.... ....... W •:
<br /> � -�'�i�
<br /> �?'�/!/Ji(, � � � ,� �' � , p ' \:
<br /> , , ,
<br /> // � =- y /��
<br /> � _._.., .... �.f.!�. __ ... V.���iC.�'�..... ......... .- , �,-' BY._.... r,�.�1�_.._ ��;��_"_..__ _ ...."!/:C�°�.L.-,._President. � .
<br /> 1' �
<br />� STATE OF MASSACHUSFT�� ,� �i� G �� �
<br /> ss.
<br /> N
<br /> Be it Remembered, That on this........ ,� .i��(��✓'���.............day of.......... .:. . . .................................................A. D. 18�r� before me, a
<br /> �� Notary Public,in and for said Coimtg, appeared;the UNION PACIFIC RAILWA O�'IP , by C. F. A dam8� ite Pregident� wbo is per-
<br /> � � sonally kna�c�n to me to b�� ti�e identical perso�i wLose name is subscribed to the foreg g inetrament as said Preaident and then and there
<br /> %'�!� acknowledged tt�e eaecution and sealing of said Inatrument to be his volnntary act and deed, and the volunt:ry act and d ec?of said Compauy.
<br /> �, ,
<br />�I I � ',_�. {n Witness Whereof, I have bereunto set my band and official seal this,,,_�,!t,�f"j/� .., ,,.,2�� -day of.................. ........�2�.............................._..........
<br /> A. D. 18 � at the Cit of Boston in said Connt and State. � �
<br /> � � Y � Y �/ ;�' �, �
<br /> _ ---. -_ _. --..:�G%�/�/�-� -•�����%���-__.....Notary Public.
<br /> STATE O'F' NE �7V YORI�, �
<br /> ss. � � �
<br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORK. �' � ,. � �
<br /> Be it Remembered, That on this...... _,. � y ' A. D. 18 , bef�e me, a Notary Pablic, in and
<br /> .._ .._____ . ..._....da oi.._._ 4� ��L�l////'�..�
<br /> -- - � �
<br /> for said Count a eared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OP' NEW YORK b �7 ��
<br /> Y, PP � Y......,....a..�;�:�./�l.Ll-/-�..,1.�. .. . . .. its�I'resident, wbo
<br /> ..... . .
<br /> � � is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name ia subaeribed to t�§e foregoin� instrument a sai�eaident, and then and tLere
<br /> acknowledged the execution and sealing of said instrument to be hie volunt�ry act and deed and the voluntar�act and�'dee of said Comp y.
<br /> � In.Witness Whereof, I have bereunto set my hand and official seal this.............,..,...,..............�...............................day of.---,._,.,._...,.d%C/
<br /> � _....... _......--��---
<br /> � q �' A. D. 1S pG� , �t the City of New York,in said County and State. i�
<br /> _.............._......_...�'�„2.C�,, ....-.. .•....��! .f2:�G'Z�C�L/.L ......................... ...Notary PuLiic.
<br /> __ .a�:
<br />