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� �-' , <br /> Deec� �Zeco �c� . - <br />__.�. _... _ ng a. - - <br /> � FRO:�I <br /> FILED FOR RF.CORD and entered on Numerical Index this.............„_...3.�___._...,____..,..,._,...,..,....,........,day <br /> ; Union Paeifie Raiiway Company <br /> i TU of..:. _... __._.A.D.189��at.... ��......._..o'clock and ._....._....__..minutes,_..,_CLM. <br /> _.__ _ __ __ <br /> F � � � f <br /> � , � � <br /> - � ....:�l..... .................................... ................_—...................................................... <br /> f� �, � .......... <br /> J.___ _. _..........�..... {�y�,�'�?NV........ . .................. CountyClerk. <br /> I �! � . B - ,� <br /> 9. .........�......... . 1 <br /> ..................................._...................... .... ...._. . ... Depll�.... i <br />}'i � lTHE UNION P^ACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY_ <br />! ry <br />! ZT1�IOhT DZVISIO.N.-11TEBRASKA. Desd.No.�..�.a�!..�..�.,. <br />� Know all M en by these Presents, That the U�IION PACIFIC RAILWAY COb2PANY, which is a Corporation formed and existing by the emisoliciation of the � <br />� KANSAS k'ACIFIC 1Z�AIT.�4AX CUYlf'ANY�the�?L�'NV�R P.1CIkIC�tAIi,\pAY AND'CEL�QItAPH C()bSPANY� :LIId th8 UNION PACIFIC R:�IT.ROAD COMPANY� under the corporate ll&ri10 &lld Bty18 of the I <br />; UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�IYANY, by authority of an�ct of Cangress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegr:uph line from the Missouri Hiver to the Pacific � , <br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the nse of the sa�me for postal, mitit.iry:�nd other purposes," approved 3tt13 1, 18S°., and acts amendatory thereot; wl�ieh said Compa�ny has succeeded to and <br />� become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said coustituent companies, whetuer rea1, personal or mixed, and, among other things, of all the land granted to said UxtoN <br />�I PACIFIC RAILSOAD COMPANY U,y�e aforesaid a s of Congre;ss, in�d of the construc ion of;tsroad,�1ot conveye✓�way by said Company at the d:ete of sach consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880), <br />; in consideration of' the eum of....., �� �t���'� �L � l0 0 � <br />�, -_- �.._.. :'�'� .... .. -�.g. -............. n..;..�� �.. �...........................:.........._..........................................Dollara, <br /> � <br /> �� to it aid tbe recei t of wLich is hereb 3cknowled ed doth hereb GRaNT BAxC+Aix S L Axn CoNV unto.. �� l"� .. ��Z' _ ............................................ <br />' P , P 3 � �' r Y > > > _ _ .. <br /> ... ..... <br /> � � 9 '� �� ; 1' `_ -� -e <br /> ..............................:............................................_........................:�...........__...............................................of the Cou Y ----. . . - the Sta,te � , <br /> nt of . ......,,1�...�'L�C.�...................�.� of..............k:i/V.]'.�1.. . ........................._....................... <br /> �' tbe following described Keal Estate,situate, lying andbein� in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as foilowa,to wit:................................................. � I <br />�., <br />� ........................••---....................... <br /> _ ____ _ _ � � <br /> ; f��� .._ � . . _. � ... .p. .... ......... . ................--.--............ ...... ............................... ........................................................... <br /> r�� -- - .. <br /> 'E _.__, ..... _ _....._. �.. n n . �1 j.. �1�t... /�'�l. w.�.. ..�.�.�/L�....�� �'./..�.�..��---......................................................................................... � <br /> � ��,,� ��� � . <br />� ........:........ � .... . .... . .. ... .:!� .... ....... ...... ................ � ' <br /> � . ............... ........ ...... ` <br /> II .........- _ _ _ _ ___ - - -- . _ __... ._ .. <br /> .- - _... -.- _..- ._. .. ...................... ..... .................................... <br />��� . � <br /> � -............................................ ............. ..............................._._......... . _...................................... <br /> .. .__ ...__ .... <br />, j _.._.. _ . _ _ __ . _ _ ___.._... .. _ _ . ............. ............. ..............._..._._.. . . ................................... ..................................................... I <br /> ......................................................................................... 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Axn'WxxxFas,on the fifteentYi day of October,A.ll.is73, Frederick L.Ames,oP Easton,io the State o�n3assachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor tu said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick,which nomination wae,on the same day,approve.d Uy tlie Board oP Airectors of the said UNiox PaciFZC ItaiLROan Coazrax�; Axv WxFxFes,by such nomina,tion and approval said Frederick L.Ames did <br /> upon his acceptance thereaf,t3iereafter become vested �vith the ?ame est�,tes,powers,rights and iuterasts,and clia�r�ed with the same dnties and responsibilities,as if he had been one of the original Trustees named in an� <br /> 1 execnting,said Mortgage.11eed; Axn WxNRr:ns,said remaining Tiustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.A.1s73,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> 1 in sucn new Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axv WxH:RNns, the said John puff did, on the fourteenth day of February' A.-D. 1877, by a, proper instrument oP writin� to that effect, re- <br /> sign l�is place as Tru-tre under s�id Mortgabe Deed, which resi�nation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, accepted Uy the Urtiox Pnc[Fic Rai�ttoan Con2raxY, by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in ti�e City of Boston a�nd State of Massaclmsetts• A.*ru WFiFxF�s,on the second day of July,1589 the Union'Crast Company of New York,was <br /> duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1,.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of July, 1SS9t approved Uy the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of tlie ! <br /> said Uxiox PaciFiC RaiLwaY CoasYnxY; and the said FrederickL.Ames executed ti deed on the thirteenth day of July,1889,vesting in the said Umon 1'rust Company oY New York,the estates, po�sers, rights und in- � <br />��� terests created by said Mortga�e Beed jointly with the said N'rederick L.Ames;Axn WaE�EAS,the said Union Truat Company of New Y'ork signifted its a�cceptance of said trust,by s�' n,ing said deed;Axn WarxEns, ? <br /> II the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fiPteenth day of July,1859,by a proper uistrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort;�age Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth da,y ot <br /> July,1589,accepted by the Uxiux YacrFic 1taiLw.�Y ComraxY,Uy the Executive Committee of its Board oY llirectors,.�t a meeting thereof held on that day m the City of Boston, and State oP Massachusetts; Axu <br />� � WxEREns,no nomination of a snccessor,to fill the v�cancy,eausedby the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Tivst Company of New York became and now is the sole Trustee under <br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1S67. <br />� Axn WxExFns,The said Uxiox PnoiFrc 1tezL�o.�n CoazrnxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1373,execnte and deliver to the Uxiox TRUST ColKraxY oF NEw Yosx a certaIn Mort�e Deed <br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New Xork,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mencioned,among others the lands hereinbetore described; Axv WHEREAB� the Said UxioN <br /> PnCiFiC ftnir.wnY CoMraxi,witli the consent of the Union Trust Company of N ew Yor'k sole'Prustee under the hlort};age Deed of the sixteenth day of April,A:I). 1867, and Trustee under the Mortga�e Deed of the <br /> eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real est'ate hereinbeYore described,unto the said grantee,.for a�nd in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union Pacific Raiiway I� <br />� � Company in hand paid by the said�antee,which sa,id sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for Ghe nses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of � <br />! � the sixteenth day of April,i8E7,and of the eighteenth day of December,iS73. <br /> I Now Therefore, I�N(�W ALT.MEN BY TAESE PREBENTS� Tllat EI10 B�tC�UNION T&U8T COMPANY OF NEW YOEK, Trustee in the aforesaid Mortgage DPRCl9�lII eonsideration of the aforesaid j� <br /> V � premises and the pay as aforesaid of,�aid�m, so 'd by�i�ailway Companv to said Trust Company for the uses and purpases aforesaid,do�hereby R�asisE,R�L�ABE and forever QIIrx-CLAiM �� <br /> , / <br /> � nnto the said .......... n 44<..,.... �l _.............................................. . ............... .. . ... .. .. ... .. .. ' <br /> _._........ _._... . <br /> the Real�st�te described f resaid, to be held bv the said grantee f'ree and exempt f'rovi all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortg�ge Deede, of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the � <br /> Ieighteent}i da,q of' Pecem �, 1873, but suhjecty -ev •, all tl�e reservations and c•onditiovs bereinbef'ore contained. � !� <br /> i� ,.�: IN PRESENCE OF In Mlitness Whersof, tbe said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COJiPANY, hath � !( <br /> ` caused these preaents Lo be sealed with its corporate se�l, and to be signec� by its President, ; � <br /> (� � ������� attested by its Secretarf, a,nd countersigned by its I�and Commissioner and its Auditor,and : o � <br /> � / 6� ��•/ -- - - -- �� �' the Sa1C� UNION TEUBT CObIPANY OF NEW YORg� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Deeds, `�-' '° <br /> ! =� � <br /> �) � n 1 1 of the si%teenth dap of April, 1867, and of'the eighteenth day of Decembery,���73, ha t h � <br /> � � L, caused these pre ents to be sealed with its corporate ea, a d to be si e/��b,,y, itSR sid nt, ` ` <br /> ..... .. ��..... ;��,�� _... - (' .I� �� c�wv <br /> � �, � ,� ��� ; �. � <br /> ii Vto dl�+n�wt1�tG� thi�::��.._".'_..,.'_l��n�n�wL7i......���of�....... ��iw+ �"'"""'/"���20� :� �� <br /> � 1 �^ ....<..... . . ..................A. D. 18..�..U... <br /> Se ar ''a �` <br /> : <br /> � Attest:......,......._ _.........��.�/1�..�t/Y'..............._._.................. � Y• THE U ON ACIFIC RAILW Y COMPAN , W : , <br /> � �: <br /> � IN PRESENCE OF �� �� z C f <br /> ! , BY.. ....... �..��� ....... ........................................President. � '� . � <br /> �� � �,r w �?�' � � ;� <br /> ..."��.�J " ���'�"� . ..-........ .. � " UNION TRUST COMPA,NY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTE�, H�� . <br /> � / � i r � z � <br /> � : <br /> I ��'`� �/� . 1 <br /> i! -----�-•.:...... .....��. _ '. . . .... ........- - � Bg I1.`-':� ... �G��._....... ___........1!'.c�.President. � ` <br /> � STA'rE OF 1�IASSACHIJSF.TTS, � � � <br /> � ss. <br /> �; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. <br /> � Be ii Remembered, That on this.:...........__.,.,._. ,. �!�-�c�,.,,,,.,.....,,,_,......,._,day of_,. . _ .... , A. D. 18�D before me, a <br /> .. . .. . ......................................................... <br /> j Notary Public, in and for said County, a,p eared the UNIOJT PACIFIC RAILW CO PANY, hy C. F. AdamB, it�s Pres�denty who is per- <br /> sonally kno�vn to me to b�� the identical person whose name is anbscribed to the foregoing instrument as said Preaident and tben $nd tbere <br /> ; acknowledged the egecution and sealing of eaid InstrameT�t to be his voluntary act and deed, and the volunb�rp act and deed of said Company. <br /> �� �\ ^ In Witness Whereof, I have bereunto set my hand and official seal this....�;i^^�.......�-�-------day of...�....................................._............:................ <br /> �j �-� A. D. 18 y� ,at the City of Boston,in said Connty and State. <br /> i _ _ __ �I�"v!'.�I.i. � _ .V�,/i�l,� C%IL._ __..__..........Notary Public. ( <br /> �� ..... __ _ I <br /> � STATE O�F NEW YORI�, <br /> �, � ss. �� <br /> � COUNTY OF NEW YORK. /�' i <br /> BB it Remembered, That on this. . "! day oi-•-----�j '���:vwGT��__ ..........A. D. IS 9 0 , before me, a Notary Public,in al�d � <br /> ; for satd County, a eared the UNION.TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YO1�K, by. ... „17G...._� ..._!._....l. .......... ......�,...,..............if,s��resident, who <br /> ._..........:..........._....._._................... - <br /> PP <br /> I! is pers�nally known to me to be tbe identical person Whose name 's su eribe ta t�he fo egoin� ins ment as sai�i sident, and then and there <br /> � acknowledged tbe execution and sea�ling of said instrument to be hi«voluntary ac�and deed and the v untary act and deed of said Company. <br /> i In witness INhereof, I have herennto set my hand and official seal this...............,��.,................................................ of......-----.......... ..��??'!�`;?%.......................... <br /> i A. D. 18 p , at the City of New York,in said Coanty and State. i '���� <br /> � ,, ' JQ �� <br /> ..---..............................�/�...........:✓...........:.......�..G.f./..'.►..�..............._........Notary Pzcblic. <br /> , � � <br /> � <br />