<br /> Deec� �..eco �c� . -
<br /> _ _ __ _____ _ _ . __ _ ___ __ ___
<br /> ..__.. . _ .6 . .. . . . .. . .. . .__. .__.__
<br /> FROM
<br /> FiLEn rox RECORD and entered on Numerical Index this_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,_,� __.,,:,.:..,.,....,..,.,....,...day
<br /> Union Pa�ifie Railwa�r Company ,
<br /> � /�
<br /> of... ,,. � ..._......._--A.D.189v,at_..----- � --.....o'clo and � �^----minutes_Ll.L.�M.
<br /> � TO ___. ��,.
<br /> f ' ,
<br /> -�
<br /> , ... . .. ............................................................_�......�............................:.....................
<br /> � _. . ....._._.. _ _.. .......... �-_- � � CountyClerk.
<br /> n �a � �----
<br /> B .................................. ................................... . ......... ..........;...................
<br /> � � � �.. ........ .
<br /> �
<br /> -__ _ ___..�� � ✓�./'JL lnf_ � ���i.......... ......... Deputp.
<br /> !, -
<br /> fU1�I01�� DIVISIOR'.-Z�7EBRASKA. Deed No....../.�.�.�....�!��
<br /> Know a(t Men by the�e Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY CO�iPANY, �abich is a Corporation formed and eaistingby tLe consolidation of the
<br /> KAN'3AS YACIFIC I�AIL�VAY CU!YIYANY� t110 DH;nVLR PrIC7FIC kAILtiVAY AND TELIC(3RdPH CUMPANY� &ri(�thC (JNION PACIFIO IZAI7.ROAD Ci0➢iPANY� under tllC Corporate name &Sl(� 8Yyi0 of the
<br /> UNION PACIFIC R.4IL`VAY C0IIPANY, by authority of an act of Coogress, entitled, "An act to aid in the constrnction of a railro�d and telegra�ph line from the Missonri Kiver to the Pacific
<br /> Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military a�n�l other purposes," �pproved Juls 1, 166`�, and acts timendatory thereof; which said Company has aucceeded to and
<br /> bec;ome seized niad poysessed of all the re:�l est��te aud property of the s�nid coustituent comp�nies, whetuer real, personal or mixed, and, stmong other things, of all the land granted to said UNIOx
<br /> PACiFiC RaiLaonn Conzr�NY by the aforesaid acts of C�ng,ess, in aid of the construction of its road,not conveyed away Uy said Company at the dnte of auch consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880),
<br /> , � �� / �� .
<br />, � to it�a a�ther ecei t�of wl ich f s hereb ack�-�i�/✓',/...... �_(% � ;!...... ._._....__. ._ ...._.. . .. ..... _..... ...._.. .. _ ;_.. ................................................................. .............Dollars,
<br /> ' .... .
<br />� P p � p � y nOWled�ed� dotkl Ilereby GRANT� BAR(iAIN� SELL ADTD CONV�Y, AtttO ��v�r�.. � .�� �� ..... . .... .....
<br /> /..�. �G� „ ... �,.._...
<br />� .....of the County of...............°-..........�'��...............................in the State of..............��....� �L
<br /> � ......................_..................................._......................................:.......... ...................._............... ' '.Y..�f/'.�,�. ,lL....................................................
<br /> Ithe followiug described Iteal Estate,situate,lying andbeiug in tbe County of H�11 anrl in the State of Nebraska,and described as follows, to wit:,.........................................................................................:...........
<br /> I _. - _._.... __ _ _ ... . .. ..------ - .
<br /> ................._................_........................................................................,..............,.............................../............
<br /> � � 7� � h> > /
<br /> / . h �
<br /> .. . .._ _ _ _.._ °L�. r v'J. _,�,�' , ��. �.f �._. : �.. ,.k�,:s.,.,�',.k2�L, ........ . . .............. . ........................................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................ . �
<br /> .....................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ............................._..............................._........ .................................................................................................................................................................. �
<br /> __..................... _ ___.............._......._..._......__..........._......._... ........_. ...._..........._........_............_.......................
<br /> ,
<br /> --- ------------ - ----- -� �--• �----- --- -� --°----- � ----- �- � ...------- - ...._ !
<br /> .--� --�-------�----�� ............................----.......-�---�-�---............� �- -............--�- -�-�-�-�--�-•-------�--�-�---- ��-�-�-----��-- ---------.._.........---�-�-------....._.....-�--�--
<br /> ;
<br /> � .................................`................../.,...............................................................................
<br /> . . . ..... . ................................
<br /> � ................................... . .
<br /> of �eetion No......... .. . .. ....(�;....'Gl"i.L`f�c._......��I..�-�---..............................in Townehip No ---.. �:�:�:Z (r.��..........................North of Itange No...............��1'.2.�...{`�/......�'�.'✓....��........,of the 6th Principal
<br /> ,.�
<br /> , � , �
<br /> � ,? � -
<br /> �' �
<br /> Meridinn, containing according to tbe United States survev tbereof............ .. :�% � �✓.�:Z �, �'UG� /�:�.�........�,�.�..'�a�.�.............................................................................................................Acres, more or '
<br /> 1 less, being tha same premises contracted to be sold to.......... �.C.��!L.. .%.�..�%/..Y.F�.GL..... ................... . .... ...........by Contsa,et No............�..�..�...`'�..1..........................
<br /> ! dated ....................................:.................................................... .......................✓`.L..�✓I/li�.....!�y....1�.4..�................................. '
<br /> � .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br /> .............:..............................._._..............................................._................................,,:........................................................................................................_................................................................................/............................................................................
<br /> � _ : _ ... . .. ....... .. ................. ...... ..
<br /> �. ...
<br /> To Nav� and to Hold the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenancea thereunto belon�ing unto tbe sa�id �rantee,,......:..�/f.i'u:�,...............beirs t�nd assigns forever,and the said grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is well seiaed of the said,premises as of a good and indefeasible estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and con-
<br /> cey tbe same, and thnt it will Vt���tRnAT and DEFExn the title to said premises unto the said grantee,,._.__.._;�::.�,.,.,...t�eirs and assigns forever againat the lawful claims of�ell persons whomaoever.
<br /> � � / ` .
<br /> Excepting, Howevar,all taxes and assessments levied npon eaid premiaes aince„ �rd L�� `7, ✓ �.��-�, _ __ _.._... .......and eacept againat any clnims or incum-
<br /> � `' � ` � / .� `
<br /> brances created or permitted by,througl�,or under said.... ........ . .:........... / '�:�:v� ih,. ��,��ir _�j /✓�✓L .....4ucrPSSOrs,heirs or assigns or any of them
<br /> Axn Wae;RE�s, said Uxrox PnciFZC R iLxoAn Conzrnxx did on the sixtee�Ith day of April,A.ll.18�7 esecute and delicer tu Cyrus 13.Mc�;ormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff,oP the City of Bos
<br /> ton,a certaln Mortgage lleed of that da�te,wherei said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, among others the lands hereinbefore
<br /> described; Arrn WxExEng,tYie s:�id Cyrus H.M Cormick clid on the tweuty-eightli day of June,A.D.18i3,by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under saad mortga;�e deed,which
<br /> resignation was on the fifteentli day of October, D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnciFZC Rair.ROnn CoatraxY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoE held on that day in the City of Boston and Stttite of Massa-
<br /> chusetts; Axn'Wxr:xFns,on the flfteenth day of ctoUer,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St�te o�Massa�chusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H. �
<br /> McCormLCk,which nomin<tition was,on the same y approved Uy the Board of I)irectors of the said Uxrorr PnciNrc RnzLttonv CoMraxY; Axll WxExEns,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Amea did,
<br /> upon his accepta,nce thereof,tliererLfter become ve ec� with the -ame estates,power,,rights a,nd interests,a�nd char#;ed�vitli tiie same duties a�nd responsibilities,as if he ha�d been one of the original Trustees na,med in and
<br /> executing,said Mortgage lleed; �xn WxEKFns, aid x•emaining Tiustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D. 1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same
<br /> � in such new Trnstee �olntly with him, the said John Duff; Axn WxE��ns, tlie said John Daff did, on the fourteentli day oY February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrwnent of writin� to tt�at effect, re-
<br /> � sign his place as Tru•tee under siid Mortgage lleed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1577, accepted by tlie Uxiox Pnc[FZC 1�AILROAD ConzraxY, by the F.xecutive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a,meeting thereof held on that day in tHe City of Boston and State of Massachusetts• Ax� VVFir:Rras,on the second dtiy of July,1589 the Union'Crust Company oP New York,was
<br /> � dulp nominated by the remaining Trustee,Predericti 1,.Ames,as euccessor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the thirteenth day of July, 1SSJ,approved Uy the Sxecutive Committee oP the Board of Director of the
<br /> , said UNiox PnciFic RaiLwnY CoMrnxs•aud the said FrederickL.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day of Jnly,]859,vesting ui the said L'mon frust Company of New York,the estates, powers, right�nd in-
<br /> � terests created by said Mortga�e Deed joint�y with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axv WaFxEAS,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceP�nce of said trust, Uy signing said deed;Axn W e�ns,
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the lifteenth day of July,iss9,by a�proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resignation w�s,on the sixteenth day oY
<br /> ` July,1889,accepted,by the Uxiux Pacr�rc Rair.w.�Y ComPax3t,by the Executrve Committee of its Board of Dh•ectors,�t a meeting thereof held ou triat day in tHe City of Boston, and State oY Massachusetts; Axu
<br /> i WaEREaa,no nomination of a successor,tu fill the vacancy,causedby the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion'Lrust Company oY New York became and now is the sole Trustee under
<br /> the said Mortgage lleed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D,1867.
<br />� Axn WxERFns,The sttiid Uxiox PACiFZC ttniLxonn Comr��xY did,on the eighteenth day oY December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK&C2TESIII MOTEp7&g0 DOBd
<br />� wherein said Company canveyed to the s�id Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and pnrposes therein mentioned among others the lands hereinbefore desCribed• Axv VPa�REns, the said Uxiou
<br /> f PnciNiC RAiLwAx ConzrAxY,with the consent oP the Union Trust Company of New Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of ttie sixteenth day af April,A. ll. 1867, a�nd Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of tYze
<br /> eighteenth day oY DecemUer,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration oP the sum aforesaid, to the Union Paciflc Raii�v�y
<br />+ Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum oi money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oY New York,in its caQacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in ssid Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> the sixteenth day oY April,1867,and oY the eighteenth day of December,1373. <
<br /> i Now ThereTore, SN��W AL7.MEN BY THEST PRE$ENTB� TYlat the 9aid UNION T&Q8T COMPANY OF NEW YOEg, Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid
<br />� premises and the payment as aforesaid of said su�n,so paid by said Railway Company to��id Tru�t Company for the uses and purposea aforesaid,does hereby R�Mis�,RsL�as�and forever QiRT-CLAiM
<br /> T
<br /> UlltO �t118��SAlC� ..... ....... .. .. .... _......_.. .........__... .. ....... ._.._....... ..._........... � ���/liy ,,..t,.. . �I�..L.vr..,_..._..... ,....._.. ._.._._................. .................................. . ..... .............. ..... ...... ..... ....'-'
<br /> the Real Eetate de.,cribed afores.�id, to be held bv the said grantee free and exemp�fi•om all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Deeds, of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> eigliteeuih day of' I)ecember, 1873, but suhject, however, to all the reservations a�d conditiona herei�before contained.
<br /> IN PRESE�TCE OF In witoess Wherea�, the s�uid grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY,hath
<br /> / � ,' �� � cauaed tbese presenta to be sealed with its corporate seal, and to he signed by its President : � ::
<br /> � ,
<br /> � � ;./ �' ,ti, „ ,N17` �,� attested by its Secretary,and conntersigned by ita I.and Commiasioner and its Auditor,and '+,o °
<br /> .. '.�
<br /> �.'L�- �� the 8&Id UNION TSU3T COMPANY OF N$W YOB�K� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Deeds, ;� .;�
<br /> /� � � of tbe sizteenth day of April, 1867, and of'the eighteenth day of llecember •873, hath :•�
<br /> � <.�� L✓i�._.___.
<br /> ! '�f �'�' �� ,` � '" , �� � c used these preaents to be seale �ith'ts�co�porate�eal and to be,,signed by i�resident-0i�r�w u. -�
<br /> ......_........�... �. �-�.�i✓��.:�.�._. . ......,._. .__..... �i� .*�/,�.vi,t�u ;i t��u ��'��,c � `��✓✓i��p�'N,��v- v�� ��'s�i.u���'u./�'�w'`�G fi,a ?Fiu-ti�Cuu �f`o Prrrn�dv�'�(0/�t�7v,� ���o°
<br /> `�IC� �ie....._�� CJ.�I..�fn,�l/�..�Z��✓�...'......., c�ay of........ ��'%v.... .r.. . ... .........A�D. 18...��.0........ :q °
<br /> " �, �. ,, � e�
<br /> � ��
<br /> ,
<br /> Attest:, (/��,C_.��1.,c�4�,G'2�..._... Seeretar . / fI'HE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA , qW
<br /> � ..... 9 '
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF � � 1 �'� � � � � z � � �
<br /> � �� �7 �n ,0� /1 � ��-� � BY.. � ;� _���:lG��.�.. ........ _ ........---.............President. � �
<br /> � �` •--- .......,. . �
<br /> ar � � '
<br /> ...............`�.' f � ���✓'��..... .... .. ... �/4� � UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEIs, z `� �
<br /> .�'i � � '
<br /> ( � Y�i. � . ` ( �:� ���.., r � '
<br /> � ..
<br /> i % �: �
<br /> M^ � �
<br /> y � J i� �E
<br /> ---�--........���. �.. _�.. .__. ... _..... ..._ , By............. �� '�'��,i._�. ' "�`�„'L. ili7�.C�..-President. p • '
<br /> �..�„ ua �, � __ ____ ._ : :
<br /> STA'I'E O�+ 1�IASSACHUSETTS, �'
<br /> � Be it Re�nember�d, Tbat on this...... .. ..��✓r ;,rx.�,(;,`....,,,�,G.�.,;.,'-��...... .............day of....... ........!,�.�„�!� A. D. 18�Q before me, a
<br /> ( . .......................
<br /> ,y: ,. ,�..................
<br /> \ , \'otary Public, in :�nd for eaid Coimty, a�ppeared the UNION YACIFIC RAILWAY CO2VI/PANY, by C. F. Ada,mB� its President, who is per-
<br /> � ��1� sonally known to me to b-� the identical per�on whose name is subscribed to the fo1'eaoing instrnment as said President and then and there
<br /> �� ' , acknowledged the eaecution and sealing of said Instrumen_t to be hie�oluntary act and deed, and the volunt�ry act and deeP of eaid Company.
<br /> � � '� ! In Witness Wh�reof, I have hereunto set my band and oflicial seal this,., ���� ,i�� Z�!'iL^�v�`� ......._day of,.,, __.� �� ...................._.. _., ........,.......
<br /> �
<br /> � � �;%� A. D. 18 �f� ,at the(7ity oP Boston,in said Conntp and State. �., � � �
<br /> ��� ` � �
<br /> � �' �
<br /> �,�L1/l:��C �'��'� G�i/�'rZl ��__ _-__ _.______._........iVotary Publrc.
<br /> ..._. ..__.__ -
<br /> STATE O�F' NEW YORY�, �
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF NEW YORB. � � � �
<br /> �I Be it Remembered, That on this__..... �__..._.. ........day oi------ ',t'/,�f!�f/l __ _.....A. D. 18 9Q , before me, a Notar�Pabliq in and
<br /> { //� /
<br /> I for said County, appeared the UI3ION TRUST COi4iPANY OP NEW YORK,/by,.......�. Gf/.I./121/L--�:...((�I'^��........�j�'. ... .... ..its�President, who
<br /> ' ` is personally kvown to me to be the identicsl person whose name is subscribed to t7ie foregoing ins�u ment as said President, and then and there
<br /> . Y � ,��-
<br /> acknowledged the execution and sealing of said instrument to be hie voluntury act and deed and the vbinntary aet anc�deed of said Company.
<br /> � In witeess Whereof� I have bereunto set my hand and officia�l seal this............... .....�................ ...........day of..,.._._.._�.�/.,%�1i!rFi2„____
<br /> � �� �� �'� A. D. 18 ��� ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. -� �
<br /> / /
<br /> \. � - � "�S �� �,� ���
<br /> � A, ✓./:.G;%k..... .'��...�.%j.��✓.L..�II./.�iill.i. �,1Votary Ptablic.
<br /> � �. � L l/',
<br /> I
<br />