� � �
<br /> Deec� I�eco �-c� .
<br /> _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . __ _ ____
<br /> __ �na a, epu ican nn g o. _
<br /> FROM �
<br /> 1 Fir.Fn Fox, RECORD and entered on Numerie�l Indeg this..................._..,...,�_,S '....,....,...............,,.. day
<br /> �� Union Paeifie Railway Compan�
<br /> � � /�
<br /> 4 of.... .... .__._ ° •
<br /> To �._..... .A.D.189�,at__..... _......o c ek and_^-�-o�-�--..minutes_(T,___M.
<br /> I�
<br /> 'j � . � ur•4.yr.•••
<br /> �� � � l ......... .
<br /> .......................................................�................................................................
<br /> ... ._._._...... ` . . . ✓L...._.......�..........�F..Ct�✓✓'w...._............ __
<br /> _ .............. -
<br /> � � County Clerk.
<br /> !i � _� �
<br /> ;f L'
<br /> i) B ...................................................................-----..........:......:. ....�........:..__ .....................................
<br /> !1 -- __
<br /> ____ _______ ___ _ _....._ .......__............................................. Deputy.
<br /> — __—_----
<br /> I� U11TI01�'' DIVISI011z.--1TEBRASKA. Deed No...../..�..�.3.�......
<br /> � Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COBiPANY, wUich is a Corporation formed and esisting by the consolidation of the
<br /> i �� Knxsas Yaeiria Rnri.WAY COMPANY�thE DL�`NVER PACIFIC 1tAII.WAY AND TELLrQRAPH COMPANY� &IICI the UNION PACIFIO RAIL$pAD COMPANY� under the corporate ri&tri8 &tld Sty10 of the
<br /> (I UNION PACIFIC RAIL`VAY C01iPANY, by authority of�un act of Congress, entitled, "Au act to a�id in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Misaonri Itiver to the Pacific
<br /> ,� Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postat, mititary�n!�ather pvrposes,"approved July 1, 18fi2, and acts ameadatory thereof, which said Company ha,4 suceeeded to and
<br /> j become seized and possessed of all the rewl est��te aud property of the said coustituent companies, whetner real,persona�l or mised, and, s�mong other things,of all the land granted to said IIxiox
<br /> i PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY b9 th0 SfOTP.�lCl tLCtB Of�CUrigtC83� in aid of the con,struction of ite road,i�ot conveyed away by said Company at the date of sach consolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880),
<br /> � • � ;
<br /> i� in consideration of tl�e sum of......... �C,il/�� �/;;;,1-^,^��"�,r,` _.;%',/,�� `tG��/. �i °�
<br /> , _1
<br /> i-�_�� ...r... _. ... . ...... _ nouars
<br /> � .............................................................................................. ,
<br /> �� to it paid, tbe receipt of which is bereby acknowledged, doth hereby GxnxT, BA$a�tx, SELL AND CONVEY� unto................ ^.U^�;/,,�,,/'�...../�,_�l��,_.£.�,�,��..._.....,
<br /> � ........... .........................
<br /> i � , �
<br /> ' ..................of the County of.............................7'�..�.✓�� .......� ..............?n the State of . ....i.u.�.1.."l��Z.IC.....................:...............................
<br /> .............. ........ ... ...... ...... .......... .............
<br /> � the following described Real�state,situate, lying andbeing in the County of Hall anrl in the State of Nebraska,and described as foliowo,tq wit:.....,................................................................................................
<br /> {i '
<br /> , �
<br /> ,� .....-- =... ................ ..... .......
<br /> , .. . - __._. __..._ � _.. „ ....... ,;... ......,, ................... ..........................
<br /> ,� ,� , a z � � ,,�� �� y �� �,� �i T�y
<br /> �
<br />, �� / ..,.L ii�.:v� �2 .�4 i!�� ..:� /���.,L �;�/i.....� �.�i!l/ .�/�,�,L.�✓�/'c........�;r;......✓!:L._y.11.!✓l..:G.L.../".1:,..G /�.��'�.1:��..YL� .(.;�..,.��.�'..../'..r-71..'���.£,l•!�i................
<br />! i � � L '% C{� r� ✓ (%
<br /> il ............................................................._......_��'.�c;;���.°�,........�...��....��..�
<br />�
<br /> ��
<br />� ;� ........- --.._........._.._...... ........ _. ..__ -......-____ - -._....___............._............__......._.... - � � ......................_._._..._........................................................-----............---..................................................................................................,
<br /> „
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<br /> i� ._................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br />� ;�
<br />� _.._..........._..._. _......_. ............_...._.._._ ._......_.._........._..............._....__..__........_........._...._............................._..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �.
<br /> ;;
<br /> . --�-�------------- --- - ----- ----- --- ---- --- -- - --� � ------..._......---------��-�-----....---�-�-�------�--�-�-�� ----�- --...-----�--------��..............................�--...............--�------�----�----�--�--�---�---------�--�-----............----........-�---�---------�----�•-
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<br /> ,,
<br /> .
<br /> !i
<br />� -•--�----------------•-----�-------..._ ._... ....... ........� ........_... .........-- -�-�---�•--------------------�-�---------------------------------------------------•--•--•---------------.......------....----•----.�_._.._..---•--••-
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<br />�� �'i ......................... . . . %..,.. .:. ........ ... ........�.... ....................... .................................. ............ ...................................................................
<br /> . ... .
<br /> I � of Section No.... ....... ..° „�„(....._,L;,�!,�___ ..,.; �S�� in TownsLip No .. �,�(i�„l.:�✓,�/�,,.,,.,��tr ,...__,__,_,North of R�nge No , � ^ � � of the 6th Prinei 1
<br /> , { �� .,. . .... .................... � ^ . i .. ,� . � ......f..c(�li"�!/L.......�.1... .....�..�.r�l..�i...... 1�
<br /> ;f . . . r ������ �
<br /> I �� Meridian, contaimng according/ to the United States snrvev thereof..............w/'f-e- "/'✓'✓'✓.!:"w�/uwG-..,i'✓'f(�...../Zrt�� ����.............................. ........ ..........:......... ........................Acres, more or
<br /> �I less, being the same premises contracted to be sold to................�.Q�(/�(�.....Q.....�jl�jjj� ....................................by Contrae�No,�.......�,�.Q.,/,�..-..�,� (
<br /> li .. ...................................................... ........................................
<br /> I p�/
<br /> dated ......................�.....z�'Gfll�f.....�� ...�..b..d..v................ -........_.................................................... I
<br /> � ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �! � >
<br />� - !' _........................................._...........�......................................_................................................................................................................
<br /> .........................................................................................................................................................................................
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> 'j _._ . _. ............................ ......... ............. ................ ............
<br /> �' To Have and to Hold the said premises with a�ll the rights and appurtenances therennto belon�ing unto the aaid �rantee,,,,,.,,,,, � ..heirs and assigne forever,and the said grantor
<br /> �; ............... .
<br /> , doth hereby covenunt with the said grantee, t,hat at the making of this instrament it is well seiaed of the sai�l premises as of a gcwd and indetea�sible eatate in fee, and ha�th good right to sell and con-
<br /> �� vey the sume, and th:�t it will W�xttnrT and D�FExn the title to eaid premises unto the sa�id grantee,......�_....,_,_heirs and aseigns forever against tLa lawful Claims of all persons whomaoever.
<br /> �, � � �/ I
<br /> �, �/
<br /> �,�i Excepting, However,aIl taxes and assessments levied upon said premises since __. _. _ �0 �__, _ _... ... .. .. ..._ ............and except against any claims or incum-
<br /> i brances created or permitted by,through,or under said. ......_.. _��{/�Y/t�t,� �/2.G�i1/1,�, _ __
<br /> '
<br /> __._._ ....... _ u� .f�... .snecPSSOrs,heirs or assigna or any of them
<br /> �; Arrn WaExEne,said Uxiox PnciFic RArLROnn ConiraxY did on the si�teenth day of April,A.ll.136;,execute and deliver to Cyrus T3.MeCormick,oY the City of New York,and John Duff,of the City ot Boe
<br /> ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein s:Lid Company conveve�to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among othars the lands hereinbefore
<br /> '� described� AND WxEnEas,the sa�id Cyrus H.McCormick ctid on the twerity-eighth day of Jnne,A.D,18i3,by a proper instrument o1 writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,whieh
<br /> �' resignation was on the fifteenth d�uy of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxiox PactFio RniLROan Con2rnxY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereoi held on that day in the City of Boston and State of ilassa-
<br /> !� chusetts; Axn'Wxr:xFns,on the fifteenth day of October,A.ll.1873 Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St.Lte o�Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Tivstee,John Duff,as successor to said Cyrus H.
<br /> li McCormick,which nomination was,on the sa�ne day,approved by the Board oY I>irectors of the said Uxiox Pacit�zc R�rr.ROnn CoMrnxY; AND WFIEREAS by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did,
<br /> upon his acceptance thereof,there�fter become vested with the �ame estates,powers,rigl�ts and interests,and char�ed with the same duties and responsibili�ies,as if he had been one of the origina�l Trustees named in and ,
<br /> execnting,said Mortgage.Deed; Axn WxFxFns,said remaining Trustee did.by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at tlze CitY of Boston,vest the same
<br /> ' in such new Trustee 7omtiy with him, the s�id John Duff; Axn WxFS�as the said John Duff did, on the fonrteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oY writing to that effect, re-
<br /> ii sign his place as Tru�tee nnder said Mortgage lleed, which resignation ��as, on the Poui�teenth day of February, A. U. �s77, accepted by the Uxiox Pnc[Fic ltnir.ROav COMPANY� by the F.xecutive
<br /> ' Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the,City of Boston and State oE Massachusetts• Axn �VxFRFas,on the second day of July,is89.the Union Tivst Company oi New York,was
<br /> !i duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as suceessor to said John Duff,which nomination was,on the t��irteenth day of July, 18891 approved Uy the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the
<br /> � said IIxiox PaciFm RniLwnY CoMrnxY• and the s�id I'rederick L.Ames executed a deed on the tlurteenth day oP July,7589,vestuig m the said Umon'lrnst Company oP New York,the estates,po wers, rights and in-
<br /> �I terests created by said Mortgage Deed jointly with the said Frederick L.Ames; Axn WxFRrns,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said truat,by signing said deed; Axn WHESEns,
<br /> ;� the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oP July,18s9,by a proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,wliich resignation was,on the sixteenth day ot
<br /> i Jtuy,iss9,accepted,by the Uxiux PnciFic RaiLw:1Y COMPANY�by the Executive Committee of its Board oE Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day m the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetta; Axi�
<br /> �; Wx�REas,no nomination of a successor,to fill the vacancy,causedby the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company ot New York became and now is the sole Trustee under
<br /> the said Mortgage Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> �� AND wHERF.A6�The said Uxrox PaciFic KniLxonn ConzPnxY did,on the eighteenth day of December,A.D.1873,execute and dellver to the Uxiox TRUam CoazraxY OF NEw Yox.x a certain Moltgage Deed
<br /> � wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the landa hereinbefore described; axn W$EREA9� the said Uxiox
<br /> PnciFic RniLwaY CoMrnxY,with the consent oi the Union Trust Company oP:�ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oi the sixteenth da�of April,A:ll.1867, and Trustee under the Mortga�e Deed of the
<br /> ;� eighteenth day oP December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration oY the swn aforesaid, to the Union Yacific Railway
<br />� . Company in hand paid by the said grantee,which said sum oP money has been paid to tHe said Union Trust Company oP New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes menGioned in said Mortgage Doeds of
<br />�;;�' �� the sixteenth day of April,1567,anc�of the eighteenth day ot December,1873.
<br /> Now Therefore, KN�w ei L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS� That th8 S&id UNION T&08T COMPANY OF NEW YO$g, Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesaid
<br /> ';� premises and the payment as aforesaid of said sum, so paid by eaid Railway C�m ny to id Trust Company for the uses and purposes aforesaid,doea hereby RsMrs�,REL�ASS and forever QuiT-CLAiM
<br /> ' unto tbe said ... ...... _ __ _....._ _..... _...... ._........ �'(�i�!/I/L .�.. ../!�L.G�.__
<br /> �; _....... _._ .. ...................... ..�.. .. . .................... . ..............:.. .,...:...
<br /> !i tbe Real Estate de�cribed atoresaid,to be held Lv the said gr�ntee free anc�exempt fro►n all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortgage Dceda,of the sisteenth day of Apri1, 18�7, and of tbe
<br /> 'i eighteenih day of l�ecember, 1873, but subject, however, to all tbe reservations and ronditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> � IN PRESE�TCE OF - In witness whereof the said
<br /> ; �- � grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAIL�VAY COMPANY, bath
<br /> ` caused these presenta to be sealed with its corporate seml, and to be signed by its President ; �;
<br /> �,� �y,-� ����� � � � attested by its Secretary, and conntersigned by its I,and Commissioner and its Auditor,and : a °
<br /> � ° � '� � � the S&1d UNION TEUBT COMPANY OF NEW YOE%� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Deeda, :•° '°
<br /> of the eiateenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth d�y of December 7,8�73, hath `�
<br /> '' li ` caused these presents to be sealed with itsct�rporate seal, and be signed y it�`�'reaident ,,�
<br /> II ........._.. /...... . ........�GU�'....... � ......... .. /cai�,ck, -�to� c�vzecZurz y���c°�
<br /> ;
<br /> �j� U/,��'�,�,�`°L U'ucL c^rt�cvriur,L `�iCUn�'�E%u �cC �ec�.� �
<br /> n n � 0 :..f� " ..................day of........... ... ..................... . D. a.....
<br /> �� � ... . ... A .
<br /> //n ^/ �/� .. .. ... . :b �
<br /> '� Att�st:...............k��C,�X.....!!4.�.�,���......................................SecretarY• � .. ,.�� �:
<br /> j( IN PRESENCE OF � z :
<br /> � ���,,/
<br /> i) �/ / // ojy BY-•...---.... �,,...j.....1/LLJZ.��I/�!//l.. -�- �--.......--�---�-•--�--•�----•--.........PresYdent. �
<br /> � U;....C.� �Y.�� � .�
<br /> ✓ :
<br /> �.... -......_.................. � ti � � � :
<br /> jj '������`�� �� ������� ������� � � �� ; ! UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEF, z � �:
<br /> '' �� � � ��_,; / . � � �: �:
<br /> � --.----...... .. . . , �� _ � B j- o
<br /> .. ...._ :
<br /> q............... ..�Q,..�Z ... . �.._...... . U..l�..-..Presiaent. : :
<br /> SS.
<br /> ' Be it Remembered, Tbat on tnss.............i✓,,�.1.�� ...�,�p,%�y�...............aay of . A. D. 18�D befare me; a
<br /> f ............................... ....................................
<br /> � Notary Public, in and for said County, appeared tly IINION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMP Y, C. F. Addms� ite President, who is per-
<br /> /�� sonally knowu to me to b� the identical peraon "hose name is subacribed to the forea 'ug in rnment as said 1'resident and tben and there
<br /> ( ��- �� acknowledged the esecution and sealing of said Instrument to be his voluntarp act and deed, and the volunt��ry act and deed of said Company.
<br /> In witness Whereof� I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this._...._...../�,�,�-.�/J/'� ,�,U,� day of °
<br /> , �/ ............................. � .
<br /> i� , A. D. 18�v ,at the City of Boaton, in said County and State. /� ......................................
<br /> ; �i /�G:�!%%lil...l4J.!....7q,��C�"Y .._.. ... ._.. (/ v
<br /> ' ...... ._.....__._ _.._..........Notary Public.
<br /> I STATE O'F NEW YORI�, � �S
<br /> � COUNTY OF NEW YORg. �J' �
<br /> � Bs it Remembe�ed, That on this_._.... ..._.__..daq oi-------- . ---�%_�2�GZ?i/,�/lil._. _....A. D. 18Gfj , before me, a Notary Public,in and
<br /> _.....�.._..._
<br /> ji for said Connty, appea,red the UNION TRUST COMPANY Or NEW YORK b l � ��
<br /> ' � Y........... ..��!�.?!I�IL...TZ.....� . . its`President, who
<br /> ..�.��r.v. . .... ..
<br /> ; is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name ia anbacribed to e foregoing inatru ent as said Yresidettt, and then and there
<br /> � acknowledged tk�e execution and sea�ling of said instrument to be hie voluntary act and deed and the volnntary act ancfideed of said Company.
<br />� � � /� In Mitness whereof, I have bereunto set my hand and official seal thie.,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,�, ,. ��
<br /> I ..................................day of,---------"'����✓.ul�L -......
<br /> ...---�-�•--
<br /> �, ��`, A. D. 18 9� ,at the City of New York,in said County and State.
<br /> � �� --� �'.��' _/_ I�
<br /> ii �� ......................_.................. ......1... . ..�C�/.t!.1...............................................Nutary Pzcblic.
<br /> I ,. !
<br /> � � ��- � .
<br />..: �_ _—_ _ -- __ --- _ __ __.. .__ _ ,__ __ _
<br />