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�.l <br /> � <br /> De�c� ��eco �-c� . - <br /> _ _ _. _____ <br /> ma a epii ican rin�in C9: <br /> - _ ____. <br /> FROM <br /> FiLFn FoR RFCOFn and entered on Numerical Index this............. �� ..,........',.....:day <br /> � Union Paeifie Raiiway Company � �� � <br /> !) TO of......_... o�i.;!�,�,_.........__._A.D.189�,at....._. �'�....dclo and..._.. ...minutes.. �i <br /> -__M. <br /> i � <br /> � � � � ��^ � .. .... �.... ........................ ................................_�.......�..J................. <br /> � ��!, J� . ........................... <br /> I _..f�CUL� /�ll�':�"%'�...,/���/e�2 .��',.�....�,�.... ..... . CountyClerk. <br /> � ^ <br /> �� <br /> � � �� � + <br /> /� B . ...... ..... ................................................................. .... .. ........... . ............... ...... <br /> i -........ ....... ..... �'/.:�.�,i�ri'�. _.v�_�✓I/i�'�G✓'✓�,.../'����°'Gr�F��.... DePutp. <br />, <br /> =�— <br /> � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY_ <br />, '{ U1�TZOl�T DI�ISZOIV.--17EBRASI�A. Deed JV'o.....1 G.�..�,....'�..... <br /> Know all Men by these Presents, That the UNION PACIFIC ItAILW2�Y C014iPANY, which is a Corporation formed and ezisting by the cousolidation of the <br /> �� KANSAB YACIl'IO RAIL�i'AY CUMPANY�the DL\VER PnCIFIC 1LAILWAY AN1?TELEC}RAPH C0;4fPANY, &rid t11C CTNION PACIFIC I�AILROAD CObfPANY� lltlder t�10 Coi'pOr�tC riam0 8�rid style of the <br /> IUNION PACIFIC ft��II,WAY COVIPANY, by authority of an act of Con�ress, entitled, "Au act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegra�ph line from the Missouri Biver to the Pacific <br /> Oce�n, and t�secnre to the Government the uae of the same for po�tal, military au�other purposes," approved July 1, 1862, and acts amendatory tnereot; wl�ich said Company has succeeded to avd <br /> become seized and possessed of all the real estate aud property of the said cooatituent companies, whetaer real,personal or miged,and, �mong other things,of all the land granted to said UxioN <br /> ! PACIFIO RAIL�OAD COMPANY by th0 afOT'PS31d�iCtB OY�Conaee , in aid of the cansti uction of its road,not conveyed away by said Company at the date of such eonsolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880), <br /> � /� ,� � � � t I <br /> � in consideration of the sum �f _...... __._......_�Y'�.�.. -1l'✓!i'f���2F,Q'�......�✓'��ra. . 1'!;.'.s � .... . a�2�.°�! . .......... ................._Dollars, <br /> � to it paid, tbe receipt of which is hereby ackno�vledged, doth hereby Gx,nlcT, BA$GtAix, S�L� l ���� � � � � <br /> � �/� <br /> .... <br /> �' . . Axn Coxv�Y, nuto.. . <�i„�. .✓��da.�2P/1. -.,d�'✓u:LtFiL... ...,.E ./,�;,��.,� �;�Lfi''.�L..h..rti[�/t�'ivYL. <br /> �/� / r�/ �/I � , <br /> i GCALGL........._................................._......................................,...............................................of the Count of..................................U�C:1..GY./'. in the State of..............'. �l.Y..u'. . rr.L�:l........................................................ <br /> ....�GiLGCL, Y ✓'.l.'�.....................� C� � <br /> � tlie foliowing described Real Estate,sitaate,lying andbeia� in the County of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and describeci as follows,f.o wit:.,............................................................. <br /> � __- __._...._....... . -._._...__ � _ __..... �.... , � .. .. -- - .. ........................... ............................. ......... ............,.......................................................... <br /> , --- -.__. _.. _...... . . _. _ . ..... <br /> ,�-� �_. ,�. � �.. <br /> , _��! �� �� ) <br /> '� _._...... __................ __. .._ Gf,...�,�'......f�✓✓7�...../2,,Lr'��...../%j�....:�'./.`'��:(lU;CiL...� ...�f/��zC2......._.(.lLi?-.���:�!.. ........... ..............................,.......................................................................... � <br /> ✓ �� I <br /> ............................„--.____..........__ ..__._ .. . ... ..r:........ ........................_.............................. ............ _..... .. .............. ........................................._..... ... ................................................. <br /> _._.... _ _.__. <br /> i i <br /> , <br /> � ____.._.__,__ . ___. .-- __ _- _.._._..._........ -..-- ........-- ........ - ........_._.............._.__........................................................................................................ .......................................................... � <br /> ; <br /> � _.............................................. . .......................................................................................................... �- ......... <br /> - -.............___ . ...... . ................_......._..............._..__...................... __ ............ ................................_... _. ,:.. <br /> � <br /> _.._..._._ _ . _ ___ ___ _____._ ._____ _......._..__.................... .._........_ ........................._....._........................__................._..............................................................._...... ' <br /> ................................................................................................... <br /> I ----��-�-----�--�--------.---�------...........---�--- ....._.... --- --�--- --�------------------------� <br /> . .............................................. ............._......................................................._..................................................................._..................................................................................._....................................................................,............ <br /> I ... �...,.�................. , � �i7 the 6th <br /> of Section No.................._. ...�/'✓L._.�.�.....-• Township No........i.'1!J/.',df................�'.f. � North of Range No...............%�.�1.'��.....:..���..,../.../�%�'�.......of Prineipal <br /> ( ���` ( � , � �,.................................. <br /> Meridian, containing acCording to the United States survev thereof.,,._,,,.............�j..�, ... �..�:g.Q/�. ........................................................9.cresJ more or <br /> ....... .. ............................................... <br /> . .... <br /> � � less, being the same premises contraeted to be soid to.......... " � �� �%�� � Contract�No. �� ��— ..0.../.7............................. � <br /> � ...;.!��vC./��.�. /,.�...y.✓ .a.,.�. ... ._...�................................................. .... �r...... .... � (� <br /> d p^ � <br /> dated ................................_,..:�".,`,�"7�GLt:�^di�......:��2,....L.Q..p..�:......................................_..................................:..........................................................................................................................................................................................,.........:.................._ <br /> �I ........._..._............_........_.._........................._I,�......................................................................................................................................._..................,........................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> �� _... _.._.. __._. .. ........._.__........ _......_.. ..........._.... .,.. ....... .. ................. ... _. ....... <br /> __ <br /> � <br /> ITo Have and to Hold the said premises with all the righta and appnrtenances thereunto belonging nnto tbe said �rantee,,�..._�%�„�(�y....,....beirs and assigna forever,and the said grantor ( <br /> � doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrument it is weli seized of the said premises as of'a good and indefeasible estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and eon- <br /> , vey the same, and thnt it will W�BxnxT and DEF�NV the title to sflid premises unto tt�e said grantee,�,._..f�,,�//Y,,,_lieira and asaigns forever against the lawful claims oY'all persons whomsoever. ! <br /> �� ��" , I <br /> �� Ex�epting, F4ow�erer,all t��xes and�ssessments levied t�p�v said premises since. ,� ��fJ"',.GG�„(.� !a,_��'�,Z _ ., . ....and except against any cln•ims or incum- <br /> 1 ^ � , � <br /> i� , � ,� �j� � <br /> Il brances created or permitted by,through, or under said.............. �7�;�(�',�+.�/',,,., ✓✓�.Cf//� ���' __ �� �/1�1� ,F»�'essora, heirs or assigns or any of them � <br /> � � Arvn WxExE�s, said Uxiox�PncrFiC RaizROan CoazrnxY did on the sixteenth daypf April,A.ll. isG7,execute aud deliver to Cyrus H.Mcf,brmick,oP the City of New York,and John Duff,oi the Citv of Bus <br /> �� ton,a certain Mort�age�lleed of tl�at date,wherein s��id Compa�ny conveved to the said Cyrns A.McCormick and John Duff,as'Crustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the�lands here3nbefore <br /> described; Axn 4�'xEx�na,tlie said Cyrus H.MeCormick dzd on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1s73,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustea under said mortgage deed, whi�h <br /> I resignation was on the fifteentL d�y of October,A.D.1873,accepted by the Uxrox PnciF�ic RniLxonn CoMpaxY by its Board of Directois, at a meeting thereoY held on that day in the CitY of Boston and Btate o1 1�Iassa- <br /> j chusetts; Axv'W ai�.xFas,on the fifteenth dati•of October,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,oY Easton,in the Sta�te o�Ni�ssachusetts,was duly nominated Uy the remaining Trustee,John Duff as successor to said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormicli,which nominatiai was,on the s�me day,approved Uy the•Board of Directors cf the said Uxsox Ynci�ic 1tniLROnn CompaxY; ANn WxF��ns,by such nomination and�pproval said Frederick L.Ames did, I <br /> � upon his acceptance thereoP,thereafter become vested with the ��me est�tes,powera,rights a�nd interests,and char�ed with the s�me duties and responsibilities,as if he had been one of the original Trustees na,xned in and <br /> �� executing,said Mortgage.Deed; Axn Wx�kEns,said remaining Trustee a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1573,at the City of Boston,vest the same <br /> � in such uew Trustee �omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axn Wx�it�as, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day„of February A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect, re- <br /> � sign l�is place a�s Tru�tee under said Mortg�ge Deed, which resignation was, on the fourteenth day of February, A, ll. ]577, accepted lly the Uxtox PnecFiC Rat[.ROan COMPANY� by the Executive <br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting tliereoY held on that day in the City of Boston and State oY Massachusetts• Axv Wxrc�L�.s,on the second day of Jnly,1889 the Union Trust Uompany oY New York,was <br /> � duly nominated by the rema,ining Trustee,Frederick l..Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nom.ination w�s,on the t��irteenth day of Julyr 1SS9t approved Uy Glie Lxecutive Committee oY the Board oY Directors oP the <br /> isaid Uxiox PnczFre IZaiLwnY ComrnxY; and the said FrederickL.Ames executed a,deeR on t�e thirteenth day of July,]3R3,vesting m the saad Umon frust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in- I <br /> � terests created by said Mortgage I)eed jointiy witli the smid F'rederick L.Ames; Axn WxE�Ens,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust, Uy signing said deed�AND WHEftEA6, <br /> ' the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the flfteenth day of July,iSS9,by a proper iustrument in writing to that effect,resi�n his place as Trustee nnder said Mortgage Deed,which resigna�tion was,on the sixteenth day oC <br /> July,1859,accepted,by the Uxrox PaciFZC tta�r.wnY Conzr�xY,Uy the Esecutive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof,held ou th�t day in the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axn <br /> 1 W xERFas,no nomination of a successor,to fill the v��cancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,havivg beeu made,the said Union Trust Company oi N ew York became and now is the sole Tivstee under <br /> the said Mort age Deed,dated the siacteenth day of April,A.D.1867. <br /> � Axn�xExxae,Tl�e sdld Uxiox PaciFic Knrr.RO,�U CorrrnxY did,on the eighteentt�day of December,A.D.is73,execute and deliver to the Uxiox TRUST CouzrnxY oF NEw Yoxx a certain Mortgage Deed <br />� �� wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Ti•ust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; aNn WaEREns, the said Uxio'x <br /> i PACiFiC RaiLwAY CoazYnxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company of N ew Yor� sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed oi the sixteenth day of April,A;ll. ]867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the 4 <br /> I� eighteenth day of December,A.D.1s73,has sold and conveyed,as above set Porth,the real est'ate hereinUefore described,unto the said grantee,Yor and in consideration oP the sum aforesaid, to the Union Paciflc Railw�y i <br /> I� Com�any in hand paid Uy the said grantee,which said sum of money l�as been paid to the said Union Trust Company of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of <br /> the sixteenth day oP Aprll,1567,and of the eighteenth day oY December,1873. <br /> r� +I Now Therefore, ANn�i'A7.L MEN SY TI3LrSE pREBENTS� ThtLt thC 3Aid UNION T&Q8T COMPANY OF NEW YORg,Trnstee in the aforesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration Of tt18 aforesaid <br />�� I preinises and the payme�}t as aforesaid of said eum, so paid by�aid Railway C�pany to said Trust Company for the naes and purposes aforesaid,doea hereby R��iaE,R�L�AS�and foraver QuiT-CLAiu <br /> , • , : ; � � ;. <br /> �� unto tbe said .... /+�'L.2�....?�,P�G:.'✓�2�_.�L.1�'✓'�.c'�L. �,/,r20%.�ld/'�% t�"'...�%l.l�"✓1..4i,-G"'✓✓7/�✓L c%t�^r2..,..,��GEG��..._..._. .............. ....................................... ...... . ........_ .... . ...._... ...... <br /> �i the Real Est.tte de,cribed aforesaid, ta be held Lv tt�e said grantee free and�empt frou� all liens, incumbrances and charges of said Mortb ge Deecls, of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the <br /> � eighteenth clay of [lecember, 1873, but subjecty however, tLe reservations and eonditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> � IN PRESEtiCE OF �� In witnsss whereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath <br /> �j � ° ^ � �: � caused tbese resents to be sealed with its corporate seal and to he signed by its President, ; � o <br /> II � � � , '� ! ��i attested by its Secretary, and countersigned by ita I,and�Commiesioner and ita Auditor, and ?� � � <br /> ; _1`�', CL/�Cc��'���� <br /> � � � � o U9T COMPANY OF NEW YO$K� Trustee, uc�der the said Mortgage Deeds, <br /> I U of the aisteen�th da � N � <br /> ...,w �—� ' y of'April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December,�73, hath <br /> �� \ (1' ,:!� caused these resents to be sealed with its corporate seal, aud to be si n by i resident,��, ' �; <br /> t e sai xiox a ;� <br /> ! �.. �._ � `�_, � 4� n ��, ? �� <br /> 1� ......... ���...._... . _ 4 � rr,r,r.L�..c'r,y��� G�r� e�i�.����a o�%" � .,,�y C�uo��,¢,�,Ll�u.G� °'.'�`=� �vov �� <br /> /� �� �` �'�N-"" .'...._...�..0'4�4'".,"„ ..... Y / ��;?.lik.C2�••••............. � .f.... ' : <br /> �� � � /,� ?�� 11�, ��%u,G�,.,�u a f-c.(/�rra�� u� �' • � � � .� � \ <br /> .... _..........s ................. ..... � <br /> �I Attest:............._ ./,�(<Z��G �/�.;�,��i��/L.... _........... .......�e� � THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, � � . <br /> �Ij IN PRESENCE,QF � � � U'� � � �� � �v����� <br /> �I 1 ;� i `J B � � �" � -- - -.._....---�--........President. �-+ � <br /> f � i� �'� �� � ���� �--..... ... . .;;r.� _._...c.��✓✓.i........... . � � � , <br /> �-[..... � .. ��i '_ � � <br /> ;i ���.���������� ��� ��`������ � �! Q' � � UNION TRUST COIYIPANY OF NEW YORK, TRIISTEF, H c �' <br /> .... <br /> ... <br /> �? � � � z � <br /> � , • � � / , � ?1 , ; , . �a <br /> �'.�� C'� _ ° p : <br /> � ----.......... . ............._ By........ _.1� ;'�,(L'�`✓,�i�'„� . . _. 1/Z.GEsPresident. � i <br /> , _._..... '• <br /> �� STA`I'E OF' 1�lIASSACHIJSFT � ss. / � <br /> � I <br /> � UNTY OF SUFFOLg. � � � '' ' <br /> � �� � Be it Reneembered� Tbat on this_ ��k;;,,�l,,_:�;(�,({1�,�(,.,, , . , ,, , da of............. �� � A. D. 18'�0 before me a� � <br /> .........,�:. ,.... ............... Y ,.!-'�,,�L�............................................ � � <br /> � ' I�TOtaiy Public, in mind for said County, appearecl the LTNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CQ�PAN�', by C. F. Adams, ite PresSdent, wLo is per- <br /> � ( <br /> �� sonally kn�wu to me to be t,he identical persan whose name is subscribed to the f�eregoi�g' inetrninent �a said President and bfien and theee I <br /> � ^ j ackno�ledged tl:e e$ecution and sealing of said Instrumer�t to be his voluntary act and deed, aud the voltmt iry act and deed of said Company. <br /> i � \ / �/ � ` <br /> j ��, � In Witness Whereoi, I have hereunto set my hand and official aeal this,--..-�.�.�. E+„��°✓720'� ..---_-,day of... ......��............................. . .......... ... I <br /> � � ✓ - A. D. 18�� ,at the City of Boston, in said Connty and State. � � � '� <br /> ��� --D <br /> � �� �� <br /> � ... __ _. � _�/t'G�'�!(/�C _(�, �G���1�^✓�/�t V.......___.......Notary Fublic. <br /> STATE O�F NE �7V YORY�, � . <br /> ss. <br /> I� COUNTY OF NEW YORB. � <br /> � Be it Fiemembered, That on this......... . . ...._...........__...._ � ...A. D. 18g , before me, a Notary Pnblic,in and <br /> .-�-aay o�------ � �/i. � o <br /> , =--�, � � �, , �� <br /> � �� for said County, appeared the UNION T1tIIST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, by.............�Q'../fi.�,.Qi.2..��....�. . . .....:......................_ite�t President, who <br /> �� � is personally known to me to be tl�e identical person whose name is eubscribed to tt�foregoin� inatru nt as eai�.�tresident, and then and there <br /> � acknowledged the execution and sealing of said inatrnment to be hie volnntary act and deed and the volu ary act ancl deed of said Company. <br />' Ii In Witness Wher�of, I have berennto set my hand and official seal this.................,...................�_...............:.............daY of---.........-----�'. - -✓U'�.f11.---.-----....---....._ <br />, � � • ��� <br />' � A, D. 18�0 ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. �^ � /� <br /> � �� _�; � � -•.............._................_�.��1/L,...........J......1.%(....!��G�.!�.1/.11�,........................................Notary PTCblic. <br /> �, � . <br /> 'D <br />