. . �
<br /> �
<br /> Deec ��eco �c� .
<br /> FROM �
<br /> Union Paeifie Railway Company F=LFD roR RECOSn and entered on Numerical Index this__~., . �__-._ __....... .................day
<br /> f
<br /> , � • � , /,�
<br /> i; TU of.._..... �..P!�?-�...____ A.D.189Q�at_...._. .dclock and____�-......minutes--y-6.::--M.
<br />� ,, � � � � �
<br /> .
<br /> �, ,
<br /> �,; ....................................... ............................��„i,,,,^�'_,.1�._,..............................................y...............
<br /> ......-- � �.
<br />'E (p _.. _.. ... .___...... _..... . ..... . ........_ .... Count Clerk.
<br /> ,f � ,
<br /> �' Y�,J'�� !�:__..�- _ �'°.:...._._ _......... .. .....................................................dU ... .........,.. . ..DePu�.... (
<br /> ✓�� / BY.... ....
<br /> � .._._... <<_,._
<br /> I � �
<br />�, Ij II1�7IOh' DIVISZON.--I�TEBRASKA. Deed No.../,�,L...�.`�.,0.....
<br /> � Know al1 M en by these Presents, That tl�e UNION PACIFIC RAIL�'VAY CO3iPANY, which is a Corporation formed and egisting by the consolidu.tion of the
<br />' � KANSA$ E'ACIFIC I�A1L4i'AY�:N:VSYANY� the llN;tiVLrR P.�CIFIC KAILWAY ANI>TELLTC}ILAPH CUMPANY� s1T1C�the UNION PACIFIO I�AII.ROAD COMPANY� under L110 corporate name &Tld style of the
<br /> (I UNION PACIFIC ILAILWAY CO\TPANY,i�y acithority of an act of Congr•ess,entitled, "An act to a,id in tt?e constrnction nf a railroad and telegr:�ph line from the M�ssonri Hiver to the Pacific �
<br /> �' Ocean, and to secnre to the Governmeiit the use of the same for posta�i, military an�l oiher purposes,"approved July 1, 1852, and acts amend:titory thereof, which said Comptiny has succeeded to and
<br /> �I become seized and possessed of all the real estate:uud property of the s��id con�titueut companies, whetuer real, personal or mixed, aud, among other things, of all the lt�nd granted to said UarioN i
<br /> I� PACiFio RniLa�oAn CoMraxY by the aforesaid acts ot Cunaress, in aid of the conatruction of its road,�iot conveyed away by said Compauy at the dnte of euch consolidation(to wit, January 24, 1880),
<br /> C �— /
<br /> I� in consideration of the aum of � ��✓t2-GL........ ...��O.�J..=°).. . ..... . ... ..._.....____........._ _..... ..............................................................................._Dollars, I
<br /> __..............__ -- -(!(CfG...._.
<br /> .
<br /> �d , i
<br />�i� '; to it paid, the receipt of wl�ich is hereby acknowledged, doth hereby GxnrT, BAEC}AIN� SELL AND CONYPuY� unto......_................../�p�i/�.... ,(°j.fL�'zvt2..Q......,..._..........,......_..............,........._........._..,..._......,_.__,.......
<br />� � �� �� �� �
<br />� .. ................ . ... ................................... ..........of the Countq of........................�..G'aC� ..............................in the State of. �......... ...�G.CI'�GtR........
<br /> , . ............. .....
<br />, �� the following described Iteal Estate,situate, lying andbeing in the Couuty of Hall and in the State of Nebraska,and described as followa,to wit:..,.................................................................................................. �I
<br /> �� �
<br /> i
<br /> -_. _ �� _ ,...... .. . .. ........................................ .....z........,...y......................................... ......................................................... i
<br /> I � , �... ..
<br /> ..
<br /> ��..���. �� . . . �� _ .. ......
<br /> ,� . , _ �� � ,���� ,�� .�.�`�... ...��...��,�.-�...... ................................................................................. .
<br /> ,�; .. . : . .. .... .. .. .. . . ........ .. .. .. ... .. . ..... .... .... .. ..............._ �
<br /> 1!
<br /> ,
<br /> ,, .- - ----_ - - - -___ _- -_..._..-- -- .....___._.._.._.__.._.._..._.__....__......_.._-.- .......- - - .................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> � I
<br /> ;�
<br /> , ....--�................................................................. ........................................................................................... .................. ..........._.................................... ...... ............. ............. ............ . .. .. .... ..........
<br /> i; _._....... - ____. .......... __ . .... ...__...__......___ .. ._.....,..._....._................................................_ ..._...._............................................:...........................................................................................................................................
<br /> �j
<br /> � --�-�--_... - - -- - --- - -= ----� ----- ...--- --- -- - �------------�-----�----�- ------�-�-�-�-�------ ----�--...----�................---�--�-- --� .........---�--.........�--- -�-----�--�-�-�---- -�--�-��-�-�--�-�------.......--��-��----...--- ---- -�------�-�-------�-�-
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<br /> �� ----------------------�--�-----------�---------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------...._.__
<br /> �i ..---�-�---�--�-��------�----------- -- - �---- - - - --._._.-- -----------------�--------------------.................... . ......._..-- - ........
<br /> ;i
<br /> ...........................................................�...................................................................................... �........................................................................................................... � ......... .................................................
<br /> ................. . . ....
<br /> � ) , 1 ; �/............................. �� tl�e 6th
<br /> I� of Section No...............................� . . ......---.�,�,/...................................in Township No.....................C./.�,�/.11L......f.�..D.�......................North of Range No.................l.�li.lr`�.�YLl.".E.....��.Z�.....!/.�...of Prineipal i
<br /> � Meridian, containing according to the United Sta�tea survev thereof............................................. .............C.>...1.,� ... . .............��.C��..........................................................................................................:..Acrea, more or !
<br /> '4 less, being tha s�me premises contracted to be sold to�....................................�.GL�L�'Z.liL......U..�...��.1'�.,.��...C.£.. ......................................................,by Contracti✓No:O...............c�.��.G.�..-..,�............. I
<br /> � ................
<br /> I� dated ........................L��....�.�. 6 �..�.�.� i
<br /> �� � .... _.........
<br /> _ . .... _ . _... ......... . ......................... . .. .. .......... ....
<br /> 4I
<br /> ,
<br /> ii _ _ _. _.. .. ........... . �
<br /> ii"
<br /> To Have and !o Holsl the said premises with all tLe rights anc� appnrtenances thereunto belonging unto the said �rantee,....... . ..............heirs and ussigna forever,and the eaid grantor ;
<br />� �I doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrament it is well aeized of the a�tid premises as of a good and indefeasible estate in fee, and hath good right to aell and can- �
<br /> � ve the same ancl that it wi11 W�s�tnrT ai�d D�F�:vn the title to said temises unto the said rantee � � heirs and�ssians forever a inst the lavefai claims oY all rsons whomsoever. �
<br />, �� Y , P' b' ,.......�t1.2�....... � 8'a' P�
<br /> 1 II Excepting, Ftow�ver,all taxes and assessments levied npon s�id premises since. /�, / ��� _ _ _.. _....�. _.....and eacept against any claims or incnm-
<br /> - ���
<br /> �� brances created or permitted by,through,or under said._... ...... �.�{�(�-y'(�L _�l� /.'�����e,., __. __ o�_,....i�._ ...?nc�essors, heire or assigns or any of them I
<br /> A�Wxr:RE�s, said Uxrox PncrFiC RaiLROnn CoazraxY did on the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1sG7,execute•wu�i deliver to Cyrus H.Mc�)ormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff,oE the City of Bos
<br /> � ton,a certain Mortgage lleed of that date,wherein said Company convevec�to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,amon� others the lands herembefore
<br /> described; Axn WaFS.EAS,the s.zid Cyrus H.McCormick did on the twec�ty-eighth day of June,A.D.lsi3,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his plaoe as Trustee nnder said mortgage deed,which
<br /> i resignation was on the fifteenth da,y of Uctober,A.D.1873,aecepted by the Uxrox PnCiFic RaiLROnn CoMrnxY by its Board of Directors, at a meeting thereof held on tha,t day in the City of Boston and Btate of Massa-
<br /> � chusetts; Axn'W�Nr P:as,on tlie fifteenth day of OctoUer,A.ll.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the St:tite o�Massaclmsetts,was diIIy nominated by the remaining Tnistee,John Duff as•successor to said Cyrus H. (
<br /> MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same day,approved Uy the Board of Directors of the said Uxiox PaciNrc Rair.�onn CoMraxY; AxU WriEt�Fas,by such nomination and approval said Frederick L,Ames did,
<br />� � upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the ,ame estates,po�vers,ri�hts and interests,and char„ed with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had been one of the original Trustees named in and I
<br />� l+ executing,said Mortga�;e.11eed; Axn WarchEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a convey�nce,proper and effectual fm•that purpose,dated on the twentieth day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same I
<br /> in sucu new Trusiee ,omtly with him, the said John Duff; Axv WxNSN:ns, the said John Duff did, on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect, re-
<br /> sign his place as Tru�tee under said Mortgage Deed, wl�ich resignation wa�s, on the Pourteenth day of Febrnary, A. ll. 1377, accepted by the Uxiox Pac[Frc Rni��onn COMPANY� by the Executive i
<br /> �li Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in tl�e City of Boston and State oP Massaclmsetts• Ax� WxF�zEas;on the second day of July,1889 the Union'Crust Company oY New York,was �
<br /> duly nominate.d by the remaining Trust2e,Frederick L.Ames,as successor to said John lluff,which nomina�tion was,on the t�irteenth day of July} 1S89E approved by the N:xecutive Committee of the Board of Directors oP the i
<br /> j� said Uxiox PnciFic RnrLwaY CoMPaxY; and the said FrederickL.Ames executed�u dsed on the tlilrteenth day oP July,1889,vesting in the said Umon'Crust Company of New York,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> ,� terests created by said Mortga�e Deed jointly witli the said E�rederick L.Ames; Axn WxEZ�Ens,the said Union Trust Company of New York signified its acceptance of said trust, by signing said deed;Axn WaEk�ne, I
<br /> the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fifteenth day oY July,1589,by a proper instrument in writing to tliat effect,resign his place as Tiustee uuder said Moi1;,�age Deed,which resignation was,on the sixteenth d�y oP
<br /> �i July,1889,accepted.by the Uxiux PaciFic Rnir,w��Y ConzrnxY,Uy the Executive Oommittee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof,held on that day in the City of Boston, and Btate of Massachusetts; Axu
<br /> W�[EREns,no nom�nation of a snccessor,to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,haviug Ueen ma,de,the s�id Union'1'rust Company oP New York became and now is the sole Trustee under I
<br /> � the said Mortg•age Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> ! Axn waFxFas,The said Uxiox PaciFia ttair.KOnll Conzr.�xY did,on the eighteenth day oi December,A.D.1873,execute and deliver to the Uxiox TRUST COIDIPANY oF NEw Yoxx a certain Mortgage Deed
<br /> wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Cornpany of New York,as Trustee for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,�mong others the lands hereinbefore described; Axn WaEREns, the said Uxiorr
<br /> ! PACIFIC RAILWAX COMPANY�with the consent oP the Union Trust Company of New Yor�,sole Trustee nnder the Mortgage lleed of the sixteenth day of April,A:ll. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of tIze
<br /> �I eighteenth day oY December,A.D.1873,has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,for and in consideration oP the sum aforesaid, to the Union Yacific Railwa�y
<br /> Company in hand paid by the said grantee,w�ich said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Compa�ny of New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> �� the sixteenth day of April,1867,and oP the eighteenth day oi December, 1873. �
<br /> Wow Thereforo, Kx<��v nL1,MErr aY TxESE P$ES�xTS, That t110 83iC1 UNION T&UBT COMPANY OF NEW YOE%,Trustee in the aforesa�id Mortgage Deeds,in consideration of the aforesa,id
<br /> ! premises and the pnyment as aforesaid of said eu�, so paid by said Railway Companv to said Trust Company for tbe uaea and purposes aforesaid,do�hereby R�nTisE,R�LEAS�and forever QIIIx-CLAIM ��
<br /> i unto the said ................ __....�.iC(/�__....�..Gif✓(/YL�. ......... .... . ..._ ........
<br /> _._._.. _.... . _.. ... _. . _ _.. __. ..._._...... ................................... .. �
<br /> � the�eal Estate de�cribed atoresaid, ta lie held bv the saicl�Jgrantee i'ree anci exempt fi�oin all ]iens, incambrances and charges of said Mortgage Deeda,of the sixteenth day of April, 18�7, t�nd of the I
<br /> � eigLteemh day of December, 1873, but sul�ject, however,(/to all ttie reservations and ronditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> Ii IN PRESE�TCF. OF Im Ilritness �hereof, the s�tiid grantor, the UNION PACII'IC RAILWAY CO�PANY, hath ��
<br /> � � / / �I� ^ 9� _ caused tbese presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, �nd to he aigned by its President, 'o •• II
<br /> � -� �� /' ; attested by its Secretary, a�nd conntersigned by ita I.and Commisaioner and its Anditor, and ; a ° f
<br /> � _ . l. �c�vyi _... �� � tt�e SSld UNION TELU$T COMPANY OF NER'YOB�g� Trustee, under the said Mortgage Deeds, `•� '°
<br /> : � �
<br /> � �1 � of'the sizteenth da,y of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of December, 1873, hath r.;•� �..,
<br /> ; ��/� � ���,�� ca�aed th se prese ts to��be ealed with its cqrporate s al and e igned by��r� e t, � `'�; o
<br /> ...................�.... ..
<br /> ; , U'Cw .G> rZo i u�� tc�� fnnrl%dv�i✓'FJctcl, diu Xi(1Q ��'� a'�d'
<br /> � /� Q, -' � ' ,�, �rMc���+^cc7w�his......�...._.G��/1,/�. 1!2<............_....!..:....a$Y �.........����a!,1/`(1��./.�............. . A. D. 18...�...... � �:��
<br /> , � ....�. �� '�:� I
<br /> � Attest:..............i%��K�...........!.v.��it�.........................._Secretary. � :a C`'V
<br /> i IN PRESENCE OF - ,�r Crn � .
<br /> � ��� ��/ ���" � z � �
<br /> , ,- BY....................�(.,��.���..i/�,.�ciul�u�.e�......... -.-..........-�---�--.°--.....President. � �
<br /> .......G�,.....�'� ��.c�t�..�.�. ... ............... �-�-� ' � � �
<br /> ' ��. � � �%� �,���`�-� � , ,,,,��// z C�` �
<br /> , �
<br /> � � '� q �/
<br /> {! -•--�---•--......�. u_ ..._. . _<,.... ..-- i ,' � BY..........._ _.vli� /� �. _. _ .. _�i��'L9 ... °v �` .
<br /> � , � x,.,._. . ./��i�� -President. i
<br /> � STA'rE OF 1�IA SACHUSET'TS, � ss. �
<br /> � n Be it Remembered, Tbat on this .__, /' '�.. „da
<br /> ..... . ....-•---.....e.�.G..�:'.7��.�......................................... Y �f---........--••---�---... .:...................................._A. D. 18 �U, before me, a
<br /> � 1Votary Pnblic, in aud for said County, appeared the UNIOY PACIFIC RAILWAY CO�I;ANY, y C. F. Ad&ms� its Presidenty who ie per-
<br /> i � sonally known to me to be the identical person wl�ose name is subscribed to the foregoing i strumenE as said President and then and there '
<br /> I� � acknowledged the egecution and sealing of said Instrnment to be his voluntary act and deed, aud the volunb�ry act and deed of eaid Company.
<br /> ; n ,' In Witness Whereof, I have bereunto set my band and official seal this................../'c.ECi/t!2<l C........._.-----------day of......................: . ..................................................
<br /> ! � �� A.D. 16�4� ,at tbe City of Boston,in said County and State. ����� G'
<br /> �i � � � }� y� � `
<br /> �� �/ � �G � l/c�.NL(/Y�(.°(� _
<br /> �/`C v�/1l_ t . c �
<br /> S T A T E O�F N E �N Y O R I�, ) . __..._.......Notary Public.
<br /> �! ) SS.
<br /> i COUNTY 0,� NEW YORK. ) � � � � � 1
<br /> �i
<br /> ,� Be it Remembe�ed, That on this........._ _ ..._.,.day oi_.._____..
<br /> _ _ _._._..
<br /> A D. 18�0 , before me, a Notary Public,in and
<br /> 'j for said County, appewred the UNION TRUST CObfPANY OP NEW YO K, b ::,... .. ...Gj/Y1�L(lJ._..n�._..� . .. .....................i President, wbo
<br /> . i
<br /> �� is personally known to me to be the identical pergon whoae name is snbseribed to tbe oregoin� instrnment s sai ,� resident, and tben and there '�
<br /> I� i acknowledged tbe execution and sealing of said instrument to be hie voluntary �ct and d d mnd the voluntar act and deed of said Company.
<br /> j� In Witeeas Whereof� I have hereunto set my b$nd �nd official seal this..............................l�..................:...........:...day of----.---.--..---.0/����....._.._...._..---..............._
<br /> i!
<br /> i
<br /> 'I A. D. 18 q 0 ,at the City of New York,in said County and State. �, � '
<br /> � �
<br /> � � � � �
<br /> r ��
<br /> �../Z.t..'vt�.......,.......iL ...... .. .. .......................................................Notary P4sblie. ;
<br /> r � � � � �
<br /> ' --- — - ---�_
<br /> �` �
<br /> ,
<br />� ______ --�._ -_ _ _ _ _
<br />