<br /> �2 _ _ , , ,
<br /> �`° _ Deec� I�eco �-c�. . '
<br /> a
<br />�' FROM �
<br />: " � - ' FiLEn FoR RECOx,n and entered on Numerical Index this (r�-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,day
<br />� Union Paeifie Railway Company �, ���� � ������
<br /> ; .
<br />� �i . : r� of ......._. ..'v. . . _... .......A.D.189D,at........�J.._.....o'clock and � minutes_._L/......M.
<br /> i �i �
<br /> �� n ^
<br /> � �
<br /> i � (� �/�
<br /> � , _. .. .......... .... ..... .............
<br /> .. ...................................`...__�...........................................
<br /> .....................
<br />� � _._/�. %�✓�-.!j/I�I!L . .�::��-.:��,�i/�%..�..... County Clerk.
<br /> ......... _.
<br /> ............. _�
<br /> ,
<br /> I �� '
<br />, ............................. .............................................. ........... .. ....... ............... ...........
<br /> ... ..
<br /> ;; __ -_ __ . .._.. - -- .. .. ... _..... ......... Deputy. �
<br /> I �- .._ ._ __...
<br />�—i --__�___��
<br />� �j U1�I01�T DIVISION.—i�TEBRASKA. Deed No....l.�Z.�..4.......
<br /> �I Know all Men by these Presents, That the IINION PACIFIC ItAIL�AY COBiPANY, which is a Corporation formed and esieting by the consolidation of the
<br /> f }� UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY C0IIPANY, by authority of an act of Congress, entitled, "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telearaph line from the Missonri Hiver to the Pacific
<br />� i Ocean, and to secure to the Goveivment the use of the same for postal, military and other purposes,"approved July 1, 1882, and acts amendatory thereof, which said Company has succeeded to aud
<br /> become seized and possessed of all the real es�nte a�ud property of the'said covstibhent companies, whetner real, pe��sonal or miged, and, among other thiogs, of all the land granted to said IIxiox
<br /> iPeczFic RAtLROAn CobirANY by the aforesaid acts of Congress,in aid of the construction of its road,iiot conveyed away by stbid Company at the date of such consolidation(to wit, Jannary 24, 1880),
<br /> i ,...�/ / /
<br /> �! in consideration of the sum of ...:..._ :....:...1_..l.,�L�/�..-..:.��f�lIL1.G�.E�C.......�._....�_.._........ _��..�a ��... . , . ... ........ ...........Dollara,
<br /> ... ............................................. ....... .
<br /> I� ' to it paid, the receipt of wbich is lzereby acknowledged, doth hereby G$arx, $ARCiAIN� SELL�ND CONVEY� unto....... ..................�:J w��-�G . ��
<br /> �, �. . . '/lIl`..... .�.... .... ..... ... ...............
<br /> , .
<br /> �
<br />� �i � � n� � � /fj/ ;
<br />` i� ....................................................................................................................................:...:....._....:..............of the Gouuty of....................V..�i.Q�. .�.(...............................inthe State of..............�!..� �i�-
<br /> �� .. . . .....................................................
<br />� ° the following described Iteal Est�te,situate,lying andbeiug in tLe County of Hall an�l in the State of Nebraska,and described as followc,to wit:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<br /> � ....................
<br /> ;, � � _ .1���._..��:�� �Y��._..��c��,1�-._��.��.......�/�.�.��... .�.�..�,�r�r�<........ .��'?:.`��..1�. �.�.. ..............................
<br /> , .. __ _ _ .__ _. _ -_
<br /> i;
<br /> i , . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ � --- - ----�-�........... ....................... .....�----.... .......................................................................................
<br /> i, _ .. ........ ..............._ _ _.
<br />�, ;
<br /> ----- -......._. _ _ _ _ ___ _ _- _ - _ _ __ _ .. _ --.._ .. --�� - .. __ -�--_ .. __...._.... ............................... ......................................................... ............. ......... ........ ....................
<br /> �
<br /> -
<br /> .,
<br /> �, .................... ........ ...... . . .... ..... .._..... ...:.
<br /> ; ....... ............. ............................................ ........................................ . ....... ... . .....
<br /> , _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ ..._ ._.__... _ . _ . .........................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> �,
<br /> �� -----�------ - --� - --- -- - - - - ---- - ------ - -- - - --- -�-------.--...---�--�-�---------�-�-�-��--..............-- - �--------��----...--�--�--._...........-�-�----......-- -------��-�--�--�--�--.....-------�----�--�--�---�---------��-- -------�-� ---...---..--.........----�------�--�-.-
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<br /> , ----�--...-�-�--.-----��--�----�---� -�........... . ......--....- --- -..... --.._.------------�------------......--_...... -.....-- ........ -- .......... ..._...... .......... �-�---�--------.._-------------------------------.------------------------------------------------�-----------�--�----.._....--------�---�-----
<br /> ,;
<br /> : ................................ . . . . . ...... , . . . . .. . ............... ................. ................__........... ....................._.. ................................................. ......................................................... -
<br /> .........
<br /> ; � , �,..... . .
<br /> ! of Section No......................�, .�.F:�< _(..u.��..;�: .....:...........................in Townehip No....:..........�.�1��...��.Z..........••••__•.North of Range No..••............lE��.���....i°.��..........of the Bth Principal i
<br /> � �
<br /> �i Meridian, containing according to the United States survev thereof. . . ............... ..........("�....... (�.(J.l.......,.....................................................................................................Acres, more or
<br /> ^ . . ,
<br /> ........
<br /> q
<br /> '� les�, beina the eame prem�ses contracted to be sold to,..........:.............�„Py1'z�.....�,l1/.l.✓��i2?�(1.-'.................................................................................by Contract No. �Z � �
<br /> ............... ..............� ..........................................
<br /> '� dated _ ._ �.�/�v9//(�'!L`l/U_.....v.� ,l� ��. .............................................................................................................................................................................................:.........:............................................:...........
<br /> ............................ ... . .., .......... . ..._...
<br /> �: ,y / �............
<br /> '' �/
<br /> � �
<br /> .....................................................::..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ; _... _ .. _...... ._......... _......,_ ... ......... .. ....... ............. ....... ..... ......................................... ........ .. ... ...................... ......... .. . ... .... . ... .............................
<br /> 'i To 1�lave and to Hald the said premises with all the rights and appnrtenanceo therennto belonging nnto the said grantee,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,heira and asai�ns forever, and tbe said grantor
<br /> doth hereby covenant with the said grantee, that at the making of this instrnment it is well seized of tbe said'premises as of a good and indef'easible estate in fee, and ha��h good right to sell and con-
<br /> i;; ve3 the same, and thnt it will W�xxarz and DsFFNn the title to said premises unto the said grantee,...____�i,���,,......heira and assigns forever against the lawful claims of ali peraons whomsoevea i
<br /> � Excepting, liowever, all tazes and assessmevts levied upqn said premises since. ��i�/J/!�/1�Q,� _�.��__���, „_...and exeept againat any claime or incum-
<br /> ;i �, _ ..
<br /> i brances created or permitted by,through,or nnder said......... ......../�J„Q�(/Y., _,_.�_� __ . ..._..... _. .....oi'......_!'1.�.?/L. ...SUCeessors,heirs or assigns or any of them
<br /> i� Arrn WaExEns S$ICL UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY CIlCI,on th �sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867,execute and deliver to Cyrus H.Mc(;ormick,01 the City of New York,and John DuB,oi the City oi Bos .
<br /> ton,a cei�tain Mortga�e�eed of that date,wherein said Company conveved to the aid Cyrus H.MeCormick and John Duff,as 7'rustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore
<br /> described; Axn WxExEns,the said C}'1us H.McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1s73,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,whivh
<br /> �I resignation was on the flfteenth d�,y of OCLOUOT�A.D.1873�aCC0pt0Cl by Lh0 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY by its Board oi Directors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and 8tate oY Massa-
<br /> ;� chusetts i Axn'WxNRFas,on the flfteenth day of October,A.D.1873, Frederick L.Ames,of Easton,in the Sta,te o�1�Iassachusetts,was duty nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Du1F,as successor to said Cyrus H.
<br /> '� McCormick,which nomination was,on the same day�apj7YOVPd bj'th6 BOELT$Of D1TCCtOT$Of Eh0 8&1C�UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY;Axn Wx�R�ns by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did,
<br /> j upon his acceptance thereof,thereafter become vested with the sn�ne estates,powers,rights and interests,an3 char�ed with the same dnties and responsibili�ies,as iY he had been one of the original Trustees named in and
<br /> executing,said M6rtgage.Deed; Axn WaExEas,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance, roper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth day oF October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston,vest the same
<br /> in sucli new-.Lrustee �omtly with him� the said John Duff; Axv Wx�$�ne, the said �hu Duff did, on tlie fourteentki day of February, A. D. 1877, by a proper instrument oP writing to that effect, re-
<br /> !� sign his place'as Tru<tee under said Mortgage Deed, which resignation was, on the foui�teenth day of Februa�ry, A. D. ]877, accepted by the Uxiox Pac[Fic Itnir.ROaD COMPANY� by the Executive
<br /> Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereoY held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts• Axn WxE�tEas,on the second day of July2 1889 the Union Trust Oompany of New Z'ork,r:vas
<br /> !i duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,Frederick 1..Ames,as successor to said John lluff,w�ich nomination was,on the t�irteenth day of Julyt i8s9t approved by the N.xecutive Committee of the Board oE Direetors of the
<br /> i� said Uxiox PncrFic RniLwaY Co�rraxY; and the said Frederick L.Ames executed a dee�l on the thirteeuth day oY July,1589,vesting in the said Umon Trust Com�any of New Xork,the estates, powers, rights and in-
<br /> ! terests created by said bIortga�e Deed jointly with the said Nrederick L.Ames; Axn WxEREne,the said Union Trust Company of New York signifled its acceptance of said trust,by si�ning said deed; Axn WaF[aE�s,
<br /> ;� the said Frederick L.Ames did, on the fliteeath day of July,iss9,by a�roper iustrument in writing to that effect,resxgn his place as Trustee under said �Mort�age Deed,which resignation wt�s,on the sixteenth day oY'
<br /> Suly,1889,accepted.by the Uxiox PacrN rc Rair.wAY COMPANY�by the xecutive Committee of its Board of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State oE Massachusetts; Axll
<br /> !i WxE�Fns,no nomination of a successor,to fill the vdcancy,eaused by the resignation of said Frederick L.Ames,having been made,the said�Tnion Trust Company oY New York became and now is the sole Truetee under
<br /> �! the said Mort age Deed,dated the sixteenth day of April,A.D.1867.
<br /> " Arrn�HERICAB�The said Uxtox PaciFic 1ta.iLROnU Co�PaxY did,on the eighteenth day oP December,A.D,1873,execute and deliver to the UNION TRU9T COMPANY OF NEW YORK 2 C0PL31II MOTtg2�8 D00d
<br /> it wherein said Company conveyed to the said Union Trust Company of New York,as Trustee for the uses and urposes therein mentioned,amongothers the tands hereinbefore described; Axn WHEREAS� the said Uxror
<br /> p a
<br /> ii PaCZFiC RAZLwaY ConZanxY,with the consent of the Union Trust Company oY v ew Yor'k,sole Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the s'vcteenth day of April,A.D. 1867, and Trustee under the Mortgage Deed of the
<br /> ii eighteenth day of December,A.D,1s73,has sold a�nd conveyed,as above set forth,the real estate hereinbefore described,unto the said grantee,.for and in consideration of the sum aforesaid, to the Union Pacific Railway
<br /> :� Company in hand paid by the said antee,which said sum of money has been paid to the said Union Trust Company oi New York,in its capacity as Trustee,for the uses and purposes mentioned in said Mortgage Deeds of
<br /> �� the sixteenth da oP April,is67,an�oY the eighteenth day of December,1873.
<br /> NOM1 �herefore, KNnW ALL MEN BY TIiESE P$ESENT$� Th&b th2 BAid UNION TTiUBT COMPANY OF NEW YOEg,Trustee in the aForesaid Mortgage Deeds,in consideration Of th0 aforesaid
<br /> �� premises and the ptiyment as aforesaid of said aum,so paid by said Railway Companv to said Trnst Company for the ttaea and purposes aforesaid,does hereby R�ntis�,REI.EA9E and forever QIIIT-CLAIM
<br /> ;!� � � .
<br /> unto the said .....................:��l.�.��1�LL._.,�.!.-�.�i(i(/l�e�—.....:......................................._._..............._............._._.................................._.._................................
<br /> ................................................................................................... •� .
<br /> the Rea1 Estate described aforesaid,to be held by the said gr�ntee f'ree and exempt fi�om all liens, incumbrances aud chaTges of said Mortgage Deeds,of the sixteenth day of April, 1867, and of the
<br /> I eighteenih day of December, 1873, but subject, however, to all the reservationa and conditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> ;; IN PRESENCI: OF la witness Nhereof, the said grantor, tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath
<br /> ;i � - caused these presents to be sealed with its corporats seal, and to ba signed by its President, ; ti ••
<br /> ! �r /� y � attested by ite Secretary, and conntersigned by its I,and Commiasioner and its Auditor,and ; a °
<br /> ` • -�C`-� ��°`��r�t� " � t170 8&1Cl UNION THU$T COMPANY OF NEW YO$S Trustee nnder the said Mort�age Deeds, '°
<br /> � of the sigteenth day of April, 1867, and of the eighteenth day of llecember, 1873, hath ',� :
<br /> i � , , •
<br /> i � � ' cansed these presen�be s aled with its corpormte seal, and to b signed by its President; � :
<br /> i
<br /> � ......... � .� . . _ �� �, � /� , o
<br /> ;j , tn�a.........................���. ....................,....a$y of...............���1.r.Z�f./.� � � �� �
<br /> �, � .. ..................A. D. 18...��.. � C�
<br /> Ii Attest:............... .. .. . .............._��...........::... .....................Secretar .. C ,�
<br /> ���......_ �. :
<br /> � IN PRESENCE OF /� �
<br />' i, �
<br />,. � B �� ,�/� resident.
<br /> i� /� � 9-__........ .... . . ..............................--�--�--...........P �
<br /> � /�.a�. (�.1i1.��.,- . Q : .
<br />, �� ����� �����k'�L�•��G� UNI01� TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK TRUSTEF W � .
<br /> � ``�— � �
<br /> . . ............... ' �
<br /> I � ✓��,��� ' ' z �: '�:
<br /> '� ----�-----`'�'�.....P�..�J.OLe... ..... .............- B (''''/`� � °
<br /> � / �( � - '/���- �� �:
<br />, �� ^2���� �'` p....... . ��/11�.�_�..L�....C(� vf/�'i.�.. .... _...._i/.rf�-=President. � ` .
<br />! � STATE OF 1�riASSACHUSETTS, v �
<br />� J � ss.
<br /> � � COUNTY OF SUFFOLB. �-
<br /> Be it Remembered, That on this............................ ...t�.Y...��............_........................aay of..................... ....... ........ A. D. 18�D before me, a
<br /> I � . . .. ......... ....
<br /> i�Totary Public, in and for said County, appe ed the UNIO�T PACIFIC RAILWAY CO, ANY, y C. F. Ad8,m8� ita Presidenty who ie per-
<br /> �I sonally know❑ to me to b� the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrnment us said President and then and there
<br /> �; acknowledged the eaecation and sealing of said Instrument to be bis voluntary act and deed, a�nd tiie volunt�ry act and deed of sa,id Company.
<br />�� II � . /? �
<br />', ;� in 1lritness whereof, I have Lereunto set my hwd and ofiicial seal this............... [�,�....._._._._......_�Y of................... ,�C�.
<br /> ......... ... ... . �..............................................
<br /> y...........
<br />� �j A. D. 18�� , at the City of Boeton,in said County and State. �
<br />� i� /� ���;�
<br />� �� ....... _.__ _ ..�/�G 'i��..�i:�/l!I%L��....__..........Notary Publrc.
<br /> STATE O�F NEW YORI�, �
<br /> ss.
<br /> 4 � COUNTY OF NEW YORK. /
<br /> Be it Remembered, That on this..............................! .7.._......................day oi_....__.._._ ________ , _.._...,.....,,_A. D. 18 �0 , before me, a Notary Public,in and
<br />' j� fox said Connty, nppeared the UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW Y RK, .,...�.�MKQi,}r_,t,_� . ,... � _._. it�sident, who
<br /> �. .... ..
<br /> is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to e foregoin� inatrum t as said Yresident, and then and there
<br /> ii ^ p � acknowledged tbe eaecntion and sealing of said instrument to be hL voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act anc�deed of said Company.
<br />' i J� In witness INhe�eof, I have herennto set my fiand and official seal this,..........................(..�......................................day of__..........---..- -_-_
<br /> C/��L�.C�_. ..................... .--�--
<br /> A. D. 18 Q a ,a�t the City of New York,in said Connty and State. �--
<br />,
<br /> i iiI � , �/ , _D -/�
<br /> _......................................... ...'.'.(,C,!%�-............�.......�.�..�..�I'`.�.�.Lf�Q................................Notary Pziblic.
<br /> �, .��r.
<br />